Hillary and Margaret Sanger

Woodrow Wilson was a Progressive as was Sanger, yet they had deep seeded hate for blacks. Must have been a wild mistake in history. Lol!

Wow, you ran pretty fast from your previous lie.

Byrd was a Democrat and a racist until the day he died. The Democrats embraced him.

He was a conservative who became a moderate over time. His racist actions in Congress were during his conservative period.

A Democratic Party member and ran as a Democrat until he died.

Byrd was a racist when he began his political career. He filibustered the Civil Rights act

By the end of his long career, he disavowed his previous position. So much so, that his voting record on Civil Rights was approved by the NAACP
On blacks, immigrants and indigents:
"...human weeds,' 'reckless breeders,' 'spawning... human beings who never should have been born." Margaret Sanger,Pivot of Civilization, referring to immigrants and poor people


Catch up, clown. That's already been disproven.
No it hasn't, dumbass.

Yes, it has. Repeatedly, in this thread.

I have no doubt that you'll continue to believe it, though. You're that type of special.

I have it on good authority that the first thing President Hillary will do is change the name of the Washington Monument to the Sanger Monument....and progs will cheer.

I thought she was going to abolish the 2nd Amendment and make it illegal to burn coal.
Margaret Sanger "Negroes are human weeds that must be eliminated"

Hillary "I admire Margaret Sanger and the work she has done"

Do you get it, African americans? Do you understand?

I suspect that liberals, like Hillary, are well aware of what Margaret Sanger stood for. She didn't want poor people or the "unfit" to breed. She stated that they would be a drain on society and would only breed more unfit people

Sanger was crystal clear in her many, many writings and there is no way anyone can possibly claim it's spinning or taking things out of context to say that she wanted a society made up of the right kind of people. She always had the same message and there is no question what she was talking about. Mentally or physically disabled and minorities were something to eradicate. Sanger specifically focused on blacks, assuming that they were always going to be inferior.

She would have euthanized all people she deemed unfit if she could have. And if any unfit individual was pregnant, she wanted them to abort the baby because she thought unfit people would breed unfit children.

The left understands this perfectly, at least the leaders do. It's not about women's rights. Sanger dreamed about some Hitleresque "perfect" world where we didn't have substandard people. When you look at the women getting abortions, it's mostly blacks. Over a million black babies are aborted each year. There is a reason why PP clinics can be found in so many predominantly black neighborhoods. It's not a coincidence. This was Sanger's goal and there is no getting around it if you read her garbage.

Without debating abortion, can we at least be honest about who Margaret Sanger was and what her true mission was all about. I bring this up because I believe that the goal hasn't changed much. I wonder how many women are convinced to have an abortion when they go to PP. Funny that she warned that too much welfare would create more poor people. That is one point where today's liberals differ from her. The left loves having more poor people because their idea of a "perfect" world is an all-powerful nanny government and they need poverty, racism and division to make that happen.

"Planned Parenthood holds Sanger out as a compassionate woman concerned about the welfare of the vulnerable and downtrodden. Yet she writes about charity:

"The most serious charge that can be brought against modern benevolence is that it encourages the perpetuation of defectives, delinquents, and dependents. These are the most dangerous elements in the world community, the most devastating curse on human progress and expression. Philanthropy is a gesture characteristic of modern business lavishing upon the unfit the profits extorted from the community at large. Looked at impartially, this compensatory generosity is in its final effect probably more dangerous, more dysgenic, more blighting than the initial practice of profiteering." The Pivot of Civilization – Margaret Sanger, p. 101

Planned Parenthood claims that Sanger was a human rights’ activist. Normally, when one thinks of human rights, one thinks of standing up for and defending the vulnerable members of society that are downtrodden and abused. Yet she writes in Woman and the New Race on p. 89:

"No matter how much they desire children, no man and woman have a right to bring into the world those who are to suffer from mental or physical affliction. It condemns the child to a life of misery and places upon the community the burden of caring for it, probably for its defective descendants for many generations."

Planned Parenthood claims that Sanger was concerned with the issues of health and fitness, but did not perpetuate the broader eugenics movement of the early 20th century. Yet it’s hard to justify that conclusion when she writes on p. 25 in The Pivot of Civilization:

"The lack of balance between the birth rate of the ‘unfit’ and the ‘fit,’ admittedly the greatest present menace to civilization, can never be rectified by the inauguration of a cradle competition between these two classes. The example of the inferior classes, the fertility of the feeble-minded, the mentally defective, the poverty-stricken, should not be held up for emulation to the mentally and physically fit, and therefore less fertile, parents of the educated and well-to-do classes. On the contrary, the most urgent problem today is how to limit and discourage the over-fertility of the mentally and physically defective. Possibly drastic and Spartan methods may be forced upon American society if it continues complacently to encourage the chance and chaotic breeding that has resulted from our stupid, cruel sentimentalism."

And again, on p. 25 in the inspiringly titled Motherhood in Bondage

"But poverty multiplied by ignorance, hunger, disease, congenital defect, cannot be a proper breeding-ground for the future generations of America."

If Obama had been around in Africa when slavery began he would have been one of the blacks engaged in the slave trade selling fellow Africans into slavery.

As President he has betrayed blacks, doing nothing for them except giving them false hope and lies. At the LBJ Library event he praised the man - LBJ, who declared by 'giving blacks something but not enough to matter he would have those 'ni@@ers' voting Democrat for the next 200 years', to be one of the greatest friends blacks ever had.

That's like saying Jack the Ripper was one of the best friends the ladies of London ever had. It also shows he has / had no problem continuing to use / con his fellow blacks for the continued benefit of himself, his agenda, and the DNC.

I didn't get the wording exactly right, but her message is clear, Planned parenthood was designed to reduce the black birth rate by killing unborn black babies.

On blacks, immigrants and indigents:
"...human weeds,' 'reckless breeders,' 'spawning... human beings who never should have been born." Margaret Sanger,Pivot of Civilization, referring to immigrants and poor people

This has already been disproven, but don't you think the multiple uses of ellipses and segmented quotes make you wonder what she really said? Do you have a single curious bone in your body? Just on face value that quote looks cooked. Finger boy is really showing his age.

I didn't get the wording exactly right, but her message is clear, Planned parenthood was designed to reduce the black birth rate by killing unborn black babies.

On blacks, immigrants and indigents:
"...human weeds,' 'reckless breeders,' 'spawning... human beings who never should have been born." Margaret Sanger,Pivot of Civilization, referring to immigrants and poor people

This has already been disproven, but don't you think the multiple uses of ellipses and segmented quotes make you wonder what she really said? Do you have a single curious bone in your body? Just on face value that quote looks cooked. Finger boy is really showing his age.

The book is copyrighted, fool.

I didn't get the wording exactly right, but her message is clear, Planned parenthood was designed to reduce the black birth rate by killing unborn black babies.

On blacks, immigrants and indigents:
"...human weeds,' 'reckless breeders,' 'spawning... human beings who never should have been born." Margaret Sanger,Pivot of Civilization, referring to immigrants and poor people

This has already been disproven, but don't you think the multiple uses of ellipses and segmented quotes make you wonder what she really said? Do you have a single curious bone in your body? Just on face value that quote looks cooked. Finger boy is really showing his age.

The book is copyrighted, fool.

Find the actual quote then.
Margaret Sanger "Negroes are human weeds that must be eliminated"

Hillary "I admire Margaret Sanger and the work she has done"

Do you get it, African americans? Do you understand?

I suspect that liberals, like Hillary, are well aware of what Margaret Sanger stood for. She didn't want poor people or the "unfit" to breed. She stated that they would be a drain on society and would only breed more unfit people

How do you feel about poor people 'breeding'?
If Obama had been around in Africa when slavery began he would have been one of the blacks engaged in the slave trade selling fellow Africans into slavery.

As President he has betrayed blacks, doing nothing for them except giving them false hope and lies. At the LBJ Library event he praised the man - LBJ, who declared by 'giving blacks something but not enough to matter he would have those 'ni@@ers' voting Democrat for the next 200 years', to be one of the greatest friends blacks ever had.

That's like saying Jack the Ripper was one of the best friends the ladies of London ever had. It also shows he has / had no problem continuing to use / con his fellow blacks for the continued benefit of himself, his agenda, and the DNC.
President Obama will go down in history as one of our greatest blacks
Up there with Martin Luther King, Jackie Robinson, Frederick Douglas, WEB Dubois and Booker T Washington
Name one program to help get blacks more jobs, to educate/train them, to kake them mosre successful / independent that Ibama has created as President.....

Yeah, I thought so.
Margaret Sanger "Negroes are human weeds that must be eliminated"

Hillary "I admire Margaret Sanger and the work she has done"

Do you get it, African americans? Do you understand?

I suspect that liberals, like Hillary, are well aware of what Margaret Sanger stood for. She didn't want poor people or the "unfit" to breed. She stated that they would be a drain on society and would only breed more unfit people

How do you feel about poor people 'breeding'?

Some of the greatest people came from poor families.

There are many reasons why people find themselves poor. People can lose everything through bad luck or foolish decisions, the bread winner of the family dies or loses their job. The worst reason is because people never had the courage to try because they were told they couldn't or the young, impressionable teens were lured into what they thought would be an easier life that they were "entitled" to.

My issue is with government because by promising more welfare, they encourage some to have children as a way of supporting themselves. That is what nanny government accomplishes. It's not about helping people elevate, it's about creating a permanent class of poor people.

Being poor is not a crime. I grew up poor because my father died at a young age and things were tough. My mom had a good work ethic, which she passed down to us so we all had jobs as teens and knew how to make our own way. Sadly, welfare people who grew up being told they are entitled don't have those same virtues and can't pass them down to their children. That is the difference the government makes. They created dysfunctional families where parents don't have the ethics to teach their children.

We didn't have an entitled class when Sanger started Planned Parenthood. We had hard workers who were determined to improve their situation. Every generation wanted their children to do better than they did and that's pretty much how it went till government ruined the family unit by more or less becoming the bread winner/daddy for so many young women.

Sanger was just plain racist and felt that blacks were no more useful to society than mentally or physically disabled people and saw them all as unnecessary burdens. She didn't think parents had a right to have a downs syndrome baby. She clearly didn't understand how families could love each other, flaws and all.

I think blacks would have done much better if the left hadn't enticed them to trust government to take care of them. It has caused so many, whites and blacks, to be unable to do for themselves. They are cheated out of so much, including the satisfaction of achieving their dreams. Too many drop out of school and go from their dysfunctional home to government housing where they create another dysfunctional home. The lack of work ethic, substance abuse and other poor choices are what they pass along and it happens too frequently. I've seen it with blacks and whites. Parents are the most important thing in a child's life and they will shape that child's views before they step foot into a school. If the kids don't ever see mom or dad working and they are only used to seeing them sitting around drinking, smoking or worse, the kids aren't likely to respect teachers. They'll imitate parents, from the poor language skills to the nasty habits. This isn't something common with poverty itself. Poor people sit in the same class as their middle class peers. It's all about the attitude they approach things with and that comes from the home. The lazy attitude comes from the parent(s). It is common with folks who are 4th generation welfare and haven't had a good role model in the family for decades. This is government sponsored poverty and it's different from those dealing with hardships and trying to overcome them. People don't often overcome being on welfare, either by choice or because they are stuck in the trap.

The left has created a class of people who believe that racism will hold them back no matter what and that they are better off trusting nanny government. Look at all the protesters, some college students from good homes, who bought into the crap that they are victims. The left preaches that racism is around every corner and the wealthy whites are the ones to blame. Listening to the BLM and other groups, it's obvious they got the message loud and clear. Of course, they've been hearing it forever, especially the last 7 years. Suddenly, they are demanding reparations. Some are still calling for the murder of whites. It's worse than ever.

It's the left that has had their attention for decades and convinced many that they have the answers. Well, they've fucked it up and I think it's on purpose.

People of the past could be poor, yet still intelligent enough to understand the big picture, and they managed to get by and we saw each generation doing better than the last. We don't see that in families that trust nanny government. Instead we see more poverty and more ignorance, just the way the left seems to like it.

Maybe more to the point why doesn't someone produce some evidence of substance that Hillary Clinton is out to exterminate Black America?

You need to pay more attention. Hillary isn't trying to exterminate the blacks but she uses them. The left constantly fuels the race war. It can't get much worse than it is. Enough blood has been shed. Hillary is smart enough to understand what Sanger was about yet she still praises her. It's just creepy. I think Hillary knows that those who listen to her are grossly uninformed about the past and will believe anything.
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Many things wrong with your post. You guys get upset when poor people have kids, you guys get upset if they have access to family planning. Make up your minds.

And Margaret Sanger lived in a time that didn't have an entitled class? Or do you mean entitlement class? Does that mean you like old-timey poor people but not the poor people today?

Sanger was about as racist as everyone else of her time and by today's standards that would be considered very racist. However she wasn't attempting to wipe out entire races through birth control, it's a lie. Hell, half you morons think Sanger was an advocate for abortion.

As far as you rambling about poor people, how about if they get to choose when they want to have kids and you can stop pretend pandering for them.
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From Wikipedia:
Democratic Party: 152–96 (61–39%)
Republican Party: 138–34 (80–20%)

Cloture in the Senate:

Democratic Party: 44–23 (66–34%)
Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)

The Senate version:

Democratic Party: 46–21 (69–31%)
Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)

The Senate version, voted on by the House:

Democratic Party: 153–91 (63–37%)
Republican Party: 136–35 (80–20%)

Conservatives voted against the bill. There were many conservative Democrats back then.

Yeah, you go with that. Bryd was a conservative, lol!
He was...but kept getting voted in in WV because he brought the pork.

Republican or Democrat, he could have been re-elected. He was a Democrat until he died.
Woodrow Wilson was a Progressive as was Sanger, yet they had deep seeded hate for blacks. Must have been a wild mistake in history. Lol!

Wow, you ran pretty fast from your previous lie.

Byrd was a Democrat and a racist until the day he died. The Democrats embraced him.

He was a conservative who became a moderate over time. His racist actions in Congress were during his conservative period.

A Democratic Party member and ran as a Democrat until he died.

Byrd was a racist when he began his political career. He filibustered the Civil Rights act

By the end of his long career, he disavowed his previous position. So much so, that his voting record on Civil Rights was approved by the NAACP

He was a racist until the day he died, he was what he was. At the end it was for political advantage, but we knew what the Klan leader was about.
Many things wrong with your post. You guys get upset when poor people have kids, you guys get upset if they have access to family planning. Make up your minds.

And Margaret Sanger lived in a time that didn't have an entitled class? Or do you mean entitlement class? Does that mean you like old-timey poor people but not the poor people today?

Sanger was about as racist as everyone else of her time and by today's standards that would be considered very racist. However she wasn't attempting to wipe out entire races through birth control, it's a lie. Hell, have you morons think Sanger was an advocate for abortion.

As far as you rambling about poor people, how about if they get to choose when they want to have kids and you can stop pretend pandering for them.

Yeah, excuse the racism. FDR wasn't racist. Sanger spoke before the KKK, she was worse than the general population.

Wilson used the blacks to get elected and then dumped them when he got elected, just like Democrats do today. Not much different.

Sanger favored sterilization and eugenics. Much like Hitler did.
Wow, you ran pretty fast from your previous lie.

Byrd was a Democrat and a racist until the day he died. The Democrats embraced him.

He was a conservative who became a moderate over time. His racist actions in Congress were during his conservative period.

A Democratic Party member and ran as a Democrat until he died.

Byrd was a racist when he began his political career. He filibustered the Civil Rights act

By the end of his long career, he disavowed his previous position. So much so, that his voting record on Civil Rights was approved by the NAACP

He was a racist until the day he died, he was what he was. At the end it was for political advantage, but we knew what the Klan leader was about.
His voting record showed the complete opposite as Byrd supported Civil Rights

Your racists were Republicans Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms who were racists till they died
Many things wrong with your post. You guys get upset when poor people have kids, you guys get upset if they have access to family planning. Make up your minds.

And Margaret Sanger lived in a time that didn't have an entitled class? Or do you mean entitlement class? Does that mean you like old-timey poor people but not the poor people today?

Sanger was about as racist as everyone else of her time and by today's standards that would be considered very racist. However she wasn't attempting to wipe out entire races through birth control, it's a lie. Hell, have you morons think Sanger was an advocate for abortion.

As far as you rambling about poor people, how about if they get to choose when they want to have kids and you can stop pretend pandering for them.

Yeah, excuse the racism. FDR wasn't racist. Sanger spoke before the KKK, she was worse than the general population.

Wilson used the blacks to get elected and then dumped them when he got elected, just like Democrats do today. Not much different.

Sanger favored sterilization and eugenics. Much like Hitler did.

Sanger did not favor sterilizing based on race and in FDR and Wilson's day everyone was racist by today's standards. The founding fathers were racist, Lincoln was a racist, his views on blacks would be appalling today. But, I don't hold the views popular at their time against them for everything else they've done. That would be pointless, who does that?
Wow, you ran pretty fast from your previous lie.

Byrd was a Democrat and a racist until the day he died. The Democrats embraced him.

He was a conservative who became a moderate over time. His racist actions in Congress were during his conservative period.

A Democratic Party member and ran as a Democrat until he died.

Byrd was a racist when he began his political career. He filibustered the Civil Rights act

By the end of his long career, he disavowed his previous position. So much so, that his voting record on Civil Rights was approved by the NAACP

He was a racist until the day he died, he was what he was. At the end it was for political advantage, but we knew what the Klan leader was about.

That's bullshit. As West Virginia was turning Republican he stayed a Democrat. As West Virginia is very, very white he received a high rating for his voting record from the NAACP. You're full of it.
Many things wrong with your post. You guys get upset when poor people have kids, you guys get upset if they have access to family planning. Make up your minds.

And Margaret Sanger lived in a time that didn't have an entitled class? Or do you mean entitlement class? Does that mean you like old-timey poor people but not the poor people today?

Sanger was about as racist as everyone else of her time and by today's standards that would be considered very racist. However she wasn't attempting to wipe out entire races through birth control, it's a lie. Hell, have you morons think Sanger was an advocate for abortion.

As far as you rambling about poor people, how about if they get to choose when they want to have kids and you can stop pretend pandering for them.

Yeah, excuse the racism. FDR wasn't racist. Sanger spoke before the KKK, she was worse than the general population.

Wilson used the blacks to get elected and then dumped them when he got elected, just like Democrats do today. Not much different.

Sanger favored sterilization and eugenics. Much like Hitler did.

Sanger did not favor sterilizing based on race and in FDR and Wilson's day everyone was racist by today's standards. The founding fathers were racist, Lincoln was a racist, his views on blacks would be appalling today. But, I don't hold the views popular at their time against them for everything else they've done. That would be pointless, who does that?

Read up on Sanger not just anti and pro Sanger but middle of the road publications. She was for sterilizing the poor, the blacks, the retarded, the sick and on and on. She was all for shrinking the size of the black population. As far as racism, by today's standards, they were pretty racist. However, Sanger and Wilson were worse than FDR, and most others. Sanger made speeches before the KKK which was not popular. Wilson had a private screening of Birth of a Nation at the White House. Even for their day they were over the top.

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