Hillary as the Candidate of same old same old in Brexit Trouble

This is a very familiar pattern.

Progress is leaving the uneducated behind. Their world is changing, they're scared and confused. Their nation is being increasingly integrated into a more modern, technologically sophisticated global economy. Their skills aren't needed.

This makes them vulnerable to radical politicians promising a return to past glory.

This is what Hitler did. He promised to save the German people from outsiders who were imposing foreign norms on their culture and economy. He promised moral renewal, and a return to borders, language, culture.

Thankfully, the Brits will not descend into barbarism, but failed Leftism has taught us that history is unkind to dumb people who believe in easy top-down solutions to complex problems.

As I understand it the main complaint is the almost total lack of democratic and federal constraints on the center. While there are many other complaints that seems to be the major malfunction.
The successor of a two-term president is as safe as a president running for a second term. Derailments for both are a short list:

A party split.

A foreign policy disaster.

An economic downturn.

Brexit qualifies for the last two and the planned demonstrations of Sanders supporters at the convention site may qualify for the third. This is not necessarily the kiss of death with Trump's negatives but it is very bad. It is likely to get worse quickly with Spanish elections this Sunday.
How low did the dow close today? I've been too busy with work and now cooking Caribbean Jerk wings on the grill to look.

-607 if I recall. It's no better g deal. The rich will be buying on Monday - getting richer.
That is not "mildly" down lol. Op you smokin Crack?

Betcha a wooden nickel that by Wednesday, it will be back in positive territory.
That's a lot of confidence there sir. A whole wooden nickel?

Here's what I know for fact. Fat cats love nervousness. They will jump in and buy, buy, buy.
This is a very familiar pattern.

Progress is leaving the uneducated behind. Their world is changing, they're scared and confused. Their nation is being increasingly integrated into a more modern, technologically sophisticated global economy. Their skills aren't needed.

This makes them vulnerable to radical politicians promising a return to past glory.

This is what Hitler did. He promised to save the German people from outsiders who were imposing foreign norms on their culture and economy. He promised moral renewal, and a return to borders, language, culture.

Thankfully, the Brits will not descend into barbarism, but - ironically - failed Leftism has taught us that history is unkind to dumb/scared people who believe in easy top-down solutions to complex problems.

Fear over the loss of one's country and racial/social/cultural identity to modernizing and globalizing forces is a real thing, but Britain's current form of crude nationalism is being stoked by cynical politicians whose simplistic isolationism is going to hurt the people who voted for it.

Long winded diatribe to call Brit's who voted for leaving "stupid". I don't buy it for one minute. Brit's have seen this "globalism" bullshit first hand, as they lost jobs to "outlanders".

They've seen their country handed over to Belgium; who in turn makes the "rules". They want their country back and I don't blame them.

The same thing is happening in this country - 100 million Americans out of work, while illegals pour into our country to take what precious few jobs there are. Then,they are labeled Xenophobic, for demanding that our borders be made secure.

This November, we will see a populist uprising at the polls much like that in England.
How low did the dow close today? I've been too busy with work and now cooking Caribbean Jerk wings on the grill to look.

-607 if I recall. It's no better g deal. The rich will be buying on Monday - getting richer.
That is not "mildly" down lol. Op you smokin Crack?

Betcha a wooden nickel that by Wednesday, it will be back in positive territory.
That's a lot of confidence there sir. A whole wooden nickel?

Here's what I know for fact. Fat cats love nervousness. They will jump in and buy, buy, buy.
Here's what I know....

I don't care. Make what you can, I dgaf
Long winded diatribe to call Brit's who voted for leaving "stupid". I don't buy it for one minute. Brit's have seen this "globalism" bullshit first hand, as they lost jobs to "outlanders".

They've seen their country handed over to Belgium; who in turn makes the "rules". They want their country back and I don't blame them.

The same thing is happening in this country - 100 million Americans out of work, while illegals pour into our country to take what precious few jobs there are. Then,they are labeled Xenophobic, for demanding that our borders be made secure.

This November, we will see a populist uprising at the polls much like that in England.

You might be right. This might lead to higher employment and more prosperity for real Brits.

But you do realize that the people selling this plan are the same conservative business elites who have always sold this stuff in the USA. They tell us that "outsiders" are destroying our country. They tell us that they can do a better job with health care (& education, etc.) for those least able to afford it.

Johnson and Gove played this one beautifully. They blamed the failed prosperity of the working class on the demonic foreign "other" (as opposed to economic policies that transfer wealth upward). They promised to fix national health care so that hard working families could get better coverage. But then [wait for it] the minute they won, they started walking back their promises, saying that we might need to abandon health care altogether.

Hard working British Families just lost the last economic buffers that protected them from being totally raped by the powers who just won.

The British economy depends on foreign investment and imports, which is going to dry up. Prices are going to go up, there will be a run on the pound along with a long recession as many many businesses/jobs leave the country. The Brits will be left with domestic monopolies, who will be given carte blanche from their new conservative lackeys in government.

There is no doubt. This is going to fuck poor British people.
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This is a very familiar pattern.

Progress is leaving the uneducated behind. Their world is changing, they're scared and confused. Their nation is being increasingly integrated into a more modern, technologically sophisticated global economy. Their skills aren't needed.

This makes them vulnerable to radical politicians promising a return to past glory.

This is what Hitler did. He promised to save the German people from outsiders who were imposing foreign norms on their culture and economy. He promised moral renewal, and a return to borders, language, culture.

Thankfully, the Brits will not descend into barbarism, but - ironically - failed Leftism has taught us that history is unkind to dumb/scared people who believe in easy top-down solutions to complex problems.

Fear over the loss of one's country and racial/social/cultural identity to modernizing and globalizing forces is a real thing, but Britain's current form of crude nationalism is being stoked by cynical politicians whose simplistic isolationism is going to hurt the people who voted for it.

Long winded diatribe to call Brit's who voted for leaving "stupid". I don't buy it for one minute. Brit's have seen this "globalism" bullshit first hand, as they lost jobs to "outlanders".

They've seen their country handed over to Belgium; who in turn makes the "rules". They want their country back and I don't blame them.

The same thing is happening in this country - 100 million Americans out of work, while illegals pour into our country to take what precious few jobs there are. Then,they are labeled Xenophobic, for demanding that our borders be made secure.

This November, we will see a populist uprising at the polls much like that in England.
Long winded diatribe to call Brit's who voted for leaving "stupid". I don't buy it for one minute. Brit's have seen this "globalism" bullshit first hand, as they lost jobs to "outlanders".

It's funny how the rubes who hold Reagan and Thatcher in such high esteem are now the ones who are most vocal against the neoliberal policies the aforementioned once championed. Be careful what you wish for.
This is a very familiar pattern.

Progress is leaving the uneducated behind. Their world is changing, they're scared and confused. Their nation is being increasingly integrated into a more modern, technologically sophisticated global economy. Their skills aren't needed.

This makes them vulnerable to radical politicians promising a return to past glory.

This is what Hitler did. He promised to save the German people from outsiders who were imposing foreign norms on their culture and economy. He promised moral renewal, and a return to borders, language, culture.

Thankfully, the Brits will not descend into barbarism, but - ironically - failed Leftism has taught us that history is unkind to dumb/scared people who believe in easy top-down solutions to complex problems.

Fear over the loss of one's country and racial/social/cultural identity to modernizing and globalizing forces is a real thing, but Britain's current form of crude nationalism is being stoked by cynical politicians whose simplistic isolationism is going to hurt the people who voted for it.

Long winded diatribe to call Brit's who voted for leaving "stupid". I don't buy it for one minute. Brit's have seen this "globalism" bullshit first hand, as they lost jobs to "outlanders".

They've seen their country handed over to Belgium; who in turn makes the "rules". They want their country back and I don't blame them.

The same thing is happening in this country - 100 million Americans out of work, while illegals pour into our country to take what precious few jobs there are. Then,they are labeled Xenophobic, for demanding that our borders be made secure.

This November, we will see a populist uprising at the polls much like that in England.
Long winded diatribe to call Brit's who voted for leaving "stupid". I don't buy it for one minute. Brit's have seen this "globalism" bullshit first hand, as they lost jobs to "outlanders".

It's funny how the rubes who hold Reagan and Thatcher in such high esteem are now the ones who are most vocal against the neoliberal policies the aforementioned once championed. Be careful what you wish for.

Fortunately, ar least for me, I haven't been brainwashed by the pseudo-intellectual crowd that believes the "only" way forward us to give up your country to some "centralized" government. Thank God.

And you bet your ass I hold Maggie Thatcher and Ronnie Reagan in high regard. You bet your ass, Sonny.
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Long winded diatribe to call Brit's who voted for leaving "stupid". I don't buy it for one minute. Brit's have seen this "globalism" bullshit first hand, as they lost jobs to "outlanders".

They've seen their country handed over to Belgium; who in turn makes the "rules". They want their country back and I don't blame them.

The same thing is happening in this country - 100 million Americans out of work, while illegals pour into our country to take what precious few jobs there are. Then,they are labeled Xenophobic, for demanding that our borders be made secure.

This November, we will see a populist uprising at the polls much like that in England.

You might be right. This might lead to higher employment and more prosperity for real Brits.

But you do realize that the people selling this plan are the same conservative business elites who have always sold this stuff in the USA. They tell us that "outsiders" are destroying our country. They tell us that they can do a better job with health care (& education, etc.) for those least able to afford it.

Johnson and Gove played this one beautifully. They blamed the failed prosperity of the working class on the demonic foreign "other" (as opposed to economic policies that transfer wealth upward). They promised to fix national health care so that hard working families could get better coverage. But then [wait for it] the minute they won, they started walking back their promises, saying that we might need to abandon health care altogether.

Hard working British Families just lost the last economic buffers that protected them from being totally raped by the powers who just won.

The British economy depends on foreign investment and imports, which is going to dry up. Prices are going to go up, there will be a run on the pound along with a long recession as many many businesses/jobs leave the country. The Brits will be left with domestic monopolies, who will be given carte blanche from their new conservative lackeys in government.

There is no doubt. This is going to fuck poor British people.

You mean worse than they've already been fucked? Nothing different than 100 million people in America sitting on their asses, having given up on ever finding work, while illegals flood across our borders to take what few jobs there are.

Yeah, thanks, but no thanks.
This is a very familiar pattern.

Progress is leaving the uneducated behind. Their world is changing, they're scared and confused. Their nation is being increasingly integrated into a more modern, technologically sophisticated global economy. Their skills aren't needed.

This makes them vulnerable to radical politicians promising a return to past glory.

This is what Hitler did. He promised to save the German people from outsiders who were imposing foreign norms on their culture and economy. He promised moral renewal, and a return to borders, language, culture.

Thankfully, the Brits will not descend into barbarism, but - ironically - failed Leftism has taught us that history is unkind to dumb/scared people who believe in easy top-down solutions to complex problems.

Fear over the loss of one's country and racial/social/cultural identity to modernizing and globalizing forces is a real thing, but Britain's current form of crude nationalism is being stoked by cynical politicians whose simplistic isolationism is going to hurt the people who voted for it.

Long winded diatribe to call Brit's who voted for leaving "stupid". I don't buy it for one minute. Brit's have seen this "globalism" bullshit first hand, as they lost jobs to "outlanders".

They've seen their country handed over to Belgium; who in turn makes the "rules". They want their country back and I don't blame them.

The same thing is happening in this country - 100 million Americans out of work, while illegals pour into our country to take what precious few jobs there are. Then,they are labeled Xenophobic, for demanding that our borders be made secure.

This November, we will see a populist uprising at the polls much like that in England.
Long winded diatribe to call Brit's who voted for leaving "stupid". I don't buy it for one minute. Brit's have seen this "globalism" bullshit first hand, as they lost jobs to "outlanders".

It's funny how the rubes who hold Reagan and Thatcher in such high esteem are now the ones who are most vocal against the neoliberal policies the aforementioned once championed. Be careful what you wish for.

Fortunately, ar least for me, I haven't been brainwashed by the pseudo-intellectual crowd that believes the "only" way forward us to give up your country to some "centralized" government. Thank God.

And you bet your ass I hold Maggie Thatcher and Ronnie Reagan in high regard. You bet your ass, Sonny.
You haven't figured out yet that your oppressors aren't a liberal elite which Reagan sold you on but instead are a corporate elite. You are fighting the wrong enemy and are just chasing your tail in circles at this point.
I love it!!! The slack jawed blunt skulls pontificating on Europe when they haven't even traveled outside of jesusland or flyover country and don't even own a passport

What the hell are you talking about?
Long winded diatribe to call Brit's who voted for leaving "stupid". I don't buy it for one minute. Brit's have seen this "globalism" bullshit first hand, as they lost jobs to "outlanders".

They've seen their country handed over to Belgium; who in turn makes the "rules". They want their country back and I don't blame them.

The same thing is happening in this country - 100 million Americans out of work, while illegals pour into our country to take what precious few jobs there are. Then,they are labeled Xenophobic, for demanding that our borders be made secure.

This November, we will see a populist uprising at the polls much like that in England.

You might be right. This might lead to higher employment and more prosperity for real Brits.

But you do realize that the people selling this plan are the same conservative business elites who have always sold this stuff in the USA. They tell us that "outsiders" are destroying our country. They tell us that they can do a better job with health care (& education, etc.) for those least able to afford it.

Johnson and Gove played this one beautifully. They blamed the failed prosperity of the working class on the demonic foreign "other" (as opposed to economic policies that transfer wealth upward). They promised to fix national health care so that hard working families could get better coverage. But then [wait for it] the minute they won, they started walking back their promises, saying that we might need to abandon health care altogether.

Hard working British Families just lost the last economic buffers that protected them from being totally raped by the powers who just won.

The British economy depends on foreign investment and imports, which is going to dry up. Prices are going to go up, there will be a run on the pound along with a long recession as many many businesses/jobs leave the country. The Brits will be left with domestic monopolies, who will be given carte blanche from their new conservative lackeys in government.

There is no doubt. This is going to fuck poor British people.

Their only hope is to bring in more Muslims!!! Derp.
She is one of the faces of the global, elitist, one percent, that hates and despises the people.

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