Hillary as UN Ambassador

If President Elect Biden were to ask, and she were to accept, Hillary would be a perfect choice for UN Ambassador.

Having been a very successful Secretary of State under President Obama, and having built up very good relationships with the world's leaders (except Putin), she would be able to rebuild America's standing in the post Trump world. Imminently qualified and with Bill for advice, there is no better pick available.

President Biden should jump on it.

I think she would make a great Attorney General.

Seeing as how she was a a corporate attorney to start with, that would be a perfect job for her. In one of her first assignments as a corporate lawyer, she helped overturn a ballot measure that would have increased electric rates for businesses and lowered them for the poor.

You being one of those "poor" people, just imagine how her being AG would make your life more miserable.

If President Elect Biden were to ask, and she were to accept, Hillary would be a perfect choice for UN Ambassador.

Having been a very successful Secretary of State under President Obama, and having built up very good relationships with the world's leaders (except Putin), she would be able to rebuild America's standing in the post Trump world. Imminently qualified and with Bill for advice, there is no better pick available.

President Biden should jump on it.

I think she would make a great Attorney General.

LOL, Hillary as attorney general.

Sort of like companies hiring hackers to write security code because they know how to hack, huh?
Impossible. How would she even make it up the steps to the UN building entrance without falling and breaking something?
The only reason the blob could make it was because there was no ramp. LOL
Why would he spend any time there in the haven of anti America socialists??
He went there like 3 times... damn you're dumb.
Better to be a dumb free person than a dumb slave like you....

If President Elect Biden were to ask, and she were to accept, Hillary would be a perfect choice for UN Ambassador.

Having been a very successful Secretary of State under President Obama, and having built up very good relationships with the world's leaders (except Putin), she would be able to rebuild America's standing in the post Trump world. Imminently qualified and with Bill for advice, there is no better pick available.

President Biden should jump on it.

I think she would make a great Attorney General.
Of course you do.
When you register as a democrat, they should automatically mail you some psych meds.
Put Hillary in charge of Dept. Of Homeland Security. Let's get this sham of a Country over with ASAP!

If President Elect Biden were to ask, and she were to accept, Hillary would be a perfect choice for UN Ambassador.

Having been a very successful Secretary of State under President Obama, and having built up very good relationships with the world's leaders (except Putin), she would be able to rebuild America's standing in the post Trump world. Imminently qualified and with Bill for advice, there is no better pick available.

President Biden should jump on it.

That seems like a plausible choice.

Stacy Abrahms would also work. I suspect the latter is going to get a more prominent position in Biden's administration due to her help with flipping Georgia blue.
It would work in a Biden administration. A world class enabler for her husband's peculiar sexual urges becomes the U.S. representative for the (mostly anti-American) star wars bar scene.

If President Elect Biden were to ask, and she were to accept, Hillary would be a perfect choice for UN Ambassador.

Having been a very successful Secretary of State under President Obama, and having built up very good relationships with the world's leaders (except Putin), she would be able to rebuild America's standing in the post Trump world. Imminently qualified and with Bill for advice, there is no better pick available.

President Biden should jump on it.
I’m assuming she’ll be representing the UN to the USA, correct?

If President Elect Biden were to ask, and she were to accept, Hillary would be a perfect choice for UN Ambassador.

Having been a very successful Secretary of State under President Obama, and having built up very good relationships with the world's leaders (except Putin), she would be able to rebuild America's standing in the post Trump world. Imminently qualified and with Bill for advice, there is no better pick available.

President Biden should jump on it.



If President Elect Biden were to ask, and she were to accept, Hillary would be a perfect choice for UN Ambassador.

Having been a very successful Secretary of State under President Obama, and having built up very good relationships with the world's leaders (except Putin), she would be able to rebuild America's standing in the post Trump world. Imminently qualified and with Bill for advice, there is no better pick available.

President Biden should jump on it.
If Biden bring that tired useless hag back into the fold, he's done!!

If President Elect Biden were to ask, and she were to accept, Hillary would be a perfect choice for UN Ambassador.

Having been a very successful Secretary of State under President Obama, and having built up very good relationships with the world's leaders (except Putin), she would be able to rebuild America's standing in the post Trump world. Imminently qualified and with Bill for advice, there is no better pick available.

President Biden should jump on it.
I’m assuming she’ll be representing the UN to the USA, correct?
If I was Biden, I would elect Trump to be our Ambassador to Alcatraz
If Hillary had any appointment, the US Ambassador to Libya would be more fitting. Her only lasting legacies are leaving four Americans to die in Libya, and being beaten by a NY construction contractor.

And with that, I close out Page 1.
Is the best you got? Trump....my god, when history is written on this guy and the GOP, its gonna take up 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 pages :abgg2q.jpg:

If President Elect Biden were to ask, and she were to accept, Hillary would be a perfect choice for UN Ambassador.

Having been a very successful Secretary of State under President Obama, and having built up very good relationships with the world's leaders (except Putin), she would be able to rebuild America's standing in the post Trump world. Imminently qualified and with Bill for advice, there is no better pick available.

President Biden should jump on it.
That will get trampers worked up, they would have a tizzy fit over it.:) I have to agree!
Of course you would ,you love demorats that are mass murderers of women and children around the globe,like the coward paid dnc troll you are,you love it that she is connected to having so many people arkansawed for knowing too much of billy boys scandals in mena Arkansas while governor there. The only reason you accept 9/11 was an inside job was it happened under bush,had it happened under Obama as we both know,you would NEVER have accepted it.
Facebook much? You stupid brain dead idiot

If President Elect Biden were to ask, and she were to accept, Hillary would be a perfect choice for UN Ambassador.

Having been a very successful Secretary of State under President Obama, and having built up very good relationships with the world's leaders (except Putin), she would be able to rebuild America's standing in the post Trump world. Imminently qualified and with Bill for advice, there is no better pick available.

President Biden should jump on it.
For the love of chunky hyena semen. That cackling bitch needs ride her fucking broom off into the sunset and never be heard from again.

If President Elect Biden were to ask, and she were to accept, Hillary would be a perfect choice for UN Ambassador.

Having been a very successful Secretary of State under President Obama, and having built up very good relationships with the world's leaders (except Putin), she would be able to rebuild America's standing in the post Trump world. Imminently qualified and with Bill for advice, there is no better pick available.

President Biden should jump on it.
Are you serious?

You want to saddle Biden with that blundering war-monger?

Kamala & Pelosi would have to watch out for “accidents”. They would stand above Hillary in the line of succession.
It would make perfect sense one life long status quo politican nominating another life long status quo politican for those who want everything to stay the same and nothing to ever change it couldn't get any better.
It would make perfect sense one life long status quo politican nominating another life long status quo politican for those who want everything to stay the same and nothing to ever change it couldn't get any better.
It won’t stay the same. It will get plenty worse. By design.

If President Elect Biden were to ask, and she were to accept, Hillary would be a perfect choice for UN Ambassador.

Having been a very successful Secretary of State under President Obama, and having built up very good relationships with the world's leaders (except Putin), she would be able to rebuild America's standing in the post Trump world. Imminently qualified and with Bill for advice, there is no better pick available.

President Biden should jump on it.
Since Obama gutted the state department he put her in charge of unimportant government post. Basically to placate her. And of course she did nothing as sec. of state

But yes the u.n. would be perfect for that whore . A worthless government post in a worthless government agency .

If President Elect Biden were to ask, and she were to accept, Hillary would be a perfect choice for UN Ambassador.

Having been a very successful Secretary of State under President Obama, and having built up very good relationships with the world's leaders (except Putin), she would be able to rebuild America's standing in the post Trump world. Imminently qualified and with Bill for advice, there is no better pick available.

President Biden should jump on it.
Perfect place to sell more of our Uranium!

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