Hillary Back In Hiding...

The diaper-wearing epileptic criminal is back on the lam, propped up between pillows on a couch swiped from the White House, muttering obscenities about the Donald and snapping her fingers at Huma to get her some cough drops. Her last event was Wednesday in front of a tiny crowd in Orlando and no appearances are planned before the first debate on Monday. Trump meanwhile is appearing before packed venues and not doing much to prepare to face the old bat....and why should he? Everybody knows what she'll try to pull off on Monday....stacked audience, moderators attacking her opponent, and lying about her non-existent accomplishments while trying to lure Trump into a temper tantrum. Her main goal will be not to have a seizure and do a face-plant on her lectern.


Whew! You are funny.
Course she is hiding. She can't let direct sunlight hit her or she will turn to dust
If she is very ill, as I suspect, I don't wish her ill. But at the same time, I really think she has to make a hard choice about running for the most important job in the world. And her choices the past years don't bode her well.

Is she running for her what she thinks is good for her or the country? I'm afraid to answer that question.

Neither of them would ever back down.

They have egos the size of the Hindenburg.
Everybody check out her shrieking that she "should be ahead by 50 points" in a conference call with some union slugs....on Fox...where else?



She just said "right to work laws are UN-American". I gotta wonder when union leaders are going to demand JOBS from the democRAT party instead of rhetoric. I believe Trump is headed toward a landslide victory.
She just said "right to work laws are UN-American". I gotta wonder when union leaders are going to demand JOBS from the democRAT party instead of rhetoric. I believe Trump is headed toward a landslide victory.
The old socialist bat even said "the so called right to work ..." as if without unions controlling businesses (and Democrats controlling the unions) employees and employers can't manage.
The unions had their place in American history and that should never be forgotten. But those days are gone with the heavy industry where they were needed. Now the government agencies (OSHA & EPA) protect workers from dangerous conditions and processes to the point the unions are no longer needed for safety. And public-sector unions are a contradiction in terms....when firefighters and police officers threaten to go out on strike, they should be suspended without pay until they get their minds right.

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