Hillary Calls Americans Every Name In The Book During Speech Just Because They Don't Support Her

Deplorable, evil...what's the difference? Hillary supporters have been called every name in the book on this site.... Yesterday I was told that anyone that supports Hillary is pure EVIL... not even giving the chance that HALF of the Hillary supporters aren't deplorable or evil.

Some people do not believe racists are deplorable or bigots are deplorable or David Duke is deplorable or Putin loving is deplorable or hatred of all Muslims is deplorable or hatred of all Mexicans is deplorable or hatred of all immigrants is deplorable or the KKK is deplorable...but SOME people do, like Hillary...I suppose?

What does Donald think he is calling me, when he says his wonderful lies about Hillary? A criminal lover, crooked myself, an idiot, unpatriotic, evil, stupid.....etc....

The only difference between the two is Donald has been on this ONE THING is being, "politically correct in his modified speech", and Hillary was not politically correct in what she said.....

boo hoo, for once, Hillary didn't use moderated politically correct words....and she'll end up paying for it, while donald gets away with murder....

I don't think Clinton supporters are deplorable, I think Clinton is deplorable. Why people would support her or Trump is beyond me.
IMO, now knowing how she personally feels about a large segment of America, she now does not qualify to lead this country.
Deplorable, evil...what's the difference? Hillary supporters have been called every name in the book on this site.... Yesterday I was told that anyone that supports Hillary is pure EVIL... not even giving the chance that HALF of the Hillary supporters aren't deplorable or evil.

Some people do not believe racists are deplorable or bigots are deplorable or David Duke is deplorable or Putin loving is deplorable or hatred of all Muslims is deplorable or hatred of all Mexicans is deplorable or hatred of all immigrants is deplorable or the KKK is deplorable...but SOME people do, like Hillary...I suppose?

What does Donald think he is calling me, when he says his wonderful lies about Hillary? A criminal lover, crooked myself, an idiot, unpatriotic, evil, stupid.....etc....

The only difference between the two is Donald has been on this ONE THING is being, "politically correct in his modified speech", and Hillary was not politically correct in what she said.....

boo hoo, for once, Hillary didn't use moderated politically correct words....and she'll end up paying for it, while donald gets away with murder....

Hillary deserves to pay a huge price for this. This is going way far over the line, the candidate themselves never should personally attack the supporters of the candidate of the other major party.

She has come right out and says how she feels about a huge percentage of the population of this country. She cannot now be a president of all the people.
I truly hope this story stays all over the headlines for weeks to come.
It will make a great political ad for Trump! All he has to do now is go slow and steady and let her come off the tracks, and beat her in the debates!
Deplorable, evil...what's the difference? Hillary supporters have been called every name in the book on this site.... Yesterday I was told that anyone that supports Hillary is pure EVIL... not even giving the chance that HALF of the Hillary supporters aren't deplorable or evil.

Some people do not believe racists are deplorable or bigots are deplorable or David Duke is deplorable or Putin loving is deplorable or hatred of all Muslims is deplorable or hatred of all Mexicans is deplorable or hatred of all immigrants is deplorable or the KKK is deplorable...but SOME people do, like Hillary...I suppose?

What does Donald think he is calling me, when he says his wonderful lies about Hillary? A criminal lover, crooked myself, an idiot, unpatriotic, evil, stupid.....etc....

The only difference between the two is Donald has been on this ONE THING is being, "politically correct in his modified speech", and Hillary was not politically correct in what she said.....

boo hoo, for once, Hillary didn't use moderated politically correct words....and she'll end up paying for it, while donald gets away with murder....

Hillary deserves to pay a huge price for this. This is going way far over the line, the candidate themselves never should personally attack the supporters of the candidate of the other major party.

She has come right out and says how she feels about a huge percentage of the population of this country. She cannot now be a president of all the people.
I truly hope this story stays all over the headlines for weeks to come.
It will make a great political ad for Trump! All he has to do now is go slow and steady and let her come off the tracks, and beat her in the debates!

I have a feeling her words will be used in more than one campaign commercial.
Talk about being a nasty low-life individual. Hillary insulted a large segment of the American public just because they support somebody other than her. In all honesty, it looks like the one doing all of the insulting is Hillary and her media, not Donald Trump.

What she said last night, that at least half of Trump supporters are racist, bigoted, misogynistic, homophobic, assholes really goes over the line. But this is what people like Obama and Hillary think of you and me. If we don't support them, we are the worst people on the planet and we don't deserve honesty, we don't deserve secure borders, and we don't deserve life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness which is guaranteed in the constitution. We deserve any nasty thing they can dream up to take advantage of us, abuse us, or even put our lives at risk. Hillary doesn't want to be president of the United States. She wants to be president of the Divided States. This is a person that seems to have more in common with our enemies than with us. What makes a person turn on her own people and thus turn on her own country like this? This is why she wants to flood this country with Syrian refugees. This is why she wants open borders. She has no respect at all for most of America.

When Hillary says half, she really means all. This is just how she feels about anyone who isn't informed, or misinformed enough, to vote for the first woman president. If you don't support her lies and her criminal activity, you're the worst oxygen thief that ever walked the planet.

Well lady, the feeling's mutual.


Anyone notice the irony spelled out in her slogan "Stronger Together"?

Clinton calls half of Trump supporters ‘deplorables’ | KBC TV

Clinton calls half of Trump supporters ‘deplorables’


"US Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has called half of Donald Trump’s supporters a “basket of deplorables”.

Speaking at a fundraiser, she said they were “racist, sexist, xenophobic, Islamophobic – you name it”.

She then went on to say the rest of the Republican nominee’s supporters were “just desperate for change”.

Mr Trump’s campaign manager said Mrs Clinton had insulted “millions of Americans”, with her comments.

Polls released earlier this week suggest Mr Trump is gaining on Mrs Clinton, and the rivals are neck-and-neck in the key battleground states of Ohio and Florida.

In other developments:

  • Donald Trump said he would order an attack on Iranian boats if they approached US Navy ships. He appeared to be referring to a number of encounters between US and Iranian naval vessels in the Persian Gulf.
  • Republican vice-presidential nominee Mike Pence has published his tax returns, putting pressure on Mr Trump to do the same
  • The Clinton Presidential Library has released photos of Bill Clinton and Donald Trump from 2000 – when the families were on much friendlier terms
Alt-Right group

Mrs Clinton’s comments about her opponent’s supporters were made at an LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) fundraiser in New York.

“To just be grossly generalistic, you can put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the ‘basket of deplorables’. Unfortunately there are people like that, and he has lifted them up,” she said...........

Her campaign manager tweeted to say the “deplorables” she referred to were the Alt-Right – a far right, mainly online, group who critics accuse of being bigoted white nationalists."

Bullshit. She's talking about us all, not just the KKK (because most members of the KKK are Democrats). It's one thing to call your opponent a racist, but calling his supporters a pack of degenerates, that's going too far. If Trump had said something like this, the media would use it to destroy him and it would end his candidacy overnight. I think the media agrees with her, and so does the LGBT community representatives that attended this insulting speech.

If you wonder why this country is so strongly divided, you need not look any further.

If Hillary is calling us Deplorables, what she really means is she thinks we're:

    • Assholes
    • Pigs
    • Low-life
    • Despicable
    • Pieces of shit
    • Ugly
    • Scumbags
    • Douche-bags
    • Filthy
    • Retarded
    • Ass-backwards
    • Shit heads
    • Cocksuckers
    • Butt munchers
    • Fucksticks
    • Pricks
    • Shit for brians
    • Cheese dicks
If our founding fathers were alive and saw the crap we have for candidates now, they would either pack up and leave the country, or start a new revolution.
This will hang around Hillary Clinton's neck like an Albatross just as Mitt Romney's comment about the 47 percent did with him.
Maybe she was suffering from a bout of dementia and just said what a normal person would never say.
She looks exhausted and her guard is not up.
Talk about being a nasty low-life individual. Hillary insulted a large segment of the American public just because they support somebody other than her. In all honesty, it looks like the one doing all of the insulting is Hillary and her media, not Donald Trump.

What she said last night, that at least half of Trump supporters are racist, bigoted, misogynistic, homophobic, assholes really goes over the line. But this is what people like Obama and Hillary think of you and me. If we don't support them, we are the worst people on the planet and we don't deserve honesty, we don't deserve secure borders, and we don't deserve life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness which is guaranteed in the constitution. We deserve any nasty thing they can dream up to take advantage of us, abuse us, or even put our lives at risk. Hillary doesn't want to be president of the United States. She wants to be president of the Divided States. This is a person that seems to have more in common with our enemies than with us. What makes a person turn on her own people and thus turn on her own country like this? This is why she wants to flood this country with Syrian refugees. This is why she wants open borders. She has no respect at all for most of America.

When Hillary says half, she really means all. This is just how she feels about anyone who isn't informed, or misinformed enough, to vote for the first woman president. If you don't support her lies and her criminal activity, you're the worst oxygen thief that ever walked the planet.

Well lady, the feeling's mutual.


Anyone notice the irony spelled out in her slogan "Stronger Together"?

Clinton calls half of Trump supporters ‘deplorables’ | KBC TV

Clinton calls half of Trump supporters ‘deplorables’


"US Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has called half of Donald Trump’s supporters a “basket of deplorables”.

Speaking at a fundraiser, she said they were “racist, sexist, xenophobic, Islamophobic – you name it”.

She then went on to say the rest of the Republican nominee’s supporters were “just desperate for change”.

Mr Trump’s campaign manager said Mrs Clinton had insulted “millions of Americans”, with her comments.

Polls released earlier this week suggest Mr Trump is gaining on Mrs Clinton, and the rivals are neck-and-neck in the key battleground states of Ohio and Florida.

In other developments:

  • Donald Trump said he would order an attack on Iranian boats if they approached US Navy ships. He appeared to be referring to a number of encounters between US and Iranian naval vessels in the Persian Gulf.
  • Republican vice-presidential nominee Mike Pence has published his tax returns, putting pressure on Mr Trump to do the same
  • The Clinton Presidential Library has released photos of Bill Clinton and Donald Trump from 2000 – when the families were on much friendlier terms
Alt-Right group

Mrs Clinton’s comments about her opponent’s supporters were made at an LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) fundraiser in New York.

“To just be grossly generalistic, you can put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the ‘basket of deplorables’. Unfortunately there are people like that, and he has lifted them up,” she said...........

Her campaign manager tweeted to say the “deplorables” she referred to were the Alt-Right – a far right, mainly online, group who critics accuse of being bigoted white nationalists."

Bullshit. She's talking about us all, not just the KKK (because most members of the KKK are Democrats). It's one thing to call your opponent a racist, but calling his supporters a pack of degenerates, that's going too far. If Trump had said something like this, the media would use it to destroy him and it would end his candidacy overnight. I think the media agrees with her, and so does the LGBT community representatives that attended this insulting speech.

If you wonder why this country is so strongly divided, you need not look any further.

If Hillary is calling us Deplorables, what she really means is she thinks we're:

    • Assholes
    • Pigs
    • Low-life
    • Despicable
    • Pieces of shit
    • Ugly
    • Scumbags
    • Douche-bags
    • Filthy
    • Retarded
    • Ass-backwards
    • Shit heads
    • Cocksuckers
    • Butt munchers
    • Fucksticks
    • Pricks
    • Shit for brians
    • Cheese dicks
...and she's a loopy kunt
Her media is already trying to walk it back. Geraldo Rivera was making all kinds of excuses for her on Fox this morning.

He said that Hillary has good intentions when she insults everyone. Donald Trump doesn't. The media mantra is that everyone assumes that Donald Trump is a racist, but Hillary gets a pass when she insults anyone who dares not to support her.

The thing is, most of the stuff we hear about Trump is a warped opinion of what he says, not what he actually says or means. But with this speech, Hillary removes all doubt that she considers anyone who votes Republican a degenerate low-life racist, bigot, an idiot, you name it.

Her husband said earlier this week that anyone who says "Make America Great Again" is a racist. So basically Bill and Hillary are calling everyone who wants to make America great is just a racist rich white guy who wants to go back to the good ole boy system Bill and Hillary grew up in.
Isnt it interesting that Bill Clinton used that phrase ("Make America Great Again") extensively during his run in '92 and for his wife in '08?
It's sad... Mitt Romney's campaign took a turn when he was "secretly" recorded talking about the 47% but Hillary is applauded for attacking those who would vote for Trump. This election is a joke!
The problem is the press is full of closet Marxists that do not share the values of the people of this great nation.

We need to outlaw corporate ownership of our media.
Deplorable, evil...what's the difference? Hillary supporters have been called every name in the book on this site.... Yesterday I was told that anyone that supports Hillary is pure EVIL... not even giving the chance that HALF of the Hillary supporters aren't deplorable or evil.

So you are now comparing Hillary to jack asses on some internet message board?

We are not running for office, so the use of hyperbole, while not admirable, isnt relevant in a discussion of the behavior of Presidential candidates themselves.

I snort, scratch my cahones and fart all the time as I post, lol, but I dont want to see that from Presidential candidates on TV who are supposed to be on their best behavior.

If Hillary is willing to say that we are evil on national TV, then what she really thinks about us in private must be truly deplorable.

Some people do not believe racists are deplorable or bigots are deplorable ...

Dont you liberals go around telling the white population all the time that we are natural bigots? That we just cant help being racists? That comes from Black Lies Matter and Hillary has endorsed them, so they kind of speak for the Democratic Party now, dont they?

So Hillary apparently thinks the whole white race is deplorable.

What does Donald think he is calling me, when he says his wonderful lies about Hillary? A criminal lover, crooked myself, an idiot, unpatriotic, evil, stupid.....etc....

No, he is leaving it to the viewer to fill in the blanks. Personally I think that 'Dupe' explains 90% of it, 'Partisan hacks' the rest.

It is a crying shame that the vast majority of Democrats put their party interests ahead of the interests of the whole nation like this. I remember when the Republicans turned their backs on Nixon when it came out that he had lied about the Watergate fiasco.

No one is ever expecting such honesty from Democrats. Period.
Talk about being a nasty low-life individual. Hillary insulted a large segment of the American public just because they support somebody other than her. In all honesty, it looks like the one doing all of the insulting is Hillary and her media, not Donald Trump.

What she said last night, that at least half of Trump supporters are racist, bigoted, misogynistic, homophobic, assholes really goes over the line. But this is what people like Obama and Hillary think of you and me. If we don't support them, we are the worst people on the planet and we don't deserve honesty, we don't deserve secure borders, and we don't deserve life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness which is guaranteed in the constitution. We deserve any nasty thing they can dream up to take advantage of us, abuse us, or even put our lives at risk. Hillary doesn't want to be president of the United States. She wants to be president of the Divided States. This is a person that seems to have more in common with our enemies than with us. What makes a person turn on her own people and thus turn on her own country like this? This is why she wants to flood this country with Syrian refugees. This is why she wants open borders. She has no respect at all for most of America.

When Hillary says half, she really means all. This is just how she feels about anyone who isn't informed, or misinformed enough, to vote for the first woman president. If you don't support her lies and her criminal activity, you're the worst oxygen thief that ever walked the planet.

Well lady, the feeling's mutual.


Anyone notice the irony spelled out in her slogan "Stronger Together"?

Clinton calls half of Trump supporters ‘deplorables’ | KBC TV

Clinton calls half of Trump supporters ‘deplorables’


"US Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has called half of Donald Trump’s supporters a “basket of deplorables”.

Speaking at a fundraiser, she said they were “racist, sexist, xenophobic, Islamophobic – you name it”.

She then went on to say the rest of the Republican nominee’s supporters were “just desperate for change”.

Mr Trump’s campaign manager said Mrs Clinton had insulted “millions of Americans”, with her comments.

Polls released earlier this week suggest Mr Trump is gaining on Mrs Clinton, and the rivals are neck-and-neck in the key battleground states of Ohio and Florida.

In other developments:

  • Donald Trump said he would order an attack on Iranian boats if they approached US Navy ships. He appeared to be referring to a number of encounters between US and Iranian naval vessels in the Persian Gulf.
  • Republican vice-presidential nominee Mike Pence has published his tax returns, putting pressure on Mr Trump to do the same
  • The Clinton Presidential Library has released photos of Bill Clinton and Donald Trump from 2000 – when the families were on much friendlier terms
Alt-Right group

Mrs Clinton’s comments about her opponent’s supporters were made at an LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) fundraiser in New York.

“To just be grossly generalistic, you can put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the ‘basket of deplorables’. Unfortunately there are people like that, and he has lifted them up,” she said...........

Her campaign manager tweeted to say the “deplorables” she referred to were the Alt-Right – a far right, mainly online, group who critics accuse of being bigoted white nationalists."

Bullshit. She's talking about us all, not just the KKK (because most members of the KKK are Democrats). It's one thing to call your opponent a racist, but calling his supporters a pack of degenerates, that's going too far. If Trump had said something like this, the media would use it to destroy him and it would end his candidacy overnight. I think the media agrees with her, and so does the LGBT community representatives that attended this insulting speech.

If you wonder why this country is so strongly divided, you need not look any further.

If Hillary is calling us Deplorables, what she really means is she thinks we're:

    • Assholes
    • Pigs
    • Low-life
    • Despicable
    • Pieces of shit
    • Ugly
    • Scumbags
    • Douche-bags
    • Filthy
    • Retarded
    • Ass-backwards
    • Shit heads
    • Cocksuckers
    • Butt munchers
    • Fucksticks
    • Pricks
    • Shit for brians
    • Cheese dicks

I see nothing wrong with calling a spade a spade.

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