hillary cannot climb stairs---not conspiracy--fact

The neocon, jewish folks on CNN said it was because of the ice, that was not there. :p
I think Bill has AIDS. Hilly is probably in the early stages too and they aren't counting on a full term.

Great,......you morons run your campaign on THAT strategy. I mean," what the hell do you have to lose,"
(as Trump has said when courting black voters.) LOL
nat4900, is it your position you think Crooked Hillary does not have medical issues? :p

to the moderators, this belongs in the politics forum because it addresses the medical issues faced by one of the candidates and her ability to do the job of president.

She is a sick woman, we do not wish medical issues on anyone, but we also cannot ignore them.

We are entitled to an unbiased full and current medical report on both candidates. Does anyone disagree with that?


Redfish why would you suddenly and for the first time ever start a thread based upon a 'fact'?

Really WND as your 'source'?


I am fine with wanting 'unbiased full and current medical reports on both candidates- but 'unbiased' is just another word for you not accepting any medical report which concludes Clinton is medically sound, while accepting any medical report from any quack that finds Trump healthy.

to the moderators, this belongs in the politics forum because it addresses the medical issues faced by one of the candidates and her ability to do the job of president.

She is a sick woman, we do not wish medical issues on anyone, but we also cannot ignore them.

We are entitled to an unbiased full and current medical report on both candidates. Does anyone disagree with that?
What, the other 25 topics about a six month old still photo of Hillary slipping on some steps and being caught weren't enough, retard?

World Nut Daily. Geezus!
nat4900, is it your position you think Crooked Hillary does not have medical issues? :p

Yes, Hillary's medical condition is that of a fairly healthy 69 years old.......It would be just as stupid to reject Trump based on HIS health conditions....

Nonetheless, I sincerely urge you right wingers to concentrate on THAT strategy to counter Hillary's rise in the polls....I mean, what could go wrong?
its not my story, it came from many media outlets. are you saying the pictures are fakes?
The "many media outlets" are all propaganda sites. The photo is over six months old, retard. It's a still photo, which should be a giant clue you are being conned. She slipped on a step, and the people near hear did what you or I or anyone's reflexes would do. They reached for her.
I think Bill has AIDS. Hilly is probably in the early stages too and they aren't counting on a full term.

Great,......you morons run your campaign on THAT strategy. I mean," what the hell do you have to lose,"
(as Trump has said when courting black voters.) LOL
I'm not a message board, not running a presidential campaign, you fruitloop.
nat4900, is it your position you think Crooked Hillary does not have medical issues? :p

Yes, Hillary's medical condition is that of a fairly healthy 69 years old.......It would be just as stupid to reject Trump based on HIS health conditions....

Nonetheless, I sincerely urge you right wingers to concentrate on THAT strategy to counter Hillary's rise in the polls....I mean, what could go wrong?
Quite a lot of people are seriously questioning that. You can't shame people into not wondering what's wrong with her. This isn't grade school.
nat4900, is it your position you think Crooked Hillary does not have medical issues? :p

Yes, Hillary's medical condition is that of a fairly healthy 69 years old.......It would be just as stupid to reject Trump based on HIS health conditions....

Nonetheless, I sincerely urge you right wingers to concentrate on THAT strategy to counter Hillary's rise in the polls....I mean, what could go wrong?
Quite a lot of people are seriously questioning that. You can't shame people into not wondering what's wrong with her. This isn't grade school.
Quite a lot of retarded people whose brains are stuck in grade school.
The gullibility and desperation of you low wattage rubes never ceases to amaze me.
nat4900, is it your position you think Crooked Hillary does not have medical issues? :p

Yes, Hillary's medical condition is that of a fairly healthy 69 years old.......It would be just as stupid to reject Trump based on HIS health conditions....

Nonetheless, I sincerely urge you right wingers to concentrate on THAT strategy to counter Hillary's rise in the polls....I mean, what could go wrong?
Quite a lot of people are seriously questioning that. You can't shame people into not wondering what's wrong with her. This isn't grade school.
Quite a lot of retarded people whose brains are stuck in grade school.
Get over yourself, not every post is about you.
The OP is a conspiracy thread. Whether HRC can or can climb steps is irrelevant to her ability to be President? The far right is so gullible that cannot stand for anything because they fall for everything. Birfer Bannon will cause Red Donald's campaign to implode.
So how does she get around in all the homes she owns if she can't handle stairs?

don't know, don't care. maybe she has those electric chair things the go up stairs, maybe she has servants to carry her, maybe she lives on the first floor, maybe she can fly on her broomstick.
Maybe your whole story is made up.

its not my story, it came from many media outlets. are you saying the pictures are fakes?

You realize you can't take a single frame/photo and draw any sort of conclusions from it, correct?

Was he drunk or does he have a physical problem?


What happened here? Did Dubya fall down or did someone hit the mo'fo?


Here's Papa Bush puking and passing out at a Japanese state dinner. Note Barbara trying to shield his face with a towel. So what was wrong with him, Mr Fish? Give us your expert opinion.
So how does she get around in all the homes she owns if she can't handle stairs?


Being a 1 percenter i'm sure she has help.
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In other words, it's still Bush's fault that Obama isn't there NOW!

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