Hillary Claims She Tried to Join Marines!

Faun brought up Obama, not ME! ...Man, you're cracking up on us, aren't you?

Faun brought him up. YOu are the one who went on a crazy ass rant that they didn't pick on him like they picked on Uncle Tom because he wrote a "composite" character.

Yeah, he made up a totally non-existent person. What's even worse, the person he created was black but he 'bestowed' it with attributes and characteristics of the many white people he knew. This was intended to keep with the "racial struggle" narrative and it sounded better than all these white people who REALLY were the actual influence.

Now the book was really not any different as far as classification as Carson's... both are supposed to be biographical non-fiction... Obama wasn't writing Gone With the Wind. He's supposed to be telling HIS story about HIS life... just as Dr. Carson did. But Carson gets drug through the mud for a week over some bullshit dinner conversation, which hasn't yet been proved a lie... and Obama is making up people who never existed! But that's all okay because Obama is the Messiah and Carson is a liar.
We don't care if the Clinton's embellish the truth.

WOW! That's revealing, isn't it?

Is THAT what they call criminal indictment on perjury and obstruction of justice these days?
Barred from practicing law and impeached for "embellishing the truth" he says?

Guy, again, he lied about a BLOW JOB.

67% of Americans thought impeachment was wrong. The spanked the Republicans for doing it, which is why Gingrich isn't in Congress anymore.

Meanwhile, Uncle Tom claims to be an honest guy, but he's lying his ass off about his connections to a snake-oil company, stabbing his classmates, getting into West Point and C'thulhu knows what else.

Yeah I thought that was strange too... Why would you criminally perjure yourself under oath and obstruct justice, loose your lawyer card and become the 2nd president in history to be impeached... over a blowie? Dr. Carson would have said he should've just told the truth and come clean.

Now I am really glad to see that you measure the importance of a lie on the basis of a poll number. So when we see that 70% of the country could care less about Carson and West Point, you will also find that unimportant and insignificant. Correct? I mean... he wasn't exactly indicted for criminal perjury.

Lying like Bill and Hillary is a badge of honor for the left. A GOP candidate can't lie or they are hung out to dry, especially if they are a darker color.
The White House FBI files controversy of the Clinton Administration, often referred to as Filegate,[1]arose in June 1996 around improper access in 1993 and 1994 to Federal Bureau of Investigationsecurity-clearance documents. Craig Livingstone, director of the White House's Office of Personnel Security, improperly requested, and received from the FBI, background reports concerning several hundred individuals without asking permission.

One more time- this was part of Ken Starr's investigation - and there were no criminal charges filed in relation to anything to do with FileGate.

Is this what you guys are going to do, rehash all these old batttles you lost back in the 1990's? Because it's kind of sad, really. No one cared then and even less people care now.

Hey, you all want to impress me. Find a guy who would make a good president based on his fine work in public service. Have him bring out his ideas which are hopefully not the same ideas that left us with war and recessions the last time you guys were in power. Then have him debate Hillary on the issues.

But, no, maybe you guys should just run some Celebrity Clown. That will work out for you, i"m sure.
Reveals how desperate they are.

What's "desperate" is when you have to go back to a book written 15 years ago and find a story of when a man was in high school and pick some silly detail apart about a dinner conversation in order to "question his honesty" through your pathetic lapdog media. THAT's desperate.
You say that as if you loony righties didn't parse every word of Obama's book. :eusa_doh:

Indeed we did but the left holds a completely different standard for their Messiah. While Carson is held to the carpet over minute details of a dinner conversation with General Westmoreland... Obama creates entirely new fictitious people who are black and composites influential white people in his life into his "composite woman." Events are combined and intertwined, presented out of order to tell a story that is really more of a political commentary or loose memoir than a biography.

There were actually so many lies in Obama's book they had to break them down into two categories... the ones he unwittingly lied about through stories his family told that weren't true, and the lies he just outright told. I think they documented 38 at least.
The right does the same thing to the left that the left does to the right. WTF is wrong with you?
Graduates of the naval academy in Annapolis have the option of entering either the Navy as an Ensign or the Marines as a 2nd Lieutenant. ....... :cool:

Yes... that's why I said "per say" ...you may have missed it. It's Latin... per se : "in itself."

Hillary lied about trying to join the Marines (or Army, depending on version of lie). But then... Hillary lies constantly and continually. She has been lying ever since she left her lesbian girlfriend to first go out with Bill. In 2008, when campaigning against Obama, she actually told more lies than he did but he won out because his lies were more believable. Hell... Hillary is who started the rumor that Obama was born in Kenya!
She did not. Despite how many times you're told that the earliest known claim started on freerepublic.com, you friggin' liars can't contain yourself from blaming Hillary. :eusa_doh:

The NYT is the Free Republic? Really? Better check your talking points.

Hillary Clinton Says She Once Tried to Be Marine

As the Times describes her, Mrs. Clinton is obviously an alien capable of shape shifting:

But, even given the fact that the nation has become accustomed to Mrs. Clinton's intriguing shape-shifting -- from liberal do-gooder to high-risk commodities trader, from power lawyer to cookie baker, from health care czar to housewife supervising the menu for the state dinner for the Emperor and Empress of Japan -- the latest one is still jarring. Macho Contrast to Clinton
I was talking about the fallacious claim that Hillary started the birther thing. She didn't, it started on freerepublic.com

Here is an quote from a campaign adviser for Mrs. Clinton:

Penn Strategy Memo, March 19, 2007

Penn Strategy Memo, March 19, 2007:

"I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and in his values." Penn proposed targeting Obama's "lack of American roots."

Here is a well reference article clearly showing it was the Clinton camp that pushed the birther issue. And don't forget, Obama was the first birther with Michelle close behind.

Bombshell: 'Washington Post' Confirms Hillary Clinton Started the Birther Movement - Breitbart
Did you read that 2007 memo? There's nothing about Birtherism in it. :cuckoo:
Yes... that's why I said "per say" ...you may have missed it. It's Latin... per se : "in itself."

Hillary lied about trying to join the Marines (or Army, depending on version of lie). But then... Hillary lies constantly and continually. She has been lying ever since she left her lesbian girlfriend to first go out with Bill. In 2008, when campaigning against Obama, she actually told more lies than he did but he won out because his lies were more believable. Hell... Hillary is who started the rumor that Obama was born in Kenya!
She did not. Despite how many times you're told that the earliest known claim started on freerepublic.com, you friggin' liars can't contain yourself from blaming Hillary. :eusa_doh:

The NYT is the Free Republic? Really? Better check your talking points.

Hillary Clinton Says She Once Tried to Be Marine

As the Times describes her, Mrs. Clinton is obviously an alien capable of shape shifting:

But, even given the fact that the nation has become accustomed to Mrs. Clinton's intriguing shape-shifting -- from liberal do-gooder to high-risk commodities trader, from power lawyer to cookie baker, from health care czar to housewife supervising the menu for the state dinner for the Emperor and Empress of Japan -- the latest one is still jarring. Macho Contrast to Clinton
I was talking about the fallacious claim that Hillary started the birther thing. She didn't, it started on freerepublic.com

Here is an quote from a campaign adviser for Mrs. Clinton:

Penn Strategy Memo, March 19, 2007

Penn Strategy Memo, March 19, 2007:

"I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and in his values." Penn proposed targeting Obama's "lack of American roots."

Here is a well reference article clearly showing it was the Clinton camp that pushed the birther issue. And don't forget, Obama was the first birther with Michelle close behind.

Bombshell: 'Washington Post' Confirms Hillary Clinton Started the Birther Movement - Breitbart
Did you read that 2007 memo? There's nothing about Birtherism in it. :cuckoo:

From the memo:



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She did not. Despite how many times you're told that the earliest known claim started on freerepublic.com, you friggin' liars can't contain yourself from blaming Hillary. :eusa_doh:

The NYT is the Free Republic? Really? Better check your talking points.

Hillary Clinton Says She Once Tried to Be Marine

As the Times describes her, Mrs. Clinton is obviously an alien capable of shape shifting:

But, even given the fact that the nation has become accustomed to Mrs. Clinton's intriguing shape-shifting -- from liberal do-gooder to high-risk commodities trader, from power lawyer to cookie baker, from health care czar to housewife supervising the menu for the state dinner for the Emperor and Empress of Japan -- the latest one is still jarring. Macho Contrast to Clinton
I was talking about the fallacious claim that Hillary started the birther thing. She didn't, it started on freerepublic.com

Here is an quote from a campaign adviser for Mrs. Clinton:

Penn Strategy Memo, March 19, 2007

Penn Strategy Memo, March 19, 2007:

"I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and in his values." Penn proposed targeting Obama's "lack of American roots."

Here is a well reference article clearly showing it was the Clinton camp that pushed the birther issue. And don't forget, Obama was the first birther with Michelle close behind.

Bombshell: 'Washington Post' Confirms Hillary Clinton Started the Birther Movement - Breitbart
Did you read that 2007 memo? There's nothing about Birtherism in it. :cuckoo:

From the memo:

View attachment 54639
Birtherism is the idiocy that Obama was born in Kenya. The memo says nothing about Kenya. The word, Kenya, doesn't exist in that memo. Where Obama was born is not mentioned in that memo. That Obama was raised in Indonesia for much of his youth and was raised in Hawaii, an island in the middle of the Pacific and far removed from continental America is not birtherism.
Hillary's supporters started the birther movement during the 2008 primaries. If you disagree, take it up with Wikipedia... they're a liberal company, I am sure they will listen to you. As of now, that is what is posted there and it doesn't call for a citation because there are two. Politico and WSJ or NYT? Can't recall... but there are two sources.

But it doesn't matter, your opinion is your opinion... that's not what is going to cause Hillary problems.
Hillary's supporters started the birther movement during the 2008 primaries. If you disagree, take it up with Wikipedia... they're a liberal company, I am sure they will listen to you. As of now, that is what is posted there and it doesn't call for a citation because there are two. Politico and WSJ or NYT? Can't recall... but there are two sources.

But it doesn't matter, your opinion is your opinion... that's not what is going to cause Hillary problems.
At least you've finally backtracked from your initial nonsense that Hillary started birtherism. You made some progress, good for you. :clap:
Yeah, he made up a totally non-existent person. What's even worse, the person he created was black but he 'bestowed' it with attributes and characteristics of the many white people he knew. This was intended to keep with the "racial struggle" narrative and it sounded better than all these white people who REALLY were the actual influence.

Now the book was really not any different as far as classification as Carson's... both are supposed to be biographical non-fiction... Obama wasn't writing Gone With the Wind. He's supposed to be telling HIS story about HIS life... just as Dr. Carson did. But Carson gets drug through the mud for a week over some bullshit dinner conversation, which hasn't yet been proved a lie... and Obama is making up people who never existed! But that's all okay because Obama is the Messiah and Carson is a liar.

Here's the problem with your comparison. Composite girl was a stand in for people who he didn't want to identify by name. Kind of understandable, I could imagine what you nutters would do to a white girl who fucked Obama in college if you could track her down. Her name wasn't important to the context of conversations she was in.

BY COMPARISON- General Westmoreland was a real person. He was historically signifigant. So Carson trying to conflate him with maybe some low ranking officer who got assigned to ROTC saying, "Hey, maybe you should apply to the academy!" and inflating that to, "I was definitely offered scholarship!"
Yeah, he made up a totally non-existent person. What's even worse, the person he created was black but he 'bestowed' it with attributes and characteristics of the many white people he knew. This was intended to keep with the "racial struggle" narrative and it sounded better than all these white people who REALLY were the actual influence.

Now the book was really not any different as far as classification as Carson's... both are supposed to be biographical non-fiction... Obama wasn't writing Gone With the Wind. He's supposed to be telling HIS story about HIS life... just as Dr. Carson did. But Carson gets drug through the mud for a week over some bullshit dinner conversation, which hasn't yet been proved a lie... and Obama is making up people who never existed! But that's all okay because Obama is the Messiah and Carson is a liar.

Here's the problem with your comparison. Composite girl was a stand in for people who he didn't want to identify by name. Kind of understandable, I could imagine what you nutters would do to a white girl who fucked Obama in college if you could track her down. Her name wasn't important to the context of conversations she was in.

BY COMPARISON- General Westmoreland was a real person. He was historically signifigant. So Carson trying to conflate him with maybe some low ranking officer who got assigned to ROTC saying, "Hey, maybe you should apply to the academy!" and inflating that to, "I was definitely offered scholarship!"

What if Obama had married a white woman an a mixed race couple were in the WH? Dude! They would have to double the secret service detail to protect him! Baggers would be committing suicide!
except she didn't lie. there is a political lie going around that she supposedly lied and liars repeat it.

AHhhh... kind of like what's happening to Dr. Carson? ...........thanks!

Carson said he was offered a full scholarship to West Point.

He wasn't offered a full scholarship to West Point.

He lied.

You people still believe a cryptic character in Los Angeles caused Benghazi and that you can still keep your health plan and save $2,500 per year.
You people still believe a cryptic character in Los Angeles caused Benghazi and that you can still keep your health plan and save $2,500 per year.

They're not "people", they're primates.

Not very evolved ones at that. Neanderthals surpassed modern liberals, if not for welfare their genetic garbage wouldn't continue to pollute the gene pool.

Yeah, he made up a totally non-existent person. What's even worse, the person he created was black but he 'bestowed' it with attributes and characteristics of the many white people he knew. This was intended to keep with the "racial struggle" narrative and it sounded better than all these white people who REALLY were the actual influence.

Now the book was really not any different as far as classification as Carson's... both are supposed to be biographical non-fiction... Obama wasn't writing Gone With the Wind. He's supposed to be telling HIS story about HIS life... just as Dr. Carson did. But Carson gets drug through the mud for a week over some bullshit dinner conversation, which hasn't yet been proved a lie... and Obama is making up people who never existed! But that's all okay because Obama is the Messiah and Carson is a liar.

Here's the problem with your comparison. Composite girl was a stand in for people who he didn't want to identify by name. Kind of understandable, I could imagine what you nutters would do to a white girl who fucked Obama in college if you could track her down. Her name wasn't important to the context of conversations she was in.

BY COMPARISON- General Westmoreland was a real person. He was historically signifigant. So Carson trying to conflate him with maybe some low ranking officer who got assigned to ROTC saying, "Hey, maybe you should apply to the academy!" and inflating that to, "I was definitely offered scholarship!"

I'm sorry... You said "here is the problem with your comparison" and then you just repeated the two stories, put your spin on Obama's and lied some more about Carson's. So are you saying that "my problem" is that you're a hack who is just going to keep lying no matter what?

Yeah... I can see that's my problem alright.

You are right about one thing. It IS understandable that Obama didn't want to write about all those white folks who influenced his life because that didn't fit the narrative of his black struggle. Nevertheless. having a good excuse for lying doesn't mean you didn't lie.
I'm sorry... You said "here is the problem with your comparison" and then you just repeated the two stories, put your spin on Obama's and lied some more about Carson's. So are you saying that "my problem" is that you're a hack who is just going to keep lying no matter what?

Yeah... I can see that's my problem alright.

You are right about one thing. It IS understandable that Obama didn't want to write about all those white folks who influenced his life because that didn't fit the narrative of his black struggle. Nevertheless. having a good excuse for lying doesn't mean you didn't lie.

Guy, your problem is that you suffer from Obama Derangement Syndrome, which will probably metasticize into Hillary Derangement Syndrome when she gets elected.

the fact you want to put some sinister spin on Obama's not mentioning names of people who didn't want to be mentioned is amusing, but pointless. On the other hand, Uncle Tom wanted people to think he was this guy who could have gotten into the academy, but turned it down, when in fact, someone just suggested he apply.

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