Hillary Claims She Tried to Join Marines!

I'm sorry... You said "here is the problem with your comparison" and then you just repeated the two stories, put your spin on Obama's and lied some more about Carson's. So are you saying that "my problem" is that you're a hack who is just going to keep lying no matter what?

Yeah... I can see that's my problem alright.

You are right about one thing. It IS understandable that Obama didn't want to write about all those white folks who influenced his life because that didn't fit the narrative of his black struggle. Nevertheless. having a good excuse for lying doesn't mean you didn't lie.

Guy, your problem is that you suffer from Obama Derangement Syndrome, which will probably metasticize into Hillary Derangement Syndrome when she gets elected.

the fact you want to put some sinister spin on Obama's not mentioning names of people who didn't want to be mentioned is amusing, but pointless. On the other hand, Uncle Tom wanted people to think he was this guy who could have gotten into the academy, but turned it down, when in fact, someone just suggested he apply.

Well if I have Obama Derangement Syndrome it was contracted from someone who had Bush Derangement Syndrome. They probably contracted it from someone with Clinton Derangement Syndrome who contracted that from Reagan Derangement Syndrome... and we can go back to Andrew Jackson with this. That is pointless.

I didn't put any spin on what Obama did in his book. He dishonestly portrayed a person as real who wasn't real. He portrayed them as black and adorned them with aspects of actual real white people he knew. That is a fact, no spin, no derangement. You suggested it was "understandable" and I simply agreed with you. I full understand... If you're writing a book and want to emphasis your struggle as a black man, you can't be talking about all these white folks who influenced your life, it doesn't help you make that literary point. I get that, it makes total sense. It just doesn't make what he said less of a lie.

Dr. Carson was completely ambushed by hacks who aren't very bright. They first said that he claimed to be accepted by West Point and turned it down. I guess a phone call from a lawyer convinced them they might want to take that down and they did. Then it became, he says he was offered a scholarship but West Point only makes "appointments" and they never made one to Carson. Again... he never claimed that. He then explains that it was an informal conversation with Gen. Westmoreland and he never applied to West Point and never claimed he had. Next day, the headlines are: Carson Admits Claims in Book are False!

This is how the Left plays ball. We all know it, we all see it. You're not being clever at all. The Carson incident is just the latest classic example of how Liberals lie, then lie about the lie, then lie about the lie about the lie. Which is where we're at now.
I didn't put any spin on what Obama did in his book. He dishonestly portrayed a person as real who wasn't real. He portrayed them as black and adorned them with aspects of actual real white people he knew. That is a fact, no spin, no derangement. You suggested it was "understandable" and I simply agreed with you. I full understand... If you're writing a book and want to emphasis your struggle as a black man, you can't be talking about all these white folks who influenced your life, it doesn't help you make that literary point. I get that, it makes total sense. It just doesn't make what he said less of a lie.

Meh, you are reading racial things into it that just aren't there, but that's okay. ODS is all about Race. ODS is when you reject your own very sensible ideas like RomneyCare and reject them when the Black Guy suggests them. And when he creates a composite character (did this character even have a name in the book?) it must be for some sinister racial reason.

Dr. Carson was completely ambushed by hacks who aren't very bright. They first said that he claimed to be accepted by West Point and turned it down. I guess a phone call from a lawyer convinced them they might want to take that down and they did. Then it became, he says he was offered a scholarship but West Point only makes "appointments" and they never made one to Carson. Again... he never claimed that. He then explains that it was an informal conversation with Gen. Westmoreland and he never applied to West Point and never claimed he had. Next day, the headlines are: Carson Admits Claims in Book are False!

Yes, it was an informal conversation with General Westmoreland that was so informal that the General wasn't involved in it, as his records shows he was 1000 miles away in Washington at the time. That's how informal that conversation was.

That's like me saying I dated Marilyn Monroe. Of course, Marilyn died when I was a baby, but I did date a girl named Marilyn once. so close enough, right?

This is how the Left plays ball. We all know it, we all see it. You're not being clever at all. The Carson incident is just the latest classic example of how Liberals lie, then lie about the lie, then lie about the lie about the lie. Which is where we're at now.

No, guy, the problem is that a huckster Uncle Tom like Carson has been embraced by the crazy right because he's your racism beard. "See, I'm not racist with my 24/7 hating on Obama. I likes Ben Carson because he tells me all the other blacks are as shiftless as i think they are!"

The problem is, Carson is a fraud, he's always been a fraud, and now the media is actually paying attention to the fraud.
so informal that the General wasn't involved in it

You never proved that. You just found he wasn't there on a specific date, that doesn't prove a conversation did not happen. Sorry.

Well, yeah, since he CLAIMED it happened on a specific date, and we know the man was somewhere else on that specific date, that does kind of call the whole story into question, doesn't it.

Now, if Carson could produce a picture of himself shaking hands with Westy, his claims, "oh, it must have been three months earlier!" might have some credibility.
so informal that the General wasn't involved in it

You never proved that. You just found he wasn't there on a specific date, that doesn't prove a conversation did not happen. Sorry.

Well, yeah, since he CLAIMED it happened on a specific date, and we know the man was somewhere else on that specific date, that does kind of call the whole story into question, doesn't it.

Now, if Carson could produce a picture of himself shaking hands with Westy, his claims, "oh, it must have been three months earlier!" might have some credibility.

From how I read the excerpt, he didn't claim anything was on a specific date. He mentioned a parade on a date and a dinner with special guests. Then he said he met Gen Westmoreland and had dinner with him but he didn't say it was on that same day. Westmoreland WAS in Detroit later in February, where he had dinner with Carson and others. Obviously, that is when he had the conversation. Westmoreland indicated to Carson that he could get him an interview at West Point and they would pay all his tuition (aka: full scholarship). Carson never applied, never said he applied, never was offered an appointment, never claimed he was offered an appointment.

He doesn't need credibility. That's what the mainstream media needs right now.
Yeah, the movie 'G.I. Jane', starring Demi Moore, was loosely (EXTREMELY loosely) based on Hillary's attempt to join the Marines and her harrowing escape from sniper fire in Bosnia...
...just joined a law firm, her draft-dodging husband is about to be named state AG...yeah, perfect time for this Liberal, admitted Saul Alynski follower to say to herself, 'Ya know what my life is missing? The United States Marine Corp!'

...just joined a law firm, her draft-dodging husband is about to be named state AG...yeah, perfect time for this Liberal, admitted Saul Alynski follower to say to herself, 'Ya know what my life is missing? The United States Marine Corp!'


...Let me just pick up these peace protest fliers at the print shop, then off to the recruiting office!
The USMC was looking for 'a few good men', not some lying, unethical, America-hating, Saul Alynski-studying, self-serving, elitist bi@tch who got booted from the Nixon legal team for an ethics violation / 'lapse'...

Military motto: 'Never leave a man behind'

Hillary motto: 'What difference does it make?'
From how I read the excerpt, he didn't claim anything was on a specific date. He mentioned a parade on a date and a dinner with special guests. Then he said he met Gen Westmoreland and had dinner with him but he didn't say it was on that same day. Westmoreland WAS in Detroit later in February, where he had dinner with Carson and others. Obviously, that is when he had the conversation. Westmoreland indicated to Carson that he could get him an interview at West Point and they would pay all his tuition (aka: full scholarship). Carson never applied, never said he applied, never was offered an appointment, never claimed he was offered an appointment.

He doesn't need credibility. That's what the mainstream media needs right now.

Uh, no, guy, that doesn't add up, either. first, the way he wrote it was he was in this parade over Memorial Day and THEN he had dinner with Westy. When people called him on that, he then scrambled and claimed, "Oh, it must have been that other we verified he was in detroit'.

So we are to believe that a Four Star General who was in the middle of running a war took a personal interest in one inner-city JROTC student. That's kind of a stretch.
...just joined a law firm, her draft-dodging husband is about to be named state AG...yeah, perfect time for this Liberal, admitted Saul Alynski follower to say to herself, 'Ya know what my life is missing? The United States Marine Corp!'

Uh, yeah, you see, the thing is, at the time, the JAG Corps were happy to take lawyers regardless of their political affiliation.
Uh, no, guy, that doesn't add up, either.

Well it adds up just fine to me and to most Americans. His poll numbers are still holding, his campaign isn't reeling... all your bluster was for nothing and exposed the biased liberal media who now have zero credibility with the public.

It's sad... the crowd has moved on and you're still carnival barking... pleaaase listen to me!
...just joined a law firm, her draft-dodging husband is about to be named state AG...yeah, perfect time for this Liberal, admitted Saul Alynski follower to say to herself, 'Ya know what my life is missing? The United States Marine Corp!'

Uh, yeah, you see, the thing is, at the time, the JAG Corps were happy to take lawyers regardless of their political affiliation.

Yes! They would have also been happy to take them wearing glasses and 26 years old as well! That's what lets us know the story is a lie. I don't think she ever went to a recruiting office and talked with a recruiter but if she did, the events did not happen as she told them. This is another Hillary Clinton LIE like the sniper fire, like the YouTube video, like the "vast right wing conspiracy" and like the cookie baking. It's all she ever does.. LIE LIE LIE!
Joe, if the 1-star was at this even he was definitely not too busy running a war...
FLASHBACK: Hillary Said She Tried To Join The Marines. There's No Evidence. The Media Never Checked It Out.

Maureen Dowd, writing for The New York Times, originally covered the story in 1994. She wrote:

Speaking at a lunch on Capitol Hill honoring military women, Hillary Rodham Clinton said that she once visited a recruiting office in Arkansas to inquire about joining the Marines. She told the group gathered for lunch in the Dirksen Office Building, according to The Associated Press, that she became interested in the military in 1975, the year she married Bill Clinton and the year she was teaching at the University of Arkansas law school in Fayetteville. She was 27 then, she said, and the Marine recruiter was about 21. She was interested in joining either the active forces or the reserves, she recalled, but was swiftly rebuffed by the recruiter, who took a dim view of her age and her thick glasses. "You're too old, you can't see and you're a woman," Mrs. Clinton said she was told, adding that the recruiter dismissed her by suggesting she try the Army. "Maybe the dogs would take you," she recalled the recruiter saying. "It was not a very encouraging conversation," she said. "I decided maybe I'll look for another way to serve my country."

Even Dowd at the time questioned the story. The story, said Dowd, “did not seem to fit in with the First Lady’s own persona,” given her identity as a peacenik opposing the Vietnam War and her Life magazine appearance “as an anti-establishment commencement speaker at Wellesley College.” And, as Dowd noted, Hillary told friends she only moved down to Arkansas to be with Bill. Dowd asks, rightly, “she had moved to Arkansas to be with Mr. Clinton, so why was she thinking about joining the Marines?”

As Jim Geraghty of National Review noted in 2007, Hillary’s story doesn’t hold water. Recruiters in 1975, after the end of the draft, would have killed to get Hillary in the service. And no, her eyesight wouldn’t have been a barrier.

In 2008, Bill Clinton tried to tell the same story about Hillary, only he said that she tried to join the Army instead of the Marines.

When Hillary was asked about this bizarre story in 2007, here was her answer, according to Michael Crowley at The New Republic:

I wedged in my second question: What should people make of the fact that she had briefly tried to enlist in the military? At this her eyes narrowed and she threw me a glare of mistrust. “I have very deep and quite broad relationships with people in the military,” she said. As for the meaning of the recruiting visit, “I can’t tell you,” she said with a dismissive wave. “You go look at that.”

Less than edifying.

Hillary has made similar claims about official discrimination about other government agencies. Earlier this year, she claimed that she wrote a letter to NASA when she was 13 saying she wanted to be an astronaut, but received a letter back saying she couldn’t because she was a woman. That would have been illegal under federal law.

She also infamously claimed that she survived sniper fire while flying into Bosnia in 1996: "I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base."

This was a lie.

The media have not checked Hillary’s Marine claim; they take it at face value. That’s because she’s not a black Republican.
...and a loopy kunt
Uh, no, guy, that doesn't add up, either.

Well it adds up just fine to me and to most Americans. His poll numbers are still holding, his campaign isn't reeling... all your bluster was for nothing and exposed the biased liberal media who now have zero credibility with the public.

It's sad... the crowd has moved on and you're still carnival barking... pleaaase listen to me!

And the establishment GOP members are wringing their hands over the possibility that Carson or Trump actually win the nomination. What does that tell you Boss Boy?
Uh, no, guy, that doesn't add up, either.

Well it adds up just fine to me and to most Americans. His poll numbers are still holding, his campaign isn't reeling... all your bluster was for nothing and exposed the biased liberal media who now have zero credibility with the public.

It's sad... the crowd has moved on and you're still carnival barking... pleaaase listen to me!

And the establishment GOP members are wringing their hands over the possibility that Carson or Trump actually win the nomination. What does that tell you Boss Boy?

It tells me that's a really good reason to freak out and make a big deal out of a nothing story.

Hey... We've come a long way in a few short months. At first, it was a joke that Trump would even think of running for president. Then, it was "he'll never file his financials" and then it was "he doesn't stand a chance in hell!" Now, you are openly admitting they are wringing their hands in worry. I think that's a good thing... they should've been worried back in 2010, instead of slobbering all over Obama trying to get his agenda passed. If they had done more hand wringing back then, maybe Trump wouldn't be about to clean their clocks?

Carson is a byproduct of the same Establishment complacency. If they had been standing with Ted Cruz all this time, Carson wouldn't even be in the race.
Uh, no, guy, that doesn't add up, either.

Well it adds up just fine to me and to most Americans. His poll numbers are still holding, his campaign isn't reeling... all your bluster was for nothing and exposed the biased liberal media who now have zero credibility with the public.

It's sad... the crowd has moved on and you're still carnival barking... pleaaase listen to me!

Uh, guy, Uncle Tom is falling behind Combover. He no longer leads in the Iowa RCP Averages.
It tells me that's a really good reason to freak out and make a big deal out of a nothing story.

Hey... We've come a long way in a few short months. At first, it was a joke that Trump would even think of running for president. Then, it was "he'll never file his financials" and then it was "he doesn't stand a chance in hell!" Now, you are openly admitting they are wringing their hands in worry. I think that's a good thing... they should've been worried back in 2010, instead of slobbering all over Obama trying to get his agenda passed. If they had done more hand wringing back then, maybe Trump wouldn't be about to clean their clocks?

Carson is a byproduct of the same Establishment complacency. If they had been standing with Ted Cruz all this time, Carson wouldn't even be in the race.

Guy the fact thta your movement has become too crazy for your leaders isn't anything to be proud of.

A political party that runs celebrities instead of politicians is one that is severely broken.

Hint- Jesse the Body Ventura and Arnold Schwarzenegger were considered FAILURE celebrity governors. The presidency is not the place to put a celebritard.

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