Hillary Claims She Tried to Join Marines!

The GOP is desperatly trying to keep minorities away from the polls. They are chipping away at the voting rights act. We all know the only way the GOP can win elections is to keep voters away from the polls.
The White House FBI files controversy of the Clinton Administration, often referred to as Filegate,[1]arose in June 1996 around improper access in 1993 and 1994 to Federal Bureau of Investigationsecurity-clearance documents. Craig Livingstone, director of the White House's Office of Personnel Security, improperly requested, and received from the FBI, background reports concerning several hundred individuals without asking permission.

One more time- this was part of Ken Starr's investigation - and there were no criminal charges filed in relation to anything to do with FileGate.

Is this what you guys are going to do, rehash all these old batttles you lost back in the 1990's? Because it's kind of sad, really. No one cared then and even less people care now.

Hey, you all want to impress me. Find a guy who would make a good president based on his fine work in public service. Have him bring out his ideas which are hopefully not the same ideas that left us with war and recessions the last time you guys were in power. Then have him debate Hillary on the issues.

But, no, maybe you guys should just run some Celebrity Clown. That will work out for you, i"m sure.
Reveals how desperate they are.
We don't care if the Clinton's embellish the truth.

WOW! That's revealing, isn't it?

Is THAT what they call criminal indictment on perjury and obstruction of justice these days?
Barred from practicing law and impeached for "embellishing the truth" he says? :rofl:
The White House FBI files controversy of the Clinton Administration, often referred to as Filegate,[1]arose in June 1996 around improper access in 1993 and 1994 to Federal Bureau of Investigationsecurity-clearance documents. Craig Livingstone, director of the White House's Office of Personnel Security, improperly requested, and received from the FBI, background reports concerning several hundred individuals without asking permission.

One more time- this was part of Ken Starr's investigation - and there were no criminal charges filed in relation to anything to do with FileGate.

Is this what you guys are going to do, rehash all these old batttles you lost back in the 1990's? Because it's kind of sad, really. No one cared then and even less people care now.

Hey, you all want to impress me. Find a guy who would make a good president based on his fine work in public service. Have him bring out his ideas which are hopefully not the same ideas that left us with war and recessions the last time you guys were in power. Then have him debate Hillary on the issues.

But, no, maybe you guys should just run some Celebrity Clown. That will work out for you, i"m sure.

Whoever the nominee is will definitely exploit Ms. Clinton's long scandalous history as well as that of her husband. We will be reviving the Clinton Body Count and all sorts of details about Mena, Ark., land deals, cattle futures, travelgate, chinagate, FBIgate, the mysterious selective amnesia witnesses seem to get when testifying against the Clintons, the mysterious way some witnesses get themselves good and dead before time to testify... blue semen stained dresses and all. It's a coming, get ready!

Debate Hillary on the issues? :rofl:

Seriously? You go on a week long smear rampage of Dr. Ben Carson over some silly detail of an event that happened when he was in high school and question his HONESTY... and now you want to slither off back under your rock and whine "debate hillary on da issuezz!" FUCK YOU!
The White House FBI files controversy of the Clinton Administration, often referred to as Filegate,[1]arose in June 1996 around improper access in 1993 and 1994 to Federal Bureau of Investigationsecurity-clearance documents. Craig Livingstone, director of the White House's Office of Personnel Security, improperly requested, and received from the FBI, background reports concerning several hundred individuals without asking permission.

One more time- this was part of Ken Starr's investigation - and there were no criminal charges filed in relation to anything to do with FileGate.

Is this what you guys are going to do, rehash all these old batttles you lost back in the 1990's? Because it's kind of sad, really. No one cared then and even less people care now.

Hey, you all want to impress me. Find a guy who would make a good president based on his fine work in public service. Have him bring out his ideas which are hopefully not the same ideas that left us with war and recessions the last time you guys were in power. Then have him debate Hillary on the issues.

But, no, maybe you guys should just run some Celebrity Clown. That will work out for you, i"m sure.
Reveals how desperate they are.

What's "desperate" is when you have to go back to a book written 15 years ago and find a story of when a man was in high school and pick some silly detail apart about a dinner conversation in order to "question his honesty" through your pathetic lapdog media. THAT's desperate.
The White House FBI files controversy of the Clinton Administration, often referred to as Filegate,[1]arose in June 1996 around improper access in 1993 and 1994 to Federal Bureau of Investigationsecurity-clearance documents. Craig Livingstone, director of the White House's Office of Personnel Security, improperly requested, and received from the FBI, background reports concerning several hundred individuals without asking permission.

One more time- this was part of Ken Starr's investigation - and there were no criminal charges filed in relation to anything to do with FileGate.

Is this what you guys are going to do, rehash all these old batttles you lost back in the 1990's? Because it's kind of sad, really. No one cared then and even less people care now.

Hey, you all want to impress me. Find a guy who would make a good president based on his fine work in public service. Have him bring out his ideas which are hopefully not the same ideas that left us with war and recessions the last time you guys were in power. Then have him debate Hillary on the issues.

But, no, maybe you guys should just run some Celebrity Clown. That will work out for you, i"m sure.
Reveals how desperate they are.

What's "desperate" is when you have to go back to a book written 15 years ago and find a story of when a man was in high school and pick some silly detail apart about a dinner conversation in order to "question his honesty" through your pathetic lapdog media. THAT's desperate.
You say that as if you loony righties didn't parse every word of Obama's book. :eusa_doh:
The White House FBI files controversy of the Clinton Administration, often referred to as Filegate,[1]arose in June 1996 around improper access in 1993 and 1994 to Federal Bureau of Investigationsecurity-clearance documents. Craig Livingstone, director of the White House's Office of Personnel Security, improperly requested, and received from the FBI, background reports concerning several hundred individuals without asking permission.

One more time- this was part of Ken Starr's investigation - and there were no criminal charges filed in relation to anything to do with FileGate.

Is this what you guys are going to do, rehash all these old batttles you lost back in the 1990's? Because it's kind of sad, really. No one cared then and even less people care now.

Hey, you all want to impress me. Find a guy who would make a good president based on his fine work in public service. Have him bring out his ideas which are hopefully not the same ideas that left us with war and recessions the last time you guys were in power. Then have him debate Hillary on the issues.

But, no, maybe you guys should just run some Celebrity Clown. That will work out for you, i"m sure.
Reveals how desperate they are.

What's "desperate" is when you have to go back to a book written 15 years ago and find a story of when a man was in high school and pick some silly detail apart about a dinner conversation in order to "question his honesty" through your pathetic lapdog media. THAT's desperate.
You say that as if you loony righties didn't parse every word of Obama's book. :eusa_doh:

Indeed we did but the left holds a completely different standard for their Messiah. While Carson is held to the carpet over minute details of a dinner conversation with General Westmoreland... Obama creates entirely new fictitious people who are black and composites influential white people in his life into his "composite woman." Events are combined and intertwined, presented out of order to tell a story that is really more of a political commentary or loose memoir than a biography.

There were actually so many lies in Obama's book they had to break them down into two categories... the ones he unwittingly lied about through stories his family told that weren't true, and the lies he just outright told. I think they documented 38 at least.
Hillary Clinton cannot even remember all of the lies she tells. Remember when "Chelsea was right near the World Trade Center when it came down?" Chelsea was interviewed later and asked where she was at the time of the planes hitting. She said she was at a friends apt. watching it on tv.
If you want employers to prove a white person hired over a black was more qualified, same applies to a black hired over a white. The problem is when blacks aren't as qualified, they get hired due to programs in place that don't apply to white simply based on skin color.

and where do you think this is happening, exactly? Because you know what, guy, I've been in the civilian workforce for something like 24 years, and i have yet to meet one of these "Affirmative Action" hires you keep talking about.

I did see a black woman who got fired once so that a manager could create a position for his drinking buddy he had no qualifications for.

You haven't kept a job long enough. I've been part of a commission board for a public service agency and while we never had more qualified blacks apply, special efforts had to be made to make sure blacks got the word for job openings while the white boys had to find out themselves through effort.

I'm sure you saw that black woman fired. I'm sure you can prove it happened.
Hillary Clinton cannot even remember all of the lies she tells. Remember when "Chelsea was right near the World Trade Center when it came down?" Chelsea was interviewed later and asked where she was at the time of the planes hitting. She said she was at a friends apt. watching it on tv.

When the Liberals lie and it's shown, their supporters claim a mis-speak, etc.
Well since the Marines don't have a military academy per say, probably not.
Graduates of the naval academy in Annapolis have the option of entering either the Navy as an Ensign or the Marines as a 2nd Lieutenant. ....... :cool:

Yes... that's why I said "per say" ...you may have missed it. It's Latin... per se : "in itself."

Hillary lied about trying to join the Marines (or Army, depending on version of lie). But then... Hillary lies constantly and continually. She has been lying ever since she left her lesbian girlfriend to first go out with Bill. In 2008, when campaigning against Obama, she actually told more lies than he did but he won out because his lies were more believable. Hell... Hillary is who started the rumor that Obama was born in Kenya!
She did not. Despite how many times you're told that the earliest known claim started on freerepublic.com, you friggin' liars can't contain yourself from blaming Hillary. :eusa_doh:

The NYT is the Free Republic? Really? Better check your talking points.

Hillary Clinton Says She Once Tried to Be Marine

As the Times describes her, Mrs. Clinton is obviously an alien capable of shape shifting:

But, even given the fact that the nation has become accustomed to Mrs. Clinton's intriguing shape-shifting -- from liberal do-gooder to high-risk commodities trader, from power lawyer to cookie baker, from health care czar to housewife supervising the menu for the state dinner for the Emperor and Empress of Japan -- the latest one is still jarring. Macho Contrast to Clinton
I was talking about the fallacious claim that Hillary started the birther thing. She didn't, it started on freerepublic.com

Here is an quote from a campaign adviser for Mrs. Clinton:

Penn Strategy Memo, March 19, 2007

Penn Strategy Memo, March 19, 2007:

"I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and in his values." Penn proposed targeting Obama's "lack of American roots."

Here is a well reference article clearly showing it was the Clinton camp that pushed the birther issue. And don't forget, Obama was the first birther with Michelle close behind.

Bombshell: 'Washington Post' Confirms Hillary Clinton Started the Birther Movement - Breitbart
We don't care if the Clinton's embellish the truth.

WOW! That's revealing, isn't it?

Is THAT what they call criminal indictment on perjury and obstruction of justice these days?
Barred from practicing law and impeached for "embellishing the truth" he says?

Guy, again, he lied about a BLOW JOB.

67% of Americans thought impeachment was wrong. The spanked the Republicans for doing it, which is why Gingrich isn't in Congress anymore.

Meanwhile, Uncle Tom claims to be an honest guy, but he's lying his ass off about his connections to a snake-oil company, stabbing his classmates, getting into West Point and C'thulhu knows what else.
Whoever the nominee is will definitely exploit Ms. Clinton's long scandalous history as well as that of her husband. We will be reviving the Clinton Body Count and all sorts of details about Mena, Ark., land deals, cattle futures, travelgate, chinagate, FBIgate, the mysterious selective amnesia witnesses seem to get when testifying against the Clintons, the mysterious way some witnesses get themselves good and dead before time to testify... blue semen stained dresses and all. It's a coming, get ready!

Uh, guy, here's the problem with that. Why do you think that would be any more effective now than it was in 1992 or 1996?

Here's the real problem you have that you didnt' have then. Back in 1998, I was one of you right wingers who used to say "Subornation of Perjury" like that was something to be really, really worried about.

Then Bush got in, and we got War and Recession and a major city wiped off the map because he appointed a Horse Show Guy to run FEMA. Most of us found ourselves with underwater mortgages and busted 401K's.

Suddenly, lying about a blow job doesn't seem like that big of a deal.

Frankly, if you bring back the 1990's economy, Clinton can lie about all the blow jobs he wants.

You see, my standard for htis election is 'Who is going to make MY life better?"

If you aren't voting on this standard, you are doing it wrong.
Indeed we did but the left holds a completely different standard for their Messiah. While Carson is held to the carpet over minute details of a dinner conversation with General Westmoreland... Obama creates entirely new fictitious people who are black and composites influential white people in his life into his "composite woman." Events are combined and intertwined, presented out of order to tell a story that is really more of a political commentary or loose memoir than a biography.

There were actually so many lies in Obama's book they had to break them down into two categories... the ones he unwittingly lied about through stories his family told that weren't true, and the lies he just outright told. I think they documented 38 at least.

"But...but... but... OBAMA!!!!!"

Get over yourselves. You got Obama because Bush fucked everything up. Instead of whining about how he foxed you, how about 1) Realize what you fucked up and 2) give us assurances you won't fuck it up again.
You haven't kept a job long enough.

Last job I worked 7 years and the one before that (the one where they screwed me and cured me of conservative stupidity) I worked six years. So, no, guy, I've been around. Neither of those companies hired that many blacks, and the few they did were completely qualified for the jobs they did. Meanwhile, I've seen drinking buddies and girlfriends and just losers hired off the street because they were white.

I've been part of a commission board for a public service agency and while we never had more qualified blacks apply, special efforts had to be made to make sure blacks got the word for job openings while the white boys had to find out themselves through effort.

So all your conservative whining about big government, and you are sucking off the taxpayer teet? So when did you realize they weren't qualified, when you found out his name was "Jamal"?

I'm sure you saw that black woman fired. I'm sure you can prove it happened.

I'm sure I could. I'm sure I could testify to that if she chose to sue the company.

I know that when they let her go to create a position for the Boss' buddy to go on hour and a half drinking lunches, I got stuck with more work.
We don't care if the Clinton's embellish the truth.

WOW! That's revealing, isn't it?

Is THAT what they call criminal indictment on perjury and obstruction of justice these days?
Barred from practicing law and impeached for "embellishing the truth" he says?

Guy, again, he lied about a BLOW JOB.

67% of Americans thought impeachment was wrong. The spanked the Republicans for doing it, which is why Gingrich isn't in Congress anymore.

Meanwhile, Uncle Tom claims to be an honest guy, but he's lying his ass off about his connections to a snake-oil company, stabbing his classmates, getting into West Point and C'thulhu knows what else.

Yeah I thought that was strange too... Why would you criminally perjure yourself under oath and obstruct justice, loose your lawyer card and become the 2nd president in history to be impeached... over a blowie? Dr. Carson would have said he should've just told the truth and come clean.

Now I am really glad to see that you measure the importance of a lie on the basis of a poll number. So when we see that 70% of the country could care less about Carson and West Point, you will also find that unimportant and insignificant. Correct? I mean... he wasn't exactly indicted for criminal perjury.
Indeed we did but the left holds a completely different standard for their Messiah. While Carson is held to the carpet over minute details of a dinner conversation with General Westmoreland... Obama creates entirely new fictitious people who are black and composites influential white people in his life into his "composite woman." Events are combined and intertwined, presented out of order to tell a story that is really more of a political commentary or loose memoir than a biography.

There were actually so many lies in Obama's book they had to break them down into two categories... the ones he unwittingly lied about through stories his family told that weren't true, and the lies he just outright told. I think they documented 38 at least.

"But...but... but... OBAMA!!!!!"

Get over yourselves. You got Obama because Bush fucked everything up. Instead of whining about how he foxed you, how about 1) Realize what you fucked up and 2) give us assurances you won't fuck it up again.

Faun brought up Obama, not ME! ...Man, you're cracking up on us, aren't you?

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