Hillary Claims She Tried to Join Marines!

So Carson is kissing up to unemployed white people? That makes no sense. I will admit kissing up to liberals hasn't helped the black community either. The liberals use them and then forget about them. Just as Obama has.

When the hell did Obama become a Muslim? Please post all my references I have made on this board on the Bible.

You are a huge fuckin liar. Nothing more, than a big angry, self loathing, liar.

I can always tell when I've trounced you in an argument when you resort to the name calling.

I truly enjoy the space I occupy in your head, rent free.
Clinton's a craven calculating queen bitch. Think if we looked at her history we'd see numerous things all pointing to a future run for President. Didn't divorce her husband after a very public and embarassing affair I think knowing she'd never get elected if she divorced a sitting President.

Probably 'walked in' to a recruiter's office just to be able to say she did later. While calculation's good, in her case it seems more cravenly than sincere.

Or she just read that the Military JAG corps is a good starting point for young lawyers. Until a recruiter who probably wasn't very good at his job dissed her on a personal level, anyway.
I didn't say they retracted the story. He didn't receive a scholarship and he never said he received a scholarship. That is what Politico originally reported and had to change. That's why there is an editor's note saying it has been "updated".

What they had to change was he admitted he lied, because after a lower-level flunky said he did, he came back and claimed he didn't. But he actually did use the word "Scholarship".

Look... this is already an old story. The media has moved on. Reporters know they can't keep hounding Carson over this, he's just going to embarrass them at the pressers. You guys can keep on... like the fucking Energizer Bunny... doesn't make any difference, you're all a bunch of left wing political hacks braying to your own choir. Everybody's heard about it, everybody has an opinion on it, and minds aren't being changed. We can't suspend the elections until we find out whether Carson actually had an offer from Westmoreland or not... that's not going to happen, so what do you want to do?

We don't need to suspend the election. there's a whole bunch of stories in Healing Hands that are suspect now.

1) The whole Westpoint/Westmoreland Story.
2) The story about how he stabbed his classmates.
3) The story about how during the MLK Riots, he protected white kids.
4) The story about how he got an 'Honesty award" for retaking a test after a faculty ruse.

and if you don't think the Media and his GOP Opponents aren't going through every page of that book and every speech Uncle Tom has given trying to ingratiate himself to White People, you are delusional.

Again, the scam is over, he's probably out of the race by the end of the month.
I think the GOP Establishment know they are done. When it turned out that Ted Cruz and Rand Paul weren't the anti-establishment candidates they had to worry about and it was instead, two political outsiders fueled by a mad as hell public who used to be their base. Now, they are gobsmacked. I always love getting to use that word... it's so descriptive. Gobsmacked!

I think when you get to the point where a large section of the bases says, "Cruz and Paul aren't batshit crazy enough for us! Give us Combover and Uncle Tom!!!" the GOP ceases to be a serious political party.

We tried to warn the stupid fuckers back in 2008, when they insisted on nominating McCain. Tried again in 2012 when they went with Romney. Well, now it's 2016 and we're not going for Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio or Christie... or Kasich.. It's two complete outsiders, and the third guy is Cruz!

McCain was probably the best choice you had in 2008. the real thing is, Bush fucked up everything so bad you could have run Jesus Christ and Obama would have still beaten him. What happened in 2008 should have been an event that exiled the GOP to the hinterlands for a generation like Hoover did in 1929. Sadly, we have a shorter attention span today.

As for Romney, that guy lost because he reminded working people why they can't trust the GOP, with comments like "I like to fire people' and "47% of you don't pay taxes, so fuck 'em". He did get the mouth breathing bible thumpers to forget he was a Mormon Heretic long enough to vote against the black guy.

That said, Combover and Uncle Tom are not going to be the nominee. Uncle Tom is already fading, and Combover will fade when it gets closer to the actual voting and people say, "Really?"

So I figure that either the Establishment will gel behind Rubio and have half a chance of winning, or the angry mob of mouth-breathers will get behind Cruz and he'll lose to Hillary by Double Digits.

It's a long way to go but the last thing any of the GOP candidates want to do right now is be tainted with any stench of the Establishment GOP.

I do think you have a point in that after years of getting you stupid people upset about race, religion and politics to distract you from the number they've done on you through tax cuts for the rich, free trade treaties and union busting, you are all sputtering around in confusion. But eventually, the Establishment and the big money guys will get their way... because they always do.
Politico immediately twisted what Carson said in his book. Then they pulled it down and pretended they didn't. Now they're on to distorting and taking other things out of context instead. Other liars are simply regurgitating the original false claims as if they were true and Politico didn't retract them.
Said the LIAR regurgitating the Carson LIE that Politico retracted the story.

Exclusive: Carson claimed West Point 'scholarship' but never applied
Editor’s note: POLITICO stands by its reporting on this story, which has been updated to reflect Ben Carson’s on the record response.

I didn't say they retracted the story. He didn't receive a scholarship and he never said he received a scholarship. That is what Politico originally reported and had to change. That's why there is an editor's note saying it has been "updated".
From the "most honest" pathological liar's book "Gifted Hands:"

“I felt so proud, my chest bursting with ribbons and braids of every kind. To make it more wonderful, we had important visitors that day. Two soldiers who had won the Congressional Medal of Honor in Viet Nam were present,” he wrote. “More exciting to me, General William Westmoreland (very prominent in the Viet Nam war) attended with an impressive entourage. Afterward, Sgt. Hunt” — his high school ROTC director — “introduced me to General Westmoreland, and I had dinner with him and the Congressional Medal winners. Later I was offered a full scholarship to West Point.”

Read more: Exclusive: Carson claimed West Point 'scholarship' but never applied
Politico immediately twisted what Carson said in his book. Then they pulled it down and pretended they didn't. Now they're on to distorting and taking other things out of context instead. Other liars are simply regurgitating the original false claims as if they were true and Politico didn't retract them.
Said the LIAR regurgitating the Carson LIE that Politico retracted the story.

Exclusive: Carson claimed West Point 'scholarship' but never applied
Editor’s note: POLITICO stands by its reporting on this story, which has been updated to reflect Ben Carson’s on the record response.

I didn't say they retracted the story. He didn't receive a scholarship and he never said he received a scholarship. That is what Politico originally reported and had to change. That's why there is an editor's note saying it has been "updated".
From the "most honest" pathological liar's book "Gifted Hands:"

“I felt so proud, my chest bursting with ribbons and braids of every kind. To make it more wonderful, we had important visitors that day. Two soldiers who had won the Congressional Medal of Honor in Viet Nam were present,” he wrote. “More exciting to me, General William Westmoreland (very prominent in the Viet Nam war) attended with an impressive entourage. Afterward, Sgt. Hunt” — his high school ROTC director — “introduced me to General Westmoreland, and I had dinner with him and the Congressional Medal winners. Later I was offered a full scholarship to West Point.”

Read more: Exclusive: Carson claimed West Point 'scholarship' but never applied


Anybody remember "composite woman?" This was the woman referred to in Obama's book, Dreams of my Father, which Obama had to later admit was a composite. Obama just fabricates a whole new person by taking different aspects of various people, then presents them as real folks.

There is also a ton of braggadocio about his academic success but we've never seen any of his academic records. No telling how much bullshit he has told there. Ed if you want to see what lying looks like, read Obama's book. Hell, read Hillary's book... or just listen to any fucking speech they've ever given.

If you like your insurance plan you can keep your insurance plan! If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor!

Apparently, it was a protest over a YouTube video...

I think I was baking cookies with my daughter...

I don't recall.

Server? What's a server?

Did I wipe it? You mean with a towel?
But, but, but .... Obama!!!!

But, but, but.... Hillary!!!

so you really can't defend the fact that Uncle Tom is kind of a boob, eh?

Not to worry, the Establishment will find some sensible person who won't embarrass himself too badly next year, and you can still whine you lost because you didn't have a "Real Conservative".
I think when you get to the point where a large section of the bases says....

I think when you get to the point you're spending every waking hour here, fervently trying everything in your power to stop the runaway train you see heading your way, your frantic state might make you lose sight of the fact that you're coming across as a little manic and obsessive about this.

I'm telling you, you're stressing way too much . The people are going to vote how they're going to vote and there's not a lot you and I can do about it to be honest. Now I know you THINK that there is some huge number of undecided voters out there who you might sway... but I assure you, they are not on USMB following the politics boards. Those of us here are pretty much decided on how we will vote when the time comes. We have a long way to go until the election, we've still got to do primaries and conventions. And here you are, burning yourself out on some silly story about Carson meeting a general and being courted with a scholarship due to his smarts? And you've got all your cut-n-paste prepared with links and everything... you're a well-armed soldier.

Nobody cares!
I think when you get to the point you're spending every waking hour here, fervently trying everything in your power to stop the runaway train you see heading your way, your frantic state might make you lose sight of the fact that you're coming across as a little manic and obsessive about this.

Okay, a whole lot of problems with that argument, not the least of which is I really only spend a few hours a day here, if that, when I'm working on other things on my computer.

I don't worry about Uncle Tom or Combover, I know neither one of those guys are going to be the nominee. I've seen them come and go over the years, the guy you all think is going to save you before the GOP nominates someone nice and safe, because that's what they always do. Heck, when I used to be a Republican, I even got behind a couple of these guys. (I think I have a Fred Thompson sign around here somewhere.)

I do worry that the GOP has become a little crazy. I worry about it because I really do think a functioning two party system is necessary to a democracy.

Anyway, on to demolishing the rest of your screed.

I'm telling you, you're stressing way too much . The people are going to vote how they're going to vote and there's not a lot you and I can do about it to be honest. Now I know you THINK that there is some huge number of undecided voters out there who you might sway... but I assure you, they are not on USMB following the politics boards.

Nor is that my intent. i know that everyone on USMB is kind of set in his or her ways. I do this for enjoyment.

But to the point, I do think that the ascendency of Combover and Uncle Tom shows the GOP base has some serious problems. Since Reagan, the GOP has been telling their white male base that feminists, gays, minorities, et al. are the cause of their misery, when in fact, it's the wealthy who cause most of it. Much like the fictional Frankenstein, they have created a monster they can't control. which is probably good news for the Democrats. Under normal circumstances, the Republicans WOULD have a good shot in 2016 just because the Democrats have had their 8 years in the White House. But if they are seen as too crazy to govern, this could be the exception.

Comparisons are the 1940 election, where the GOP did exactly what you guys think they should do now- elect some businessman who talks a good game but has never held elective office. He lost 40 states.

Those of us here are pretty much decided on how we will vote when the time comes. We have a long way to go until the election, we've still got to do primaries and conventions. And here you are, burning yourself out on some silly story about Carson meeting a general and being courted with a scholarship due to his smarts? And you've got all your cut-n-paste prepared with links and everything... you're a well-armed soldier.

Yes, I actually BOTHER TO DO RESEARCH. you should try it some time.

The reality is, the Establishment will probably win because they always do. The last time they didn't was 1964, and we all see how that turned out.
But, but, but .... Obama!!!!

But, but, but.... Hillary!!!

so you really can't defend the fact that Uncle Tom is kind of a boob, eh?

Not to worry, the Establishment will find some sensible person who won't embarrass himself too badly next year, and you can still whine you lost because you didn't have a "Real Conservative".

Dr. Carson is very smart. That's what I like about the man. He thinks. Makes good decisions under pressure. Is able to troubleshoot a problem and figure out a solution. He's a brain surgeon... you know the saying "it's not exactly brain surgery" ...that's what he does for a living.

So for you to sit there and proclaim that he is not smart and call him "kind of a boob" is really laughable because you don't seem to realize how goofy you appear. I mean... are you special needs? I don't want to laugh at the handicapped.... but dude... Carson is not a boob.

I got news for you guys... If THIS is an indication of the 2016 Democrat Campaign Strategy... you will lose in the biggest landslide the nation has ever seen. It is not going to work for you to constantly try to smear people and avoid the issues the voters are interested in. I really think you guys need to regroup and rethink this whole thing because you're about to get embarrassed and humiliated.
Dr. Carson is very smart. That's what I like about the man. He thinks. Makes good decisions under pressure. Is able to troubleshoot a problem and figure out a solution. He's a brain surgeon... you know the saying "it's not exactly brain surgery" ...that's what he does for a living.

I'm sure he's a perfectly fine surgeon. He's not running for Surgeon General.

So for you to sit there and proclaim that he is not smart and call him "kind of a boob" is really laughable because you don't seem to realize how goofy you appear. I mean... are you special needs? I don't want to laugh at the handicapped.... but dude... Carson is not a boob.

No, guy, someone who thinks the Pyramids were grain Silos is kind of a boob. someone who is running for president and doesn't know what a debt ceiling is is kind of a boob. someone who thinks that Germany's Jews could have taken on the Wehrmacht with pistols is kind of a boob.

I got news for you guys... If THIS is an indication of the 2016 Democrat Campaign Strategy... you will lose in the biggest landslide the nation has ever seen. It is not going to work for you to constantly try to smear people and avoid the issues the voters are interested in. I really think you guys need to regroup and rethink this whole thing because you're about to get embarrassed and humiliated.

What issues do you think Uncle Tom is bringing to the table that people are interested in?

I mean, you might have a better argument with Combover, he's actually addressing issues like immigration and trade.

As for the general election, you guys have the exact same problem in 2016 that you had in 2012 and 2008.

Not enough angry white guys to sustain you in an election where everyone shows up.

In fact, the only time since 1988 that the GOP has won the popular vote (not stolen an election) was 2004, and that was with everything blowing in your direction- incumbancy, a war, an economy that wasn't horrible, and you still almost lost.

What you n eed to do is get Hispanics, Women and working folks back on your side. Uncle tom isn't going to do that and neither is Combover.
Hillary Clinton was offered a full scholarship to the Marines but she turned it down
Dr. Carson is very smart. That's what I like about the man. He thinks. Makes good decisions under pressure. Is able to troubleshoot a problem and figure out a solution. He's a brain surgeon... you know the saying "it's not exactly brain surgery" ...that's what he does for a living.

I'm sure he's a perfectly fine surgeon. He's not running for Surgeon General.

So for you to sit there and proclaim that he is not smart and call him "kind of a boob" is really laughable because you don't seem to realize how goofy you appear. I mean... are you special needs? I don't want to laugh at the handicapped.... but dude... Carson is not a boob.

No, guy, someone who thinks the Pyramids were grain Silos is kind of a boob. someone who is running for president and doesn't know what a debt ceiling is is kind of a boob. someone who thinks that Germany's Jews could have taken on the Wehrmacht with pistols is kind of a boob.

I got news for you guys... If THIS is an indication of the 2016 Democrat Campaign Strategy... you will lose in the biggest landslide the nation has ever seen. It is not going to work for you to constantly try to smear people and avoid the issues the voters are interested in. I really think you guys need to regroup and rethink this whole thing because you're about to get embarrassed and humiliated.

What issues do you think Uncle Tom is bringing to the table that people are interested in?

I mean, you might have a better argument with Combover, he's actually addressing issues like immigration and trade.

As for the general election, you guys have the exact same problem in 2016 that you had in 2012 and 2008.

Not enough angry white guys to sustain you in an election where everyone shows up.

In fact, the only time since 1988 that the GOP has won the popular vote (not stolen an election) was 2004, and that was with everything blowing in your direction- incumbancy, a war, an economy that wasn't horrible, and you still almost lost.

What you n eed to do is get Hispanics, Women and working folks back on your side. Uncle tom isn't going to do that and neither is Combover.

I don't think Carson was planning on you voting for him to be honest. Don't you need to be deciding between Hillary and Bernie? I say you should back ol' Bern... he's standing for what you libtards all believe in... Hillary fucking vacations with the Bushes!
Hillary Clinton was offered a full scholarship to the Marines but she turned it down

No, you have to read the story. They told her she couldn't be a Marine because she wore glasses and was too old. According to people who were recruiters at the time, they say the glasses and age would not have been an issue. The draft had ended and they were desperate for recruits.
Hillary Clinton was offered a full scholarship to the Marines but she turned it down

No, you have to read the story. They told her she couldn't be a Marine because she wore glasses and was too old. According to people who were recruiters at the time, they say the glasses and age would not have been an issue. The draft had ended and they were desperate for recruits.

Hillary was offered a full scholarship to the Marines. The recruiter offered to make her a general but Hillary said she would rather be President instead
So Carson is kissing up to unemployed white people? That makes no sense. I will admit kissing up to liberals hasn't helped the black community either. The liberals use them and then forget about them. Just as Obama has.

When the hell did Obama become a Muslim? Please post all my references I have made on this board on the Bible.

You are a huge fuckin liar. Nothing more, than a big angry, self loathing, liar.

I can always tell when I've trounced you in an argument when you resort to the name calling.

I truly enjoy the space I occupy in your head, rent free.

You had no argument, you accused me of a bunch of crap. You lie and call it a win. Prove your statements, I dare you.
When all this bullshit on Carson came out, I said... Hillary tells more (and bigger) lies before breakfast every morning.

very possibly. But Hillary also has a history of 30+ years in public service and a record we can scrutinize.

All Uncle Tom Carson has are these anecdotes about how awesome he is, as he's never held a public office.

Odd.... Obama had nothing to scrutinize.... yet the leftwing moonbat brigade fell all over themselves to vote for that fucking zero.
Hillary Clinton was offered a full scholarship to the Marines but she turned it down

No, you have to read the story. They told her she couldn't be a Marine because she wore glasses and was too old. According to people who were recruiters at the time, they say the glasses and age would not have been an issue. The draft had ended and they were desperate for recruits.

Hillary was offered a full scholarship to the Marines. The recruiter offered to make her a general but Hillary said she would rather be President instead

I heard she was offered the position of God...
I don't think Carson was planning on you voting for him to be honest. Don't you need to be deciding between Hillary and Bernie? I say you should back ol' Bern... he's standing for what you libtards all believe in... Hillary fucking vacations with the Bushes!

I would happily vote for a Republican who wasn't batshit crazy. You got any of those?

You see, there's the thing. I voted for Ronald Reagan. Today, Ronald Reagan would be an Amnesty loving,tax raising RINO who made deals with the Democrats! HERESY!!!!!

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