Hillary Claims She Tried to Join Marines!

she did not say that she tried to join the marines because she did not actually try to join the marines...

Hillary Rodham Clinton said that she once visited a recruiting office in Arkansas to inquire about joining the Marines.

have you already forgotten our previous posts in this thread? she inquired then chose not to apply.
"Uncle Tom" is a pejorative used by racists to try to convince black people that working, education, living well, and setting a good example for their children is selling out.

Uncle Tom is an accurate description used to describe black folks who want to ingratiate themselves to White People.

she did not say that she tried to join the marines because she did not actually try to join the marines...

Hillary Rodham Clinton said that she once visited a recruiting office in Arkansas to inquire about joining the Marines.

have you already forgotten our previous posts in this thread? she inquired then chose not to apply.

Oh.. well you see, when you are trying to promote a lie as the truth you have to keep your head down and ignore context and nuances. You just have to keep on plowing headlong into the lie and not let anything deter your convictions. Words and phrases can be twisted and distorted into all kinds of things with the right imagination. I learned this from you guys!

So... Hillary tried to join the Marines and they told her she couldn't because her glasses were too thick and she couldn't see... plus she was a woman... then they suggested she try the Army. That's when she gave up being a lesbo and grabbed her a man with political ambitions to hitch her star to.
Uncle Tom is an accurate description used to describe black folks who want to ingratiate themselves to White People.

Isn't it interesting that Joe The Racist capitalizes "White People" but not "black folks" in his sentences?

Yes.... and how DARE a 'blackie' try to ingratiate himself to a white person?
They should know their place, right Joe?
"Uncle Tom" is a pejorative used by racists to try to convince black people that working, education, living well, and setting a good example for their children is selling out.

Uncle Tom is an accurate description used to describe black folks who want to ingratiate themselves to White People.

Carson, goes against white beliefs. Against gay marriage, which many whites are for. He is against Obamacare, which many whites are. Not sure how your logic is working. If he wanted to ingratiate himself to whites, like yourself, he'd be for the white liberal agenda that keeps the blacks poor and in servitude to the Democratic Party.
Trump called Carson a liar, and 99.9% of the RW'ers on this board say Carson didn't lie.
So what Carson didn't lie. Now till you hold Obama and Hillary to the same scrutiny. You have no creditability. Move along now.

1. Carson said he was offered a scholarship to West Point.

2. West Point never offered him a scholarship. In fact West Point never offered him anything.

He lied.

Hey, shit for brains... this thread is not about Carson. We have about 50 threads on the Carson/West Point deal... this one is about HILLARY... you know, that lying bitch you're voting for to be your president.

So stop trying to hijack the thread and talk about Carson here, go find one of the many Carson threads and emote your little heart out. If you want to defend your lying bitch here, go right ahead.

If you didn't want this thread to be about Carson, you shouldn't have brought him into it in the OP:

"The media have not checked Hillary’s Marine claim; they take it at face value. That’s because she’s not a black Republican."

You people get dumber every day.

Carson wasn't mentioned in the OP... LIAR.

Stop trying to hijack the thread to talk about Carson. There are many Carson threads, this one is about Hillary.

So you're denying that the black Republican you referred to in the OP was Carson?


Tell us which black Republican you were referring to, or shut the fuck up.
So what Carson didn't lie. Now till you hold Obama and Hillary to the same scrutiny. You have no creditability. Move along now.

1. Carson said he was offered a scholarship to West Point.

2. West Point never offered him a scholarship. In fact West Point never offered him anything.

He lied.

Hey, shit for brains... this thread is not about Carson. We have about 50 threads on the Carson/West Point deal... this one is about HILLARY... you know, that lying bitch you're voting for to be your president.

So stop trying to hijack the thread and talk about Carson here, go find one of the many Carson threads and emote your little heart out. If you want to defend your lying bitch here, go right ahead.

If you didn't want this thread to be about Carson, you shouldn't have brought him into it in the OP:

"The media have not checked Hillary’s Marine claim; they take it at face value. That’s because she’s not a black Republican."

You people get dumber every day.

Carson wasn't mentioned in the OP... LIAR.

Stop trying to hijack the thread to talk about Carson. There are many Carson threads, this one is about Hillary.

So you're denying that the black Republican you referred to in the OP was Carson?


Tell us which black Republican you were referring to, or shut the fuck up.

Don't tell me to shut up, punk. Go read the forum rules. The OP topic is not Dr. Carson. There are at least five active threads discussing Carson, this one is about Hillary. You are not going to be allowed to come in here and take over this thread with an ongoing discussion of Carson. That is why there are thread topics, 'tard. You can mention Carson, directly or indirectly... that is within the forum rules. You can call me a son of a bitch as long as you post something relevant to the topic. Do we need to get a moderator to clarify this?

I made the post because I think it's remarkable that Hillary made comments far more outlandish than anything Carson is being accused of and people like you didn't bat an eye. Your hypocricy has been exposed and you are now trying to sabotage the thread and turn this into another thread about Carson and West Point. We can all see exactly what you're doing.
Carson, goes against white beliefs. Against gay marriage, which many whites are for. He is against Obamacare, which many whites are. Not sure how your logic is working. If he wanted to ingratiate himself to whites, like yourself, he'd be for the white liberal agenda that keeps the blacks poor and in servitude to the Democratic Party.

Hey, guy, you realize that most black people HAVE JOBS.

Or the majority of people on Government assistance ARE WHITE?

But because you are God's Own Special Retard, I guess I should have qualified that he is an Uncle Tom who ingratiates himself to bible-thumping, mouth-breathing Whites like yourself think Obama is a Muslim. Is that better for you, Stupid?
Isn't it interesting that Joe The Racist capitalizes "White People" but not "black folks" in his sentences?

Yes.... and how DARE a 'blackie' try to ingratiate himself to a white person?
They should know their place, right Joe?

Um, they shouldn't sell out, no.


Just think of what a proud day it will be in America to see the results of all those government assistance programs you've mentioned in your graphic, coming to fruition to bear the fruit of a president! I think it is just a remarkable story. It shows that anyone is capable of success and the reason they are not successful has nothing to do with these programs.
of what a proud day it will be in America to see the results of all those government assistance programs you've mentioned in your graphic, coming to fruition to bear the fruit of a president! I think it is just a remarkable story. It shows that anyone is capable of success and the reason they are not successful has nothing to do with these programs.

Guy, when they put down Uncle Tom like Old Yeller, it won't be the Liberals doing it, it will be the GOP Establishment.
Carson, goes against white beliefs. Against gay marriage, which many whites are for. He is against Obamacare, which many whites are. Not sure how your logic is working. If he wanted to ingratiate himself to whites, like yourself, he'd be for the white liberal agenda that keeps the blacks poor and in servitude to the Democratic Party.

Hey, guy, you realize that most black people HAVE JOBS.

Or the majority of people on Government assistance ARE WHITE?

But because you are God's Own Special Retard, I guess I should have qualified that he is an Uncle Tom who ingratiates himself to bible-thumping, mouth-breathing Whites like yourself think Obama is a Muslim. Is that better for you, Stupid?

So Carson is kissing up to unemployed white people? That makes no sense. I will admit kissing up to liberals hasn't helped the black community either. The liberals use them and then forget about them. Just as Obama has.

When the hell did Obama become a Muslim? Please post all my references I have made on this board on the Bible.

You are a huge fuckin liar. Nothing more, than a big angry, self loathing, liar.
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of what a proud day it will be in America to see the results of all those government assistance programs you've mentioned in your graphic, coming to fruition to bear the fruit of a president! I think it is just a remarkable story. It shows that anyone is capable of success and the reason they are not successful has nothing to do with these programs.

Guy, when they put down Uncle Tom like Old Yeller, it won't be the Liberals doing it, it will be the GOP Establishment.

I think the GOP Establishment know they are done. When it turned out that Ted Cruz and Rand Paul weren't the anti-establishment candidates they had to worry about and it was instead, two political outsiders fueled by a mad as hell public who used to be their base. Now, they are gobsmacked. I always love getting to use that word... it's so descriptive. Gobsmacked!

We tried to warn the stupid fuckers back in 2008, when they insisted on nominating McCain. Tried again in 2012 when they went with Romney. Well, now it's 2016 and we're not going for Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio or Christie... or Kasich.. It's two complete outsiders, and the third guy is Cruz!

It's a long way to go but the last thing any of the GOP candidates want to do right now is be tainted with any stench of the Establishment GOP.
FLASHBACK: Hillary Said She Tried To Join The Marines. There's No Evidence. The Media Never Checked It Out.

Maureen Dowd, writing for The New York Times, originally covered the story in 1994. She wrote:

Speaking at a lunch on Capitol Hill honoring military women, Hillary Rodham Clinton said that she once visited a recruiting office in Arkansas to inquire about joining the Marines. She told the group gathered for lunch in the Dirksen Office Building, according to The Associated Press, that she became interested in the military in 1975, the year she married Bill Clinton and the year she was teaching at the University of Arkansas law school in Fayetteville. She was 27 then, she said, and the Marine recruiter was about 21. She was interested in joining either the active forces or the reserves, she recalled, but was swiftly rebuffed by the recruiter, who took a dim view of her age and her thick glasses. "You're too old, you can't see and you're a woman," Mrs. Clinton said she was told, adding that the recruiter dismissed her by suggesting she try the Army. "Maybe the dogs would take you," she recalled the recruiter saying. "It was not a very encouraging conversation," she said. "I decided maybe I'll look for another way to serve my country."

Even Dowd at the time questioned the story. The story, said Dowd, “did not seem to fit in with the First Lady’s own persona,” given her identity as a peacenik opposing the Vietnam War and her Life magazine appearance “as an anti-establishment commencement speaker at Wellesley College.” And, as Dowd noted, Hillary told friends she only moved down to Arkansas to be with Bill. Dowd asks, rightly, “she had moved to Arkansas to be with Mr. Clinton, so why was she thinking about joining the Marines?”
I don't trust her at all.
As Jim Geraghty of National Review noted in 2007, Hillary’s story doesn’t hold water. Recruiters in 1975, after the end of the draft, would have killed to get Hillary in the service. And no, her eyesight wouldn’t have been a barrier.

In 2008, Bill Clinton tried to tell the same story about Hillary, only he said that she tried to join the Army instead of the Marines.

When Hillary was asked about this bizarre story in 2007, here was her answer, according to Michael Crowley at The New Republic:

I wedged in my second question: What should people make of the fact that she had briefly tried to enlist in the military? At this her eyes narrowed and she threw me a glare of mistrust. “I have very deep and quite broad relationships with people in the military,” she said. As for the meaning of the recruiting visit, “I can’t tell you,” she said with a dismissive wave. “You go look at that.”

Less than edifying.

Hillary has made similar claims about official discrimination about other government agencies. Earlier this year, she claimed that she wrote a letter to NASA when she was 13 saying she wanted to be an astronaut, but received a letter back saying she couldn’t because she was a woman. That would have been illegal under federal law.

She also infamously claimed that she survived sniper fire while flying into Bosnia in 1996: "I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base."

This was a lie.

The media have not checked Hillary’s Marine claim; they take it at face value. That’s because she’s not a black Republican.
Politico immediately twisted what Carson said in his book. Then they pulled it down and pretended they didn't. Now they're on to distorting and taking other things out of context instead. Other liars are simply regurgitating the original false claims as if they were true and Politico didn't retract them.
Said the LIAR regurgitating the Carson LIE that Politico retracted the story.

Exclusive: Carson claimed West Point 'scholarship' but never applied
Editor’s note: POLITICO stands by its reporting on this story, which has been updated to reflect Ben Carson’s on the record response.
Politico immediately twisted what Carson said in his book. Then they pulled it down and pretended they didn't. Now they're on to distorting and taking other things out of context instead. Other liars are simply regurgitating the original false claims as if they were true and Politico didn't retract them.
Said the LIAR regurgitating the Carson LIE that Politico retracted the story.

Exclusive: Carson claimed West Point 'scholarship' but never applied
Editor’s note: POLITICO stands by its reporting on this story, which has been updated to reflect Ben Carson’s on the record response.

I didn't say they retracted the story. He didn't receive a scholarship and he never said he received a scholarship. That is what Politico originally reported and had to change. That's why there is an editor's note saying it has been "updated".

Look... this is already an old story. The media has moved on. Reporters know they can't keep hounding Carson over this, he's just going to embarrass them at the pressers. You guys can keep on... like the fucking Energizer Bunny... doesn't make any difference, you're all a bunch of left wing political hacks braying to your own choir. Everybody's heard about it, everybody has an opinion on it, and minds aren't being changed. We can't suspend the elections until we find out whether Carson actually had an offer from Westmoreland or not... that's not going to happen, so what do you want to do?
Clinton's a craven calculating queen bitch. Think if we looked at her history we'd see numerous things all pointing to a future run for President. Didn't divorce her husband after a very public and embarassing affair I think knowing she'd never get elected if she divorced a sitting President.

Probably 'walked in' to a recruiter's office just to be able to say she did later. While calculation's good, in her case it seems more cravenly than sincere.

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