Hillary Claims She Tried to Join Marines!

Odd.... Obama had nothing to scrutinize.... yet the leftwing moonbat brigade fell all over themselves to vote for that fucking zero.

Guy, I didn't vote for Obama in 2008, and if you shitheads hadn't nominated the Mormon in 2012, I wouldn't have voted for him then, either.

The real problem is the stuff you thought was a big deal in 2008 no one else did.
I don't think Carson was planning on you voting for him to be honest. Don't you need to be deciding between Hillary and Bernie? I say you should back ol' Bern... he's standing for what you libtards all believe in... Hillary fucking vacations with the Bushes!

I would happily vote for a Republican who wasn't batshit crazy. You got any of those?

You see, there's the thing. I voted for Ronald Reagan. Today, Ronald Reagan would be an Amnesty loving,tax raising RINO who made deals with the Democrats! HERESY!!!!!

Well, none of the candidates in the field are crazy. Can you be specific or... ???

If you supported Reagan you should be able to understand the Democrat party isn't remotely close to Reagan's philosophy. Obama sure as hell isn't, he's the quintessential opposite. Someone who voted for Reagan and a few elections later, voted for Obama, is an idiot and moron. No nice way to put it... you just are. If you don't comprehend the difference between Conservatism and Socialism, you need to educate yourself before you vote again.... you're a danger to society.
It's a shame really......Hillary would have made a great Marine
Carson is only a bad choice for president if there is a better alternative. Corrupt lying Washington insiders need not apply, we are sick of their lies and corruption.
Well, none of the candidates in the field are crazy. Can you be specific or... ???

If you supported Reagan you should be able to understand the Democrat party isn't remotely close to Reagan's philosophy. Obama sure as hell isn't, he's the quintessential opposite. Someone who voted for Reagan and a few elections later, voted for Obama, is an idiot and moron. No nice way to put it... you just are. If you don't comprehend the difference between Conservatism and Socialism, you need to educate yourself before you vote again.... you're a danger to society.

dumbass, , when you say "Socialism" like that's a thing, you really are laughable.

Okay, let's look at Reagan the RINO.

Reagan gave Amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens.
He raised taxes 11 times.
He cut a deal with Tip ONeill to save social security and increase the amount of tax it collected.

He'd be about as welcome in the GOP as Lindsey Grahmn is now.

No, guy, a moron is anyone who still votes Republicans after George W. Bush proved you were wrong about... everything.
Well, none of the candidates in the field are crazy. Can you be specific or... ???

If you supported Reagan you should be able to understand the Democrat party isn't remotely close to Reagan's philosophy. Obama sure as hell isn't, he's the quintessential opposite. Someone who voted for Reagan and a few elections later, voted for Obama, is an idiot and moron. No nice way to put it... you just are. If you don't comprehend the difference between Conservatism and Socialism, you need to educate yourself before you vote again.... you're a danger to society.

dumbass, , when you say "Socialism" like that's a thing, you really are laughable.

Okay, let's look at Reagan the RINO.

Reagan gave Amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens.
He raised taxes 11 times.
He cut a deal with Tip ONeill to save social security and increase the amount of tax it collected.

He'd be about as welcome in the GOP as Lindsey Grahmn is now.

No, guy, a moron is anyone who still votes Republicans after George W. Bush proved you were wrong about... everything.

...when you say "Socialism" like that's a thing, you really are laughable.

When you say things like that, you are exposing your true ignorance.

Reagan gave Amnesty to 3 million illegal aliens.

Yes, and the borders were supposed to be sealed and we were going to get tough on illegal immigration and hiring illegal workers. We didn't do any of that. It wasn't Reagan's fault, it was all in the same comprehensive bill that he signed, but when it came to actually funding the projects and doing what was supposed to be done, the Democrats watered it down and got rid of all that pesky enforcement stuff.

This is a liberal anti-Reagan and anti-Conservative talking point. It's an old one at that.

He cut a deal with Tip ONeill

He cut lots of deals with Tip ONeill, he had to. He was speaker of the house. How are you going to get anything done as president if you can't cut a deal with the speaker of the house? :dunno:

He'd be about as welcome in the GOP...

He wasn't welcomed by the Establishment GOP back then, he just had the power of the people backing him. The did everything they could to sabotage his campaign and nominate Gerald Ford. The Conservative base still loves Reagan and his core philosophy.

after George W. Bush proved you were wrong about... everything.

But he didn't prove Conservatives wrong, he proved them right. His "compassionate conservatism" was a disaster. He spent us into oblivion and we got nothing from it... he didn't even get any love from the liberals he was trying to satisfy. His tax cut was ineffective because it targeted everybody and cancelled itself out. The Bushes are not true Conservatives.
He cut a deal with Tip ONeill

He cut lots of deals with Tip ONeill, he had to. He was speaker of the house. How are you going to get anything done as president if you can't cut a deal with the speaker of the house? :dunno:
St Ronnie didn't cut any deals with Tip O'Neill. Tip and Bob Dole, the GOP president of the Senate cut a tax and spending deal and Reagan welshed on it because it included spending cuts to his worthless Star Wars boondoggle.
after George W. Bush proved you were wrong about... everything.

But he didn't prove Conservatives wrong, he proved them right. His "compassionate conservatism" was a disaster.
Dumbya proved the worthlessness of your CON$ervoFascism. "Compassionate CON$ervatism" was George H W Bush, you ignorant boob!
He cut a deal with Tip ONeill

He cut lots of deals with Tip ONeill, he had to. He was speaker of the house. How are you going to get anything done as president if you can't cut a deal with the speaker of the house? :dunno:
St Ronnie didn't cut any deals with Tip O'Neill. Tip and Bob Dole, the GOP president of the Senate cut a tax and spending deal and Reagan welshed on it because it included spending cuts to his worthless Star Wars boondoggle.

President of the Senate? No... that would've been the VP, G.H.W. Bush. And President's don't welsh, they veto. Anymore revisionist claptrap you want to spew out?
after George W. Bush proved you were wrong about... everything.

But he didn't prove Conservatives wrong, he proved them right. His "compassionate conservatism" was a disaster.
Dumbya proved the worthlessness of your CON$ervoFascism. "Compassionate CON$ervatism" was George H W Bush, you ignorant boob!

Compassionate conservatism isn't Conservative and doesn't conform to Conservative philosophy. Bush Sr. was a northeastern "moderate" who pass themselves off as conservative. Apparently, it means you tell everyone you are conservative, use the republican funding and resources, associate with popular republican figures but vote and govern as a liberal.

Compassionate conservatism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
...in recent times it has been strongly associated with former U.S. President George W. Bush, who commonly used the term to describe his personal views.

Who is the ignorant boob?
When all this bullshit on Carson came out, I said... Hillary tells more (and bigger) lies before breakfast every morning.

very possibly. But Hillary also has a history of 30+ years in public service and a record we can scrutinize.

All Uncle Tom Carson has are these anecdotes about how awesome he is, as he's never held a public office.

Do you count Hillary's 8 years as 1st "Lady" in those 30. That's not public service. That's being married to someone elected to office.

All Bastard Barack has is claims he did so much educationally yet all we have is sealed records.
Yes, and the borders were supposed to be sealed and we were going to get tough on illegal immigration and hiring illegal workers. We didn't do any of that. It wasn't Reagan's fault, it was all in the same comprehensive bill that he signed, but when it came to actually funding the projects and doing what was supposed to be done, the Democrats watered it down and got rid of all that pesky enforcement stuff.

This is a liberal anti-Reagan and anti-Conservative talking point. It's an old one at that.

This is where I have to conclude all you Conservatives are piss stupid. Do you think Reagan and his masters in the 1% were REALLY serious about "getting tough"? Of course they weren't. The purpose of Amnesty was to make 3 million more cheap workers available to the 1% to exploit. You could end the "illegal" problem in ten minutes. No walls, no deportations. Just prosecute anyone who hires them and confiscate their shit.

But the Rich WANT illegals. And they want to keep dumb-ass mouth-breathers like you upset that a Mexican might date their daughters. Because the last thing they want stupid mouth breathers like you to realize is that you have more in common with the illegals than the One-Percenters who really run the GOP.

So they trot out someone like Uncle Tom who will validate your bigotries, and then keep screwing you. SQUEAL LIKE A PIG, BOY!!!!

He cut lots of deals with Tip ONeill, he had to. He was speaker of the house. How are you going to get anything done as president if you can't cut a deal with the speaker of the house?

Hey, dumbass, your side just ran poor Boehner out on a rail because he cut deals with Obama. So frankly, cutting deals with the "enemy" is the greatest of heresies!!!!

He wasn't welcomed by the Establishment GOP back then, he just had the power of the people backing him. The did everything they could to sabotage his campaign and nominate Gerald Ford. The Conservative base still loves Reagan and his core philosophy.

They love the MYTHICAL Reagan they've built up. And that's understandable. He's the only GOP President since that Commie Ike who wasn't voted out of office, impeached or left the economy in smoldering ruins.

The Real Reagan would be a RINO today, and people were whining he was a RINO then. That's why Bush had to scream "Read my Lips". Because Conservatives were so upset Reagan had compromised so much.

But he didn't prove Conservatives wrong, he proved them right. His "compassionate conservatism" was a disaster. He spent us into oblivion and we got nothing from it... he didn't even get any love from the liberals he was trying to satisfy. His tax cut was ineffective because it targeted everybody and cancelled itself out. The Bushes are not true Conservatives.

Ah, yes, the "No True Scotsman" Fallacy. That never gets old. Why isn't Bush a "real conservative". Not because he didn't get you every last fucking thing you wanted- more than Reagan did because he actually had a Congress ready to sign off on the worst stupidity. No, Bush isn't a "real conservative" because he fucked up EVERYTHING.

But instead of admitting things like "We really need government to regulate business" and "Tax cuts for rich people doesn't stimulate the economy", no, no, it was because Bush felt the need to make Conservatives sound less like assholes to get elected.

Reagan spent us into Oblivion, too, buddy. He tripled the national debt, and worse, created the precendent that we could have guns and butter and not pay for it. Don't blame the Bushes for continuing what Reagan started.
Compassionate conservatism isn't Conservative and doesn't conform to Conservative philosophy.

That's very true. Conservatism is about fucking over the working man to benefit the rich, and getting the working man upset about sex, religion and guns in order to get the really, really stupid ones to vote against their own economic interests.

Anyone who is still voting conservative after 2008 is really, really stupid.
Do you count Hillary's 8 years as 1st "Lady" in those 30. That's not public service. That's being married to someone elected to office.

And being involved in policy, causes, advocating policy. personally, I would love to have the First Lady be just his wife. That's not the system we have. We expect them to do stuff.

All Bastard Barack has is claims he did so much educationally yet all we have is sealed records.

And the fact he was named head of the Harvard Law Review.

and the fact he got a JD.
Compassionate conservatism isn't Conservative and doesn't conform to Conservative philosophy.

That's very true. Conservatism is about fucking over the working man to benefit the rich, and getting the working man upset about sex, religion and guns in order to get the really, really stupid ones to vote against their own economic interests.

Anyone who is still voting conservative after 2008 is really, really stupid.

Or very, very smart... I want to join the club, not tear down its house.

I am where I am today not by the policies of the left/Democrats, but that of conservative values where the strong and motivated succeed, and the lazy entitled exist by only what the government decides I must financially contribute


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