Hillary Claims She Tried to Join Marines!

The purpose of Amnesty was to make 3 million more cheap workers available to the 1% to exploit. You could end the "illegal" problem in ten minutes. No walls, no deportations. Just prosecute anyone who hires them and confiscate their shit.

But the Rich WANT illegals. And they want to keep dumb-ass mouth-breathers like you upset that a Mexican might date their daughters. Because the last thing they want stupid mouth breathers like you to realize is that you have more in common with the illegals than the One-Percenters who really run the GOP.

So they trot out someone like Uncle Tom who will validate your bigotries, and then keep screwing you. SQUEAL LIKE A PIG, BOY!!!!

The one-time amnesty Reagan approved was his biggest regret as president. He is quoted on that. He falsely assumed he was solving the immigration problem once and for all. Had he known congress was going to renege on the rest of the bill he would have vetoed it.

So lemme get it straight... the Top 1% run the GOP, and they want illegals flooding into the country where the Democrats are eventually going to make them loyal Democrat voters. They do this so mouth-breathers like me will be upset about Mexicans dating my daughter and I'll keep voting for Republicans who are for the illegals who the democrats will turn into voters. And now, they are appealing to my bigotry by trotting out a black conservative? :dunno: :cuckoo:

And then... somehow, I am supposed to be Ned Beatty and the redneck mouth breather who's raping me is the GOP 1%er??? :uhh:
Or very, very smart... I want to join the club, not tear down its house.

I am where I am today not by the policies of the left/Democrats, but that of conservative values where the strong and motivated succeed, and the lazy entitled exist by only what the government decides I must financially contribute

Cleetus, you are never going to be let into the club. Just because you got the biggest double wide in the trailer park doesn't mean you are in the club.

You have what you have today because a lot of people stood on picket lines and demanded workers rights and social justice. Conservatives would have kept us all in tenements, if they had their way.
You have what you have today because a lot of people stood on picket lines and demanded workers rights and social justice.

That's right! You have all our jobs overseas and everyone is working 3 part time jobs at Wendy's, CVS and Wal-mart now. ..Get used to the new economy!
The one-time amnesty Reagan approved was his biggest regret as president. He is quoted on that. He falsely assumed he was solving the immigration problem once and for all. Had he known congress was going to renege on the rest of the bill he would have vetoed it.


Yeah, Reagan had no idea that his brilliant plan to make employers responsible for policing who was in this country legally would result in more illegals.

Just like he was shocked that his deregulation of the banks resulted in the S&L Crisis.

He was also shocked that his plan to have the Foxes guard the Chicken Coops resulted in a lot of missing chickens.

So lemme get it straight... the Top 1% run the GOP, and they want illegals flooding into the country where the Democrats are eventually going to make them loyal Democrat voters. They do this so mouth-breathers like me will be upset about Mexicans dating my daughter and I'll keep voting for Republicans who are for the illegals who the democrats will turn into voters. And now, they are appealing to my bigotry by trotting out a black conservative? :dunno: :cuckoo:

And then... somehow, I am supposed to be Ned Beatty and the redneck mouth breather who's raping me is the GOP 1%er???

I think you have the problem surrounded.

Again, they could end illegal immigration easily. Go after the people who hire them instead of paying an American a fair wage.

But dumb shits like you keep falling for it.
You have what you have today because a lot of people stood on picket lines and demanded workers rights and social justice.

That's right! You have all our jobs overseas and everyone is working 3 part time jobs at Wendy's, CVS and Wal-mart now. ..Get used to the new economy!

Again, isn't that like blaming the rape victim for her short skirt?

The GOP pushed all these brain dead free trade treaties, busted the unions, pushed "Right to work" and "at will employment". And you dumb-ass brain dead piss stupid right wingers keep voting for the interests of the rich.

Do you NOT realize how stupid you look?
The one-time amnesty Reagan approved was his biggest regret as president. He is quoted on that. He falsely assumed he was solving the immigration problem once and for all. Had he known congress was going to renege on the rest of the bill he would have vetoed it.


Yeah, Reagan had no idea that his brilliant plan to make employers responsible for policing who was in this country legally would result in more illegals.

Just like he was shocked that his deregulation of the banks resulted in the S&L Crisis.

He was also shocked that his plan to have the Foxes guard the Chicken Coops resulted in a lot of missing chickens.

So lemme get it straight... the Top 1% run the GOP, and they want illegals flooding into the country where the Democrats are eventually going to make them loyal Democrat voters. They do this so mouth-breathers like me will be upset about Mexicans dating my daughter and I'll keep voting for Republicans who are for the illegals who the democrats will turn into voters. And now, they are appealing to my bigotry by trotting out a black conservative? :dunno: :cuckoo:

And then... somehow, I am supposed to be Ned Beatty and the redneck mouth breather who's raping me is the GOP 1%er???

I think you have the problem surrounded.

Again, they could end illegal immigration easily. Go after the people who hire them instead of paying an American a fair wage.

But dumb shits like you keep falling for it.

There is not such thing as a fair wage. Just another red herring

The employer determines what is fair.

There is not such thing as a fair wage. Just another red herring

The employer determines what is fair.

OR the rest of us do through consumer actions and laws.

If we found out that Wal-Mart was making a product out of kittens being skinned alive, we'd rally to put Wal Mart out of business.

But cheat the people who work there... meh, we don't care.

You see, the one thing I LIKE about Trump is he's the one calling bullshit on Free Trade. I don't really believe him, but at least we finally got someone calling bullshit on it.
The one-time amnesty Reagan approved was his biggest regret as president. He is quoted on that. He falsely assumed he was solving the immigration problem once and for all. Had he known congress was going to renege on the rest of the bill he would have vetoed it.


Yeah, Reagan had no idea that his brilliant plan to make employers responsible for policing who was in this country legally would result in more illegals.

Just like he was shocked that his deregulation of the banks resulted in the S&L Crisis.

He was also shocked that his plan to have the Foxes guard the Chicken Coops resulted in a lot of missing chickens.

So lemme get it straight... the Top 1% run the GOP, and they want illegals flooding into the country where the Democrats are eventually going to make them loyal Democrat voters. They do this so mouth-breathers like me will be upset about Mexicans dating my daughter and I'll keep voting for Republicans who are for the illegals who the democrats will turn into voters. And now, they are appealing to my bigotry by trotting out a black conservative? :dunno: :cuckoo:

And then... somehow, I am supposed to be Ned Beatty and the redneck mouth breather who's raping me is the GOP 1%er???

I think you have the problem surrounded.

Again, they could end illegal immigration easily. Go after the people who hire them instead of paying an American a fair wage.

But dumb shits like you keep falling for it.

Not here to debate Reagan. Especially not with a nutball.
Not here to debate Reagan. Especially not with a nutball.

Your concession is duly noted.

Hey, I think Reagan was an evil genius. He totally fucked over the working class with a smile.

And dumb shits like you are still thanking him for it.

Its really funny Joe how you think everyone is in your miserable shoes. Worry about your own petty existence. Deal with it. Your assumption that we're all victims like you claim to be is a fools errand

Sounds like it sux to be you.

Not here to debate Reagan. Especially not with a nutball.

Your concession is duly noted.

Hey, I think Reagan was an evil genius. He totally fucked over the working class with a smile.

And dumb shits like you are still thanking him for it.

I didn't concede anything, sewer rat. I said I wasn't here to debate Reagan. If you want to start a Reagan thread, perhaps I will comment. This thread isn't a Reagan debate thread... or are you 'special' to comprehend the concept of thread topics?
Do you count Hillary's 8 years as 1st "Lady" in those 30. That's not public service. That's being married to someone elected to office.

And being involved in policy, causes, advocating policy. personally, I would love to have the First Lady be just his wife. That's not the system we have. We expect them to do stuff.

All Bastard Barack has is claims he did so much educationally yet all we have is sealed records.

And the fact he was named head of the Harvard Law Review.

and the fact he got a JD.

Hillarys time as first lady gave her more experience than any of the current 15 Republican candidates
He cut a deal with Tip ONeill

He cut lots of deals with Tip ONeill, he had to. He was speaker of the house. How are you going to get anything done as president if you can't cut a deal with the speaker of the house? :dunno:
St Ronnie didn't cut any deals with Tip O'Neill. Tip and Bob Dole, the GOP president of the Senate cut a tax and spending deal and Reagan welshed on it because it included spending cuts to his worthless Star Wars boondoggle.

President of the Senate? No... that would've been the VP, G.H.W. Bush. And President's don't welsh, they veto. Anymore revisionist claptrap you want to spew out?
He cut a deal with Tip ONeill

He cut lots of deals with Tip ONeill, he had to. He was speaker of the house. How are you going to get anything done as president if you can't cut a deal with the speaker of the house? :dunno:
St Ronnie didn't cut any deals with Tip O'Neill. Tip and Bob Dole, the GOP president of the Senate cut a tax and spending deal and Reagan welshed on it because it included spending cuts to his worthless Star Wars boondoggle.

President of the Senate? No... that would've been the VP, G.H.W. Bush. And President's don't welsh, they veto. Anymore revisionist claptrap you want to spew out?
Stop lying!

It was St Ronnie who nixed the tax/spending deal worked out by Tip O'Neill and Bob Dole because it made cuts to his Star Wars pork barrel boondoggle.

Rosy Scenarios and Red Realities: Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush and the Deficit

Reagan continued to rail against deficits while doing everything he could to protect his tax and defense programs that were their primary cause. In 1985 he adroitly outmaneuvered GOP Senate leader Bob Dole’s efforts to cut a deficit-reduction deal with House Democratic Speaker Tip O’Neill that included tax increases and defense cuts in return for entitlement economies.

Reconcilable Differences? "d0e4234"

Dole accused Reagan of "surrendering to the deficit." "If the President can't support us, he ought to keep his mouth shut,"
Not debatin' Reagan here... already told you that.

Go start a Reagan thread and maybe I'll comment.

You got any comment on Hillary Rodam, PFC? No? Why are you here?
after George W. Bush proved you were wrong about... everything.

But he didn't prove Conservatives wrong, he proved them right. His "compassionate conservatism" was a disaster.
Dumbya proved the worthlessness of your CON$ervoFascism. "Compassionate CON$ervatism" was George H W Bush, you ignorant boob!

Compassionate conservatism isn't Conservative and doesn't conform to Conservative philosophy. Bush Sr. was a northeastern "moderate" who pass themselves off as conservative. Apparently, it means you tell everyone you are conservative, use the republican funding and resources, associate with popular republican figures but vote and govern as a liberal.

Compassionate conservatism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
...in recent times it has been strongly associated with former U.S. President George W. Bush, who commonly used the term to describe his personal views.

Who is the ignorant boob?
You for using Wiki as a source.

Your CON$ervoFascism has failed every time it's tried and you losers give the same excuse each time, the president is never CON$ervoFascist enough.
Not debatin' Reagan here... already told you that.

Go start a Reagan thread and maybe I'll comment.

You got any comment on Hillary Rodam, PFC? No? Why are you here?
That's right, crawl off and hide with you lying tail between your lying legs.
Hillary would have made a bad ass Marine

Semper Fi!

I doubt she would have lasted a week in boot camp to be honest. Less, to be even more honest. But I don't think she ever talked to a recruiter. She claims the recruiter told her she couldn't join because of her age and glasses. Both of those have been dismissed by people who recruited back then, who say that it wouldn't have been an issue at that time. I think she fabricated the story to make herself sound patriotic.

If the story is true it's even more disturbing... she seems to be bipolar. Bouncing around like Forrest Gump... one minute she's at her peace rally, the next minute, for no particular reason... she's talking to a recruiter at the Marine Corps Recruiting Center? Sounds like someone who isn't all there or something.

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