Hillary Clinton 2020

A mother and father should not have to sit their teenage son down and tell him he may be stopped, arrested, and potentially shot because of the color of his skin

Secretary Clinton will make sure that happens!

Please run Hillary so you and Debbie Schultz can rub out all of the other 23 dems running.....:113:
The country desperately needs her leadership! She has my vote! What do you think?

I think if the Democrats are stupid enough to nominate her, then they deserve four more years of Trump.

Look, the main reason why Trump won was that enough people who didn't like Trump hated her more. Period. Any other candidate would have beaten Trump easily.

I agree with joe. This cold front must be hitting hell hard
A Pre-condition for Hillary running should be that she would accept the outcome of any election, Primary or Presidential, THIS TIME.

Every Fem candidate so far knows, though, if she runs they are already screwed.

The outcome of the last one was she won the primaries and the popular vote...

Too bad she couldn't win the only thing that counted. Who beat her again? Let's see, first she got clobbered by a community organizer, then by a reality TV star. Do you really think she's ready for prime time?
Too bad she couldn't win the only thing that counted. Who beat her again? Let's see, first she got clobbered by a community organizer, then by a reality TV star. Do you really think she's ready for prime time?

I'll admit she's an awful candidate..

But the reality- the people said "No" to Trump like a reality TV contestant avoiding a groping.
Too bad she couldn't win the only thing that counted. Who beat her again? Let's see, first she got clobbered by a community organizer, then by a reality TV star. Do you really think she's ready for prime time?

I'll admit she's an awful candidate..

But the reality- the people said "No" to Trump like a reality TV contestant avoiding a groping.
Too bad so many of them were all clumped up in one state.
Hope she does get the nomination though I doubt it.

Hitlery is toxic and I doubt the DNC would support her as the nominee.

If she did run Trump would wipe the country with her.

I seriously doubt that would happen twice. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Trump can't fool the American public a second time. The Republican party is getting ready to "primary" him if he isn't indicted or impeached.

And as usually, you pull that straight out of your ass. Considering how much you're shitting around, that must be some big ass.

Sitting president can be impeached, but cannot be indicted, dunce. Indictment can come after being impeached. Considering that there are no ground on what Trump can be impeached, and you lefties hating him is not qualifying measure, enjoy your pipe dream.

He can be both, according to most legal experts. The indictment part is especially applicable to the crimes being alleged against Trump. Even the obstruction of justice, witness tampering, and lying we've seen in the open is sufficient to impeach and indict him,. And the larger conspiracy has yet to be revealed, although the Stone indictment gets us closer to it.

Do you have names of those experts?
Remittances have nothing to do with the Mexican president writing a check.

Man, you have serious comprehension problems.
Pheeew! (high-pitched whistle) What is wrong with you ? You really cant seem to catch on to this.

Here try this clue >> Writing a check has nothing to do with remittances. Get it ?
See post 114, dipshit.

All caught up now?
Obviously YOU are the one who is very far from being caught up. In your Post # 114, is a link (a memo), which explains what I have been trying to get into your thick skull. That is (read your link) that there are a number of ways for Mexico to be forced to pay for the wall.

I am happy to help out an information-deprived liberal. However, in your case YOU HAVE the information (the memo in YOUR LINK), and you STILL aren't figuring this out.

Dude, there need not be any "check". If Trump cancels remittances to Mexico, THAT IS THE PAYMENT FOR THE WALL. And he could use a variety of other ways also (mentioned in the memo in your link, and mine - and I posted it years ago)

Memo explains how Donald Trump plans to pay for border wall

Trump reveals how he would force Mexico to pay for border wall

Most likely though, since remittances are far more than a one-time payment for the wall, once Trump declares that he is going to shut down remittances (Mexico's # 1 source of income), the Mexicans will wire the money directly to the White House, to try to stop the remittance shut-off.

Wouldn't you, if you were about to lose 10 times the amount of money, of the requested payment, if that payment were not paid ? But as shown in the memo, this need not happen at all, for the wall to have been paid for by the Mexicans. Good grief, man. Get a brain.
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He can be both, according to most legal experts. The indictment part is especially applicable to the crimes being alleged against Trump. Even the obstruction of justice, witness tampering, and lying we've seen in the open is sufficient to impeach and indict him,. And the larger conspiracy has yet to be revealed, although the Stone indictment gets us closer to it.
POTUS cannot be indicted.
So you just don't care that she got four Americans killed in Benghazi and then lied about it? Surely even you cannot believe her obscene lie that Ambassador Stevens never once--not one single time--asked her to intervene to get at least some of his dozens of rejected security requests approved. She not only got four Americans killed by ignoring Stevens' concerns about security, but then she blasphemed his name and memory by claiming he never asked her about his dozens of rejected security requests.

She should have been fired immediately after Benghazi and then jailed for gross perjury after she testified at the Benghazi hearings.
Let's not forget that she (and Obama) lied to the families of the 4 dead heros, about a video causing the attacks, WHILE THE FLAG-DRAPED COFFINS WERE BEING UNLOADED FROM THE PLANE.
If she'll put the referees from the saints-rams game in a black ops CIA prison no ever hears about ever .... I'll vote for her. Twice.
I think the way the Patriots-Chiefs game ended was even worse (unfair) Chiefs QB NEVER GOT A CHANCE TO EVEN STEP ON THE FIELD IN THE OVERTIME.
Too bad so many of them were all clumped up in one state.

Naw, it's too bad we use an archaic system to select presidents. What should have happened is all those Electors, who we have to assume aren't crazy people, got into a room and said, "Jesus Christ, Trump is NUTS! And it looks like he works for the Russians. We can't vote for him."

This is the intent the Founding Slave Rapists had when they set up the system, guys who would act as a check in case the people fucked it up and elected a crazy person.

but it was exactly the opposite. The people got it very much right, and the Electors said, "Well, yeah, he's a crazy Russian Stooge, but we might get some court appointments!"

And now we all just sit here waiting for him to fuck up the economy, because we all know he's going to.
Too bad so many of them were all clumped up in one state.

Naw, it's too bad we use an archaic system to select presidents. What should have happened is all those Electors, who we have to assume aren't crazy people, got into a room and said, "Jesus Christ, Trump is NUTS! And it looks like he works for the Russians. We can't vote for him."

This is the intent the Founding Slave Rapists had when they set up the system, guys who would act as a check in case the people fucked it up and elected a crazy person.

but it was exactly the opposite. The people got it very much right, and the Electors said, "Well, yeah, he's a crazy Russian Stooge, but we might get some court appointments!"

And now we all just sit here waiting for him to fuck up the economy, because we all know he's going to.

Hmmmm, faithless electors. Sure, that's what you want, as long as they vote the way you want them to. But if California's electors said, "The heck with this, we can't afford another loony democrat, so we'll all vote for a Republican", you'd crap yourself.

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