Hillary Clinton calls a black person the N word.. why is this not all over the news

Where is the video? You guys are getting really desperate.
no, you guys are getting pretty protective and hypocritical.
Where is the video, or proof that Trump did any of those things that the skank liberal women are suddenly coming out saying he did.
That seems to hit the news pretty hard. You all seem to like to point to these things as if they are proven fact.
So why the protection for your whore hillary?
Only if taken out of context.
Explain how Bubba's racists words can be taken out of context.
He was talking about how things have changed for Blacks.
Yes...seems democrats don't like maker blacks....
THe only thing demcraps care about blacks is if they will vote for them.
And selling their baby's parts for profit.....
Is there a fake story that Whiners don't believe?
Where is the video? You guys are getting really desperate.
no, you guys are getting pretty protective and hypocritical.
Where is the video, or proof that Trump did any of those things that the skank liberal women are suddenly coming out saying he did.
That seems to hit the news pretty hard. You all seem to like to point to these things as if they are proven fact.
So why the protection for your whore hillary?
First of all, this discussion was about Hillary suppoised calling someoine the N'word.

Lets compasre this to Trump's groping.

1) There is no video or audio of Hillary saying it where there is audio of Trump saying it.

2) There is nothing from the victim of Hillary's supposed name calling but we do have victims of Trump's gropage.
Explain how Bubba's racists words can be taken out of context.
He was talking about how things have changed for Blacks.
Yes...seems democrats don't like maker blacks....
THe only thing demcraps care about blacks is if they will vote for them.
And selling their baby's parts for profit.....
Is there a fake story that Whiners don't believe?
I don't believe the fake story that democrat scum gave money to rebuild the burned out R headquarters.
Where is the video? You guys are getting really desperate.
no, you guys are getting pretty protective and hypocritical.
Where is the video, or proof that Trump did any of those things that the skank liberal women are suddenly coming out saying he did.
That seems to hit the news pretty hard. You all seem to like to point to these things as if they are proven fact.
So why the protection for your whore hillary?
Skank women? You are as bad as Trump. Comparing you to anyone or anything else would be unfair.

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