Hillary Clinton Cancels Speaking Event Hearing Benghazi Victims Mother Would Be There

Can any male on this forum imagine for just 1 second what that disgusting old flea bag looks like naked? Try, LOL.

Why try?

I like her as a person too, I've met her in public twice and no, the Secret Service did not haul me away. It's that the Dem Party cannot have her as their Candidate, she's too independent. They need a puppet like Obama/Val Jarrett
You read it right, she cancelled a speaking engagement to 700 people in San Diego after finding out the mother of a dead Benghazi victim, American soldier Sean Smith, was going to be there. Apparently Hillary is brave enough to dodge sniper bullets in Bosnia but can't face a Benghazi victims mother. This shows pure cowardice and a guilty conscience at heart. She would make a terrible president just like the putative president that is not constitutionally eligible to meet the requirements to hold the office.

Watch the video:
Hillary Clinton Flees Protest Led by Mother of Man Murdered in Benghazi | FrontPage Magazine)

Cowardly chickenshit bitch. Can't even face a mother of a dead soldier. Shrillary...you won't do well when it's time to campaign for President if you can't face someone who'll ask an unscripted question or demand answers for something that happened under your watch.
Shoot! Poor cons will miss the chance to make another spectacle over the tragic deaths of those people!

Sorry cons. I hope you feel better later.

4 sets of families who have been denied answers time after time after time by their government...and you don't care.
Shoot! Poor cons will miss the chance to make another spectacle over the tragic deaths of those people!

Sorry cons. I hope you feel better later.

Looks like she never was expected to attend. She was expected to speak via satellite.

Western Health Care Leadership Academy 17th Annual Western Health Care Leadership Academy

By satellite from what planet? Some planet where the killing in Benghazi really had something to do with a video?
Shoot! Poor cons will miss the chance to make another spectacle over the tragic deaths of those people!

Sorry cons. I hope you feel better later.

Looks like she never was expected to attend. She was expected to speak via satellite.

Western Health Care Leadership Academy 17th Annual Western Health Care Leadership Academy

By satellite from what planet? Some planet where the killing in Benghazi really had something to do with a video?

Probably the same planet George Bush had Cindy Sheehan carted off and arrested after she tried to get answers about her son's death in 2004.

I doubt Hillary would do that.
Or the time Pat Tillman's mother was lied to and thrown out by Bush.
And how about the hundreds of mothers of dead soldiers Rums felt had thrown out of the Pentagon?

I doubt Hillary would do that.

You do have a point. She seems to never have done much at all, particularly concerning - or even remembering the Americans who were murdered on her watch.

That's because it doesn't make a difference to her, at this point.

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Looks like she never was expected to attend. She was expected to speak via satellite.

Western Health Care Leadership Academy 17th Annual Western Health Care Leadership Academy

By satellite from what planet? Some planet where the killing in Benghazi really had something to do with a video?

Probably the same planet George Bush had Cindy Sheehan carted off and arrested after she tried to get answers about her son's death in 2004.

I doubt Hillary would do that.

Or the time Pat Tillman's mother was lied to and thrown out by Bush.

And how about the hundreds of mothers of dead soldiers Rums felt had thrown out of the Pentagon?


I doubt Hillary would do that.

You do have a point. She seems to never have done much at all, particularly concerning - or even remembering the Americans who were murdered on her watch.

I doubt Hillary would do that.

You do have a point. She seems to never have done much at all, particularly concerning - or even remembering the Americans who were murdered on her watch.

That's because it doesn't make a difference to her, at this point.

Like it didn't matter to Bush and Rummy?

How much blood do they have on their hands? The blood of hundreds of thousands of Americans? Did they ever apologize for that?

Clinton apologized for and took responsibility for Benghazi.

Did Bush apologize for Iraq? No. He said "there is no need to apologize".
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But we can always count on YNM to apologize - provided it's to a foreign dictator - but certainly never to an American.
Another thread of stupid shut down. Someday you idiots will learn.

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