Hillary Clinton: Libya Attacks By A ‘Small And Savage Group,’ Not Libyan Government


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
By Ben Armbruster

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton this morning condemned attacks in Benghazi, Libya at the American consulate that ended up killing U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and 3 of his deputies. The mob reacted to an anti-Islam YouTube clip that also sparked violence in Cairo yesterday. The attacks should “shock the conscience of people of all faiths around the world,” she said.

Clinton stressed that the attack should not be representative of the Libyan government, or the Libyan people:

CLINTON: We must be clear-eyed even in our grief. This was an attack by a small and savage group, not the people or government of Libya. Everywhere Chris and his team went in Libya, in a country scared by war and tyranny, they were hailed as friends and partners. And when the attack came yesterday, Libyans stood and fought to defend our post. Some were wounded. Some Libyans carried Chris’s body to the hospital and they helped rescue and lead other Americans to safety. Last night when I spoke with the President of Libya, he strongly condemned the violence and pledged every effort to protect our people and pursue those responsible.

The friendship between our countries borne out of shared struggle will not be another casualty of this attack. A free and stable Libya is still in America’s interest and security. And we will not turn our back on that.

More: Clinton: Libya Attacks By A 'Savage Group,' Not Libyan Government Or Its People | ThinkProgress
Oh yeah? How did that small savage group know where the safe house was located? Who would have let a thing like that slip? Clinton is a fecking liar and trying to do damage control.
Everywhere Chris and his team went in Libya, in a country scared by war and tyranny, they were hailed as friends and partners. And when the attack came yesterday, Libyans stood and fought to defend our post. Some were wounded. Some Libyans carried Chris’s body to the hospital and they helped rescue and lead other Americans to safety. Last night when I spoke with the President of Libya, he strongly condemned the violence and pledged every effort to protect our people and pursue those responsible.

Thank you, Secretary Clinton, for being a strong voice of diplomacy and reason.
No matter how this all finally shakes out, we should be thankful for the measured and careful and thoughtful responses of our Secretary of State and our president.

While the rw's runaround screaming that the sky is falling, we can only hope their cooler heads will prevail.
Are we sure that this incident wasn't like when Major Hassan shot people to death? You know. Not a terrorist attack.

Workplace violence.

I'm sure that it happened in Libya. Just workplace violence from some disgruntled Libyans at the Embassy.

It could be that too.
Cairo too. Maybe this is just workplace violence. It's getting pretty big tonight.

Are we sure that this incident wasn't like when Major Hassan shot people to death? You know. Not a terrorist attack.

Workplace violence.

I'm sure that it happened in Libya. Just workplace violence from some disgruntled Libyans at the Embassy.

It could be that too.

Now you assholes are going to say they shot each other?

How much lower can you scum get?

That battle went on for several hours. The ambassador died of smoke inhalation after the hospital worked to revive him.

Stop making up new lies.
Are we sure that this incident wasn't like when Major Hassan shot people to death? You know. Not a terrorist attack.

Workplace violence.

I'm sure that it happened in Libya. Just workplace violence from some disgruntled Libyans at the Embassy.

It could be that too.

By Ben Armbruster

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton this morning condemned attacks in Benghazi, Libya at the American consulate that ended up killing U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and 3 of his deputies. The mob reacted to an anti-Islam YouTube clip that also sparked violence in Cairo yesterday. The attacks should “shock the conscience of people of all faiths around the world,” she said.

Clinton stressed that the attack should not be representative of the Libyan government, or the Libyan people:

CLINTON: We must be clear-eyed even in our grief. This was an attack by a small and savage group, not the people or government of Libya. Everywhere Chris and his team went in Libya, in a country scared by war and tyranny, they were hailed as friends and partners. And when the attack came yesterday, Libyans stood and fought to defend our post. Some were wounded. Some Libyans carried Chris’s body to the hospital and they helped rescue and lead other Americans to safety. Last night when I spoke with the President of Libya, he strongly condemned the violence and pledged every effort to protect our people and pursue those responsible.

The friendship between our countries borne out of shared struggle will not be another casualty of this attack. A free and stable Libya is still in America’s interest and security. And we will not turn our back on that.

More: Clinton: Libya Attacks By A 'Savage Group,' Not Libyan Government Or Its People | ThinkProgress

It is the RESPONSIBILITY of the Host Country to protect Foreign Consulates and Embassies. The US can not legally or practically send hundreds of troops to every Consulate or Embassy world wide. Host Countries wouldn't allow it any more then we would allow hundreds of foreign troops in our Country.

We have 2 failures in Libya. One is Libya did not live up to its responsibility or duty to protect the Consulate and the second is our own. We hire private security to Guard certain facilities. We have had repeated warnings for years now that buying the cheapest service is dangerous and counter productive. Exactly why would a guy getting paid minimum wage risk his neck for some foreign consulate?

Obama is the President. He is responsible for who runs the Foreign service and who contracts for security. He is responsible for the lack of security internally at the Libya Consulate. Further if as I understand it, the Libyans don't actually protect the Consulate and we hire extra guards then he is responsible for that arrangement being allowed. Libya is responsibly for not protecting the external parts of the Consulate.

Obama gets the blame. Just as Bush would have if it happened under his watch. Just as Romney will if elected and he does not change the practice.
It must have been our number one geo political foe. "Russia". Too bad they were able to slip by Sarah Palin's watchful eye.
Wingnuts love guns. So why don't they aim before they shoot (think before they talk)? Yesterday was the eleventh anniversary of 9/11, and many wingnuts couldn't wait to spew their irrational hatred of ALL Muslims following embassy attacks.
By Ben Armbruster

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton this morning condemned attacks in Benghazi, Libya at the American consulate that ended up killing U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and 3 of his deputies. The mob reacted to an anti-Islam YouTube clip that also sparked violence in Cairo yesterday. The attacks should “shock the conscience of people of all faiths around the world,” she said.

Clinton stressed that the attack should not be representative of the Libyan government, or the Libyan people:

CLINTON: We must be clear-eyed even in our grief. This was an attack by a small and savage group, not the people or government of Libya. Everywhere Chris and his team went in Libya, in a country scared by war and tyranny, they were hailed as friends and partners. And when the attack came yesterday, Libyans stood and fought to defend our post. Some were wounded. Some Libyans carried Chris’s body to the hospital and they helped rescue and lead other Americans to safety. Last night when I spoke with the President of Libya, he strongly condemned the violence and pledged every effort to protect our people and pursue those responsible.

The friendship between our countries borne out of shared struggle will not be another casualty of this attack. A free and stable Libya is still in America’s interest and security. And we will not turn our back on that.
More: Clinton: Libya Attacks By A 'Savage Group,' Not Libyan Government Or Its People | ThinkProgress

Wonder why she didn't say the same thing about Egypt.
I love how we get all pissed off when innocent American's are killed and rightfully so. We should be pissed off over this.

Yet we say nothing when we are the ones killing innocent civilians of other country's by 20 year old Top Gun junkies sitting in an air-conditioned room 9000 miles away behind a joy stick controlling a predator drone.
Unlike his predecessor, President Obama has kept America safe - so far.

Secretary Clinton has also been doing a great job.

I sincerely thank them both.
oh Hillary, I'm sure that helps the families of those killed..

Such a comforting statement, now resign
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