Hillary Clinton slams Obama economy: 'Dream feels further and further out of reach

she did not criticize the president. you know the rightwngnut house has a lot of responsibility for not allowing anything to be done, right?

you're welcome.

You mean throwing more and more money on to the debt which has exploded.................

If Obama can't stimulate the private sector then we need more Stimulus and more Gov't................

How's the grass and flowers in Reid's Graveyard of House bills doing...............

he's reduced the deficit. but thanks for repeating rightwingnut talking points.

you can't cut jobs, create policies that destroy job growth and then complain about the economy.

of course, rightwing extremists don't understand that.

but again, the dishonesty in your post is what i was pointing out. and if you want to discuss debt and deficit, perhaps you should discuss baby bush's two wars of choice while being the only leader in history to cut taxes during wartime and his crash of the economy before you make things up about a) what hillary is saying and b) the causes of the sluggish economy (while reminding you that the top 1% have doubled their worth and the stock market has trebled).

you're welcome.

He has reduced the deficit...........................

He Haw he he he haw.................

Riddle me this...................

If I Increase spending by 3 times today, and cut it in have tomorrow have I actually decreased my spending overall.....................

Only Liberals push this Ferry Tale BS..............

Spending went up up up and away......................then when you cut it down some go..............see we are fixing it...................

I guess people like you get hosed at stores with Sales ads all the time. They double the price of a product and then put it on sale to save you money..........

Hey dummy the same dang product is cheaper at another store down the road at regular price..........

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Obama failed. Let's be honest, the American dream for getting ahead is gone. Most of the jobs generated under this president have been low paying shit jobs.

Obama failed?

What does it matter?


I love how Progressives continue to torpedo the economy and middle class and then just step back, shake their heads, and say how the next one can do oh so much better if you would but only elect them once again.

I would call you a lemming, but that would be an insult to lemmings.
Hillary Clinton slams Obama economy: 'Dream feels further and further out of reach'

In a speech in Washington on Friday, Hillary Clinton repeatedly criticized economic and social conditions under President Obama, barely mentioning the accomplishments of the man who appointed her secretary of State. Clinton's address, at the New America Foundation, was a broad indictment of the country's current leadership, with exactly one -- one -- note of praise for the Democratic president Clinton has called her partner and friend.

Clinton, never known for self-effacement, began by noting her lifelong desire to make the world a better place and the "driving force" toward public service instilled in her by her mother. From there, Clinton went on to describe the United States today as a very troubled place.

In remarks focused almost exclusively on domestic economic concerns, Clinton began by noting what she called "the basic bargain of America." "No matter who you are or where you come from," she said, echoing her husband's campaigns from the 1990s, "if you work hard and play by the rules, you'll have an opportunity to build a good life."

But: "For too many families in America today, that isn't the way it works. Instead of getting ahead, they're finding it harder and harder than ever to get their footing in our changing economy. The dream of upward mobility that made this country a model for the world feels further and further out of reach."

Millions of Americans are "frustrated, even angry" about today's economy, Clinton said. Falling into poverty is a constant threat, and upward mobility is almost impossible. "Forget about getting rich," Clinton told the audience, "I'm talking about getting into the middle class and staying there."

While productivity is up, Clinton noted, "wages have stagnated." "Americans are working harder, contributing more than ever … and yet many are still barely getting by."

Hillary Clinton slams Obama economy: 'Dream feels further and further out of reach' | WashingtonExaminer.com

Clinton just hit the nail on the head. I 100% agree with her...

she did not criticize the president. you know the rightwngnut house has a lot of responsibility for not allowing anything to be done, right?

you're welcome.

You've got it right, the rightwingnut spin is alive and well this morning, innit? :D
Hillary Clinton slams Obama economy: 'Dream feels further and further out of reach'

Hillary Clinton slams Obama economy: 'Dream feels further and further out of reach' | WashingtonExaminer.com

Clinton just hit the nail on the head. I 100% agree with her...

she did not criticize the president. you know the rightwngnut house has a lot of responsibility for not allowing anything to be done, right?

you're welcome.

You've got it right, the rightwingnut spin is alive and well this morning, innit? :D

Proper Spin is part of the ballistics of the properties of the barrel. It has everything to do with accuracy, power, and penetration at impact.

Hillary Clinton slams Obama economy: 'Dream feels further and further out of reach'

In a speech in Washington on Friday, Hillary Clinton repeatedly criticized economic and social conditions under President Obama, barely mentioning the accomplishments of the man who appointed her secretary of State. Clinton's address, at the New America Foundation, was a broad indictment of the country's current leadership, with exactly one -- one -- note of praise for the Democratic president Clinton has called her partner and friend.

Clinton, never known for self-effacement, began by noting her lifelong desire to make the world a better place and the "driving force" toward public service instilled in her by her mother. From there, Clinton went on to describe the United States today as a very troubled place.

In remarks focused almost exclusively on domestic economic concerns, Clinton began by noting what she called "the basic bargain of America." "No matter who you are or where you come from," she said, echoing her husband's campaigns from the 1990s, "if you work hard and play by the rules, you'll have an opportunity to build a good life."

But: "For too many families in America today, that isn't the way it works. Instead of getting ahead, they're finding it harder and harder than ever to get their footing in our changing economy. The dream of upward mobility that made this country a model for the world feels further and further out of reach."

Millions of Americans are "frustrated, even angry" about today's economy, Clinton said. Falling into poverty is a constant threat, and upward mobility is almost impossible. "Forget about getting rich," Clinton told the audience, "I'm talking about getting into the middle class and staying there."

While productivity is up, Clinton noted, "wages have stagnated." "Americans are working harder, contributing more than ever … and yet many are still barely getting by."

Hillary Clinton slams Obama economy: 'Dream feels further and further out of reach' | WashingtonExaminer.com

Clinton just hit the nail on the head. I 100% agree with her...

Everyone: please read the entire speech.

Hillary blames the GOP as usual for economic devastation not BHO
She was part of the administration. Her policy suggestions when she ran in 2008 weren't much different from his. What is she planning on doing differently?
Typical of libs: create a mess and then run on fixing it.

The great blames goes to the GOP house from 1994 to 2006 for creating the inevitable crash.

This administration, hampered by a GOP house since 2010, has ended the recession but not succeed in a good jobs program.
The limited government far righties and the progressive oonservatives go buzz buzz buzz in the hive.
Clinton just hit the nail on the head. I 100% agree with her...

you 100% agree with her ?? for heavens sake man, that woman contributed towards this disaster of poverty, welfare and wage stagnation.

what she said was a puff piece to draw in suckers.., and you fell for it...., wake up man.., wake up !! :up:
My respect for Hilliary just went up...Honesty is what I want to see in politics.


that bitch has not spoken one honest or truthful word in her entire life.., in fact her entire life is built upon lies, deceit and fakery, one little puff piece and you are all bubbly.
Hillary Clinton slams Obama economy: 'Dream feels further and further out of reach'

In a speech in Washington on Friday, Hillary Clinton repeatedly criticized economic and social conditions under President Obama, barely mentioning the accomplishments of the man who appointed her secretary of State. Clinton's address, at the New America Foundation, was a broad indictment of the country's current leadership, with exactly one -- one -- note of praise for the Democratic president Clinton has called her partner and friend.

Clinton, never known for self-effacement, began by noting her lifelong desire to make the world a better place and the "driving force" toward public service instilled in her by her mother. From there, Clinton went on to describe the United States today as a very troubled place.

In remarks focused almost exclusively on domestic economic concerns, Clinton began by noting what she called "the basic bargain of America." "No matter who you are or where you come from," she said, echoing her husband's campaigns from the 1990s, "if you work hard and play by the rules, you'll have an opportunity to build a good life."

But: "For too many families in America today, that isn't the way it works. Instead of getting ahead, they're finding it harder and harder than ever to get their footing in our changing economy. The dream of upward mobility that made this country a model for the world feels further and further out of reach."

Millions of Americans are "frustrated, even angry" about today's economy, Clinton said. Falling into poverty is a constant threat, and upward mobility is almost impossible. "Forget about getting rich," Clinton told the audience, "I'm talking about getting into the middle class and staying there."

While productivity is up, Clinton noted, "wages have stagnated." "Americans are working harder, contributing more than ever … and yet many are still barely getting by."

Hillary Clinton slams Obama economy: 'Dream feels further and further out of reach' | WashingtonExaminer.com

Clinton just hit the nail on the head. I 100% agree with her...

she did not criticize the president. you know the rightwngnut house has a lot of responsibility for not allowing anything to be done, right?

you're welcome.

You understand Democrats controlled the House from 2006 to 2011, right?
Hillary Clinton slams Obama economy: 'Dream feels further and further out of reach'

Hillary Clinton slams Obama economy: 'Dream feels further and further out of reach' | WashingtonExaminer.com

Clinton just hit the nail on the head. I 100% agree with her...

she did not criticize the president. you know the rightwngnut house has a lot of responsibility for not allowing anything to be done, right?

you're welcome.

You've got it right, the rightwingnut spin is alive and well this morning, innit? :D

Whose responsibility is the economy? Obama has been president 5 years, the first two with filibuster proof majorities in Congress.
Are we pretending some evil force has made Obama and the Democrats powerless?
Hillary Clinton slams Obama economy: 'Dream feels further and further out of reach'

Hillary Clinton slams Obama economy: 'Dream feels further and further out of reach' | WashingtonExaminer.com

Clinton just hit the nail on the head. I 100% agree with her...

she did not criticize the president. you know the rightwngnut house has a lot of responsibility for not allowing anything to be done, right?

you're welcome.

You understand Democrats controlled the House from 2006 to 2011, right?

The pubs have controlled the house from Nov 94 to Nov 06 and Nov 10 to the present.

Every time you lie you get smacked down. You know that.
she did not criticize the president. you know the rightwngnut house has a lot of responsibility for not allowing anything to be done, right?

you're welcome.

You understand Democrats controlled the House from 2006 to 2011, right?

The pubs have controlled the house from Nov 94 to Nov 06 and Nov 10 to the present.

Every time you lie you get smacked down. You know that.

Jake: #Imreadyforhillary
My respect for Hilliary just went up...Honesty is what I want to see in politics.

Will liberals stand for Hillary throwing Obama under the bus? Will Obama throw his support to Joe Biden in response?

The Liberals will twist this to say that she was protecting Obama by saying she was saying
that Republicans blocked Obama at every turn...
And Liberals who want to continue the Democrat control over the WH will move away from lame duck Obama and move to the new kid in town who they want to win...

There will be something for everyone....

The Clintons and there machine in the backround are the best in the business for politics. :D
she did not criticize the president. you know the rightwngnut house has a lot of responsibility for not allowing anything to be done, right?

you're welcome.

You mean throwing more and more money on to the debt which has exploded.................

If Obama can't stimulate the private sector then we need more Stimulus and more Gov't................

How's the grass and flowers in Reid's Graveyard of House bills doing...............

he's reduced the deficit. but thanks for repeating rightwingnut talking points.

you can't cut jobs, create policies that destroy job growth and then complain about the economy.

of course, rightwing extremists don't understand that.

but again, the dishonesty in your post is what i was pointing out. and if you want to discuss debt and deficit, perhaps you should discuss baby bush's two wars of choice while being the only leader in history to cut taxes during wartime and his crash of the economy before you make things up about a) what hillary is saying and b) the causes of the sluggish economy (while reminding you that the top 1% have doubled their worth and the stock market has trebled).

you're welcome.

ooooh! thank you for your lies about the lies from Hitlery saying Opoopabama is a liar too..., at least that is what i get from all your diatribes laying praise on an America hating bitch :up:
she did not criticize the president. you know the rightwngnut house has a lot of responsibility for not allowing anything to be done, right?

you're welcome.

You understand Democrats controlled the House from 2006 to 2011, right?

The pubs have controlled the house from Nov 94 to Nov 06 and Nov 10 to the present.

Every time you lie you get smacked down. You know that.
Only liar here is YOU Fakey. Come clean. You want the Hildebeast.

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