Hillary Clinton Watches The Oncoming Bus

More deflection from the Trumpettes.

Sorry, but Agent Orange is getting closer & closer to indictment with every lie he tells about his campaign & the Russians.

Sessions just caught again.

Now trump defends himself by basically claiming he invites people he doesn't know into meeting that involve our national security.
Everything Trump said about the DNC and the Clinton machine was and is true. And our own republican never Trumpers would have rather had Hillary as president then Trump...what does that tell you about the likes of McCain?
Looks like Indian Princess Pocahontas is whistling a different tune now and that The Donald was right.

She knew that last year. Why did she lie? Why do Democrats always lie?

It's not rigged, @realDonaldTrump. You're losing fair & square. Put on your big-boy pants because this is what accountability looks like.

Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) October 19, 2016
She's not doing anything you idiot.

That's not my point, She is irrelevant, that's my point, All this BS about Hillary, the Clintons, Obamas, etc: it's all deflection. None of them are relevant anymore.
Exactly. I am disgusted by whatd come out in Brazilles book about Clinton. But she lost. She is irrelevant now. And i still would not have voted for Trump. Hes just as bad if not more so.
Everything Trump said about the DNC and the Clinton machine was and is true. And our own republican never Trumpers would have rather had Hillary as president then Trump...what does that tell you about the likes of McCain?

That he is more intelligent that what remains of the Party of Drumpf.
She's not doing anything you idiot.

That's not my point, She is irrelevant, that's my point, All this BS about Hillary, the Clintons, Obamas, etc: it's all deflection. None of them are relevant anymore.
Exactly. I am disgusted by whatd come out in Brazilles book about Clinton. But she lost. She is irrelevant now. And i still would not have voted for Trump. Hes just as bad if not more so.
Please. If Clinton had won and had been a Republican, she'd be impeached and spend her life in JAIL.

Ya'll hate President Trump and can not show one violation of any law he has committed. Just fairy tales and wishful thinking and trying to frame him with a Fake Russian Dossier paid for by Clinton & Obama, and fabricated by Putin with Money Laundering.
She's not doing anything you idiot.

That's not my point, She is irrelevant, that's my point, All this BS about Hillary, the Clintons, Obamas, etc: it's all deflection. None of them are relevant anymore.
Exactly. I am disgusted by whatd come out in Brazilles book about Clinton. But she lost. She is irrelevant now. And i still would not have voted for Trump. Hes just as bad if not more so.
Please. If Clinton had won and had been a Republican, she'd be impeached and spend her life in JAIL.

Ya'll hate President Trump and can not show one violation of any law he has committed. Just fairy tales and wishful thinking and trying to frame him with a Fake Russian Dossier paid for by Clinton & Obama, and fabricated by Putin with Money Laundering.
The Russian investigation. Emollients. Money laundering. Who knows. You are incapable of apying the same standards of evidence and conduct to Trump that you do to Clinton.

I'm discouraged that our political process got us to the point where the front runners were such corrupt and incompetent manipulators and bullies. We will be lucky if we have any international reputation left in 3 years. Luckier still of we don't wind up starting another war.
She's not doing anything you idiot.

That's not my point, She is irrelevant, that's my point, All this BS about Hillary, the Clintons, Obamas, etc: it's all deflection. None of them are relevant anymore.
Exactly. I am disgusted by whatd come out in Brazilles book about Clinton. But she lost. She is irrelevant now. And i still would not have voted for Trump. Hes just as bad if not more so.
Please. If Clinton had won and had been a Republican, she'd be impeached and spend her life in JAIL.

Ya'll hate President Trump and can not show one violation of any law he has committed. Just fairy tales and wishful thinking and trying to frame him with a Fake Russian Dossier paid for by Clinton & Obama, and fabricated by Putin with Money Laundering.
The Russian investigation. Emollients. Money laundering. Who knows. You are incapable of apying the same standards of evidence and conduct to Trump that you do to Clinton.

I'm discouraged that our political process got us to the point where the front runners were such corrupt and incompetent manipulators and bullies. We will be lucky if we have any international reputation left in 3 years. Luckier still of we don't wind up starting another war.

After W's Iraq misadventure, I think the US losing leadership and credibility was inevitable. Trump's nativism and willingness to blame others, all the while rattling his rusty sabre, is dispiriting. But the neocons were mightily pissed that Obama just let some things play out and made a first strike attack on Iran pretty much impossible. I still have a hard time seeing Bernie as Obama's heir though.
These Moon Bats are never going to wake up. They are simply too damn stupid. We told them last year that Crooked Hillary was a piece of shit but the idiots went ahead and voted for her anyhow. How dumb was that? They are incapable of ever pulling their heads out of their asses. They will always be manipulated by the filth in the Democrat Party. They can't help themselves.

"These Moon Bats are never going to wake up. "

Says the guys flying the flag of the traitors who lost 150 years ago... when do you plan to "wake up", Cletus?

I just do it to trigger you stupid Moon Bats. Works every time. Thanks for playing.

Is that what you tell yourself, when people ridicule your dumb ass? You call them "triggered", and declare victory? I guess everyone has different ways of soothing themselves...better stick with it, because you ain't gettin' any smarter....
I will admit that I don't read the same alt-news sites that you travel
You should...why would you purposely avoid any and all information and news so that you can make a wise judgement of the news? That seems so shallow...you are stunting your education and shorting your knowledge...That's stupid.
I will admit that I don't read the same alt-news sites that you travel
You should...why would you purposely avoid any and all information and news so that you can make a wise judgement of the news? That seems so shallow...you are stunting your education and shorting your knowledge...That's stupid.

Why would one want to include fake or hyped fake news in their education?
Why would one want to include fake or hyped fake news in their education?
How do you know it's fake if you don't watch? Don't ever shut out knowledge from any side. You will never be able to think for yourself if you do. A decision needs all the facts to be the right one.
Why would one want to include fake or hyped fake news in their education?
How do you know it's fake if you don't watch? Don't ever shut out knowledge from any side. You will never be able to think for yourself if you do. A decision needs all the facts to be the right one.

Well, that is the problem. Bypassing your "information" sites doesn't shut out any knowledge. It shuts out hyperbole, bias and ignorance.
Well, that is the problem. Bypassing your "information" sites doesn't shut out any knowledge. It shuts out hyperbole, bias and ignorance.
You don't know that because you ignore those news outlets....

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