Hillary Clinton Watches The Oncoming Bus

We told the stupid Moon Bats what Crooked Hillary was a piece of shit but they wouldn't listen. We told them that she was manipulative, dishonest, corrupt and didn't give a shit about them, only herself. They wouldn't listen.

Now they are stuck with her corrupt legacy of dishonesty. All 60 million of the idiots that thought she would make a Jim Dandy President. They can't run away from her.

Thank god the American people were smart enough not to elect the bitch
Worse yet, they all knew what kind of corruption was going on at THE DNC, and THEY ALL LIED ABOUT IT.

Schumer, Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Harry Reid, Elizabeth Warren, Brazile, Schultz, Perez all knew what was going on about Laundering Money with Russia and Fusion GPS, and they all lied repeatedly about it.

Everytime any one of these assholes gets in front of a Microphone they should be asked why they didn't report The Money Laundering And Election Rigging Scam, and Collusion with Russia going on at THE DNC.

The 2nd question they should ask is what did they know about the Pakistani Hacking Ring working at THE DNC and with Clinton, when did they find out about it, and why didn't they report it to the authorities?

Hillary IS the Democratic party ... if they try and throw her under the bus, she'll rat everyone out. She knows where all the bodies are buried.

If they don't drive a stake through her heart soon, you'll see Hillary / Warren 2020.
No she is not; she is not the Democratic party. Thinking so makes it clear how this is obsession with you guys. She will definitely not be running for election in 2020, to think so shows a complete lack of understanding of the situation. You folks are unbelievable.
I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't run. You know if she didn't whine 24/7 about losing. Maybe we would stop talking about her. I mean she wrote a book about losing. Lol
Celebrities write books; it's very common.
About being a loser? Lol keep defending that bitch. You know how she thinks about you.
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I'm surprised she didn't use the "N" word and tell Michele Obama to get her a cup of coffee.
Hillary IS the Democratic party ... if they try and throw her under the bus, she'll rat everyone out. She knows where all the bodies are buried.

If they don't drive a stake through her heart soon, you'll see Hillary / Warren 2020.
No she is not; she is not the Democratic party. Thinking so makes it clear how this is obsession with you guys. She will definitely not be running for election in 2020, to think so shows a complete lack of understanding of the situation. You folks are unbelievable.
I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't run. You know if she didn't whine 24/7 about losing. Maybe we would stop talking about her. I mean she wrote a book about losing. Lol
Celebrities write books; it's very common.
About being a loser? Lol keep defending that bitch. You know how she thinks about you.
View attachment 158381
I'm surprised she didn't use the "N" word and tell Michele Obama to get her a cup of coffee.
Well ole Bill did tell someone that a few years back Obama would've been serving him coffee.
We told the stupid Moon Bats what Crooked Hillary was a piece of shit but they wouldn't listen. We told them that she was manipulative, dishonest, corrupt and didn't give a shit about them, only herself. They wouldn't listen.

Now they are stuck with her corrupt legacy of dishonesty. All 60 million of the idiots that thought she would make a Jim Dandy President. They can't run away from her.

Thank god the American people were smart enough not to elect the bitch
Worse yet, they all knew what kind of corruption was going on at THE DNC, and THEY ALL LIED ABOUT IT.

Schumer, Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Harry Reid, Elizabeth Warren, Brazile, Schultz, Perez all knew what was going on about Laundering Money with Russia and Fusion GPS, and they all lied repeatedly about it.

Everytime any one of these assholes gets in front of a Microphone they should be asked why they didn't report The Money Laundering And Election Rigging Scam, and Collusion with Russia going on at THE DNC.

The 2nd question they should ask is what did they know about the Pakistani Hacking Ring working at THE DNC and with Clinton, when did they find out about it, and why didn't they report it to the authorities?

Don't forget their lapdog media that chose to sit on this. Brazile and Warren are simply confirming what conservatives knew for months. They are also trying to save their asses in order to be part of the future Democrat party. Washerman Shultz and Hillary are done.

Back to the lapdog media, it's their circling of the wagons for their masters that makes a market for Fox News and AM talk radio.
We only Love that The Evil Spawn Of Satan Hate him. Other than that we understand he is completely human and not bound for Eternal Damnation like The Luciferian Clintons.

If you hate him, it means he’s righteous.

Not sinless but right with God like you aren’t.

He’s standing in the way of The End Time Satanic Globalist Government and that makes you mad as Hell.....Literally.

Relax you little devil, Daddy Satan will Rule for his short time, and you will fall down and worship him and accept his mark and seal your place in Hell on judgment day when Christ returns victorious to send you and your gods to Hell!

Yes, "normalize". he's exactly what you want to be the new normal. "What we love about him!".... EXACTLY my point, thank you. I couldn't have illustrated my point more perfectly, even if I had invented a robot Trumpkin...

I'm so glad that somehow made you feel like you made a point.

Reminds me of the day our house cat came running up to the patio with a mouth full of grass to show us. . . . poor thing thought it really caught something too. LOL

The point would stand, regardless of my feelings. Yes, here you are, all of your contrived, ad hoc reasons for being a Trumpkin are all bullshit...you love that he's not normal, which is also an obtuse pile of shit answer.

So, let's try this again: You are his cheerleader.... why? I'm going to go out on a limb and predict more nebulous bullshit.

Well, if you actually believe any of that, you are nuts. Certifiable.

Then nuts I am. For if I believe and Heaven is real then so is Hell.

Hell Is for people like you who delight in lies and hate the Truth.

If neither Heaven and Hell are real then we both end up in the same place.

So tell me ole wise one, who is really crazy and who is sane and who risks eternal damnation and who may receive an eternal reward?

Those that love God choose life and receive eternal life and those who hate God choose Death and receive eternal Death.

So congratulations, you get to spend eternity with Hitler, Terrorists, Abortionists, And all the Genocidal Homocidal Maniacs That Hell Can Hold.

Daddy is waiting for you.

"For if I believe and Heaven is real then so is Hell."

which is a far cry from the idiotic beliefs you described earlier. Why the equivocating sissy nonsense? Embarrassed?
We told the stupid Moon Bats what Crooked Hillary was a piece of shit but they wouldn't listen. We told them that she was manipulative, dishonest, corrupt and didn't give a shit about them, only herself. They wouldn't listen.

Now they are stuck with her corrupt legacy of dishonesty. All 60 million of the idiots that thought she would make a Jim Dandy President. They can't run away from her.

Thank god the American people were smart enough not to elect the bitch
Worse yet, they all knew what kind of corruption was going on at THE DNC, and THEY ALL LIED ABOUT IT.

Schumer, Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Harry Reid, Elizabeth Warren, Brazile, Schultz, Perez all knew what was going on about Laundering Money with Russia and Fusion GPS, and they all lied repeatedly about it.

Everytime any one of these assholes gets in front of a Microphone they should be asked why they didn't report The Money Laundering And Election Rigging Scam, and Collusion with Russia going on at THE DNC.

The 2nd question they should ask is what did they know about the Pakistani Hacking Ring working at THE DNC and with Clinton, when did they find out about it, and why didn't they report it to the authorities?

And we want to ask them these questions so we can hear more lies?
We only Love that The Evil Spawn Of Satan Hate him. Other than that we understand he is completely human and not bound for Eternal Damnation like The Luciferian Clintons.

If you hate him, it means he’s righteous.

Not sinless but right with God like you aren’t.

He’s standing in the way of The End Time Satanic Globalist Government and that makes you mad as Hell.....Literally.

Relax you little devil, Daddy Satan will Rule for his short time, and you will fall down and worship him and accept his mark and seal your place in Hell on judgment day when Christ returns victorious to send you and your gods to Hell!

I'm so glad that somehow made you feel like you made a point.

Reminds me of the day our house cat came running up to the patio with a mouth full of grass to show us. . . . poor thing thought it really caught something too. LOL

The point would stand, regardless of my feelings. Yes, here you are, all of your contrived, ad hoc reasons for being a Trumpkin are all bullshit...you love that he's not normal, which is also an obtuse pile of shit answer.

So, let's try this again: You are his cheerleader.... why? I'm going to go out on a limb and predict more nebulous bullshit.

Well, if you actually believe any of that, you are nuts. Certifiable.

Then nuts I am. For if I believe and Heaven is real then so is Hell.

Hell Is for people like you who delight in lies and hate the Truth.

If neither Heaven and Hell are real then we both end up in the same place.

So tell me ole wise one, who is really crazy and who is sane and who risks eternal damnation and who may receive an eternal reward?

Those that love God choose life and receive eternal life and those who hate God choose Death and receive eternal Death.

So congratulations, you get to spend eternity with Hitler, Terrorists, Abortionists, And all the Genocidal Homocidal Maniacs That Hell Can Hold.

Daddy is waiting for you.

"For if I believe and Heaven is real then so is Hell."

which is a far cry from the idiotic beliefs you described earlier. Why the equivocating sissy nonsense? Embarrassed?

I am embarrassed for you. When you die, you only have two options. A Cold Grave and Eternal Nothingness which means you are a mere animal, and the only laws you have a right to live by is The Law of The Jungle.

And you other option is HELL, Eternal Separation From God.

One who gambles with his soul is the biggest fool of all.
These Moon Bats are never going to wake up. They are simply too damn stupid. We told them last year that Crooked Hillary was a piece of shit but the idiots went ahead and voted for her anyhow. How dumb was that? They are incapable of ever pulling their heads out of their asses. They will always be manipulated by the filth in the Democrat Party. They can't help themselves.
We only Love that The Evil Spawn Of Satan Hate him. Other than that we understand he is completely human and not bound for Eternal Damnation like The Luciferian Clintons.

If you hate him, it means he’s righteous.

Not sinless but right with God like you aren’t.

He’s standing in the way of The End Time Satanic Globalist Government and that makes you mad as Hell.....Literally.

Relax you little devil, Daddy Satan will Rule for his short time, and you will fall down and worship him and accept his mark and seal your place in Hell on judgment day when Christ returns victorious to send you and your gods to Hell!

The point would stand, regardless of my feelings. Yes, here you are, all of your contrived, ad hoc reasons for being a Trumpkin are all bullshit...you love that he's not normal, which is also an obtuse pile of shit answer.

So, let's try this again: You are his cheerleader.... why? I'm going to go out on a limb and predict more nebulous bullshit.

Well, if you actually believe any of that, you are nuts. Certifiable.

Then nuts I am. For if I believe and Heaven is real then so is Hell.

Hell Is for people like you who delight in lies and hate the Truth.

If neither Heaven and Hell are real then we both end up in the same place.

So tell me ole wise one, who is really crazy and who is sane and who risks eternal damnation and who may receive an eternal reward?

Those that love God choose life and receive eternal life and those who hate God choose Death and receive eternal Death.

So congratulations, you get to spend eternity with Hitler, Terrorists, Abortionists, And all the Genocidal Homocidal Maniacs That Hell Can Hold.

Daddy is waiting for you.

"For if I believe and Heaven is real then so is Hell."

which is a far cry from the idiotic beliefs you described earlier. Why the equivocating sissy nonsense? Embarrassed?

I am embarrassed for you. When you die, you only have two options. A Cold Grave and Eternal Nothingness which means you are a mere animal, and the only laws you have a right to live by is The Law of The Jungle.

And you other option is HELL, Eternal Separation From God.

One who gambles with his soul is the biggest fool of all.

Sure, Shaman. Dude, get your goofy bronze age voodoo out of here, you sound like a crazy person.
These Moon Bats are never going to wake up. They are simply too damn stupid. We told them last year that Crooked Hillary was a piece of shit but the idiots went ahead and voted for her anyhow. How dumb was that? They are incapable of ever pulling their heads out of their asses. They will always be manipulated by the filth in the Democrat Party. They can't help themselves.

"These Moon Bats are never going to wake up. "

Says the guys flying the flag of the traitors who lost 150 years ago... when do you plan to "wake up", Cletus?
The dems had to choose whether to nominate the candidate who appealed best to the base (Sanders), or the one most likely to win (Clinton). The result was appropriate. Had Sanders won, Trump would have won the election, plus the popular vote. Dems have no idea how repulsive Sanders is to Ordinary People.

Which will be manifest from the postings on this thread.

Sanders would have won the General election.
We only Love that The Evil Spawn Of Satan Hate him. Other than that we understand he is completely human and not bound for Eternal Damnation like The Luciferian Clintons.

If you hate him, it means he’s righteous.

Not sinless but right with God like you aren’t.

He’s standing in the way of The End Time Satanic Globalist Government and that makes you mad as Hell.....Literally.

Relax you little devil, Daddy Satan will Rule for his short time, and you will fall down and worship him and accept his mark and seal your place in Hell on judgment day when Christ returns victorious to send you and your gods to Hell!

Well, if you actually believe any of that, you are nuts. Certifiable.

Then nuts I am. For if I believe and Heaven is real then so is Hell.

Hell Is for people like you who delight in lies and hate the Truth.

If neither Heaven and Hell are real then we both end up in the same place.

So tell me ole wise one, who is really crazy and who is sane and who risks eternal damnation and who may receive an eternal reward?

Those that love God choose life and receive eternal life and those who hate God choose Death and receive eternal Death.

So congratulations, you get to spend eternity with Hitler, Terrorists, Abortionists, And all the Genocidal Homocidal Maniacs That Hell Can Hold.

Daddy is waiting for you.

"For if I believe and Heaven is real then so is Hell."

which is a far cry from the idiotic beliefs you described earlier. Why the equivocating sissy nonsense? Embarrassed?

I am embarrassed for you. When you die, you only have two options. A Cold Grave and Eternal Nothingness which means you are a mere animal, and the only laws you have a right to live by is The Law of The Jungle.

And you other option is HELL, Eternal Separation From God.

One who gambles with his soul is the biggest fool of all.

Sure, Shaman. Dude, get your goofy bronze age voodoo out of here, you sound like a crazy person.

Is that your standard Rehearsed response written for you in Crayon by your Luciferian Masters?

I have to tell you, they are making you look dumber than I thought you were.
These Moon Bats are never going to wake up. They are simply too damn stupid. We told them last year that Crooked Hillary was a piece of shit but the idiots went ahead and voted for her anyhow. How dumb was that? They are incapable of ever pulling their heads out of their asses. They will always be manipulated by the filth in the Democrat Party. They can't help themselves.

"These Moon Bats are never going to wake up. "

Says the guys flying the flag of the traitors who lost 150 years ago... when do you plan to "wake up", Cletus?
You mean the original Flag of THE DEMOCRAT PARTY Until they switched it to a JACKASS? Andrew Jackson's Jackass. You know the one he used to hang Indians and runaway slaves on.

The Dem Logo is the most hideous and racist logo that has ever existed.
The dems had to choose whether to nominate the candidate who appealed best to the base (Sanders), or the one most likely to win (Clinton). The result was appropriate. Had Sanders won, Trump would have won the election, plus the popular vote. Dems have no idea how repulsive Sanders is to Ordinary People.

Which will be manifest from the postings on this thread.

Sanders would have won the General election.

For that to be true, a significant number of those who voted for Trump would have rather voted for Bernie. . .

Where are they? Are those voters In big cities that would not have changed anything? Or are they out in flyover country where they could have affected the outcome?
Watch. The Democrats will now try everything they can to disassociate from Clinton, to blame the entire losing campaign and the current state of the Democratic Party on Clinton and her nefarious crew.

"It's not our fault. We were used."

They are half right. They were used, willingly.

Just watch. It will be delicious.
Hillary is the most corrupt and evil woman on the planet. The look on her face, when she stands before her Creator, will be priceless. She thinks she's getting away with what she has done. Well...She's in for a huge surprise.
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That's not my point, She is irrelevant, that's my point, All this BS about Hillary, the Clintons, Obamas, etc: it's all deflection. None of them are relevant anymore.
None of them are relevant anymore.
When they do the talk shows, write the books, and get outted for their actions,

they become relevant.
What talk shows? . It's nothing at all unusual.

What talk shows?

Hillary Clinton - IMDb

"Writing books about your experiencs is very typical of celebrities, especially political people"

and keeps them relevant.
Earns them money. That's the main purpose.


It's to keep in the public eye.

They don't need the money...

they didn't need it when they left the White House in 2001 when they claimed to be broke.
Wherever the Clintons are the operation they ran always ends up being broke when they leave.
These Moon Bats are never going to wake up. They are simply too damn stupid. We told them last year that Crooked Hillary was a piece of shit but the idiots went ahead and voted for her anyhow. How dumb was that? They are incapable of ever pulling their heads out of their asses. They will always be manipulated by the filth in the Democrat Party. They can't help themselves.

"These Moon Bats are never going to wake up. "

Says the guys flying the flag of the traitors who lost 150 years ago... when do you plan to "wake up", Cletus?

I just do it to trigger you stupid Moon Bats. Works every time. Thanks for playing.
The filthy Democrats are in full meltdown mode now.

All these idiots that voted for Crooked were duped by a corrupt and dishonest asshole.

No wonder this party of morons have lost 1,000 national seats, every special election, the Congress and the Presidency.

Looks like they will continue to be on a path of destruction. Bad for them but good for America.
Watch. The Democrats will now try everything they can to disassociate from Clinton, to blame the entire losing campaign and the current state of the Democratic Party on Clinton and her nefarious crew.

"It's not our fault. We were used."

They are half right. They were used, willingly.

Just watch. It will be delicious.
Why are you people so obsessed with Hillary Clinton? She is not the issue. It's pathetic, really, the way you are all so obsessed with her.

Because she's the poster child for the complete and utter failure and demise of the Democratic Party. It's wonderful entertainment!

Watch. The Democrats will now try everything they can to disassociate from Clinton, to blame the entire losing campaign and the current state of the Democratic Party on Clinton and her nefarious crew.

"It's not our fault. We were used."

They are half right. They were used, willingly.

Just watch. It will be delicious.

It's coming


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