Hillary Clinton Watches The Oncoming Bus

Watch. The Democrats will now try everything they can to disassociate from Clinton, to blame the entire losing campaign and the current state of the Democratic Party on Clinton and her nefarious crew.

"It's not our fault. We were used."

They are half right. They were used, willingly.

Just watch. It will be delicious.
Why are you people so obsessed with Hillary Clinton? She is not the issue. It's pathetic, really, the way you are all so obsessed with her.

Obviously, you don't have a problem with the entire DNC rigging the last Presidential nomination.

Duly noted.
Watch. The Democrats will now try everything they can to disassociate from Clinton, to blame the entire losing campaign and the current state of the Democratic Party on Clinton and her nefarious crew.

"It's not our fault. We were used."

They are half right. They were used, willingly.

Just watch. It will be delicious.
Why are you people so obsessed with Hillary Clinton? She is not the issue. It's pathetic, really, the way you are all so obsessed with her.

Obviously, you don't have a problem with the entire DNC rigging the last Presidential nomination.

Duly noted.
She may not know about it. Her media sources likely have yet to tell her.
Watch. The Democrats will now try everything they can to disassociate from Clinton, to blame the entire losing campaign and the current state of the Democratic Party on Clinton and her nefarious crew.

"It's not our fault. We were used."

They are half right. They were used, willingly.

Just watch. It will be delicious.
Why are you people so obsessed with Hillary Clinton? She is not the issue. It's pathetic, really, the way you are all so obsessed with her.

Obviously, you don't have a problem with the entire DNC rigging the last Presidential nomination.

Duly noted.
If you people are so happy and contented with Trump, why are you so preoccupied with Clinton?
Because she is a criminal and murderer, and not only jeapordized Our National Security but Rigged an Election and tried to stage a Coup with Obama to oust a duly elected president when she, The DNC, FBI, and Obama Colluded with Russia to create The Fake Russian Dossier which has been used to violate The rights of We The People to have The President have his agenda carried out.

When she is hung or shot or imprisoned for life along with Obama and James Comey and Lynch, people will forget they ever walked the Earth.

Now you may return to pleasuring your ass with a Hillary Clinton Bobblehead Doll!

As you were!

Watch. The Democrats will now try everything they can to disassociate from Clinton, to blame the entire losing campaign and the current state of the Democratic Party on Clinton and her nefarious crew.

"It's not our fault. We were used."

They are half right. They were used, willingly.

Just watch. It will be delicious.
Why are you people so obsessed with Hillary Clinton? She is not the issue. It's pathetic, really, the way you are all so obsessed with her.

Obviously, you don't have a problem with the entire DNC rigging the last Presidential nomination.

Duly noted.
If you people are so happy and contented with Trump, why are you so preoccupied with Clinton?
Because she is a criminal and murderer, and not only jeapordized Our National Security but Rigged an Election and tried to stage a Coup with Obama to oust a duly elected president when she, The DNC, FBI, and Obama Colluded with Russia to create The Fake Russian Dossier.

When she is hung or shot or improsoned for life along with Obama and James Comey and Lynch, people will forget they ever walked the Earth.

Now you may return to pleasuring your ass with a Hillary Clinton Bobblehead Doll!

Watch. The Democrats will now try everything they can to disassociate from Clinton, to blame the entire losing campaign and the current state of the Democratic Party on Clinton and her nefarious crew.

"It's not our fault. We were used."

They are half right. They were used, willingly.

Just watch. It will be delicious.
Why are you people so obsessed with Hillary Clinton? She is not the issue. It's pathetic, really, the way you are all so obsessed with her.

Obviously, you don't have a problem with the entire DNC rigging the last Presidential nomination.

Duly noted.
If you people are so happy and contented with Trump, why are you so preoccupied with Clinton?
Hopefully someone just assassinates the bitch...

There are people in The DNC who would love to take a crack at that.

I prefer to see her beheaded.

Because she is a criminal and murderer, and not only jeapordized Our National Security but Rigged an Election and tried to stage a Coup with Obama to oust a duly elected president when she, The DNC, FBI, and Obama Colluded with Russia to create The Fake Russian Dossier.

When she is hung or shot or improsoned for life along with Obama and James Comey and Lynch, people will forget they ever walked the Earth.

Now you may return to pleasuring your ass with a Hillary Clinton Bobblehead Doll!

Watch. The Democrats will now try everything they can to disassociate from Clinton, to blame the entire losing campaign and the current state of the Democratic Party on Clinton and her nefarious crew.

"It's not our fault. We were used."

They are half right. They were used, willingly.

Just watch. It will be delicious.
Why are you people so obsessed with Hillary Clinton? She is not the issue. It's pathetic, really, the way you are all so obsessed with her.

Obviously, you don't have a problem with the entire DNC rigging the last Presidential nomination.

Duly noted.
If you people are so happy and contented with Trump, why are you so preoccupied with Clinton?
Watch. The Democrats will now try everything they can to disassociate from Clinton, to blame the entire losing campaign and the current state of the Democratic Party on Clinton and her nefarious crew.

"It's not our fault. We were used."

They are half right. They were used, willingly.

Just watch. It will be delicious.

It's like watching Charlie Sheen come undone.
Have you considered the remote possibility that what you are seeing could be anything other than an obsession?

Hillary IS the Democratic party ... if they try and throw her under the bus, she'll rat everyone out. She knows where all the bodies are buried.

If they don't drive a stake through her heart soon, you'll see Hillary / Warren 2020.
No she is not; she is not the Democratic party. Thinking so makes it clear how this is obsession with you guys. She will definitely not be running for election in 2020, to think so shows a complete lack of understanding of the situation. You folks are unbelievable.

She is the poster girl for the Democratic party, and she's hideous.
You're hideous.

Thanks for letting me know that I bother you so much.
you deduct the illegal aliens,,dead people, dogs, cats,hamsters, inatimate objects, vibrators, really stupid people, and manniquens that voted for Hillary,,,,Trump wins by 25.9 million votes.
If you eliminate the really stupid people, Trump doesn’t get any votes.

If all the really stupid people got out of politics, neither Clinton nor Trump would have been candidates.
We told the stupid Moon Bats what Crooked Hillary was a piece of shit but they wouldn't listen. We told them that she was manipulative, dishonest, corrupt and didn't give a shit about them, only herself. They wouldn't listen.

Now they are stuck with her corrupt legacy of dishonesty. All 60 million of the idiots that thought she would make a Jim Dandy President. They can't run away from her.

Thank god the American people were smart enough not to elect the bitch
Watch. The Democrats will now try everything they can to disassociate from Clinton, to blame the entire losing campaign and the current state of the Democratic Party on Clinton and her nefarious crew.

"It's not our fault. We were used."

They are half right. They were used, willingly.

Just watch. It will be delicious.
Why are you people so obsessed with Hillary Clinton? She is not the issue. It's pathetic, really, the way you are all so obsessed with her.

She is the one obsessed with not being President. She won't go away. Gore was more quiet than she was
She's not doing anything you idiot.

She annoys me. That's enough.
Watch. The Democrats will now try everything they can to disassociate from Clinton, to blame the entire losing campaign and the current state of the Democratic Party on Clinton and her nefarious crew.

"It's not our fault. We were used."

They are half right. They were used, willingly.

Just watch. It will be delicious.
Why are you people so obsessed with Hillary Clinton? She is not the issue. It's pathetic, really, the way you are all so obsessed with her.

Obviously, you don't have a problem with the entire DNC rigging the last Presidential nomination.

Duly noted.
If you people are so happy and contented with Trump, why are you so preoccupied with Clinton?

She's a longtime crook who tried to rig an election, and lost, and is now found out.

She is clearly reflective of the Democratic Party.

At the same time, she has destroyed its electoral hopes for a generation, or more.

Right now, she's the most interesting bitch around, newswise.
What's really wild is she won't go away. D's must be going nuts that she won't leave the stage.
Oh, the vast majority of the lib white women don't want her to go away. Know that. Trust me, there is nothing on earth more annoying or more stupid than a liberal WHITE woman.

The negro victim millionaires are close. Really close, but the liberal white women take it. The annoying factor is an absolute 10. They all clearly personify the notion of OFTEN IN ERROR, NEVER IN DOUBT.


All of them deserve something that resembles this....


This will have to do.
What's really wild is she won't go away. D's must be going nuts that she won't leave the stage.

She felt entitled to the presidency, these people their ego is turned up to 11. Now can you imagine anything more embarrassing than to lose to a rank amateur in an election everyone thought she would win in a blow out? Hillary and the entire Dem party are unhinged. Its been nearly a year since they lost and they are only now coming to grips with why, a cage match within their party is about to begin.
Yeah, she won the popular vote alright. . .

Too fucking bad that most of those 3 million votes were from dead and illegal voters in a select few libtarded major cities.


haha, you guys have to make up ridiculous shit even still....

"Face it, Trump won!"... I see you say this to others, maybe you should find a mirror and scream it a few times...

But, I don't want you to face the fact that Trump won and Hitlary lost.

I have learned to LOVE the sights and sounds of butthurting leftardz every time I log in.

See? It's really much more of an addiction than it is an obsession. We just can't get enough of your leftarded displays of butthurt.


Umh....Hillary lost dude. You realize it right? Isn't it time to move on to some fresh moronic memes? It's almost a year now.

Hey, it's not like she faded away quietly after losing the election BIGLY.

It's mostly her own doing AND HER FUCKING WISH, that she is still a topic of conversation.

So, she's the one who published the book that is the subject of the OP?

No. She's the one whose antics since the election brought the book into fruition.
Watch. The Democrats will now try everything they can to disassociate from Clinton, to blame the entire losing campaign and the current state of the Democratic Party on Clinton and her nefarious crew.

"It's not our fault. We were used."

They are half right. They were used, willingly.

Just watch. It will be delicious.
Why are you people so obsessed with Hillary Clinton? She is not the issue. It's pathetic, really, the way you are all so obsessed with her.

She is the one obsessed with not being President. She won't go away. Gore was more quiet than she was
She's not doing anything you idiot.

She annoys me. That's enough.
I think that's what it is for all of you people: which, given how much attention you pay to her, manifests itself as obsession.

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