Hillary Clinton Watches The Oncoming Bus

Funny how you lefties always talk about slurping.

Not that here is anything wrong with that.

Look how Obama slurps on Putin and gives him a Uranium Woody!

Yeah, she won the popular vote alright. . .

Too fucking bad that most of those 3 million votes were from dead and illegal voters in a select few libtarded major cities.


haha, you guys have to make up ridiculous shit even still....

"Face it, Trump won!"... I see you say this to others, maybe you should find a mirror and scream it a few times...

But, I don't want you to face the fact that trump won and Hitlary lost.

I have learned to LOVE the sights and sounds of butthurting leftardz every time I log in.

Well, that's special. Totally normal behavior for a grown man. No, really.

I think you'll find that the failure that is Trump transcends all of this liberal/conservative cockfighting, whether you come along for the ride or not.

My 401K and other investments have never done better.

Subsequently, my future (retirement) has never been more promising.

He will likely be picking at least two more Supreme Court Justices.

All things that seem to be "making America Great" again. . .

Got anymore butthurting rants for me?

Your investments have never done better? Well you must not be very old.

And go peddle your bullshit to someone dumber. As if your 401(k) has anything to do with why you are slurping the Trumpade....
The Left wasn’t intimidated and forced on their knees like Lewinsky was to suck Clinton Cock, They weren’t raped like Slick Willie’s many victims.

They weren’t children Clinton Defiled on The Lolita Express 26 Times

They took it in the Ass Willingly and begged for it, called themselves a dirty whore and then invited The Clintons back for more.

Watch. The Democrats will now try everything they can to disassociate from Clinton, to blame the entire losing campaign and the current state of the Democratic Party on Clinton and her nefarious crew.

"It's not our fault. We were used."

They are half right. They were used, willingly.

Just watch. It will be delicious.
Lewinsky went to DC, she STATED she went to DC, with the object of having an affair with Clinton. She STATED she was taking her 'knee pads.' No one intimidated her or forced her. Your post is a perfect example of how the Republicans like to rewrite fact to fit their agenda.
He was her Superior.

It was Rape.

He raped Children and women regularly like Pelosi lies and Schumer takes his daily shits after drinking his nightly Metamucil.

Go suck some more Putin Cock.
Obama needs someone to take over for him.
She’ll run to spite the DNC and to siphon off as much money from them as she can.

With The Clintons The only god they love more than Satan and Power is Money

No she is not; she is not the Democratic party. Thinking so makes it clear how this is obsession with you guys. She will definitely not be running for election in 2020, to think so shows a complete lack of understanding of the situation. You folks are unbelievable.
till this day,,,we still cannot understand why even a dead person would vote for Hillary

Interesting that she won the popular vote by 3 million votes.

Yeah, she won the popular vote alright. . .

Too fucking bad that most of those 3 million votes were from dead and illegal voters in a select few libtarded major cities.

OMG I guess you people believe that if you repeat lies often enough it will become truth: the only ones who believe in the truth of these accusations are dimwits.

The map doesn't lie.
Funny how you lefties always talk about slurping.

Not that here is anything wrong with that.

Look how Obama slurps on Putin and gives him a Uranium Woody!

haha, you guys have to make up ridiculous shit even still....

"Face it, Trump won!"... I see you say this to others, maybe you should find a mirror and scream it a few times...

But, I don't want you to face the fact that trump won and Hitlary lost.

I have learned to LOVE the sights and sounds of butthurting leftardz every time I log in.

Well, that's special. Totally normal behavior for a grown man. No, really.

I think you'll find that the failure that is Trump transcends all of this liberal/conservative cockfighting, whether you come along for the ride or not.

My 401K and other investments have never done better.

Subsequently, my future (retirement) has never been more promising.

He will likely be picking at least two more Supreme Court Justices.

All things that seem to be "making America Great" again. . .

Got anymore butthurting rants for me?

Your investments have never done better? Well you must not be very old.

And go peddle your bullshit to someone dumber. As if your 401(k) has anything to do with why you are slurping the Trumpade....

Oops, looks like we triggered the gay ol
Well, that's special. Totally normal behavior for a grown man. No, really.

I think you'll find that the failure that is Trump transcends all of this liberal/conservative cockfighting, whether you come along for the ride or not.

My 401K and other investments have never done better.

Subsequently, my future (retirement) has never been more promising.

He will likely be picking at least two more Supreme Court Justices.

All things that seem to be "making America Great" again. . .

Got anymore butthurting rants for me?

Your investments have never done better? Well you must not be very old.

And go peddle your bullshit to someone dumber. As if your 401(k) has anything to do with why you are slurping the Trumpade....

You are only partly right. . .

All I cared about was the Supreme Court picks.

And because the Hildabeast lost that despite all her criminal efforts to buy the election. . . I have had a hard-on ever since that would put any of those 4hr. viagra boners to shame.

Bullshit. Trump already won, and already gets the picks. Yet still you protect him like a doting mommy protects a violent little excorcist child hidden in the basement. You have a hard time being honest, dont you? What are you embarrassed of? Hmm?

Uhhhmmmm. . . .

I'll match HONEST facts with you or with any other laughtard on any given day.

We will start with biological facts on when and how a child's life begins. How about that?

As for protecting Trump? I don't feel the need, i aint a lawyer and he could barely ain afford me if I was one. :p

Oops, you're doing it again. Why is it so hard for guys like you to explain your own behavior?

Your behavior regarding Trump is bizarre, bordering on fetish. When asked about it:


"Supreme Court picks!"

"Hillary lost something! Haha!"


All complete bullshit...The election was a while ago. Yet here you still are, trying to normalize Trump.
Only Truth is told here which is why you are so pissed.

Truth to a liberal is like throwing holy water on a vampire!

It burns your Wicked Damned To Hell Soul!

She’ll run to spite the DNC and to siphon off as much money from them as she can.

With The Clintons The only god they love more than Satan and Power is Money
Watch. The Democrats will now try everything they can to disassociate from Clinton, to blame the entire losing campaign and the current state of the Democratic Party on Clinton and her nefarious crew.

"It's not our fault. We were used."

They are half right. They were used, willingly.

Just watch. It will be delicious.

I doubt that. You know why? If Hillary starts talking, she'll push all her Deep State buddies under that bus as well.
You people are really ridiculous. You have been investigating or trying to investigate her for 30 years and nothing. Nothing. It's so annoying.
Ahhhhh... but this time, they may have finally caught her... :)

Last edited:
Funny how you lefties always talk about slurping.

Not that here is anything wrong with that.

Look how Obama slurps on Putin and gives him a Uranium Woody!

But, I don't want you to face the fact that trump won and Hitlary lost.

I have learned to LOVE the sights and sounds of butthurting leftardz every time I log in.

Well, that's special. Totally normal behavior for a grown man. No, really.

I think you'll find that the failure that is Trump transcends all of this liberal/conservative cockfighting, whether you come along for the ride or not.

My 401K and other investments have never done better.

Subsequently, my future (retirement) has never been more promising.

He will likely be picking at least two more Supreme Court Justices.

All things that seem to be "making America Great" again. . .

Got anymore butthurting rants for me?

Your investments have never done better? Well you must not be very old.

And go peddle your bullshit to someone dumber. As if your 401(k) has anything to do with why you are slurping the Trumpade....

Oops, looks like we triggered the gay ol
My 401K and other investments have never done better.

Subsequently, my future (retirement) has never been more promising.

He will likely be picking at least two more Supreme Court Justices.

All things that seem to be "making America Great" again. . .

Got anymore butthurting rants for me?

Your investments have never done better? Well you must not be very old.

And go peddle your bullshit to someone dumber. As if your 401(k) has anything to do with why you are slurping the Trumpade....

You are only partly right. . .

All I cared about was the Supreme Court picks.

And because the Hildabeast lost that despite all her criminal efforts to buy the election. . . I have had a hard-on ever since that would put any of those 4hr. viagra boners to shame.

Bullshit. Trump already won, and already gets the picks. Yet still you protect him like a doting mommy protects a violent little excorcist child hidden in the basement. You have a hard time being honest, dont you? What are you embarrassed of? Hmm?

Uhhhmmmm. . . .

I'll match HONEST facts with you or with any other laughtard on any given day.

We will start with biological facts on when and how a child's life begins. How about that?

As for protecting Trump? I don't feel the need, i aint a lawyer and he could barely ain afford me if I was one. :p

Oops, you're doing it again. Why is it so hard for guys like you to explain your own behavior?

Your behavior regarding Trump is bizarre, bordering on fetish. When asked about it:


"Supreme Court picks!"

"Hillary lost something! Haha!"


All complete bullshit...The election was a while ago. Yet here you still are, trying to normalize Trump.

Normalize? Dafuq?

Trump Aint NORMAL...

That is One of the many things we love about him!
are the snowflakes ever gonna stop crying? :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: Wahhhh !!! Wahhh!!! :crybaby: :crybaby:,,,,But,,but,,Hillary won by 2.8 Million votes?,,,She should be president now,,not Bush !!! :eusa_boohoo: :crybaby: :oops:

What is funny about trumpflakes is that after about a year since the election you still haven't moved on to actual accomplishments by your president.
are the snowflakes ever gonna stop crying? :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: Wahhhh !!! Wahhh!!! :crybaby: :crybaby:,,,,But,,but,,Hillary won by 2.8 Million votes?,,,She should be president now,,not Bush !!! :eusa_boohoo: :crybaby: :oops:

What is funny about trumpflakes is that after about a year since the election you still haven't moved on to actual accomplishments by your president.

But the only ones complaining are the leftardz who didn't even vote for him. LOL!

And you accuse US as the ones being obsessive.
Funny how you lefties always talk about slurping.

Not that here is anything wrong with that.

Look how Obama slurps on Putin and gives him a Uranium Woody!

Well, that's special. Totally normal behavior for a grown man. No, really.

I think you'll find that the failure that is Trump transcends all of this liberal/conservative cockfighting, whether you come along for the ride or not.

My 401K and other investments have never done better.

Subsequently, my future (retirement) has never been more promising.

He will likely be picking at least two more Supreme Court Justices.

All things that seem to be "making America Great" again. . .

Got anymore butthurting rants for me?

Your investments have never done better? Well you must not be very old.

And go peddle your bullshit to someone dumber. As if your 401(k) has anything to do with why you are slurping the Trumpade....

Oops, looks like we triggered the gay ol
Your investments have never done better? Well you must not be very old.

And go peddle your bullshit to someone dumber. As if your 401(k) has anything to do with why you are slurping the Trumpade....

You are only partly right. . .

All I cared about was the Supreme Court picks.

And because the Hildabeast lost that despite all her criminal efforts to buy the election. . . I have had a hard-on ever since that would put any of those 4hr. viagra boners to shame.

Bullshit. Trump already won, and already gets the picks. Yet still you protect him like a doting mommy protects a violent little excorcist child hidden in the basement. You have a hard time being honest, dont you? What are you embarrassed of? Hmm?

Uhhhmmmm. . . .

I'll match HONEST facts with you or with any other laughtard on any given day.

We will start with biological facts on when and how a child's life begins. How about that?

As for protecting Trump? I don't feel the need, i aint a lawyer and he could barely ain afford me if I was one. :p

Oops, you're doing it again. Why is it so hard for guys like you to explain your own behavior?

Your behavior regarding Trump is bizarre, bordering on fetish. When asked about it:


"Supreme Court picks!"

"Hillary lost something! Haha!"


All complete bullshit...The election was a while ago. Yet here you still are, trying to normalize Trump.

Normalize? Dafuq?

Trump Aint NORMAL...

That is One of the many things we love about him!

Yes, "normalize". he's exactly what you want to be the new normal. "What we love about him!".... EXACTLY my point, thank you. I couldn't have illustrated my point more perfectly, even if I had invented a robot Trumpkin...
Since all things a liberal says come from their god The Father of Lies (Satan) Let me translate your statement for the rest of the board

“You are so full of Truth: You just repeat Truth, Truth, Truth!”

Oh and

“It Burns!”

The Left wasn’t intimidated and forced on their knees like Lewinsky was to suck Clinton Cock, They weren’t raped like Slick Willie’s many victims.

They weren’t children Clinton Defiled on The Lolita Express 26 Times

They took it in the Ass Willingly and begged for it, called themselves a dirty whore and then invited The Clintons back for more.

Watch. The Democrats will now try everything they can to disassociate from Clinton, to blame the entire losing campaign and the current state of the Democratic Party on Clinton and her nefarious crew.

"It's not our fault. We were used."

They are half right. They were used, willingly.

Just watch. It will be delicious.
Lewinsky went to DC, she STATED she went to DC, with the object of having an affair with Clinton. She STATED she was taking her 'knee pads.' No one intimidated her or forced her. Your post is a perfect example of how the Republicans like to rewrite fact to fit their agenda.
He was her Superior.

It was Rape.

He raped Children and women regularly like Pelosi lies and Schumer takes his daily shits after drinking his nightly Metamucil.

Go suck some more Putin Cock.
Obama needs someone to take over for him.
You are so full of shit: you just repeat lies, lies, lies.
Funny how you lefties always talk about slurping.

Not that here is anything wrong with that.

Look how Obama slurps on Putin and gives him a Uranium Woody!

My 401K and other investments have never done better.

Subsequently, my future (retirement) has never been more promising.

He will likely be picking at least two more Supreme Court Justices.

All things that seem to be "making America Great" again. . .

Got anymore butthurting rants for me?

Your investments have never done better? Well you must not be very old.

And go peddle your bullshit to someone dumber. As if your 401(k) has anything to do with why you are slurping the Trumpade....

Oops, looks like we triggered the gay ol
You are only partly right. . .

All I cared about was the Supreme Court picks.

And because the Hildabeast lost that despite all her criminal efforts to buy the election. . . I have had a hard-on ever since that would put any of those 4hr. viagra boners to shame.

Bullshit. Trump already won, and already gets the picks. Yet still you protect him like a doting mommy protects a violent little excorcist child hidden in the basement. You have a hard time being honest, dont you? What are you embarrassed of? Hmm?

Uhhhmmmm. . . .

I'll match HONEST facts with you or with any other laughtard on any given day.

We will start with biological facts on when and how a child's life begins. How about that?

As for protecting Trump? I don't feel the need, i aint a lawyer and he could barely ain afford me if I was one. :p

Oops, you're doing it again. Why is it so hard for guys like you to explain your own behavior?

Your behavior regarding Trump is bizarre, bordering on fetish. When asked about it:


"Supreme Court picks!"

"Hillary lost something! Haha!"


All complete bullshit...The election was a while ago. Yet here you still are, trying to normalize Trump.

Normalize? Dafuq?

Trump Aint NORMAL...

That is One of the many things we love about him!

Yes, "normalize". he's exactly what you want to be the new normal. "What we love about him!".... EXACTLY my point, thank you. I couldn't have illustrated my point more perfectly, even if I had invented a robot Trumpkin...

I'm so glad that somehow made you feel like you made a point.

Reminds me of the day our house cat came running up to the patio with a mouth full of grass to show us. . . . poor thing thought it really caught something too. LOL
Since all things a liberal says come from their god The Father of Lies (Satan) Let me translate your statement for the rest of the board

“You are so full of Truth: You just repeat Truth, Truth, Truth!”

Oh and

“It Burns!”

The Left wasn’t intimidated and forced on their knees like Lewinsky was to suck Clinton Cock, They weren’t raped like Slick Willie’s many victims.

They weren’t children Clinton Defiled on The Lolita Express 26 Times

They took it in the Ass Willingly and begged for it, called themselves a dirty whore and then invited The Clintons back for more.

Watch. The Democrats will now try everything they can to disassociate from Clinton, to blame the entire losing campaign and the current state of the Democratic Party on Clinton and her nefarious crew.

"It's not our fault. We were used."

They are half right. They were used, willingly.

Just watch. It will be delicious.
Lewinsky went to DC, she STATED she went to DC, with the object of having an affair with Clinton. She STATED she was taking her 'knee pads.' No one intimidated her or forced her. Your post is a perfect example of how the Republicans like to rewrite fact to fit their agenda.
He was her Superior.

It was Rape.

He raped Children and women regularly like Pelosi lies and Schumer takes his daily shits after drinking his nightly Metamucil.

Go suck some more Putin Cock.
Obama needs someone to take over for him.
You are so full of shit: you just repeat lies, lies, lies.

"Since all things a liberal says come from their god The Father of Lies (Satan)"

You sound smart.
Almost exactly a year after Clinton lost the election and the winners are STILL obsessed with the loser :lmao:

In most elections....you don't even remember the loser by now.

That’s because most losers retire quietly and honorably and don’t always stick their noses constantly into the the public sphere. She is losing the battle to remain relevant except as,the poster child for democratic corruption.
Funny how you lefties always talk about slurping.

Not that here is anything wrong with that.

Look how Obama slurps on Putin and gives him a Uranium Woody!

Your investments have never done better? Well you must not be very old.

And go peddle your bullshit to someone dumber. As if your 401(k) has anything to do with why you are slurping the Trumpade....

Oops, looks like we triggered the gay ol
Bullshit. Trump already won, and already gets the picks. Yet still you protect him like a doting mommy protects a violent little excorcist child hidden in the basement. You have a hard time being honest, dont you? What are you embarrassed of? Hmm?

Uhhhmmmm. . . .

I'll match HONEST facts with you or with any other laughtard on any given day.

We will start with biological facts on when and how a child's life begins. How about that?

As for protecting Trump? I don't feel the need, i aint a lawyer and he could barely ain afford me if I was one. :p

Oops, you're doing it again. Why is it so hard for guys like you to explain your own behavior?

Your behavior regarding Trump is bizarre, bordering on fetish. When asked about it:


"Supreme Court picks!"

"Hillary lost something! Haha!"


All complete bullshit...The election was a while ago. Yet here you still are, trying to normalize Trump.

Normalize? Dafuq?

Trump Aint NORMAL...

That is One of the many things we love about him!

Yes, "normalize". he's exactly what you want to be the new normal. "What we love about him!".... EXACTLY my point, thank you. I couldn't have illustrated my point more perfectly, even if I had invented a robot Trumpkin...

I'm so glad that somehow made you feel like you made a point.

Reminds me of the day our house cat came running up to the patio with a mouth full of grass to show us. . . . poor thing thought it really caught something too. LOL

The point would stand, regardless of my feelings. Yes, here you are, all of your contrived, ad hoc reasons for being a Trumpkin are all bullshit...you love that he's not normal, which is also an obtuse pile of shit answer.

So, let's try this again: You are his cheerleader.... why? I'm going to go out on a limb and predict more nebulous bullshit.
We only Love that The Evil Spawn Of Satan Hate him. Other than that we understand he is completely human and not bound for Eternal Damnation like The Luciferian Clintons.

If you hate him, it means he’s righteous.

Not sinless but right with God like you aren’t.

He’s standing in the way of The End Time Satanic Globalist Government and that makes you mad as Hell.....Literally.

Relax you little devil, Daddy Satan will Rule for his short time, and you will fall down and worship him and accept his mark and seal your place in Hell on judgment day when Christ returns victorious to send you and your gods to Hell!

Funny how you lefties always talk about slurping.

Not that here is anything wrong with that.

Look how Obama slurps on Putin and gives him a Uranium Woody!

Oops, looks like we triggered the gay ol
Uhhhmmmm. . . .

I'll match HONEST facts with you or with any other laughtard on any given day.

We will start with biological facts on when and how a child's life begins. How about that?

As for protecting Trump? I don't feel the need, i aint a lawyer and he could barely ain afford me if I was one. :p

Oops, you're doing it again. Why is it so hard for guys like you to explain your own behavior?

Your behavior regarding Trump is bizarre, bordering on fetish. When asked about it:


"Supreme Court picks!"

"Hillary lost something! Haha!"


All complete bullshit...The election was a while ago. Yet here you still are, trying to normalize Trump.

Normalize? Dafuq?

Trump Aint NORMAL...

That is One of the many things we love about him!

Yes, "normalize". he's exactly what you want to be the new normal. "What we love about him!".... EXACTLY my point, thank you. I couldn't have illustrated my point more perfectly, even if I had invented a robot Trumpkin...

I'm so glad that somehow made you feel like you made a point.

Reminds me of the day our house cat came running up to the patio with a mouth full of grass to show us. . . . poor thing thought it really caught something too. LOL

The point would stand, regardless of my feelings. Yes, here you are, all of your contrived, ad hoc reasons for being a Trumpkin are all bullshit...you love that he's not normal, which is also an obtuse pile of shit answer.

So, let's try this again: You are his cheerleader.... why? I'm going to go out on a limb and predict more nebulous bullshit.

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