Hillary Clinton Watches The Oncoming Bus

Looks like Indian Princess Pocahontas is whistling a different tune now and that The Donald was right.

She knew that last year. Why did she lie? Why do Democrats always lie?

It's not rigged, @realDonaldTrump. You're losing fair & square. Put on your big-boy pants because this is what accountability looks like.

Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) October 19, 2016

Your post is nonsensical. Warren referred to the primaries in her accusations, while Trump referred to the general election in his.
Watch. The Democrats will now try everything they can to disassociate from Clinton, to blame the entire losing campaign and the current state of the Democratic Party on Clinton and her nefarious crew.

"It's not our fault. We were used."

They are half right. They were used, willingly.

Just watch. It will be delicious.

I doubt that. You know why? If Hillary starts talking, she'll push all her Deep State buddies under that bus as well.
You people are really ridiculous. You have been investigating or trying to investigate her for 30 years and nothing. Nothing. It's so annoying.
Ahhhhh... but this time, they may have finally caught her... :)

It seems as though Hillary pissed off lots of people with her book. She blames everything and everyone but herself.

She refuses to go away and she is hurting the Dems in the midterms by reliving the POTUS election nearly every day on the talk circuit and giving paid speeches. Here is a list of speeches. She is having people pay her to speak and buy her book.



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Yes, how shameful. Just like anyone else in the world, she's making money off of her accomplishments. Shameful, just shameful.

What did she accomplish?
She's not doing anything you idiot.

That's not my point, She is irrelevant, that's my point, All this BS about Hillary, the Clintons, Obamas, etc: it's all deflection. None of them are relevant anymore.
Exactly. I am disgusted by whatd come out in Brazilles book about Clinton. But she lost. She is irrelevant now. And i still would not have voted for Trump. Hes just as bad if not more so.
Yeah, we know, everyone who tells the truth about Democrats is irrelevant.
She's not doing anything you idiot.

That's not my point, She is irrelevant, that's my point, All this BS about Hillary, the Clintons, Obamas, etc: it's all deflection. None of them are relevant anymore.
Exactly. I am disgusted by whatd come out in Brazilles book about Clinton. But she lost. She is irrelevant now. And i still would not have voted for Trump. Hes just as bad if not more so.
Yeah, we know, everyone who tells the truth about Democrats is irrelevant.
Clinton is irrelevant. Not sure who you think you are talking about.
She's not doing anything you idiot.

That's not my point, She is irrelevant, that's my point, All this BS about Hillary, the Clintons, Obamas, etc: it's all deflection. None of them are relevant anymore.
Exactly. I am disgusted by whatd come out in Brazilles book about Clinton. But she lost. She is irrelevant now. And i still would not have voted for Trump. Hes just as bad if not more so.
Yeah, we know, everyone who tells the truth about Democrats is irrelevant.
Clinton is irrelevant. Not sure who you think you are talking about.

She would be irrelevant if she would shut up. Unfortunately every time she opens her yap all the fake media outlets cover it, and all the leftwing talk shows keep inviting her on.
That's not my point, She is irrelevant, that's my point, All this BS about Hillary, the Clintons, Obamas, etc: it's all deflection. None of them are relevant anymore.
Exactly. I am disgusted by whatd come out in Brazilles book about Clinton. But she lost. She is irrelevant now. And i still would not have voted for Trump. Hes just as bad if not more so.
Yeah, we know, everyone who tells the truth about Democrats is irrelevant.
Clinton is irrelevant. Not sure who you think you are talking about.

She would be irrelevant if she would shut up. Unfortunately every time she opens her yap all the fake media outlets cover it, and all the leftwing talk shows keep inviting her on.
That's not my point, She is irrelevant, that's my point, All this BS about Hillary, the Clintons, Obamas, etc: it's all deflection. None of them are relevant anymore.
Exactly. I am disgusted by whatd come out in Brazilles book about Clinton. But she lost. She is irrelevant now. And i still would not have voted for Trump. Hes just as bad if not more so.
Yeah, we know, everyone who tells the truth about Democrats is irrelevant.
Clinton is irrelevant. Not sure who you think you are talking about.

She would be irrelevant if she would shut up. Unfortunately every time she opens her yap all the fake media outlets cover it, and all the leftwing talk shows keep inviting her on.

Quit claiming she's "irrelevant" when you own propaganda organs behave is if she is.
Dummy we have a money trail financial transactions and even The FBI and DOJ participating in The Uranium One Scam which Mueller allowed to happen on his watch even though he knew about it.

Even James Comey was in on the act offering 30,000 for a Russian Dossier he knew was Fake.

And Obama paid a $ Million $ for the creation of a Fake Russian Dossier he Colluded with Russia to obtain for the sole purposes of spying on The Trump Campaign and sharing the Trump Playbook with Clinton!

Clinton had a bug in The Trump Campaign places there by Obama Bin Spying and Colluded with Russia The Media and still couldn’t win?

She’s the ultimate Unlovable Loser!

She's not doing anything you idiot.

That's not my point, She is irrelevant, that's my point, All this BS about Hillary, the Clintons, Obamas, etc: it's all deflection. None of them are relevant anymore.
Exactly. I am disgusted by whatd come out in Brazilles book about Clinton. But she lost. She is irrelevant now. And i still would not have voted for Trump. Hes just as bad if not more so.
Please. If Clinton had won and had been a Republican, she'd be impeached and spend her life in JAIL.

Ya'll hate President Trump and can not show one violation of any law he has committed. Just fairy tales and wishful thinking and trying to frame him with a Fake Russian Dossier paid for by Clinton & Obama, and fabricated by Putin with Money Laundering.
The Russian investigation. Emollients. Money laundering. Who knows. You are incapable of apying the same standards of evidence and conduct to Trump that you do to Clinton.

I'm discouraged that our political process got us to the point where the front runners were such corrupt and incompetent manipulators and bullies. We will be lucky if we have any international reputation left in 3 years. Luckier still of we don't wind up starting another war.
Dummy we have a money trail financial transactions and even The FBI and DOJ participating in The Uranium One Scam which Mueller allowed to happen on his watch even though he knew about it.

That is why President Trump needs to fire Mueller. I am confident that he will fire Mueller, he is just waiting for something. My prediction is Mueller is gone before the end of year and President Trump personally appoints a new special prosecutor that goes after Crooked Hillary. He probably will also fire Jeff Sessions because Sessions is such coward, he's gone rogue and ignores President Trump's tweets all the time.

This time next year both Crooked Hillary and Obama will be at Gitmo where they can't speak to the Fake Media. I'd be OK Sean Hannity being allowed to interview them. I bet the interrogators at Gitmo will get the full truth out of them in no time at all.
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Everything Trump said about the DNC and the Clinton machine was and is true. And our own republican never Trumpers would have rather had Hillary as president then Trump...what does that tell you about the likes of McCain?
John McCain is more of an American, Patriot, and man than the worm Trump or any of his stupid, Anti-American followers.
Trump directs the FBI & DOJ towards his political opponents.

The Trumpettes think that is not a problem.
Dummy we have a money trail financial transactions and even The FBI and DOJ participating in The Uranium One Scam which Mueller allowed to happen on his watch even though he knew about it.

Even James Comey was in on the act offering 30,000 for a Russian Dossier he knew was Fake.

And Obama paid a $ Million $ for the creation of a Fake Russian Dossier he Colluded with Russia to obtain for the sole purposes of spying on The Trump Campaign and sharing the Trump Playbook with Clinton!

Clinton had a bug in The Trump Campaign places there by Obama Bin Spying and Colluded with Russia The Media and still couldn’t win?

She’s the ultimate Unlovable Loser!

That's not my point, She is irrelevant, that's my point, All this BS about Hillary, the Clintons, Obamas, etc: it's all deflection. None of them are relevant anymore.
Exactly. I am disgusted by whatd come out in Brazilles book about Clinton. But she lost. She is irrelevant now. And i still would not have voted for Trump. Hes just as bad if not more so.
Please. If Clinton had won and had been a Republican, she'd be impeached and spend her life in JAIL.

Ya'll hate President Trump and can not show one violation of any law he has committed. Just fairy tales and wishful thinking and trying to frame him with a Fake Russian Dossier paid for by Clinton & Obama, and fabricated by Putin with Money Laundering.
The Russian investigation. Emollients. Money laundering. Who knows. You are incapable of apying the same standards of evidence and conduct to Trump that you do to Clinton.

I'm discouraged that our political process got us to the point where the front runners were such corrupt and incompetent manipulators and bullies. We will be lucky if we have any international reputation left in 3 years. Luckier still of we don't wind up starting another war.

Oh shut the fuck up. You voted for Trump. You can't get dumber than that.

What in the dossier is fake? How do you know? Because Captain Bone Spur said so.

OMG OMG OMG the Russian took control of some of our Uranium that was already out of our control & in the control of a Canadian company.

You people are dumber that shit.
John McCain is more of an American, Patriot, and man than the worm Trump or any of his stupid, Anti-American followers
Wrong...he has not held the people as his number one concern for decades, it's all about John. Trump cares but establishment tools will not see it.
Everything Trump said about the DNC and the Clinton machine was and is true. And our own republican never Trumpers would have rather had Hillary as president then Trump...what does that tell you about the likes of McCain?
John McCain is more of an American, Patriot, and man than the worm Trump or any of his stupid, Anti-American followers.

You are drop dead wrong. You need to watch Hannity to get your facts straight. McCain is a loser and needs to be impeached. He got into the military because his daddy was a 4 star super general. Its so obvious, they don't let guys with a gimp leg become fighter pilots unless somebody is pull strings at the very top. As President Trump has tweeted many times, McCain was a pretty bad pilot because he got shot down and became a POW. Only cowards allow themselves to be caught, true american heroes like President Trump, never get caught.
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