Hillary Clinton Watches The Oncoming Bus

Watch. The Democrats will now try everything they can to disassociate from Clinton, to blame the entire losing campaign and the current state of the Democratic Party on Clinton and her nefarious crew.

"It's not our fault. We were used."

They are half right. They were used, willingly.

Just watch. It will be delicious.
Why are you people so obsessed with Hillary Clinton? She is not the issue. It's pathetic, really, the way you are all so obsessed with her.
Kind of like rderp and how he blames Bush for everything to this day?
Just look at the current issue being discussed in the media, the issue of the DNC 'rigging' the primary. In fact: 1) She did not bring this up so was not seeking this attention. 2) what she did is not illegal; it's a political move. 3) She is not the one causing all these issues to come up in the media. 4) She may be writing a book, but many, many public people do that: it is nothing unusual. 5) She's a private citizen now; she has the right to speak out on any issue just like anyone else.

It's not an issue of her 'not going away;' it's an issue of her being stalked by the media and her opponents. Trump brings her up regularly, more than anyone else. He is responsible for most of the attention being paid to her.

True, it may not be illegal, although highly unethical bordering on illegal....which is why she didn't bring it up.

" highly unethical bordering on illegal" -- this is your interpretation, has nothing to do with reality

Really!!! Reality is she lied and cheated, no interpretation needed.

The reality is that your focus on her is pure political partisanship. She is not the president. The focus should be on the president, not the one who lost the election, but to deflect from the negative attention Trump is getting, you focus on her. Your hearts and minds are taken up with her as if you think she is still a threat to you. It's comical yet pathetic.

Fortunately for the country she is not president. She ought to focus on yoga/grandma things and STFU.

"She ought to focus on yoga/grandma things and STFU."

Why? Because she triggers people like you? Change the channel, whiner....
True, it may not be illegal, although highly unethical bordering on illegal....which is why she didn't bring it up.

" highly unethical bordering on illegal" -- this is your interpretation, has nothing to do with reality

Really!!! Reality is she lied and cheated, no interpretation needed.

The reality is that your focus on her is pure political partisanship. She is not the president. The focus should be on the president, not the one who lost the election, but to deflect from the negative attention Trump is getting, you focus on her. Your hearts and minds are taken up with her as if you think she is still a threat to you. It's comical yet pathetic.

Fortunately for the country she is not president. She ought to focus on yoga/grandma things and STFU.

"She ought to focus on yoga/grandma things and STFU."

Why? Because she triggers people like you? Change the channel, whiner....

What!? And miss all the stupid stuff she says.
Watch. The Democrats will now try everything they can to disassociate from Clinton, to blame the entire losing campaign and the current state of the Democratic Party on Clinton and her nefarious crew.

"It's not our fault. We were used."

They are half right. They were used, willingly.

Just watch. It will be delicious.
Why are you people so obsessed with Hillary Clinton? She is not the issue. It's pathetic, really, the way you are all so obsessed with her.
Kind of like rderp and how he blames Bush for everything to this day?

Trump blamed bush and won so it seems to be a very popular belief.
John McCain is more of an American, Patriot, and man than the worm Trump or any of his stupid, Anti-American followers
Wrong...he has not held the people as his number one concern for decades, it's all about John. Trump cares but establishment tools will not see it.

Trump only cares about himself. The idea you don't know this is proof of your stupidity.

No, Trump cares about this country. The idea that you can't see that is proof of your stupidity.

So that is why he benefits from everything he has tried to do.,

Why did he bring his spoiled brats in to the White House? Kusher, Ivanka, Jr , yep they were the best available.
Trump directs the FBI & DOJ towards his political opponents.

The Trumpettes think that is not a problem.

Of course, he is president and they lost. Why shouldn't he have them investigated?

Because that is what dictators do. That is not how things are done in America.

The general rule, as stated by the Court, is that when any duty is cast by law upon the President, it may be exercised by him through the head of the appropriate department, whose acts, if performed within the law, thus become the President’s acts.

The President As Law Enforcer - United States Constitution
So, you think the US Constitution gives the right to use DOJ to persecute his political opponents. Just how fucking stupid are you?
With Brazile's roasting her own kind in Hills it makes the trumped up "investigations" into Trump look ridiculous
Time to start using your mind America instead of itty bitty feelings
Just look at the current issue being discussed in the media, the issue of the DNC 'rigging' the primary. In fact: 1) She did not bring this up so was not seeking this attention. 2) what she did is not illegal; it's a political move. 3) She is not the one causing all these issues to come up in the media. 4) She may be writing a book, but many, many public people do that: it is nothing unusual. 5) She's a private citizen now; she has the right to speak out on any issue just like anyone else.

It's not an issue of her 'not going away;' it's an issue of her being stalked by the media and her opponents. Trump brings her up regularly, more than anyone else. He is responsible for most of the attention being paid to her.

True, it may not be illegal, although highly unethical bordering on illegal....which is why she didn't bring it up.

" highly unethical bordering on illegal" -- this is your interpretation, has nothing to do with reality

Really!!! Reality is she lied and cheated, no interpretation needed.

The reality is that your focus on her is pure political partisanship. She is not the president. The focus should be on the president, not the one who lost the election, but to deflect from the negative attention Trump is getting, you focus on her. Your hearts and minds are taken up with her as if you think she is still a threat to you. It's comical yet pathetic.

Fortunately for the country she is not president. She ought to focus on yoga/grandma things and STFU.

Really, Congress would not have wasted the year trying to repeal the ACA. We would not have insulted each & every ally. NK would not be threatening the world, We would be fighting emisins. We would be kerping our air & water cleaner. We wouldnb't have spent a gazillion dollars hauling Trump to his golf courses nearly evet weekend. We would have a President that knew foreign relations. DACA would still be in effect.
Trump directs the FBI & DOJ towards his political opponents.

The Trumpettes think that is not a problem.

Of course, he is president and they lost. Why shouldn't he have them investigated?

Because that is what dictators do. That is not how things are done in America.

The general rule, as stated by the Court, is that when any duty is cast by law upon the President, it may be exercised by him through the head of the appropriate department, whose acts, if performed within the law, thus become the President’s acts.

The President As Law Enforcer - United States Constitution
So, you think the US Constitution gives the right to use DOJ to persecute his political opponents. Just how fucking stupid are you?

Nope, he has the authority to direct the DOJ to investigate possible violations of law. That the particulars happen to be opponents is irrelevant.

Now, post the pertinent text in the Constitution that limits his authority to do that.
True, it may not be illegal, although highly unethical bordering on illegal....which is why she didn't bring it up.

" highly unethical bordering on illegal" -- this is your interpretation, has nothing to do with reality

Really!!! Reality is she lied and cheated, no interpretation needed.

The reality is that your focus on her is pure political partisanship. She is not the president. The focus should be on the president, not the one who lost the election, but to deflect from the negative attention Trump is getting, you focus on her. Your hearts and minds are taken up with her as if you think she is still a threat to you. It's comical yet pathetic.

Fortunately for the country she is not president. She ought to focus on yoga/grandma things and STFU.

Really, Congress would not have wasted the year trying to repeal the ACA. We would not have insulted each & every ally. NK would not be threatening the world, We would be fighting emisins. We would be kerping our air & water cleaner. We wouldnb't have spent a gazillion dollars hauling Trump to his golf courses nearly evet weekend. We would have a President that knew foreign relations. DACA would still be in effect.

Emisins? Kerping?

English, please.
Trump directs the FBI & DOJ towards his political opponents.

The Trumpettes think that is not a problem.

Of course, he is president and they lost. Why shouldn't he have them investigated?

Because that is what dictators do. That is not how things are done in America.

The general rule, as stated by the Court, is that when any duty is cast by law upon the President, it may be exercised by him through the head of the appropriate department, whose acts, if performed within the law, thus become the President’s acts.

The President As Law Enforcer - United States Constitution
So, you think the US Constitution gives the right to use DOJ to persecute his political opponents. Just how fucking stupid are you?
More fake news spread by a fake news spreader. Living in the sentiment of lies is no way to go thru life so get a life
With Brazile's roasting her own kind in Hills it makes the trumped up "investigations" into Trump look ridiculous
Time to start using your mind America instead of itty bitty feelings
You mean the
Trump directs the FBI & DOJ towards his political opponents.

The Trumpettes think that is not a problem.

Of course, he is president and they lost. Why shouldn't he have them investigated?

Because that is what dictators do. That is not how things are done in America.

The general rule, as stated by the Court, is that when any duty is cast by law upon the President, it may be exercised by him through the head of the appropriate department, whose acts, if performed within the law, thus become the President’s acts.

The President As Law Enforcer - United States Constitution
So, you think the US Constitution gives the right to use DOJ to persecute his political opponents. Just how fucking stupid are you?

Nope, he has the authority to direct the DOJ to investigate possible violations of law. That the particulars happen to be opponents is irrelevant.

Now, post the pertinent text in the Constitution that limits his authority to do that.

Excuse me, but tell me again where the President can use the DOJ to attack political opponents?
" highly unethical bordering on illegal" -- this is your interpretation, has nothing to do with reality

Really!!! Reality is she lied and cheated, no interpretation needed.

The reality is that your focus on her is pure political partisanship. She is not the president. The focus should be on the president, not the one who lost the election, but to deflect from the negative attention Trump is getting, you focus on her. Your hearts and minds are taken up with her as if you think she is still a threat to you. It's comical yet pathetic.

Fortunately for the country she is not president. She ought to focus on yoga/grandma things and STFU.

Really, Congress would not have wasted the year trying to repeal the ACA. We would not have insulted each & every ally. NK would not be threatening the world, We would be fighting emisins. We would be kerping our air & water cleaner. We wouldnb't have spent a gazillion dollars hauling Trump to his golf courses nearly evet weekend. We would have a President that knew foreign relations. DACA would still be in effect.

Emisins? Kerping?

English, please.
Typos, Get over it.
Really!!! Reality is she lied and cheated, no interpretation needed.

The reality is that your focus on her is pure political partisanship. She is not the president. The focus should be on the president, not the one who lost the election, but to deflect from the negative attention Trump is getting, you focus on her. Your hearts and minds are taken up with her as if you think she is still a threat to you. It's comical yet pathetic.

Fortunately for the country she is not president. She ought to focus on yoga/grandma things and STFU.

Really, Congress would not have wasted the year trying to repeal the ACA. We would not have insulted each & every ally. NK would not be threatening the world, We would be fighting emisins. We would be kerping our air & water cleaner. We wouldnb't have spent a gazillion dollars hauling Trump to his golf courses nearly evet weekend. We would have a President that knew foreign relations. DACA would still be in effect.

Emisins? Kerping?

English, please.
Typos, Get over it.

I have my doubts.
The reality is that your focus on her is pure political partisanship. She is not the president. The focus should be on the president, not the one who lost the election, but to deflect from the negative attention Trump is getting, you focus on her. Your hearts and minds are taken up with her as if you think she is still a threat to you. It's comical yet pathetic.

Fortunately for the country she is not president. She ought to focus on yoga/grandma things and STFU.

Really, Congress would not have wasted the year trying to repeal the ACA. We would not have insulted each & every ally. NK would not be threatening the world, We would be fighting emisins. We would be kerping our air & water cleaner. We wouldnb't have spent a gazillion dollars hauling Trump to his golf courses nearly evet weekend. We would have a President that knew foreign relations. DACA would still be in effect.

Emisins? Kerping?

English, please.
Typos, Get over it.

I have my doubts.
Then you are not very clever.

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno’t mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghi t pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it.
Fortunately for the country she is not president. She ought to focus on yoga/grandma things and STFU.

Really, Congress would not have wasted the year trying to repeal the ACA. We would not have insulted each & every ally. NK would not be threatening the world, We would be fighting emisins. We would be kerping our air & water cleaner. We wouldnb't have spent a gazillion dollars hauling Trump to his golf courses nearly evet weekend. We would have a President that knew foreign relations. DACA would still be in effect.

Emisins? Kerping?

English, please.
Typos, Get over it.

I have my doubts.
Then you are not very clever.

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno’t mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghi t pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it.

I suspect that passes for literacy in the public system, but no publisher would condemn his most hated editor with that crap. Subjective spelling shows ignorance.

I am aware of that human quirk. I myself read not only whole words, but whole sentences at a glance.
Trump directs the FBI & DOJ towards his political opponents.

The Trumpettes think that is not a problem.

Of course, he is president and they lost. Why shouldn't he have them investigated?

Because that is what dictators do. That is not how things are done in America.

The general rule, as stated by the Court, is that when any duty is cast by law upon the President, it may be exercised by him through the head of the appropriate department, whose acts, if performed within the law, thus become the President’s acts.

The President As Law Enforcer - United States Constitution
So, you think the US Constitution gives the right to use DOJ to persecute his political opponents. Just how fucking stupid are you?

Nope, he has the authority to direct the DOJ to investigate possible violations of law. That the particulars happen to be opponents is irrelevant.

Now, post the pertinent text in the Constitution that limits his authority to do that.

"Nope, he has the authority to direct the DOJ to investigate possible violations of law. That the particulars happen to be opponents is irrelevant."

Wrong. It is completely unethical.
Only a lunatic lib could find something wrong with Trump seeking justice from Justice
Of course, he is president and they lost. Why shouldn't he have them investigated?

Because that is what dictators do. That is not how things are done in America.

The general rule, as stated by the Court, is that when any duty is cast by law upon the President, it may be exercised by him through the head of the appropriate department, whose acts, if performed within the law, thus become the President’s acts.

The President As Law Enforcer - United States Constitution
So, you think the US Constitution gives the right to use DOJ to persecute his political opponents. Just how fucking stupid are you?

Nope, he has the authority to direct the DOJ to investigate possible violations of law. That the particulars happen to be opponents is irrelevant.

Now, post the pertinent text in the Constitution that limits his authority to do that.

"Nope, he has the authority to direct the DOJ to investigate possible violations of law. That the particulars happen to be opponents is irrelevant."

Wrong. It is completely unethical.

Says who?
Because that is what dictators do. That is not how things are done in America.

The general rule, as stated by the Court, is that when any duty is cast by law upon the President, it may be exercised by him through the head of the appropriate department, whose acts, if performed within the law, thus become the President’s acts.

The President As Law Enforcer - United States Constitution
So, you think the US Constitution gives the right to use DOJ to persecute his political opponents. Just how fucking stupid are you?

Nope, he has the authority to direct the DOJ to investigate possible violations of law. That the particulars happen to be opponents is irrelevant.

Now, post the pertinent text in the Constitution that limits his authority to do that.

"Nope, he has the authority to direct the DOJ to investigate possible violations of law. That the particulars happen to be opponents is irrelevant."

Wrong. It is completely unethical.

Says who?

Me, government lawyers who have tried for years to delineate this line, the House Ethics committee many times in the past....law enforcement officials...

The simpler question would be: Who DOESN'T think this is unethical? Simple answer: Trump and his 30 million mommies.

There. Simpler question, covers all the bases.

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