Hillary Clinton Won FL, NC, PENN, and WI, according to Exit Polls

Sure I've got evidence. I kindly posted the exit poll results in post #1, Repug goober lump of shit.

Please let me know if you need me to post it again. More than happy to oblige!
Exit polls are 'evidence' as no one is required to answer or answer honestly.

Anericans HATED the media this election. I have friends who purposefully LIED to the media, giving them false exit poll info JUST to skew the info. I am sure they weren't alone.

You honestly believe that tje Exit poll numbers, not the VOTES CAST are more accurate? :p

Only an ignorant dumbass would believe Exit poll Numbers are more reliable and accurate than actual votes.

Good grief...

A Repug's favorite count-argument: anecdotal evidence -- "My uncle in Bumblefuck, MO lied to the pollster on the phone!"

Just weak ass shit from a weak ass goober Repug.

Yep, I ABSOLUTELY believe exit polls are more accurate than the vote tally. Because you Repug fascist fucks cheat.
It's not evidence of jack. no way to study it, verify it or anything else, which, of course, makes it perfect for a conspiracy theorist, now doesn't it.

Of course I think you know that....

Exit polls certainly can be studied. They've been used before by the United Nations and the State Dept to identify election fraud in the past, like the Ukraine election in 2004.

And they should be studied by the United Nations for this election, because Clinton was robbed.

Go ahead then, construct and validate a study using exit polling data
that proves this election was stolen.

I'll be waiting for that result from any body that wants to make that argument, prove it and see it withstand actual analysis.

I've been posting since two weeks before the election that Clinton needed a 3.9% lead in the national polls to have a 50/50 shot at the EV.

Guess what, she was no where near that. Her defeat was predictable.

But that takes some math skills Dems obviously don't have.

Yep, the polling has been bad for this election cycle. proof only that the polls should not be considered as anything more than informational in a loose sense.

Studies as far back as last December were citing sizeable discrepancies but nobody wanted to listen.

Telephone polls mean absolutely nothing. Never have, never will. Exit polls do matter because they are accurate and they are reliable. This election was stolen from Clinton by fascist Repug election officials who don't believe in democracy.

Studies were done, as indicated, with the first one I saw being last December indicating that the polls were underestimating Trump's support.

Polls may actually underestimate Trump’s support, study finds

This was during the primaries, way before the general, when the pubs were doing everything they could to bury the guy.
Sure I've got evidence. I kindly posted the exit poll results in post #1, Repug goober lump of shit.

Please let me know if you need me to post it again. More than happy to oblige!
Exit polls are 'evidence' as no one is required to answer or answer honestly.

Anericans HATED the media this election. I have friends who purposefully LIED to the media, giving them false exit poll info JUST to skew the info. I am sure they weren't alone.

You honestly believe that tje Exit poll numbers, not the VOTES CAST are more accurate? :p

Only an ignorant dumbass would believe Exit poll Numbers are more reliable and accurate than actual votes.

Good grief...

A Repug's favorite count-argument: anecdotal evidence -- "My uncle in Bumblefuck, MO lied to the pollster on the phone!"

Just weak ass shit from a weak ass goober Repug.

Yep, I ABSOLUTELY believe exit polls are more accurate than the vote tally. Because you Repug fascist fucks cheat.

Sure I've got evidence. I kindly posted the exit poll results in post #1, Repug goober lump of shit.

Please let me know if you need me to post it again. More than happy to oblige!
Exit polls are 'evidence' as no one is required to answer or answer honestly.

Anericans HATED the media this election. I have friends who purposefully LIED to the media, giving them false exit poll info JUST to skew the info. I am sure they weren't alone.

You honestly believe that tje Exit poll numbers, not the VOTES CAST are more accurate? :p

Only an ignorant dumbass would believe Exit poll Numbers are more reliable and accurate than actual votes.

Good grief...

A Repug's favorite count-argument: anecdotal evidence -- "My uncle in Bumblefuck, MO lied to the pollster on the phone!"

Just weak ass shit from a weak ass goober Repug.

Yep, I ABSOLUTELY believe exit polls are more accurate than the vote tally. Because you Repug fascist fucks cheat.

Not when very few people actually answed them.
You cant get accurate readings with only 800 or 900 people.
You need the normal range that they have gotten in the past of 3,000.
Doobie is such a whiney crybaby. The day before the election he claimed Clinton in a landslide and he was going to rub in the victory.

Now he is reduced to a bitter, skank loser. What a laughable low class idiot he now is.

He also promised to leave USMB the day after that, the little mommies boy is just a liar.

Oh come on!! You don't want me to leave!!

After all, who else is going to remind your sorry ass that you are NRA Nut Job Repug goober lump of shit??? What are friends for???

That reminds me, you never commented on my buying a scary "black gun" on "Black Friday". Now on Thursday I'll have my night sight, then I can shoot those black bastards in the dark.

Oh you do know wild hogs are black, Right?
I thought you said the exit polls and the recount are related.

Just another mistake you made.

Yes, Hillary's popular vote margin is very impressive.
Enough illegal votes can do that. Too bad she still lost, eh?

pissy and defensive about me reporting the truth

You did? Link?

You really want me to post a link that Hillary won the popular vote by more than 2 million? Even a sorry Repug fucker such as you can find that information on your own.

And the fact that most Americans think Trump and the Repug Party are a fucking joke? C'mon fucktard, that's like asking me to prove the sky is blue.

And of course, you have absolutely nothing about millions of illegals voting. Just more bullshit from you Repug bigots.

You really want me to post a link that Hillary won the popular vote by more than 2 million?

If you'd like. Do you want me to post a link explaining the Electoral College?

And the fact that most Americans think Trump and the Repug Party are a fucking joke?

The party which controls the House, Senate and Presidency? If you say so.

And of course, you have absolutely nothing about millions of illegals voting.

You know it's true.

Yep, I say so. Maybe you sorry Repug fuckers can actually win a presidential election AND get most of the votes for once. That would be a change of pace for you racist ass clowns.

But we both know you racist demented fucks can't do that. As I said, Trump and the Repug Party are a fucking joke.

There's currently 50 illegal aliens hiding in my basement, Fucktard the Clown. I mailed in all 50 of their absentee ballots.

We got the most votes in the States that counted.

"states that counted" according to who? You mean the current abhorrent misinterpretation of the Constitution? The Founding Fathers never intended for vote totals in the states to override the overall will of the American people, which in 2016 is Hillary Clinton.

Feel free to quote the Article and Section that says anything close to that.

BTW the founders gave the States the right to dissolve the union if they chose to.
Doobie is such a whiney crybaby. The day before the election he claimed Clinton in a landslide and he was going to rub in the victory.

Now he is reduced to a bitter, skank loser. What a laughable low class idiot he now is.

He also promised to leave USMB the day after that, the little mommies boy is just a liar.

Oh come on!! You don't want me to leave!!

After all, who else is going to remind your sorry ass that you are NRA Nut Job Repug goober lump of shit??? What are friends for???

That reminds me, you never commented on my buying a scary "black gun" on "Black Friday". Now on Thursday I'll have my night sight, then I can shoot those black bastards in the dark.

Oh you do know wild hogs are black, Right?

UH OH!!...A Repug trying to be a witty Mo Fo. I've seen everything now.

If you actually weren't a Repug, if you knew something about history, and you weren't in love with your guns, you might be an OK guy.
You really want me to post a link that Hillary won the popular vote by more than 2 million? Even a sorry Repug fucker such as you can find that information on your own.

And the fact that most Americans think Trump and the Repug Party are a fucking joke? C'mon fucktard, that's like asking me to prove the sky is blue.

And of course, you have absolutely nothing about millions of illegals voting. Just more bullshit from you Repug bigots.

You really want me to post a link that Hillary won the popular vote by more than 2 million?

If you'd like. Do you want me to post a link explaining the Electoral College?

And the fact that most Americans think Trump and the Repug Party are a fucking joke?

The party which controls the House, Senate and Presidency? If you say so.

And of course, you have absolutely nothing about millions of illegals voting.

You know it's true.

Yep, I say so. Maybe you sorry Repug fuckers can actually win a presidential election AND get most of the votes for once. That would be a change of pace for you racist ass clowns.

But we both know you racist demented fucks can't do that. As I said, Trump and the Repug Party are a fucking joke.

There's currently 50 illegal aliens hiding in my basement, Fucktard the Clown. I mailed in all 50 of their absentee ballots.

We got the most votes in the States that counted.

"states that counted" according to who? You mean the current abhorrent misinterpretation of the Constitution? The Founding Fathers never intended for vote totals in the states to override the overall will of the American people, which in 2016 is Hillary Clinton.

Feel free to quote the Article and Section that says anything close to that.

BTW the founders gave the States the right to dissolve the union if they chose to.

The electoral college was meant to be a safety valve to protect from a mad man (like Trump), nothing more. There is nothing in the Constitution that states that the vote totals of the individual states is more meaningful than the total popular vote.
Sure I've got evidence. I kindly posted the exit poll results in post #1, Repug goober lump of shit.

Please let me know if you need me to post it again. More than happy to oblige!
Exit polls are 'evidence' as no one is required to answer or answer honestly.

Anericans HATED the media this election. I have friends who purposefully LIED to the media, giving them false exit poll info JUST to skew the info. I am sure they weren't alone.

You honestly believe that tje Exit poll numbers, not the VOTES CAST are more accurate? :p

Only an ignorant dumbass would believe Exit poll Numbers are more reliable and accurate than actual votes.

Good grief...

A Repug's favorite count-argument: anecdotal evidence -- "My uncle in Bumblefuck, MO lied to the pollster on the phone!"

Just weak ass shit from a weak ass goober Repug.

Yep, I ABSOLUTELY believe exit polls are more accurate than the vote tally. Because you Repug fascist fucks cheat.

Not when very few people actually answed them.
You cant get accurate readings with only 800 or 900 people.
You need the normal range that they have gotten in the past of 3,000.

And where are you getting this "800 or 900 people" from?

Regardless, that is still a decent sample size.
Doobie is such a whiney crybaby. The day before the election he claimed Clinton in a landslide and he was going to rub in the victory.

Now he is reduced to a bitter, skank loser. What a laughable low class idiot he now is.

He also promised to leave USMB the day after that, the little mommies boy is just a liar.

Oh come on!! You don't want me to leave!!

After all, who else is going to remind your sorry ass that you are NRA Nut Job Repug goober lump of shit??? What are friends for???

That reminds me, you never commented on my buying a scary "black gun" on "Black Friday". Now on Thursday I'll have my night sight, then I can shoot those black bastards in the dark.

Oh you do know wild hogs are black, Right?

UH OH!!...A Repug trying to be a witty Mo Fo. I've seen everything now.

If you actually weren't a Repug, if you knew something about history, and you weren't in love with your guns, you might be an OK guy.

Yep, and next year when the legalize noise suppressors I'll get one, so I don't spook those black bastards and can get more of them.
You really want me to post a link that Hillary won the popular vote by more than 2 million?

If you'd like. Do you want me to post a link explaining the Electoral College?

And the fact that most Americans think Trump and the Repug Party are a fucking joke?

The party which controls the House, Senate and Presidency? If you say so.

And of course, you have absolutely nothing about millions of illegals voting.

You know it's true.

Yep, I say so. Maybe you sorry Repug fuckers can actually win a presidential election AND get most of the votes for once. That would be a change of pace for you racist ass clowns.

But we both know you racist demented fucks can't do that. As I said, Trump and the Repug Party are a fucking joke.

There's currently 50 illegal aliens hiding in my basement, Fucktard the Clown. I mailed in all 50 of their absentee ballots.

We got the most votes in the States that counted.

"states that counted" according to who? You mean the current abhorrent misinterpretation of the Constitution? The Founding Fathers never intended for vote totals in the states to override the overall will of the American people, which in 2016 is Hillary Clinton.

Feel free to quote the Article and Section that says anything close to that.

BTW the founders gave the States the right to dissolve the union if they chose to.

The electoral college was meant to be a safety valve to protect from a mad man (like Trump), nothing more. There is nothing in the Constitution that states that the vote totals of the individual states is more meaningful than the total popular vote.

The national popular vote (the equivalent of a fucking unicorn and fairy dust) isn't even mentioned in the Constitution.
Doobie is such a whiney crybaby. The day before the election he claimed Clinton in a landslide and he was going to rub in the victory.

Now he is reduced to a bitter, skank loser. What a laughable low class idiot he now is.

He also promised to leave USMB the day after that, the little mommies boy is just a liar.

Oh come on!! You don't want me to leave!!

After all, who else is going to remind your sorry ass that you are NRA Nut Job Repug goober lump of shit??? What are friends for???

That reminds me, you never commented on my buying a scary "black gun" on "Black Friday". Now on Thursday I'll have my night sight, then I can shoot those black bastards in the dark.

Oh you do know wild hogs are black, Right?

UH OH!!...A Repug trying to be a witty Mo Fo. I've seen everything now.

If you actually weren't a Repug, if you knew something about history, and you weren't in love with your guns, you might be an OK guy.

Yep, and next year when the legalize noise suppressors I'll get one, so I don't spook those black bastards and can get more of them.

Whatever turns you on, dude. Good luck with that. I hope you're hunting and not just killing for sport.
Doobie is such a whiney crybaby. The day before the election he claimed Clinton in a landslide and he was going to rub in the victory.

Now he is reduced to a bitter, skank loser. What a laughable low class idiot he now is.

Gee, that really hurts. Let me contemplate that while I count Hillary's 2 million vote lead.

I hope she gets a sixty million vote lead.
(Dubya Da Last Repug Prez posted

"Yep, I ABSOLUTELY believe exit polls are more accurate than the vote tally. Because you Repug fascist fucks cheat")

Here Ill post it for you>>>>>>>>

Yeah and the news organizations that took the exit polls said that the people who voted for Tump would not even speak to them because they shunned them.That is why you stupid liberals think you really won, Because everyone else thinks you are scum and wont even give you the time of day. Most decent people would not even shit on you. HAHAHAOH MAN.
It's not evidence of jack. no way to study it, verify it or anything else, which, of course, makes it perfect for a conspiracy theorist, now doesn't it.

Of course I think you know that....

Exit polls certainly can be studied. They've been used before by the United Nations and the State Dept to identify election fraud in the past, like the Ukraine election in 2004.

And they should be studied by the United Nations for this election, because Clinton was robbed.

Go ahead then, construct and validate a study using exit polling data
that proves this election was stolen.

I'll be waiting for that result from any body that wants to make that argument, prove it and see it withstand actual analysis.

I've been posting since two weeks before the election that Clinton needed a 3.9% lead in the national polls to have a 50/50 shot at the EV.

Guess what, she was no where near that. Her defeat was predictable.

But that takes some math skills Dems obviously don't have.

Yep, the polling has been bad for this election cycle. proof only that the polls should not be considered as anything more than informational in a loose sense.

Studies as far back as last December were citing sizeable discrepancies but nobody wanted to listen.

Telephone polls mean absolutely nothing. Never have, never will. Exit polls do matter because they are accurate and they are reliable. This election was stolen from Clinton by fascist Repug election officials who don't believe in democracy.

They aren't accurate. People lie to pollsters all the time
Yep, I say so. Maybe you sorry Repug fuckers can actually win a presidential election AND get most of the votes for once. That would be a change of pace for you racist ass clowns.

But we both know you racist demented fucks can't do that. As I said, Trump and the Repug Party are a fucking joke.

There's currently 50 illegal aliens hiding in my basement, Fucktard the Clown. I mailed in all 50 of their absentee ballots.

We got the most votes in the States that counted.

"states that counted" according to who? You mean the current abhorrent misinterpretation of the Constitution? The Founding Fathers never intended for vote totals in the states to override the overall will of the American people, which in 2016 is Hillary Clinton.

Feel free to quote the Article and Section that says anything close to that.

BTW the founders gave the States the right to dissolve the union if they chose to.

The electoral college was meant to be a safety valve to protect from a mad man (like Trump), nothing more. There is nothing in the Constitution that states that the vote totals of the individual states is more meaningful than the total popular vote.

The national popular vote (the equivalent of a fucking unicorn and fairy dust) isn't even mentioned in the Constitution.

And there is also nothing in the Constitution about the vote totals in the individual states deciding the election, either. The electoral college voters from each state are allowed to vote for whoever they please, according to the Constitution. As I stated, the main function of the electoral college was to protect a young democracy from making a huge mistake.

Instead, we are now an old democracy making a disastrous mistake with Trump.
Doobie is such a whiney crybaby. The day before the election he claimed Clinton in a landslide and he was going to rub in the victory.

Now he is reduced to a bitter, skank loser. What a laughable low class idiot he now is.

Gee, that really hurts. Let me contemplate that while I count Hillary's 2 million vote lead.

I hope she gets a sixty million vote lead.

So Trump and the Repug Party can be seen as a bigger joke than they already are? That's understandable, I see.
Yeah a mistake for the dimshitscum, because they will never win another election once the full truth about their dealings theft, treason and espionage is outed.
You cant seem to understand that you are all jokes to us can you? it just can't get through the jello mold to the peanut sized indoctrinated brain.
He also promised to leave USMB the day after that, the little mommies boy is just a liar.

Oh come on!! You don't want me to leave!!

After all, who else is going to remind your sorry ass that you are NRA Nut Job Repug goober lump of shit??? What are friends for???

That reminds me, you never commented on my buying a scary "black gun" on "Black Friday". Now on Thursday I'll have my night sight, then I can shoot those black bastards in the dark.

Oh you do know wild hogs are black, Right?

UH OH!!...A Repug trying to be a witty Mo Fo. I've seen everything now.

If you actually weren't a Repug, if you knew something about history, and you weren't in love with your guns, you might be an OK guy.

Yep, and next year when the legalize noise suppressors I'll get one, so I don't spook those black bastards and can get more of them.

Whatever turns you on, dude. Good luck with that. I hope you're hunting and not just killing for sport.

Nope just killing a nuisance critter. Wild hogs mature at 6 months, can have up to 9 litters a year, up to 16 spawn per litter. They tear the hell out of every where they go. Had a neighbor catch 25 in one frame on a game camera.

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