Hillary expresses sympathy, Trump boasts about Orlando

Orlando shooting exposes Donald Trump’s biggest weakness: A total lack of empathy

For Frump, it is all about him. Forget the victims. Frump says he called it. Probably high fiving his servants.

What about Hillary's lack of empathy with victims?

View attachment 77900
What about the 300+ Marines killed in Beirut? Seems like that's something the Right didn't give a damn about.

In what way did the RIght give that impression?
Only left wing loons would push gay pride during Ramadan and not expect a response. Which they did.
And they expect something different???
And don't preach to us loons. So many of you say trump supporters get what they deserve at Trump rallies.
There it is....the victims' fault.

I haven't heard anyone else saying that about the gays.

Though I have heard PLENTY of people saying that Trump supporters are getting what they deserve.

Geez, it's almost like the regular rank and file lefty is as bad as the fringe of the fringe far right....
So is Donnie still making his victory lap after the shooting? But please no "Congrats" for him...

He predicted more terrorism, d'uh.

When it happened and some of his followers congratulated him on his successful foresight, he rejected the congratulations.

That the left is lying about that, fits what I have been saying months.

The left is lying about Trump.

SO loud and long that they are drowning out the Truth.
Why mention the congratulations at all. Oh, we know.

He was REJECTING the congratulations.

That's why he mentioned them.

Your partisanship is blinding you.
Only left wing loons would push gay pride during Ramadan and not expect a response. Which they did.
And they expect something different???
And don't preach to us loons. So many of you say trump supporters get what they deserve at Trump rallies.
There it is....the victims' fault.

I haven't heard anyone else saying that about the gays.

Though I have heard PLENTY of people saying that Trump supporters are getting what they deserve.

Geez, it's almost like the regular rank and file lefty is as bad as the fringe of the fringe far right....
The left is so unhinged. They are twisting conservatives words. Words mind ya, to justify there boy's shooting up the place.
In their mind the fact that they can twist someones words into a false narrative is a worse crime than the actual dem perpetrator that committed the crime.
Only left wing loons would push gay pride during Ramadan and not expect a response. Which they did.
And they expect something different???
And don't preach to us loons. So many of you say trump supporters get what they deserve at Trump rallies.
There it is....the victims' fault.

I haven't heard anyone else saying that about the gays.

Though I have heard PLENTY of people saying that Trump supporters are getting what they deserve.

Geez, it's almost like the regular rank and file lefty is as bad as the fringe of the fringe far right....
The left is so unhinged. They are twisting conservatives words. Words mind ya, to justify there boy's shooting up the place.
In their mind the fact that they can twist someones words into a false narrative is a worse crime than the actual dem perpetrator that committed the crime.


If they can't defend, Deflect,

if they can't deflect, distract.

If they can't distract, scream racism.

If that doesn't work, use violence in the streets to shut down opposing voices.
So is Donnie still making his victory lap after the shooting? But please no "Congrats" for him...

He predicted more terrorism, d'uh.

When it happened and some of his followers congratulated him on his successful foresight, he rejected the congratulations.

That the left is lying about that, fits what I have been saying months.

The left is lying about Trump.

SO loud and long that they are drowning out the Truth.
Why mention the congratulations at all. Oh, we know.

He was REJECTING the congratulations.

That's why he mentioned them.

Your partisanship is blinding you.
Sure he was...by mentioning it in the first place. "I hate to say I told you so...but I told you so" and you lap it up.

It's all about Drumpf.
So is Donnie still making his victory lap after the shooting? But please no "Congrats" for him...

He predicted more terrorism, d'uh.

When it happened and some of his followers congratulated him on his successful foresight, he rejected the congratulations.

That the left is lying about that, fits what I have been saying months.

The left is lying about Trump.

SO loud and long that they are drowning out the Truth.
Why mention the congratulations at all. Oh, we know.

He was REJECTING the congratulations.

That's why he mentioned them.

Your partisanship is blinding you.
Sure he was...by mentioning it in the first place. "I hate to say I told you so...but I told you so" and you lap it up.

It's all about Drumpf.

He could care less about this country. He thinks becoming President would let him bed another Immigrant.
So is Donnie still making his victory lap after the shooting? But please no "Congrats" for him...

He predicted more terrorism, d'uh.

When it happened and some of his followers congratulated him on his successful foresight, he rejected the congratulations.

That the left is lying about that, fits what I have been saying months.

The left is lying about Trump.

SO loud and long that they are drowning out the Truth.
Why mention the congratulations at all. Oh, we know.

He was REJECTING the congratulations.

That's why he mentioned them.

Your partisanship is blinding you.
Sure he was...by mentioning it in the first place. "I hate to say I told you so...but I told you so" and you lap it up.

It's all about Drumpf.

Which is of course, not what he said.

Lefties lie.

If he had NOT mentioned the congratulations, you would have claimed that was tacit acceptance of them.

Your partisanship is blinding you.
So is Donnie still making his victory lap after the shooting? But please no "Congrats" for him...

He predicted more terrorism, d'uh.

When it happened and some of his followers congratulated him on his successful foresight, he rejected the congratulations.

That the left is lying about that, fits what I have been saying months.

The left is lying about Trump.

SO loud and long that they are drowning out the Truth.
Why mention the congratulations at all. Oh, we know.

He was REJECTING the congratulations.

That's why he mentioned them.

Your partisanship is blinding you.
Sure he was...by mentioning it in the first place. "I hate to say I told you so...but I told you so" and you lap it up.

It's all about Drumpf.

He could care less about this country. He thinks becoming President would let him bed another Immigrant.

Wow. YOu considered it , and thought about it,

and reached the SHOCKING conclusion that a man you hate, and oppose on every issue, has BAD MOTIVES for his actions?

Wow. Isn't that convenient?!
Your previous post was pretty simple.

If regular on the street muslims were turned into jihadists because they were so offended that would strike back at those who killed us by the THousands, then they were full of complex and nuanced issues that predisposed them to become unstable and dangerous.

AND as such, we don't want them in this country.

Because it seems it doesn't take much to lead to lots of dead Americans.

Oh jeezus.

I mean, if your country were invaded by another country that considered itself superior (let's have the scenario of China in 30 years time) and then took your oil, and made you a puppet of their government. Would you not want to fight back? Would you not think that going to China and killing some people would be a good idea?

If the answer is yes, then surely you don't want AMERICANS in your country.

We did not invade most muslim countries. We invaded two that gave us great cause.

We did not take their oil.

We did not make them a puppet.

If the muslims man on the street needed US to just take 9-11 without fighting back, OR they would become jihadists, then they were strongly predisposed to it in the first place and we don't want that crazy in our country.

No, the US didn't invade most Muslim countries. However it does have massive negatives with many Muslim countries over the past 70 years or so.

Iran/Iraq War and the US sold weapons to the Iraqis and Iranians.
Iran with the Shah.
Libya, the bombing of and other such stuff
Supporting Israel's rather unethical wars and policies

I could go on, and on, and on. But these are some of the big ones.

When the US went into Afghanistan, a lot of people thought the US had the moral right to do so. Not all, quite a few Muslims took up arms and went to fight Jihad there. However had it stayed at Afghanistan I don't think there'd have been many problems that we're seeing now.

Iraq was the big one. Why? It showed American arrogance.

This was not fighting against those who had attacked the US. This was not about 9/11. The US lied and lied and lied to make this war happen and people could see the lies. America was being the baddy, the evil one, and this fueled a LOT of anger and resentment, and brought up all the history and problems in the region and the right and far right in Muslim countries didn't need to try hard to convince the people where the problem lay. Even Muslims in the US, UK, France, Belgium were willing to kill for what they saw.

If you don't make the effort to understand other peoples and then you go around invading and expecting them to worship you as heroes, and then it turns out they hate you, then maybe you need better intelligence, and leaders who won't ask for intelligence to be made up to suit their agenda.

As for "didn't take the oil", er.....


Iraqi oil production much higher than ever, isn't that what the US wanted? Lower oil prices globally due to increased oil production and OPEC having less control?

Petroleum industry in Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of oil companies in Iraq by gross revenue

Exxon, US
CNPC, China
Lukoil, Russia
Shell, Netherlands
ENI, Italy

Not a single Iraqi oil company, not there, not further down the list.

Foreign companies are making an absolute killing in Iraq.

Exxon has a 60% share in the West Qurna Field, pays low service fees. They're making loads of profits, as are companies like BP and Shell with lots of US shareholders too.

BP's number one shareholder is Barrow, Hanley Mewhinney & Strauss, LLC, they're an American company.
Second major share holder is State Street Corporation, an American company
Third major shareholder is Franklin Resources, Inc, an American company

Do you see where this is going?
--------------------------------- yeah , you are getting very apologetic for islam and posting silly stuff . muslim world has been a problem and its been since the invention of islam in about 750 - 800 AD and then their invasion and occupation of Spain for about 700 years . As I said , the blind shiek and trade towers bombing [was it 1993] ?? Lockerbie plane bombing and then the 1972 Olympics . Then there was the ship the 'achille lauru' [sp] where the muslims threw 'leon klinghoffer' overboard in his wheelchair . Americas first war was with muslims in the early 1800s . islam is a pox on the human race but I really only care that islam is a pox on the Western World . Anyway , everything I mention was years before 'gwb' FWierdo .

It's become the new "cool" (or black, or whatever) to say the left are "apologizing" for Islam. I'm not apologizing for anything. I'm stating the truth. But since the truth isn't very convenient for you, you will then attack me for this.

Islam invaded Spain, and what? There were English soldiers (crusaders) in what is now Israel, Syria etc before this time. Heard of the Knights Templar? Yeah, their whole task was to protect people going to foreign lands.

Islam, like Christianity, was very, VERY aggressive.

Why do you think most of the Americans are Christian?


The conquistadores, for example.

I mean, they invaded the whole of Latin America, and now the US invades Iraq and Afghanistan. Should I be making pointless parallels to this and past events about Christians massacring millions of people? Southern and Central Africa are Christian too.
--------------------------------- you mentioned and blamed GWB being the start of the muslim problem . I just point out the islam and its muslims , islamic culture and religion has ALWAYS been the problem FWierdo .
So is Donnie still making his victory lap after the shooting? But please no "Congrats" for him...
--------------------------- i sure hope so , should be more talk from the TRUMP today . This latest muslim massacre should help Trump get more votes and i hope that that is the case JimH .
So is Donnie still making his victory lap after the shooting? But please no "Congrats" for him...

He predicted more terrorism, d'uh.

When it happened and some of his followers congratulated him on his successful foresight, he rejected the congratulations.

That the left is lying about that, fits what I have been saying months.

The left is lying about Trump.

SO loud and long that they are drowning out the Truth.
Why mention the congratulations at all. Oh, we know.

He was REJECTING the congratulations.

That's why he mentioned them.

Your partisanship is blinding you.
Sure he was...by mentioning it in the first place. "I hate to say I told you so...but I told you so" and you lap it up.

It's all about Drumpf.

He could care less about this country. He thinks becoming President would let him bed another Immigrant.
Great day to be a dem...ehhh jim.
and if there are more massacres done by muslims they should also help the strong man Trump . That statement applies to all massacres done by muslims no matter where they happen . All massacres by muslim just need to be advertised JimH . Lots of advertising going on on all news networks and most of the internet JimH . Go Trump !!
He predicted more terrorism, d'uh.

When it happened and some of his followers congratulated him on his successful foresight, he rejected the congratulations.

That the left is lying about that, fits what I have been saying months.

The left is lying about Trump.

SO loud and long that they are drowning out the Truth.
Why mention the congratulations at all. Oh, we know.

He was REJECTING the congratulations.

That's why he mentioned them.

Your partisanship is blinding you.
Sure he was...by mentioning it in the first place. "I hate to say I told you so...but I told you so" and you lap it up.

It's all about Drumpf.

He could care less about this country. He thinks becoming President would let him bed another Immigrant.
Great day to be a dem...ehhh jim.
-------------------------- as the dems go after Americans guns Tyrone !!
Oh jeezus.

I mean, if your country were invaded by another country that considered itself superior (let's have the scenario of China in 30 years time) and then took your oil, and made you a puppet of their government. Would you not want to fight back? Would you not think that going to China and killing some people would be a good idea?

If the answer is yes, then surely you don't want AMERICANS in your country.

We did not invade most muslim countries. We invaded two that gave us great cause.

We did not take their oil.

We did not make them a puppet.

If the muslims man on the street needed US to just take 9-11 without fighting back, OR they would become jihadists, then they were strongly predisposed to it in the first place and we don't want that crazy in our country.

No, the US didn't invade most Muslim countries. However it does have massive negatives with many Muslim countries over the past 70 years or so.

Iran/Iraq War and the US sold weapons to the Iraqis and Iranians.
Iran with the Shah.
Libya, the bombing of and other such stuff
Supporting Israel's rather unethical wars and policies

I could go on, and on, and on. But these are some of the big ones.

When the US went into Afghanistan, a lot of people thought the US had the moral right to do so. Not all, quite a few Muslims took up arms and went to fight Jihad there. However had it stayed at Afghanistan I don't think there'd have been many problems that we're seeing now.

Iraq was the big one. Why? It showed American arrogance.

This was not fighting against those who had attacked the US. This was not about 9/11. The US lied and lied and lied to make this war happen and people could see the lies. America was being the baddy, the evil one, and this fueled a LOT of anger and resentment, and brought up all the history and problems in the region and the right and far right in Muslim countries didn't need to try hard to convince the people where the problem lay. Even Muslims in the US, UK, France, Belgium were willing to kill for what they saw.

If you don't make the effort to understand other peoples and then you go around invading and expecting them to worship you as heroes, and then it turns out they hate you, then maybe you need better intelligence, and leaders who won't ask for intelligence to be made up to suit their agenda.

As for "didn't take the oil", er.....


Iraqi oil production much higher than ever, isn't that what the US wanted? Lower oil prices globally due to increased oil production and OPEC having less control?

Petroleum industry in Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of oil companies in Iraq by gross revenue

Exxon, US
CNPC, China
Lukoil, Russia
Shell, Netherlands
ENI, Italy

Not a single Iraqi oil company, not there, not further down the list.

Foreign companies are making an absolute killing in Iraq.

Exxon has a 60% share in the West Qurna Field, pays low service fees. They're making loads of profits, as are companies like BP and Shell with lots of US shareholders too.

BP's number one shareholder is Barrow, Hanley Mewhinney & Strauss, LLC, they're an American company.
Second major share holder is State Street Corporation, an American company
Third major shareholder is Franklin Resources, Inc, an American company

Do you see where this is going?
--------------------------------- yeah , you are getting very apologetic for islam and posting silly stuff . muslim world has been a problem and its been since the invention of islam in about 750 - 800 AD and then their invasion and occupation of Spain for about 700 years . As I said , the blind shiek and trade towers bombing [was it 1993] ?? Lockerbie plane bombing and then the 1972 Olympics . Then there was the ship the 'achille lauru' [sp] where the muslims threw 'leon klinghoffer' overboard in his wheelchair . Americas first war was with muslims in the early 1800s . islam is a pox on the human race but I really only care that islam is a pox on the Western World . Anyway , everything I mention was years before 'gwb' FWierdo .

It's become the new "cool" (or black, or whatever) to say the left are "apologizing" for Islam. I'm not apologizing for anything. I'm stating the truth. But since the truth isn't very convenient for you, you will then attack me for this.

Islam invaded Spain, and what? There were English soldiers (crusaders) in what is now Israel, Syria etc before this time. Heard of the Knights Templar? Yeah, their whole task was to protect people going to foreign lands.

Islam, like Christianity, was very, VERY aggressive.

Why do you think most of the Americans are Christian?


The conquistadores, for example.

I mean, they invaded the whole of Latin America, and now the US invades Iraq and Afghanistan. Should I be making pointless parallels to this and past events about Christians massacring millions of people? Southern and Central Africa are Christian too.
--------------------------------- you mentioned and blamed GWB being the start of the muslim problem . I just point out the islam and its muslims , islamic culture and religion has ALWAYS been the problem FWierdo .
During Vietnam I had to guard ordinance, some of them specials
Even then we were warned about arabs wanting to get their hands on a nuke.
So is Donnie still making his victory lap after the shooting? But please no "Congrats" for him...

He predicted more terrorism, d'uh.

When it happened and some of his followers congratulated him on his successful foresight, he rejected the congratulations.

That the left is lying about that, fits what I have been saying months.

The left is lying about Trump.

SO loud and long that they are drowning out the Truth.
Why mention the congratulations at all. Oh, we know.

He was REJECTING the congratulations.

That's why he mentioned them.

Your partisanship is blinding you.
Sure he was...by mentioning it in the first place. "I hate to say I told you so...but I told you so" and you lap it up.

It's all about Drumpf.

Which is of course, not what he said.

Lefties lie.

If he had NOT mentioned the congratulations, you would have claimed that was tacit acceptance of them.

Your partisanship is blinding you.
Is it really all that hard for RWrs to just express sympathy and sadness without making it about them?
He predicted more terrorism, d'uh.

When it happened and some of his followers congratulated him on his successful foresight, he rejected the congratulations.

That the left is lying about that, fits what I have been saying months.

The left is lying about Trump.

SO loud and long that they are drowning out the Truth.
Why mention the congratulations at all. Oh, we know.

He was REJECTING the congratulations.

That's why he mentioned them.

Your partisanship is blinding you.
Sure he was...by mentioning it in the first place. "I hate to say I told you so...but I told you so" and you lap it up.

It's all about Drumpf.

Which is of course, not what he said.

Lefties lie.

If he had NOT mentioned the congratulations, you would have claimed that was tacit acceptance of them.

Your partisanship is blinding you.
Is it really all that hard for RWrs to just express sympathy and sadness without making it about them?
------------------------------------ sympathy is just a simple EMOTION thats not worth SPIT Bodecea !!
No, the US didn't invade most Muslim countries. However it does have massive negatives with many Muslim countries over the past 70 years or so.

Iran/Iraq War and the US sold weapons to the Iraqis and Iranians.
Iran with the Shah.
Libya, the bombing of and other such stuff
Supporting Israel's rather unethical wars and policies

I could go on, and on, and on. But these are some of the big ones.

When the US went into Afghanistan, a lot of people thought the US had the moral right to do so. Not all, quite a few Muslims took up arms and went to fight Jihad there. However had it stayed at Afghanistan I don't think there'd have been many problems that we're seeing now.

Iraq was the big one. Why? It showed American arrogance.

This was not fighting against those who had attacked the US. This was not about 9/11. The US lied and lied and lied to make this war happen and people could see the lies. America was being the baddy, the evil one, and this fueled a LOT of anger and resentment, and brought up all the history and problems in the region and the right and far right in Muslim countries didn't need to try hard to convince the people where the problem lay. Even Muslims in the US, UK, France, Belgium were willing to kill for what they saw.

If you don't make the effort to understand other peoples and then you go around invading and expecting them to worship you as heroes, and then it turns out they hate you, then maybe you need better intelligence, and leaders who won't ask for intelligence to be made up to suit their agenda.

As for "didn't take the oil", er.....


Iraqi oil production much higher than ever, isn't that what the US wanted? Lower oil prices globally due to increased oil production and OPEC having less control?

Petroleum industry in Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of oil companies in Iraq by gross revenue

Exxon, US
CNPC, China
Lukoil, Russia
Shell, Netherlands
ENI, Italy

Not a single Iraqi oil company, not there, not further down the list.

Foreign companies are making an absolute killing in Iraq.

Exxon has a 60% share in the West Qurna Field, pays low service fees. They're making loads of profits, as are companies like BP and Shell with lots of US shareholders too.

BP's number one shareholder is Barrow, Hanley Mewhinney & Strauss, LLC, they're an American company.
Second major share holder is State Street Corporation, an American company
Third major shareholder is Franklin Resources, Inc, an American company

Do you see where this is going?

I see perfectly where this is.

You accept the most negative interpretation of events re: America, and the most positive for our enemies.

Not at all. You're just pretending you know what I think about American's enemies. You don't. So stop pretending you do.

I saw what you just posted.

Thus my judgement.

The Iran/Iraq War:

We sold very little to either side.

Iran was our enemy, but Saddam was an ally of the Soviets.

Iraq got the VAST MAJORITY of their stuff from the Soviet Union.

They got the vast majority of the little bit they didn't get from them, from France and Germany.

At some point, when the Iranians were looking like they might actually win, we sold them a little bit of crap to try to avoid that.

The small amount of crap we "sold" to the Iranians was a ransom attempt for innocent hostages.

Your posting that as evidence of our sins shows that you are taking the negative spin for US, and the positive spin for our enemies.

How much the US sold is neither here nor there. The US supported both sides. You have to understand the impact on the people in the region on such things.

How much and why the US sold is completely relevant to any reasonable analysis of the issue.

Which is WHY you don't want to consider it.

You, as I already pointed out, are accepting the most negative interpretation of events re: America, and the most positive for our enemies.

You are doing this, not to reach a Truth, but to rationalize your pre arrived at conclusion that America is the Bad Guy.

It's not relevant. The US supported Saddam. Everyone knows this. How much, no one cares. You can show US interference in Iraq to people and they see it, because it's true, and then they see interference all over the place.

You've even accepted there was interference, which was the point. You want to get down into details of this one case, but there are hundreds of cases of US interference in the Middle East, and you can see why Muslims in the ME are angry at the US.

Or are you going to pretend they're not?

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