Hillary expresses sympathy, Trump boasts about Orlando

Not at all. You're just pretending you know what I think about American's enemies. You don't. So stop pretending you do.

I saw what you just posted.

Thus my judgement.

The Iran/Iraq War:

We sold very little to either side.

Iran was our enemy, but Saddam was an ally of the Soviets.

Iraq got the VAST MAJORITY of their stuff from the Soviet Union.

They got the vast majority of the little bit they didn't get from them, from France and Germany.

At some point, when the Iranians were looking like they might actually win, we sold them a little bit of crap to try to avoid that.

The small amount of crap we "sold" to the Iranians was a ransom attempt for innocent hostages.

Your posting that as evidence of our sins shows that you are taking the negative spin for US, and the positive spin for our enemies.

How much the US sold is neither here nor there. The US supported both sides. You have to understand the impact on the people in the region on such things.

How much and why the US sold is completely relevant to any reasonable analysis of the issue.

Which is WHY you don't want to consider it.

You, as I already pointed out, are accepting the most negative interpretation of events re: America, and the most positive for our enemies.

You are doing this, not to reach a Truth, but to rationalize your pre arrived at conclusion that America is the Bad Guy.

It's not relevant. The US supported Saddam. Everyone knows this. How much, no one cares. You can show US interference in Iraq to people and they see it, because it's true, and then they see interference all over the place.

You've even accepted there was interference, which was the point. You want to get down into details of this one case, but there are hundreds of cases of US interference in the Middle East, and you can see why Muslims in the ME are angry at the US.

Or are you going to pretend they're not?

How and why are obviously relevant if someone wants to find the truth.

How and why are NOT relevant is someone is instead searching for excuses and rationalizations for the hate they are already feeling.

Like you and the Muslims when it comes to America.

Like me and the Muslims when it comes to America huh? Are you trying to paint me as something that I'm not?
----------------------------------------- Just like the 'nazis' needed destruction the 'islamic state' , isis , al queada and the umbrella group of islam are just groups that need destruction when and if we get a good 'Commander in Chief' . Besides that , this war will be going on forever and i suspect that you pajama boy millenials and your kids will be bearing the brunt of the war [forever] FWierdo .

It'll be going on forever because there is too much interest for it to go on forever within governments.
-------------------------------------- my point is simply that millenials and their kids will be bearing the brunt of the war . And unless millenials and liberals progressives smarten up they might even lose the war as they become servants , dhimmies living a life of dhiminitude under muslim bosses FWierdo .

Yeah, but smartening up isn't going out and killing everyone. It's learning how to not create such things in the first place.
------------------------ its the muslims that started it at the very begining of islam as they killed all that were non muslim or where not ready to convert to islam . That was done in islams immedite area or birthplace and then it spread to areas like Spain . Spain is an example as muslim expansion . So , hey , its the muslims that started it as they expand and convert nonmuslims at the tip of the islamic sword FWierdo .

No they didn't. That's absolute crap. In Spain the Jews and the Christians were allowed to remain, but they paid higher taxes. When the Christians got it all back, now there's a story. The Sephardi Jews speak a form of old Spanish, why? Because they got kicked out of Spain by the Christians, as did the Muslims.

The Muslims in Spain were more tolerant (or less non-tolerant) than the Christians. Get your facts straight.

As for your argument of "they started it", fucking hell, what grade are you in at school?
----------------------------------------- Just like the 'nazis' needed destruction the 'islamic state' , isis , al queada and the umbrella group of islam are just groups that need destruction when and if we get a good 'Commander in Chief' . Besides that , this war will be going on forever and i suspect that you pajama boy millenials and your kids will be bearing the brunt of the war [forever] FWierdo .

It'll be going on forever because there is too much interest for it to go on forever within governments.
-------------------------------------- my point is simply that millenials and their kids will be bearing the brunt of the war . And unless millenials and liberals progressives smarten up they might even lose the war as they become servants , dhimmies living a life of dhiminitude under muslim bosses FWierdo .

Yeah, but smartening up isn't going out and killing everyone. It's learning how to not create such things in the first place.
------------------------ its the muslims that started it at the very begining of islam as they killed all that were non muslim or where not ready to convert to islam . That was done in islams immedite area or birthplace and then it spread to areas like Spain . Spain is an example as muslim expansion . So , hey , its the muslims that started it as they expand and convert nonmuslims at the tip of the islamic sword FWierdo .

No they didn't. That's absolute crap. In Spain the Jews and the Christians were allowed to remain, but they paid higher taxes. When the Christians got it all back, now there's a story. The Sephardi Jews speak a form of old Spanish, why? Because they got kicked out of Spain by the Christians, as did the Muslims.

The Muslims in Spain were more tolerant (or less non-tolerant) than the Christians. Get your facts straight.

As for your argument of "they started it", fucking hell, what grade are you in at school?
------------------------------- thats the definition of a 'dhimmi' , pay the jizya or tax or lose everything or be killed . You thinking that being ALLOWED to stay in Spain is a good deal just shows your subserviant , subject like attitude so you may actually be a 'pajama boy' millenial FWierdo .
see what the muslim 'turks' think about the Orlando muslim massacre in Orlando Bodecea , Tyrone and FWierdo . --- '50 perverts killed in bar': Homophobic headline in Turkish paper --- Probably lots of muslims dancing in the street as the Orlando massacre news hits their airwaves Tyrone yada and yada .

Well some Christians are.... so...

I didn't say I like Islam. In fact I don't like any religion. However, I believe that people have the right to believe whatever they want, no matter how wrong they are. As long as they don't infringe on other people's rights, then they can continue to do so.

A lot of people try and attack me by calling me an "Islamic apologizer" and other similar crap. I'm not apologizing for them. I will say the truth as much as possible, and I will support the freedoms such as freedom of speech and freedom of religion.
---------------------------------- that'd be muslim APOLOGIST if you want to speak correctly FWierdo .
It'll be going on forever because there is too much interest for it to go on forever within governments.
-------------------------------------- my point is simply that millenials and their kids will be bearing the brunt of the war . And unless millenials and liberals progressives smarten up they might even lose the war as they become servants , dhimmies living a life of dhiminitude under muslim bosses FWierdo .

Yeah, but smartening up isn't going out and killing everyone. It's learning how to not create such things in the first place.
------------------------ its the muslims that started it at the very begining of islam as they killed all that were non muslim or where not ready to convert to islam . That was done in islams immedite area or birthplace and then it spread to areas like Spain . Spain is an example as muslim expansion . So , hey , its the muslims that started it as they expand and convert nonmuslims at the tip of the islamic sword FWierdo .

No they didn't. That's absolute crap. In Spain the Jews and the Christians were allowed to remain, but they paid higher taxes. When the Christians got it all back, now there's a story. The Sephardi Jews speak a form of old Spanish, why? Because they got kicked out of Spain by the Christians, as did the Muslims.

The Muslims in Spain were more tolerant (or less non-tolerant) than the Christians. Get your facts straight.

As for your argument of "they started it", fucking hell, what grade are you in at school?
It'll be going on forever because there is too much interest for it to go on forever within governments.
-------------------------------------- my point is simply that millenials and their kids will be bearing the brunt of the war . And unless millenials and liberals progressives smarten up they might even lose the war as they become servants , dhimmies living a life of dhiminitude under muslim bosses FWierdo .

Yeah, but smartening up isn't going out and killing everyone. It's learning how to not create such things in the first place.
------------------------ its the muslims that started it at the very begining of islam as they killed all that were non muslim or where not ready to convert to islam . That was done in islams immedite area or birthplace and then it spread to areas like Spain . Spain is an example as muslim expansion . So , hey , its the muslims that started it as they expand and convert nonmuslims at the tip of the islamic sword FWierdo .

No they didn't. That's absolute crap. In Spain the Jews and the Christians were allowed to remain, but they paid higher taxes. When the Christians got it all back, now there's a story. The Sephardi Jews speak a form of old Spanish, why? Because they got kicked out of Spain by the Christians, as did the Muslims.

The Muslims in Spain were more tolerant (or less non-tolerant) than the Christians. Get your facts straight.

As for your argument of "they started it", fucking hell, what grade are you in at school?
------------------------------- thats the definition of a 'dhimmi' , pay the jizya or tax or lose everything or be killed . You thinking that being ALLOWED to stay in Spain is a good deal just shows your subserviant , subject like attitude so you may actually be a 'pajama boy' millenial FWierdo .

Christ, you make an argument, I show it's wrong, then you attack me for saying that being allowed to stay was better than being kicked out.... I'm not playing games with you. Either debated properly, or go away.
see what the muslim 'turks' think about the Orlando muslim massacre in Orlando Bodecea , Tyrone and FWierdo . --- '50 perverts killed in bar': Homophobic headline in Turkish paper --- Probably lots of muslims dancing in the street as the Orlando massacre news hits their airwaves Tyrone yada and yada .

Well some Christians are.... so...

I didn't say I like Islam. In fact I don't like any religion. However, I believe that people have the right to believe whatever they want, no matter how wrong they are. As long as they don't infringe on other people's rights, then they can continue to do so.

A lot of people try and attack me by calling me an "Islamic apologizer" and other similar crap. I'm not apologizing for them. I will say the truth as much as possible, and I will support the freedoms such as freedom of speech and freedom of religion.
---------------------------------- that'd be muslim APOLOGIST if you want to speak correctly FWierdo .

Well I'm just writing what people have flung at me.
-------------------------------------- my point is simply that millenials and their kids will be bearing the brunt of the war . And unless millenials and liberals progressives smarten up they might even lose the war as they become servants , dhimmies living a life of dhiminitude under muslim bosses FWierdo .

Yeah, but smartening up isn't going out and killing everyone. It's learning how to not create such things in the first place.
------------------------ its the muslims that started it at the very begining of islam as they killed all that were non muslim or where not ready to convert to islam . That was done in islams immedite area or birthplace and then it spread to areas like Spain . Spain is an example as muslim expansion . So , hey , its the muslims that started it as they expand and convert nonmuslims at the tip of the islamic sword FWierdo .

No they didn't. That's absolute crap. In Spain the Jews and the Christians were allowed to remain, but they paid higher taxes. When the Christians got it all back, now there's a story. The Sephardi Jews speak a form of old Spanish, why? Because they got kicked out of Spain by the Christians, as did the Muslims.

The Muslims in Spain were more tolerant (or less non-tolerant) than the Christians. Get your facts straight.

As for your argument of "they started it", fucking hell, what grade are you in at school?
-------------------------------------- my point is simply that millenials and their kids will be bearing the brunt of the war . And unless millenials and liberals progressives smarten up they might even lose the war as they become servants , dhimmies living a life of dhiminitude under muslim bosses FWierdo .

Yeah, but smartening up isn't going out and killing everyone. It's learning how to not create such things in the first place.
------------------------ its the muslims that started it at the very begining of islam as they killed all that were non muslim or where not ready to convert to islam . That was done in islams immedite area or birthplace and then it spread to areas like Spain . Spain is an example as muslim expansion . So , hey , its the muslims that started it as they expand and convert nonmuslims at the tip of the islamic sword FWierdo .

No they didn't. That's absolute crap. In Spain the Jews and the Christians were allowed to remain, but they paid higher taxes. When the Christians got it all back, now there's a story. The Sephardi Jews speak a form of old Spanish, why? Because they got kicked out of Spain by the Christians, as did the Muslims.

The Muslims in Spain were more tolerant (or less non-tolerant) than the Christians. Get your facts straight.

As for your argument of "they started it", fucking hell, what grade are you in at school?
------------------------------- thats the definition of a 'dhimmi' , pay the jizya or tax or lose everything or be killed . You thinking that being ALLOWED to stay in Spain is a good deal just shows your subserviant , subject like attitude so you may actually be a 'pajama boy' millenial FWierdo .

Christ, you make an argument, I show it's wrong, then you attack me for saying that being allowed to stay was better than being kicked out.... I'm not playing games with you. Either debated properly, or go away.
----------------------- you show nothing , i reject your silly argument . You are arguing that the Spanish were allowed to stay in their homeland after they were over run by 'muslims' . According to your logic if the Spanish paid the 'jizya' or increased tax to the muslim invaders the Spanish should be happy . I suppose that with your subserviant attitude that you would be happy being ALLOWED to pay the increased tax that the muslims demanded . Paying the increased tax or being forced to leave Spain or die is the exact definintion of a 'dhimmi' under islamic rule FWierdo . As far as games , you should realize that YOU are the silly game FWierdo .
see what the muslim 'turks' think about the Orlando muslim massacre in Orlando Bodecea , Tyrone and FWierdo . --- '50 perverts killed in bar': Homophobic headline in Turkish paper --- Probably lots of muslims dancing in the street as the Orlando massacre news hits their airwaves Tyrone yada and yada .

Well some Christians are.... so...

I didn't say I like Islam. In fact I don't like any religion. However, I believe that people have the right to believe whatever they want, no matter how wrong they are. As long as they don't infringe on other people's rights, then they can continue to do so.

A lot of people try and attack me by calling me an "Islamic apologizer" and other similar crap. I'm not apologizing for them. I will say the truth as much as possible, and I will support the freedoms such as freedom of speech and freedom of religion.
---------------------------------- that'd be muslim APOLOGIST if you want to speak correctly FWierdo .

Well I'm just writing what people have flung at me.
------------------------ just curious , are you a 'pajama boy' millenial FWierdo ?? Do you have POOR widdle kids that are being taught by you FWierdo ??
so , so what do you think FWierdo and Tyrone ?? muslim 'turks' love seeing the muslim caused murder and mayhem in the Orlando gay bar so what does that say about muslims 'FWierdo' and Tyrone ??
"Winning" is more important to Donnie that the feelings of others. He is a shallow Narcissist.

But Trump is such a clueless bigot he’s going to end up losing the election.

Trump continues to advocate that Muslims be ‘banned’ from coming to the United States.

The person who committed the crime was a US citizen, ‘banning’ Muslims would have done nothing to prevent this crime.

In addition to being bigoted idiocy, the mechanics of ‘banning’ Muslims makes such a policy impossible to implement – coming from a ‘Muslim country’ doesn’t mean one is a ‘terrorist,’ or a Muslim, for that matter.

The crime in Orlando was committed by an individual, not a religion.
banning the muslim parents before the muslim murderers birth would have worked fine Clayton .
Yeah, but smartening up isn't going out and killing everyone. It's learning how to not create such things in the first place.
------------------------ its the muslims that started it at the very begining of islam as they killed all that were non muslim or where not ready to convert to islam . That was done in islams immedite area or birthplace and then it spread to areas like Spain . Spain is an example as muslim expansion . So , hey , its the muslims that started it as they expand and convert nonmuslims at the tip of the islamic sword FWierdo .

No they didn't. That's absolute crap. In Spain the Jews and the Christians were allowed to remain, but they paid higher taxes. When the Christians got it all back, now there's a story. The Sephardi Jews speak a form of old Spanish, why? Because they got kicked out of Spain by the Christians, as did the Muslims.

The Muslims in Spain were more tolerant (or less non-tolerant) than the Christians. Get your facts straight.

As for your argument of "they started it", fucking hell, what grade are you in at school?
Yeah, but smartening up isn't going out and killing everyone. It's learning how to not create such things in the first place.
------------------------ its the muslims that started it at the very begining of islam as they killed all that were non muslim or where not ready to convert to islam . That was done in islams immedite area or birthplace and then it spread to areas like Spain . Spain is an example as muslim expansion . So , hey , its the muslims that started it as they expand and convert nonmuslims at the tip of the islamic sword FWierdo .

No they didn't. That's absolute crap. In Spain the Jews and the Christians were allowed to remain, but they paid higher taxes. When the Christians got it all back, now there's a story. The Sephardi Jews speak a form of old Spanish, why? Because they got kicked out of Spain by the Christians, as did the Muslims.

The Muslims in Spain were more tolerant (or less non-tolerant) than the Christians. Get your facts straight.

As for your argument of "they started it", fucking hell, what grade are you in at school?
------------------------------- thats the definition of a 'dhimmi' , pay the jizya or tax or lose everything or be killed . You thinking that being ALLOWED to stay in Spain is a good deal just shows your subserviant , subject like attitude so you may actually be a 'pajama boy' millenial FWierdo .

Christ, you make an argument, I show it's wrong, then you attack me for saying that being allowed to stay was better than being kicked out.... I'm not playing games with you. Either debated properly, or go away.
----------------------- you show nothing , i reject your silly argument . You are arguing that the Spanish were allowed to stay in their homeland after they were over run by 'muslims' . According to your logic if the Spanish paid the 'jizya' or increased tax to the muslim invaders the Spanish should be happy . I suppose that with your subserviant attitude that you would be happy being ALLOWED to pay the increased tax that the muslims demanded . Paying the increased tax or being forced to leave Spain or die is the exact definintion of a 'dhimmi' under islamic rule FWierdo . As far as games , you should realize that YOU are the silly game FWierdo .

We're talking the facts of history here, and you're rejecting this as my "silly argument"?

I'm sorry, i'm not doing this, I'm not arguing with someone who doesn't have a clue and pretends they know everything on an issue that has nothing to do with this topic.
see what the muslim 'turks' think about the Orlando muslim massacre in Orlando Bodecea , Tyrone and FWierdo . --- '50 perverts killed in bar': Homophobic headline in Turkish paper --- Probably lots of muslims dancing in the street as the Orlando massacre news hits their airwaves Tyrone yada and yada .

Well some Christians are.... so...

I didn't say I like Islam. In fact I don't like any religion. However, I believe that people have the right to believe whatever they want, no matter how wrong they are. As long as they don't infringe on other people's rights, then they can continue to do so.

A lot of people try and attack me by calling me an "Islamic apologizer" and other similar crap. I'm not apologizing for them. I will say the truth as much as possible, and I will support the freedoms such as freedom of speech and freedom of religion.
---------------------------------- that'd be muslim APOLOGIST if you want to speak correctly FWierdo .

Well I'm just writing what people have flung at me.
------------------------ just curious , are you a 'pajama boy' millenial FWierdo ?? Do you have POOR widdle kids that are being taught by you FWierdo ??

Well that didn't take long for attacks......
see what the muslim 'turks' think about the Orlando muslim massacre in Orlando Bodecea , Tyrone and FWierdo . --- '50 perverts killed in bar': Homophobic headline in Turkish paper --- Probably lots of muslims dancing in the street as the Orlando massacre news hits their airwaves Tyrone yada and yada .

Well some Christians are.... so...

I didn't say I like Islam. In fact I don't like any religion. However, I believe that people have the right to believe whatever they want, no matter how wrong they are. As long as they don't infringe on other people's rights, then they can continue to do so.

A lot of people try and attack me by calling me an "Islamic apologizer" and other similar crap. I'm not apologizing for them. I will say the truth as much as possible, and I will support the freedoms such as freedom of speech and freedom of religion.
---------------------------------- that'd be muslim APOLOGIST if you want to speak correctly FWierdo .

Well I'm just writing what people have flung at me.
------------------------ just curious , are you a 'pajama boy' millenial FWierdo ?? Do you have POOR widdle kids that are being taught by you FWierdo ??

Well that didn't take long for attacks......
---------------------------- i asked you a couple of questions FWierdo .
and i EXPLAINED to you exactly what a muslim 'duimmi' is . Course , you seem to think that being a muslim 'dhimmi' is acceptable FWierdo .
------------------------ its the muslims that started it at the very begining of islam as they killed all that were non muslim or where not ready to convert to islam . That was done in islams immedite area or birthplace and then it spread to areas like Spain . Spain is an example as muslim expansion . So , hey , its the muslims that started it as they expand and convert nonmuslims at the tip of the islamic sword FWierdo .

No they didn't. That's absolute crap. In Spain the Jews and the Christians were allowed to remain, but they paid higher taxes. When the Christians got it all back, now there's a story. The Sephardi Jews speak a form of old Spanish, why? Because they got kicked out of Spain by the Christians, as did the Muslims.

The Muslims in Spain were more tolerant (or less non-tolerant) than the Christians. Get your facts straight.

As for your argument of "they started it", fucking hell, what grade are you in at school?
------------------------ its the muslims that started it at the very begining of islam as they killed all that were non muslim or where not ready to convert to islam . That was done in islams immedite area or birthplace and then it spread to areas like Spain . Spain is an example as muslim expansion . So , hey , its the muslims that started it as they expand and convert nonmuslims at the tip of the islamic sword FWierdo .

No they didn't. That's absolute crap. In Spain the Jews and the Christians were allowed to remain, but they paid higher taxes. When the Christians got it all back, now there's a story. The Sephardi Jews speak a form of old Spanish, why? Because they got kicked out of Spain by the Christians, as did the Muslims.

The Muslims in Spain were more tolerant (or less non-tolerant) than the Christians. Get your facts straight.

As for your argument of "they started it", fucking hell, what grade are you in at school?
------------------------------- thats the definition of a 'dhimmi' , pay the jizya or tax or lose everything or be killed . You thinking that being ALLOWED to stay in Spain is a good deal just shows your subserviant , subject like attitude so you may actually be a 'pajama boy' millenial FWierdo .

Christ, you make an argument, I show it's wrong, then you attack me for saying that being allowed to stay was better than being kicked out.... I'm not playing games with you. Either debated properly, or go away.
----------------------- you show nothing , i reject your silly argument . You are arguing that the Spanish were allowed to stay in their homeland after they were over run by 'muslims' . According to your logic if the Spanish paid the 'jizya' or increased tax to the muslim invaders the Spanish should be happy . I suppose that with your subserviant attitude that you would be happy being ALLOWED to pay the increased tax that the muslims demanded . Paying the increased tax or being forced to leave Spain or die is the exact definintion of a 'dhimmi' under islamic rule FWierdo . As far as games , you should realize that YOU are the silly game FWierdo .

We're talking the facts of history here, and you're rejecting this as my "silly argument"?

I'm sorry, i'm not doing this, I'm not arguing with someone who doesn't have a clue and pretends they know everything on an issue that has nothing to do with this topic.
--------------------------- so take off , ok with me . I explained to you that muslims have been a problem long before 'gwb' and his war in muslim lands . I explain to you what a 'dhimmi' is , if you don't like it well take off ok with me !!
Well some Christians are.... so...

I didn't say I like Islam. In fact I don't like any religion. However, I believe that people have the right to believe whatever they want, no matter how wrong they are. As long as they don't infringe on other people's rights, then they can continue to do so.

A lot of people try and attack me by calling me an "Islamic apologizer" and other similar crap. I'm not apologizing for them. I will say the truth as much as possible, and I will support the freedoms such as freedom of speech and freedom of religion.
---------------------------------- that'd be muslim APOLOGIST if you want to speak correctly FWierdo .

Well I'm just writing what people have flung at me.
------------------------ just curious , are you a 'pajama boy' millenial FWierdo ?? Do you have POOR widdle kids that are being taught by you FWierdo ??

Well that didn't take long for attacks......
---------------------------- i asked you a couple of questions FWierdo .

Wonderful, and in case I didn't tell you that I'm done with you, I'm done with you, unless of course you want to actually act like an adult.
Orlando shooting exposes Donald Trump’s biggest weakness: A total lack of empathy

For Frump, it is all about him. Forget the victims. Frump says he called it. Probably high fiving his servants.

Why do you lefties have to lie and take everything out of context?

Part two of the tweet.

'I don't want congrats,' he pushed back. 'I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart!'

Trump and Clinton react to the 'devastating' news out of Orlando

There is the difference, the old hag wants to grab guns...Trump wants to be tough and attack the problem....Islamic terrorism

But but but not ALL Muslims that follow Islam are terrorists or potential terrorists, Islam is a religion of peace :rolleyes-41:

Sorry but until the moderates step up I'm losing faith Islam is a religion of peace
Extremism is just an example of the dark side of Islam. Given the right circumstances any moderate could easily become an extremist. That is why Obama is trying to bring so many of them here. He's sowing the seeds of future attacks. This is a clash between a religion and a society that is obviously degenerating into chaos. Moderate Muslims soon begin to feel that they have to lash out to prove that they still believe in Allah.

All of these kind speeches intended to act kind to Muslims, yet we are being attacked more frequently than when Bush was President. At least Bush was realistic.

The Obama Administration has made us an easy target.....just so he can take our guns. If Hillary becomes president, they will. And the problem will remain, if not steadily get worse. Take away guns and they use knives. Take away knives and they use bombs. Good luck trying to take away their bombs, because they can cook those up using normal chemicals. Meanwhile, Obama and Hillary will make sure we can't defend ourselves.

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