Hillary Falls Again, Breaks Wrist

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Her feet aren't the only thing slipping.

I see some advertising opportunities in her future should she make the correct career change choice... $$$
I would definately lay down 50 bucks for a Hillary Slip-n-Slide.

What a stupid stunt that was, even the slightest drag in a heel would have sent him short of the target pool and would have meant his death.

Yeah, you could see his buddies were in shock that he was still alive.... that was a risky stunt. I have no idea how they were able to make that calculation. It was impressive as it was stupid for sure.
I guess now when sitting on the porcelain throne reading the Reader's Digest I'll be seeing her in an ad for one of those walk-in tubs. Ain't that a pretty picture.
Her feet aren't the only thing slipping.

I see some advertising opportunities in her future should she make the correct career change choice... $$$
I would definately lay down 50 bucks for a Hillary Slip-n-Slide.

What a stupid stunt that was, even the slightest drag in a heel would have sent him short of the target pool and would have meant his death.

Yeah, you could see his buddies were in shock that he was still alive.... that was a risky stunt. I have no idea how they were able to make that calculation. It was impressive as it was stupid for sure.

Watch his reaction after getting up. He looks around and has a "Am I alive?" look on his face. The idiot! Ha ha
Fox gleefully reported her fall. :rolleyes:
The day she made those hate filled remarks and slipped later walking down steps, FOX never reported or showed that video. When she broke a wrist that was legitimate news. Hardly gleeful reporting.

If you want to witness gleeful reporting, watch MSNBC or CNN if Trump dies in office.
Folks check out the bathrooms at her hotel, the umaid bhawan palace! The Donald needs to check this out also. Awesome!


And keep in mind Crooked Hillary ALWAYS lies about her injuries when she collapses multiple times a day. Huma would have been there and falling would have hurt her hip, had she not been wearing NHL style hockey pants! The injury was probably when she collapsed getting into a limo or something.
That's nothing.

You should see her bed!!

She looks like shit more than usual. People dying in hospitals look better than her

Maybe that chronic yeast infection has her weak. Who know's

Folks check out the bathrooms at her hotel, the umaid bhawan palace! The Donald needs to check this out also. Awesome!


And keep in mind Crooked Hillary ALWAYS lies about her injuries when she collapses multiple times a day. Huma would have been there and falling would have hurt her hip, had she not been wearing NHL style hockey pants! The injury was probably when she collapsed getting into a limo or something.
That's nothing.

You should see her bed!!

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NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got banned for just showing her in "authentic" mode...The Onion.

I generally refer to her as the Hildebeast for obvious reasons, but I'm having second thoughts about that. I think Yoyo might fit her just as well...as in, she's up, she's down...she's up, she's down.
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