Hillary Falls Again, Breaks Wrist

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Maybe next time it'll be her neck.
She's traveling around the world, in INDIA, sight seeing at 72 going down steps in what looks like an old ruin of sort. You're sitting your lazy ass behind a computer screen somewhere screaming how 'feeble' she is.

Ironic huh?
Her world tour to bash America and average Americans with her sexist, racist, elitist hate.

Now she just needs to contract dysentery while there.

Make that old colostomy bag work overtime.
Hillary Clinton fractures wrist after slipping in India resort bathtub, report says

Hillary Clinton fractures wrist after slipping in India resort bathtub, report says
If this is important to you I can`t imagine how fucked up your life is. Pathetic would be an understatement. I hate to break anyone`s little snot bubble but Meuller is still issuing a subpoena for the crooked Trump organization and more arrests and indictments are on the way no matter what HC breaks. She`s a private citizen and only her stalkers still care about her. Seek professional help.
Hillary Clinton fractures wrist after slipping in India resort bathtub, report says

Hillary Clinton fractures wrist after slipping in India resort bathtub, report says
If this is important to you I can`t imagine how fucked up your life is. Pathetic would be an understatement. I hate to break anyone`s little snot bubble but Meuller is still issuing a subpoena for the crooked Trump organization and more arrests and indictments are on the way no matter what HC breaks. She`s a private citizen and only her stalkers still care about her. Seek professional help.
Hillary Clinton fractures wrist after slipping in India resort bathtub, report says

Hillary Clinton fractures wrist after slipping in India resort bathtub, report says
If this is important to you I can`t imagine how fucked up your life is. Pathetic would be an understatement. I hate to break anyone`s little snot bubble but Meuller is still issuing a subpoena for the crooked Trump organization and more arrests and indictments are on the way no matter what HC breaks. She`s a private citizen and only her stalkers still care about her. Seek professional help.
Professional help? It's Yoyo who needs it as she's entirely incapable of accepting any blame for her second blown attempt to grab the old brass ring. Her list of reasons for losing just keeps getting longer and longer and longer. She's a sick bitch, maybe worse even than that womanizer she's been enabling forever.
Hillary Clinton fractures wrist after slipping in India resort bathtub, report says

Hillary Clinton fractures wrist after slipping in India resort bathtub, report says
If this is important to you I can`t imagine how fucked up your life is. Pathetic would be an understatement. I hate to break anyone`s little snot bubble but Meuller is still issuing a subpoena for the crooked Trump organization and more arrests and indictments are on the way no matter what HC breaks. She`s a private citizen and only her stalkers still care about her. Seek professional help.
Professional help? It's Yoyo who needs it as she's entirely incapable of accepting any blame for her second blown attempt to grab the old brass ring. Her list of reasons for losing just keeps getting longer and longer and longer. She's a sick bitch, maybe worse even than that womanizer she's been enabling forever.
I have no idea who Yoyo is. Did you mean Yoko Ono or are you calling HC childish names because you have the maturity and intelligence of a cucumber?
Hillary Clinton fractures wrist after slipping in India resort bathtub, report says

Hillary Clinton fractures wrist after slipping in India resort bathtub, report says
If this is important to you I can`t imagine how fucked up your life is. Pathetic would be an understatement. I hate to break anyone`s little snot bubble but Meuller is still issuing a subpoena for the crooked Trump organization and more arrests and indictments are on the way no matter what HC breaks. She`s a private citizen and only her stalkers still care about her. Seek professional help.
Love that mentioning Hillary's foibles upsets you so. The darling of the Losers can't do anything right. Did you hear her offend all women who didn't vote for her? Not to mention white men. To Hillary and progs, you must vote your identity. Still laughing at that Chump Queen.
Memo to Hillary:

Next time choose a lowboy as a carriage. It's hell when you fall off a tall wagon.

Same goes for horses. Pick a very short-legged Icelandic rather than a high horse...'cause you just know you're gonna fall.
She can't choose an Icelandic, because Shetlands and Orkney have pentagrams inscribed on the walls of their caves.
The malady seems to be affecting her left side, which would mean right brain, if not mistaken.
She`s a private citizen and only her stalkers still care about her

A private person who can’t seem to stop insulting the voters - white women who don’t vote for her are stupid - and the rest are deplorable.
She’s so dumb and/or out of control she seems to believe alienating huge sections of the voting public is the way to endear herself and win elections? Lol.
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She`s a private citizen and only her stalkers still care about her

A private person who can’t seem to stop insulting the voters - white woman who don’t vote for her are stupid - and the rest are deplorable. She’s so dumb and/or out of control she seems to believe alienating huge sections of the voting public is the way to endear herself and win elections? Lol.
She had more votes LOL. How was she to know that mocking the handicapped and spitting on our POWs was the winning formula?
She`s a private citizen and only her stalkers still care about her

A private person who can’t seem to stop insulting the voters - white woman who don’t vote for her are stupid - and the rest are deplorable. She’s so dumb and/or out of control she seems to believe alienating huge sections of the voting public is the way to endear herself and win elections? Lol.
She had more votes LOL. How was she to know that mocking the handicapped and spitting on our POWs was the winning formula?
Unfortunately for Hilly and her voters, Illegal votes don’t count, neither does the popular vote they resulted in.
So no, she clearly didn’t have a winning strategy, and she obviously has poor judgement as she’s stupid enough to continue pursuing it.
How dumb can you get?
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