Hillary Favorability Drops to Lowest Since 2008 - Gallup Poll


VIP Member
Oct 24, 2013
Looks like her popularity is taking a nose dive. I guess Benghazi will haunt Hillary through 2016, if she decides to run. The fact that she couldn't name one achievement she accomplished while secretary of state surely doesn't help her credibility.


Clinton's current favorability rating is the lowest it has been since August 2008 (54%), when she was preparing to deliver a speech at the Democratic National Convention endorsing then-Sen. Barack Obama, who defeated her in a hard-fought primary battle for the party's 2008 presidential nomination

Hillary Clinton Popularity Taking Nose Dive
Get real folks, she looks tired just talking about thinking about running for the most stressful job in the world.

America isn't going to elect a frail older woman in these tough times. She's as electable as Eric Cartman of South Park. And if the GOP runs Christie, i seriously don't see how the dems can take 2016. They should just concede right now with that albatross that refuses to let go of their necks.. [no, I'm not talking about Hillary, it's one of "their" platforms]
Since right-wing Republicans don't have any good ideas on how to make America better, they have to rip it apart (and kill cops) until everything else in America sucks so much that the Republicans look good by comparison. What Republicans don't understand is that the rest of America is watching the GOP tear this country apart to try to make the GOP look good, and We the People don't appreciate it.

Three in 10 Voters Say They Will Vote to Oppose Obama
So far, she's not demonstrated that her campaigning style has improved in the last 7 years...she needs Bill to get out there on her behalf, but the down side to that is his charisma and natural ability to connect with people serve to emphasize her lack of authenticity.
Don't get me wrong I dislike Hillary intensely. That said Hillary is by far the best shot the Ds have. Gore acting out a psychotic symptom with his "invented the internet" hallucination on camera is next best and Biden third.
Get real folks, she looks tired just talking about thinking about running for the most stressful job in the world.

America isn't going to elect a frail older woman in these tough times. She's as electable as Eric Cartman of South Park. And if the GOP runs Christie, i seriously don't see how the dems can take 2016. They should just concede right now with that albatross that refuses to let go of their necks.. [no, I'm not talking about Hillary, it's one of "their" platforms]

Then why did the Republicans nominate Reagan and Mccain, who were both older?
Since right-wing Republicans don't have any good ideas on how to make America better, they have to rip it apart (and kill cops) until everything else in America sucks so much that the Republicans look good by comparison. What Republicans don't understand is that the rest of America is watching the GOP tear this country apart to try to make the GOP look good, and We the People don't appreciate it.

Three in 10 Voters Say They Will Vote to Oppose Obama
It's liberal democrat voters who write songs abput killing cops.
Get real folks, she looks tired just talking about thinking about running for the most stressful job in the world.

America isn't going to elect a frail older woman in these tough times. She's as electable as Eric Cartman of South Park. And if the GOP runs Christie, i seriously don't see how the dems can take 2016. They should just concede right now with that albatross that refuses to let go of their necks.. [no, I'm not talking about Hillary, it's one of "their" platforms]

Then why did the Republicans nominate Reagan and Mccain, who were both older?

Oh don't be silly. Reagan actually had a track record. And it was a different generation. McCain was an engineered win. The shenanigans they pulled got him in. Once he was on his own though he detonated himself.
She's been out of the public eye for awhile now. I even didn't really care to speculate on whether she was contemplating throwing her hat into the ring but when I saw the interview, I remembered how much I like her and really think she'll make a wonderful president.
Looks like her popularity is taking a nose dive. I guess Benghazi will haunt Hillary through 2016, if she decides to run. The fact that she couldn't name one achievement she accomplished while secretary of state surely doesn't help her credibility.


Clinton's current favorability rating is the lowest it has been since August 2008 (54%), when she was preparing to deliver a speech at the Democratic National Convention endorsing then-Sen. Barack Obama, who defeated her in a hard-fought primary battle for the party's 2008 presidential nomination

Hillary Clinton Popularity Taking Nose Dive
if she runs she wins.
Where and what is her opposition.?
It'll continue to drop as she appears more in front of cameras. That shrill voice and irritating cackle, along with her arrogance and condescending attitude, not to mention her lack of accomplishments (ever) will sink her. The only thing she has ever done is be near by while somebody else was governing. She's never done shit herself.
That is true. Part of what sunk her in 2008 was the fact she was not likeable. The more people saw and heard her the worse it got. Her approvals went up while she was SOS because she was predominately out of sight.
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