Hillary Gearing Up, Be Afraid, Rs

You don't get it, she's already got her campaign going, she knows what she wants to talk about, how to win this. Your guys can't even settle on a top 8 list of people to run.

Comon... Donald Trump? HaHa
She knows she doesn't want to talk about the truth, it would embarrass her.
You don't get it, she's already got her campaign going, she knows what she wants to talk about, how to win this. Your guys can't even settle on a top 8 list of people to run.

Comon... Donald Trump? HaHa
Repubs have little hope in the electoral college against Clinton, and if all the GOP has is Jeb Bush or Rubio running, then it will be a rough campaign - but not a overly difficult one for Hillary, as there is nothing in Jeb Bush or Rubio that illustrates a change from the status quo.
No change from the status quo with Hillary either, you still have lying scheming crooked dimwits.
Clinton needs to continue to hold back and allow the multitude of Republicans to do the talking. Let them continue with their circular firing squad and continue to make fools of themselves. No reason for Clinton to take attention away from that nonsense or the daily reminders of the failing and flailing Republican Congress.
I didn't know this thread was still going... GO Hillary GO!! :)
She came out guns blazing on your turf in Tx. and for automatic registration, democracy and voter's rights!

That's gonna leave a mark..

Automatic registration?.....Not happening. The states control that. And always will.
Or are you in support of federal ID cards which MUST be carried at all times?

"Your papers are not in order. You are under arrest".....You libs....Sheesh.
Rachel Maddow comments:


Now, here is a True Loon.

What is a True Loon?

Anybody who expects anybody else to watch an 18 minute clip of Rachael Maddow.

I'd rather be water-boarded.

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