Hillary Going Into Hiding.But What If Polls Give Cruz&Walker 15 Point Lead In May & June?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:dig:So Hillary wants to "Go Underground" for about five months. Needs some time off to figure out who she is and what she stands for.(as if we don't know ?).OK, fine, take a vacation till Summer. But what if in the meantime, Cruz and Walker have already started their rallies, filling arenas, both work their way up rapidly as the top two contenders for the GOP, and meanwhile, Hillary is still hiding from all of us. She finds herself way behind any of the top conservative candidates, especially in the rust belt and the west. Do you think she will have the strength to dig herself out of the ground? Or will she just ignore the polls and sleep right through June as all pollsters have Ted Cruz and Scott Walker with a commanding 12 to 15 point lead over Hillary in all purple states?:smoke::eek-52:
:dig:So Hillary wants to "Go Underground" for about five months. Needs some time off to figure out who she is and what she stands for.(as if we don't know ?).OK, fine, take a vacation till Summer. But what if in the meantime, Cruz and Walker have already started their rallies, filling arenas, both work their way up rapidly as the top two contenders for the GOP, and meanwhile, Hillary is still hiding from all of us. She finds herself way behind any of the top conservative candidates, especially in the rust belt and the west. Do you think she will have the strength to dig herself out of the ground? Or will she just ignore the polls and sleep right through June as all pollsters have Ted Cruz and Scott Walker with a commanding 12 to 15 point lead over Hillary in all purple states?:smoke::eek-52:
Underground=Betty Ford Clinic
:dig:So Hillary wants to "Go Underground" for about five months. Needs some time off to figure out who she is and what she stands for.(as if we don't know ?).OK, fine, take a vacation till Summer. But what if in the meantime, Cruz and Walker have already started their rallies, filling arenas, both work their way up rapidly as the top two contenders for the GOP, and meanwhile, Hillary is still hiding from all of us. She finds herself way behind any of the top conservative candidates, especially in the rust belt and the west. Do you think she will have the strength to dig herself out of the ground? Or will she just ignore the polls and sleep right through June as all pollsters have Ted Cruz and Scott Walker with a commanding 12 to 15 point lead over Hillary in all purple states?:smoke::eek-52:
Underground=Betty Ford Clinic
Maybe she going to have a full body make-over, like they did on that Ugly Ducking series when they took this woman who was a 2, and weeks later(or months) she got her make-over and became a swan?
Hate to break it to you...polls in June are about as important as polls are today...before the primaries. Knee jerk teapers are too stupid to realize...Hillary is going underground because she knows the tea party will garner all of the negative attention without her in the fray. The tea party is gonna devastate the GOP with their nonsense politics and hate.
I won't vote for an extremist!!!

Not an identity asshole or a cut, slash or burn.

Won't happen.
Hate to break it to you...polls in June are about as important as polls are today...before the primaries. Knee jerk teapers are too stupid to realize...Hillary is going underground because she knows the tea party will garner all of the negative attention without her in the fray. The tea party is gonna devastate the GOP with their nonsense politics and hate.
Polls arent important, true.
But what is important is the ability to line up talent and donors and start getting your message out. Obama defined Romney as a rich whtite guy early in Ohio and it cost Romney.
Hate to break it to you...polls in June are about as important as polls are today...before the primaries. Knee jerk teapers are too stupid to realize...Hillary is going underground because she knows the tea party will garner all of the negative attention without her in the fray. The tea party is gonna devastate the GOP with their nonsense politics and hate.
Polls arent important, true.
But what is important is the ability to line up talent and donors and start getting your message out. Obama defined Romney as a rich whtite guy early in Ohio and it cost Romney.
Romney cost Romney. The teapers cost Romney. The GOP field beat each other up and they are about to do the same thing again!

If there are 10 GOP candidates and 1 dem candidate...what would you do if you were the dem candidate. Sit back and watch the 10 opponents get beat up or campaign and take away from the media frenzy?

Don't be fooled, Hillary stepping out for a while...smart political move and the GOP needs to recognize it.
Hate to break it to you...polls in June are about as important as polls are today...before the primaries. Knee jerk teapers are too stupid to realize...Hillary is going underground because she knows the tea party will garner all of the negative attention without her in the fray. The tea party is gonna devastate the GOP with their nonsense politics and hate.
Polls arent important, true.
But what is important is the ability to line up talent and donors and start getting your message out. Obama defined Romney as a rich whtite guy early in Ohio and it cost Romney.
Romney cost Romney. The teapers cost Romney. The GOP field beat each other up and they are about to do the same thing again!

If there are 10 GOP candidates and 1 dem candidate...what would you do if you were the dem candidate. Sit back and watch the 10 opponents get beat up or campaign and take away from the media frenzy?

Don't be fooled, Hillary stepping out for a while...smart political move and the GOP needs to recognize it.
Bullshit. All of it. Hillary going into hiding is not good news for her campaign.
I dont know how Hillary is going to explain the last 7 years as she campaigns. she has nothing to run on.
Maybe her manager will start placing ads seeking actors to fill her arenas.
Hate to break it to you...polls in June are about as important as polls are today...before the primaries. Knee jerk teapers are too stupid to realize...Hillary is going underground because she knows the tea party will garner all of the negative attention without her in the fray. The tea party is gonna devastate the GOP with their nonsense politics and hate.
Polls arent important, true.
But what is important is the ability to line up talent and donors and start getting your message out. Obama defined Romney as a rich whtite guy early in Ohio and it cost Romney.
Romney cost Romney. The teapers cost Romney. The GOP field beat each other up and they are about to do the same thing again!

If there are 10 GOP candidates and 1 dem candidate...what would you do if you were the dem candidate. Sit back and watch the 10 opponents get beat up or campaign and take away from the media frenzy?

Don't be fooled, Hillary stepping out for a while...smart political move and the GOP needs to recognize it.
Bullshit. All of it. Hillary going into hiding is not good news for her campaign.
Why? Who is her opponent? Why does she need to campaign against herself? Meanwhile, the Republicans and the Tea Party are going into a full fledged civil war. She will be out of the news cycle, all the media will cover is the GOP and the infighting. You can deny it all you want...this is why Obama won - TWICE. Because the tea party introduced idiot, knee jerk politics into the equation. The can't see past their own noses...they think every battle is a war.

The teapers are playing checkers - the dems are playing chess.

No, I am not for Hillary at all...but I am smart enough to realize she and the dems are giving the GOP their own rope.
Hate to break it to you...polls in June are about as important as polls are today...before the primaries. Knee jerk teapers are too stupid to realize...Hillary is going underground because she knows the tea party will garner all of the negative attention without her in the fray. The tea party is gonna devastate the GOP with their nonsense politics and hate.
Polls arent important, true.
But what is important is the ability to line up talent and donors and start getting your message out. Obama defined Romney as a rich whtite guy early in Ohio and it cost Romney.
Romney cost Romney. The teapers cost Romney. The GOP field beat each other up and they are about to do the same thing again!

If there are 10 GOP candidates and 1 dem candidate...what would you do if you were the dem candidate. Sit back and watch the 10 opponents get beat up or campaign and take away from the media frenzy?

Don't be fooled, Hillary stepping out for a while...smart political move and the GOP needs to recognize it.
Bullshit. All of it. Hillary going into hiding is not good news for her campaign.
Why? Who is her opponent? Why does she need to campaign against herself? Meanwhile, the Republicans and the Tea Party are going into a full fledged civil war. She will be out of the news cycle, all the media will cover is the GOP and the infighting. You can deny it all you want...this is why Obama won - TWICE. Because the tea party introduced idiot, knee jerk politics into the equation. The can't see past their own noses...they think every battle is a war.

The teapers are playing checkers - the dems are playing chess.

No, I am not for Hillary at all...but I am smart enough to realize she and the dems are giving the GOP their own rope.
You think the Dems will just anoint Hillary? You're so cute.
and what happens say 6 months into her campaign, her doctor has some bad news for her? then what? Joe Biden runs?
Paid actors were planted to faint for Obama, but what if Hillary faints in the middle of a rally?
Hate to break it to you...polls in June are about as important as polls are today...before the primaries. Knee jerk teapers are too stupid to realize...Hillary is going underground because she knows the tea party will garner all of the negative attention without her in the fray. The tea party is gonna devastate the GOP with their nonsense politics and hate.
Polls arent important, true.
But what is important is the ability to line up talent and donors and start getting your message out. Obama defined Romney as a rich whtite guy early in Ohio and it cost Romney.
Romney cost Romney. The teapers cost Romney. The GOP field beat each other up and they are about to do the same thing again!

If there are 10 GOP candidates and 1 dem candidate...what would you do if you were the dem candidate. Sit back and watch the 10 opponents get beat up or campaign and take away from the media frenzy?

Don't be fooled, Hillary stepping out for a while...smart political move and the GOP needs to recognize it.
Bullshit. All of it. Hillary going into hiding is not good news for her campaign.
Why? Who is her opponent? Why does she need to campaign against herself? Meanwhile, the Republicans and the Tea Party are going into a full fledged civil war. She will be out of the news cycle, all the media will cover is the GOP and the infighting. You can deny it all you want...this is why Obama won - TWICE. Because the tea party introduced idiot, knee jerk politics into the equation. The can't see past their own noses...they think every battle is a war.

The teapers are playing checkers - the dems are playing chess.

No, I am not for Hillary at all...but I am smart enough to realize she and the dems are giving the GOP their own rope.
You think the Dems will just anoint Hillary? You're so cute.
I don't know...but at this point - she is the top choice. Who is she running against in the primaries right now? How much money does she ALREADY have? How much will she be able to raise while in hiding? How much can she raise during the primaries.

This is a smart play on her part. By June...3 GOP candidates will be out, 4 will be hanging by a thread and 3 might emerge as front runners. They will all be beat up on a national level...without any Hillary news to distract.
How will Hillary beat up on Cruz, then she will look like a racist claiming that he's too dumb to be President cause he is Latino.
How will Hillary beat up on Cruz, then she will look like a racist claiming that he's too dumb to be President cause he is Latino.
She won't need to...All of the GOP candidates will take care of it for her.
Polls arent important, true.
But what is important is the ability to line up talent and donors and start getting your message out. Obama defined Romney as a rich whtite guy early in Ohio and it cost Romney.

No, actually, ROMNEY defined Romney as a rich weird Mormon by saying things like "I like to fire people' and 'I don't care about the poor" and "47% don't pay taxes, so I don't care about them".

The best slam of Romney ever was said by Mike Huckabee. "I look like the guy you work with. He looks like the guy who lays you off!"
The dirty little secret is that Hillary can only "go underground" if the liberal media circles the wagons around her. Honest Americans are so used to biased media that the concept of a possible presidential candidate "going underground" seems reasonable.
The dirty little secret is that Hillary can only "go underground" if the liberal media circles the wagons around her. Honest Americans are so used to biased media that the concept of a possible presidential candidate "going underground" seems reasonable.
And the victimization card played by the teapers...how fucking ridiculous. You are no better than a negroe justifying why he is on welfare.

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