Hillary immediately plays politics with the Las Vegas disaster/tragedy

1. Truth hurts. You are going to be busier defending your bully president.
Maybe you haven’t noticed more and more people trashing Trump and his very poorly supporters.
1. I repeat, I hope you don't talk like you type.

Do you ask that same question of your buddies who shout down conservative speakers at universities or physically attack people with Trump stickers on their cars? No? I didn't think so, you fucking hypocrite.

2. Trump hurts.
Trump hurts what? WTF are you trying to say there, moron?

3. This just show how dumb you are making this kind of comparison.
See my first response, moron.

James Foley be heading—— What do you expect Obama should have done?
He did exactly what I expected him to do.....nothing. Probably because he identifies with the terrorists who did the beheading.

Trump took him 2 weeks to visit after Maria devastated Puerto Rico. But he is out there golfing awarding the Trophy to the victims of hurricane.
Sounds like Obama.

I keep repeating because you are dumb and sick monster. Dude you cannot even counter act with clean and honest rebuttal.

We are talking about this MORON you injected Obama. Sick bastard.

You did not have a problem when KKK. NAZIs and White supremacist —- chanting wants to kill Jews and other minorities. Which you supported 100%.because your excuses was freedom of speech.


What kind of monster are you? Don’t you have any decency left in your garbage and worthless soul?
I don't know if you're a foreigner or just really stupid but your butchering of the English language makes it hard to figure out wtf you're trying to say or the point you're trying to make. You should consider getting somebody to type for you who knows the language a little better (no, a LOT better, actually).

PS, Trust me, nobody wants Hillary to talk shit like that more than I do. It's an effective reminder that we the people made the right decision in November and put the right person in the White House.

And this is the best you can come out to defend yourself and this little petulant kid president. Loser.
NO DECENCY? Who else are speaking for these victims? Im sure it’s not you or the rest of snowflakes.
The scariest thing about your post is I think you actually believe that shit!

Yes, Hillary Clinton declaring more lives would have been lost if the shooter, shooting from across the street from a window on the 32nd floor during the middle of a loud concert had been using a Silencer.

Shamelessly Democrats - and sheep like you who defend them no matter what they do, are opportunistically using this tragedy and the massive amount of emotion during the chaos, shock, and death to push a liberal agenda.

Again, there has been no facts ascertained, no motive, no news on the source or legality of the guns, no news on if they were registered / owned legally, etc - which should damn-well take a back seat to the continuing tally of dead and wounded, sensitivity to victims and family members, etc.

"Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste"
---- Former Chief Of Staff Rahm Emanuel

That's all the pathetic Democrats are doing right now.

Way to go, DNC - keep working on doubling that number of 1,000+ elections losses!

You are a good example of either a lying delusional or a lying moron.
Well you are a liar anyway. So it’s not a surprise.

Yes if the shooter used a silencers he could have killed probably thousands not 59. That’s a fact.

Did you even try to listening to the news? Did Fox News told you a different story?

People at the concert run and took cover after they heard the gun shots. They taught its part of the show or a fire works. It took a while for most of them to realize it was a gun shots. Without those pop pop pop pop pop pop ——— Just imagine if this guy used a silencer.

Tell me what I missed.

No it is not a fact, you are simply wrong.

Why the debate over gun suppressors isn’t really relevant to what happened in Las Vegas

In the wake of Sunday night’s mass shooting in Las Vegas that left at least 58 people dead, the attention of those advocating for stricter gun control laws seized on a current debate in Washington. The Hearing Protection Act, sponsored by Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.), would allow more people to purchase silencers for firearms — which, some argued, would have made the shooting in Vegas much deadlier.

Among those making that case was Hillary Clinton. “The crowd fled at the sound of gunshots,” Clinton wrote on Twitter. “Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get.”

But the effect of having a silencer probably would have been negligible. Clinton and others appear to be assuming that silencers — or “suppressors,” as they’re known in the industry — work the way that they do in the movies. Screw a little barrel on the end of your pistol, and you can run through enemy headquarters picking off bad guys with no more audio footprint than a little zip.

In reality, trying to suppress an automatic weapon sounds like this.

Full Auto M4 Carbine w/Suppressor - Machine Gun Fun

The gunfire is clearly audible, as our Washington Post fact-checkers noted in March.

The video above features a weapon from Asymmetric Solutions, a firearm training firm based in Missouri. Thomas Satterly, the company’s director of development, spoke by phone with The Post to explain why a suppressor wouldn’t have silenced the noise of the gunfire in the way Clinton assumed. Satterly is a veteran who served in Somalia in 1993. When we spoke, he was with several friends who served in law enforcement and who contributed their thoughts, as well.

Analysis | Why the debate over gun suppressors isn’t really relevant to what happened in Las Vegas

Let me repeat it again. Tell me what I missed.
Bodies not even cold yet, and the bitch goes after the NRA


Rightly so, the NRA enables mass murderers, domestic and foreign terrorists. In fact people like you who attack those who see such horrors and want to mitigate the harm done by firearms enable terrorists too.
It took Crooked Hillary 5 minutes to blame NRA for madman's rampage, but 5 days to sorta-kinda blame Harvey Weinstein for his sexual assaults.
1. Truth hurts. You are going to be busier defending your bully president.
Maybe you haven’t noticed more and more people trashing Trump and his very poorly supporters.
1. I repeat, I hope you don't talk like you type.

Do you ask that same question of your buddies who shout down conservative speakers at universities or physically attack people with Trump stickers on their cars? No? I didn't think so, you fucking hypocrite.

2. Trump hurts.
Trump hurts what? WTF are you trying to say there, moron?

3. This just show how dumb you are making this kind of comparison.
See my first response, moron.

James Foley be heading—— What do you expect Obama should have done?
He did exactly what I expected him to do.....nothing. Probably because he identifies with the terrorists who did the beheading.

Trump took him 2 weeks to visit after Maria devastated Puerto Rico. But he is out there golfing awarding the Trophy to the victims of hurricane.
Sounds like Obama.

I keep repeating because you are dumb and sick monster. Dude you cannot even counter act with clean and honest rebuttal.

We are talking about this MORON you injected Obama. Sick bastard.

You did not have a problem when KKK. NAZIs and White supremacist —- chanting wants to kill Jews and other minorities. Which you supported 100%.because your excuses was freedom of speech.


What kind of monster are you? Don’t you have any decency left in your garbage and worthless soul?
I don't know if you're a foreigner or just really stupid but your butchering of the English language makes it hard to figure out wtf you're trying to say or the point you're trying to make. You should consider getting somebody to type for you who knows the language a little better (no, a LOT better, actually).

PS, Trust me, nobody wants Hillary to talk shit like that more than I do. It's an effective reminder that we the people made the right decision in November and put the right person in the White House.

And this is the best you can come out to defend yourself and this little petulant kid president. Loser.
Defend myself? Against what? You make no sense in almost everything you post. WTF is it with you? Is English your second language? Third maybe? Learn how to f*ing talk and maybe (MAYBE) we can have an intelligent conversation.
Why won’t Hillary condemn the California wildfires?

Why won’t Hillary introduce legislation to outlaw North Korea?

Hillary’s silence on lost luggage is deafening. WHY DOES HILLARY LACK COURAGE ABOUT AMERICA’S LOST LUGGAGE PROBLEM?
It took Crooked Hillary 5 minutes to blame NRA for madman's rampage, but 5 days to sorta-kinda blame Harvey Weinstein for his sexual assaults.

Very funny. Is there a time line or when that 5 days started? Did it started the first day someone made the accusation? Can you tell me when that 5 days started?
You’ve been watching too much of Tucker Carlson or Hannity.

Bill O’Reilly and Roger Ailes both got fired and paid millions of sexual harassment. Both are very close friends of Trump. Trump even hired Ailes during the campaign.

Did this boy Trump the lousiest and disgusting president said or condemned his fellow sexual harasser?
1. Truth hurts. You are going to be busier defending your bully president.
Maybe you haven’t noticed more and more people trashing Trump and his very poorly supporters.
1. I repeat, I hope you don't talk like you type.

Do you ask that same question of your buddies who shout down conservative speakers at universities or physically attack people with Trump stickers on their cars? No? I didn't think so, you fucking hypocrite.

2. Trump hurts.
Trump hurts what? WTF are you trying to say there, moron?

3. This just show how dumb you are making this kind of comparison.
See my first response, moron.

James Foley be heading—— What do you expect Obama should have done?
He did exactly what I expected him to do.....nothing. Probably because he identifies with the terrorists who did the beheading.

Trump took him 2 weeks to visit after Maria devastated Puerto Rico. But he is out there golfing awarding the Trophy to the victims of hurricane.
Sounds like Obama.

I keep repeating because you are dumb and sick monster. Dude you cannot even counter act with clean and honest rebuttal.

We are talking about this MORON you injected Obama. Sick bastard.

You did not have a problem when KKK. NAZIs and White supremacist —- chanting wants to kill Jews and other minorities. Which you supported 100%.because your excuses was freedom of speech.


What kind of monster are you? Don’t you have any decency left in your garbage and worthless soul?
I don't know if you're a foreigner or just really stupid but your butchering of the English language makes it hard to figure out wtf you're trying to say or the point you're trying to make. You should consider getting somebody to type for you who knows the language a little better (no, a LOT better, actually).

PS, Trust me, nobody wants Hillary to talk shit like that more than I do. It's an effective reminder that we the people made the right decision in November and put the right person in the White House.

And this is the best you can come out to defend yourself and this little petulant kid president. Loser.
Defend myself? Against what? You make no sense in almost everything you post. WTF is it with you? Is English your second language? Third maybe? Learn how to f*ing talk and maybe (MAYBE) we can have an intelligent conversation.

I’m not a foreigner dude. Stick with the topic asshole. I’m so sick of this. Do you want a live face to face challenge? Pick any topic. Includes science, medicine, medical instrumentation’s, electrical, mechanical & software engineering, quantum physics. How about it asshole. If you decline YOU are a coward. I’m waiting.

Insult is the best you can defend yourself?
Let me repeat it again for you.
Who the hell made you a dictator that Hillary cannot expressed her freedom of speech?

Let me repeat it again for you. You supported KKK, NAZIs, White Supremacist —— want to kill Jews and minorities because they are your kind. Your excuses was freedom of speech and stupidity.
So Hillary cannot expressed her freedom of speech?

Now answer those questions and my challenge.
Following the worst mass shooting in U.S. history that occurred in Las Vegas on Sunday, Hillary Clinton offered her two cents on Twitter saying “we must put politics aside” before immediately calling for gun control.
Hillary on Vegas Massacre: We ‘Must Put Politics Aside’ — Immediately Calls For Gun Control!

And I just said this on ZZ' s post fkn tell us we don't know what is going on and can't see wtf is taking place.

Nice foul mouth as usual.
Dead giveaway for limited ed
1. Truth hurts. You are going to be busier defending your bully president.
Maybe you haven’t noticed more and more people trashing Trump and his very poorly supporters.
1. I repeat, I hope you don't talk like you type.

Do you ask that same question of your buddies who shout down conservative speakers at universities or physically attack people with Trump stickers on their cars? No? I didn't think so, you fucking hypocrite.

2. Trump hurts.
Trump hurts what? WTF are you trying to say there, moron?

3. This just show how dumb you are making this kind of comparison.
See my first response, moron.

James Foley be heading—— What do you expect Obama should have done?
He did exactly what I expected him to do.....nothing. Probably because he identifies with the terrorists who did the beheading.

Trump took him 2 weeks to visit after Maria devastated Puerto Rico. But he is out there golfing awarding the Trophy to the victims of hurricane.
Sounds like Obama.

I keep repeating because you are dumb and sick monster. Dude you cannot even counter act with clean and honest rebuttal.

We are talking about this MORON you injected Obama. Sick bastard.

You did not have a problem when KKK. NAZIs and White supremacist —- chanting wants to kill Jews and other minorities. Which you supported 100%.because your excuses was freedom of speech.


What kind of monster are you? Don’t you have any decency left in your garbage and worthless soul?
I don't know if you're a foreigner or just really stupid but your butchering of the English language makes it hard to figure out wtf you're trying to say or the point you're trying to make. You should consider getting somebody to type for you who knows the language a little better (no, a LOT better, actually).

PS, Trust me, nobody wants Hillary to talk shit like that more than I do. It's an effective reminder that we the people made the right decision in November and put the right person in the White House.

And this is the best you can come out to defend yourself and this little petulant kid president. Loser.
Defend myself? Against what? You make no sense in almost everything you post. WTF is it with you? Is English your second language? Third maybe? Learn how to f*ing talk and maybe (MAYBE) we can have an intelligent conversation.

With your belief and disgusting attitude we can NEVER have a decent conversation or
intelligent conversation. You are a low class scum.

Since I joined the site you have not shown any kind intelligence or any decency but hatred towards human being.
It took Crooked Hillary 5 minutes to blame NRA for madman's rampage, but 5 days to sorta-kinda blame Harvey Weinstein for his sexual assaults.

Very funny. Is there a time line or when that 5 days started? Did it started the first day someone made the accusation? Can you tell me when that 5 days started?
You’ve been watching too much of Tucker Carlson or Hannity.

Bill O’Reilly and Roger Ailes both got fired and paid millions of sexual harassment. Both are very close friends of Trump. Trump even hired Ailes during the campaign.

Did this boy Trump the lousiest and disgusting president said or condemned his fellow sexual harasser?
Omg, asking the trumpettes for facts?

They are too busy sucking off their socialist VA SS Medicare benefits
My shrink friends say trumpettes wife abuse and being abused is normal for them.
They love don the con
Hillary is such a pure, clinical psychopath I nicknamed her the "female Eric Cartman." Exact same type of monster as South Park's "bete noir"
I’m not a foreigner dude. Stick with the topic asshole. I’m so sick of this. Do you want a live face to face challenge? Pick any topic. Includes science, medicine, medical instrumentation’s, electrical, mechanical & software engineering, quantum physics. How about it asshole. If you decline YOU are a coward. I’m waiting.
As I've stated, dickwad, you are too fucking stupid to communicate. Go back and look at some of your posts. Half of them make no sense. You're either a foreigner, drunk, or just plain fucking stupid. I'd love to stick to the topic if I could figure out wtf you're saying (or TRYING to say). Fucking idiot.

Insult is the best you can defend yourself?
Thanks for confirming, illiterate.

Let me repeat it again for you.
Who the hell made you a dictator that Hillary cannot expressed her freedom of speech?
Hey moron, I never said she "cannot express her freedom of speech" I'm happy that she IS because she's her own worst enemy.

Let me repeat it again for you. You supported KKK, NAZIs, White Supremacist —— want to kill Jews and minorities because they are your kind. Your excuses was freedom of speech and stupidity.
So Hillary cannot expressed her freedom of speech?
You see? This is a perfect example of your nonsensical comments. First of all, I NEVER supported the KKK, NAZIs, White Supremacists or EVER said anything about killing Jews and minorities. You're making shit up because you have no fucking argument. You're a liar as well as an idiot. And please tell us wtf this comment is supposed to mean:
"want to kill Jews and minorities because they are your kind." Why the fuck would I want to kill my own kind? Again, you're too stupid to have a conversation with, you fucking moron. Now fuck off.
I’m not a foreigner dude. Stick with the topic asshole. I’m so sick of this. Do you want a live face to face challenge? Pick any topic. Includes science, medicine, medical instrumentation’s, electrical, mechanical & software engineering, quantum physics. How about it asshole. If you decline YOU are a coward. I’m waiting.
As I've stated, dickwad, you are too fucking stupid to communicate. Go back and look at some of your posts. Half of them make no sense. You're either a foreigner, drunk, or just plain fucking stupid. I'd love to stick to the topic if I could figure out wtf you're saying (or TRYING to say). Fucking idiot.

Insult is the best you can defend yourself?
Thanks for confirming, illiterate.

Let me repeat it again for you.
Who the hell made you a dictator that Hillary cannot expressed her freedom of speech?
Hey moron, I never said she "cannot express her freedom of speech" I'm happy that she IS because she's her own worst enemy.

Let me repeat it again for you. You supported KKK, NAZIs, White Supremacist —— want to kill Jews and minorities because they are your kind. Your excuses was freedom of speech and stupidity.
So Hillary cannot expressed her freedom of speech?
You see? This is a perfect example of your nonsensical comments. First of all, I NEVER supported the KKK, NAZIs, White Supremacists or EVER said anything about killing Jews and minorities. You're making shit up because you have no fucking argument. You're a liar as well as an idiot. And please tell us wtf this comment is supposed to mean:
"want to kill Jews and minorities because they are your kind." Why the fuck would I want to kill my own kind? Again, you're too stupid to have a conversation with, you fucking moron. Now fuck off.

You talked too much. I challenged you live face to face to prove who is better educated between the 2 of us. But you declined because you are COWARD racist piece of shit. How about cancers and organs and organ transplants except brain? I’m capable of discussing that too.

You are a liar. In a separate thread I went after you because you supported NAZIS, KKK. WHITE SUPREMACIST during the Charlottesville riot. You defended them with all your might because they are your kind. You are a liar.

Pay attention retard. My post #46— Who made you a dictator ——— ?
You went off the chart after that because you are not capable of intelligent discussion.

Instead of sticking with the topic you started the insult because you are very dishonest ( maybe poor) deplorable, disgusting and defective human being.
You are a low class illiterate scum.
"Why do so many Americans love guns? It’s easy to see why you’d love sex. Or sunsets, skiing, music, nature, art, wine. But GUNS? Why guns?" - Godless Richard Dawkins

My theory in brief: In general its because people want to feel like they are in control of their own destiny. Conversely, that's why most anti-gun folks are on the left, because in general they do not have the same "motivation" or "drive" to ultimately be responsible for themselves.
You talked too much. I challenged you live face to face to prove who is better educated between the 2 of us. But you declined because you are COWARD racist piece of shit. How about cancers and organs and organ transplants except brain? I’m capable of discussing that too.
You're not capable of putting a sentence together without fucking it up, let alone engaging in a substantive discussion. Now, what part of "fuck off" are you having trouble understanding?
You talked too much. I challenged you live face to face to prove who is better educated between the 2 of us. But you declined because you are COWARD racist piece of shit. How about cancers and organs and organ transplants except brain? I’m capable of discussing that too.
You're not capable of putting a sentence together without fucking it up, let alone engaging in a substantive discussion. Now, what part of "fuck off" are you having trouble understanding?

Blah blah blah blah you talk too much. How about it coward live face to face debate pick a topic in six languages.
Fuck off? You FUCK OFF old ignorant peasants racist piece of shit.
Remember you started this fight MORON not me.
And I’m not going to let you get off this easy.
You talked too much. I challenged you live face to face to prove who is better educated between the 2 of us. But you declined because you are COWARD racist piece of shit. How about cancers and organs and organ transplants except brain? I’m capable of discussing that too.
You're not capable of putting a sentence together without fucking it up, let alone engaging in a substantive discussion. Now, what part of "fuck off" are you having trouble understanding?

Blah blah blah blah you talk too much. How about it coward live face to face debate pick a topic in six languages.
Fuck off? You FUCK OFF old ignorant peasants racist piece of shit.
Remember you started this fight MORON not me.
And I’m not going to let you get off this easy.
3 days and that's the best you could come up with? Thanks for proving my point, retard. :lol:

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