Hillary immediately plays politics with the Las Vegas disaster/tragedy

We need to withhold action until we know what he was firing and how he got them

If it was a fully automatic weapon, we need to find out how he obtained them and how to prevent them from access in the future

If he modified a semiautomatic, we need to ban those semiautomatics that are capable of being modified

In either case, we need to ban large capacity magazines

It was probably an AR with a bump stock. Both are legal.

They are reporting that he had two ARs with a bump stock
The bump stock allows firing rates in the 400-700 rpm if you have a large enough magazine

Like you said.....perfectly legal

The question is....Why is it legal?

Possibly because a bump stock is simple to construct, so banning wouldn't prevent anything.
The same ones that break American law by providing sanctuary for illegal aliens are calling for gun control laws.
All of Leftism can be condensed down into one impulse:

“We will tell you what to do.”

And a second one swiftly follows it:

“Or else.”
Crooked Hillary spews lie after fucking lie!

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Who made you a dictator that nobody can exercise their freedom of speech?
1. Says the snowflake who thinks it's ok to shout down conservative speakers and attack Trump supporters.

Did that bully thug knows that election was over? He still going after the election results as we speak wasting tax dollars.
2. I hope you don't talk like you type. :lol:

Human crisis in Puerto Rico but he is out there golfing.
Like Obama going golfing right after James Foley was beheaded by Islamic terrorists?

1. Truth hurts. You are going to be busier defending your bully president.
Maybe you haven’t noticed more and more people trashing Trump and his very poorly supporters.
2. Trump hurts.
3. This just show how dumb you are making this kind of comparison.
James Foley be heading—— What do you expect Obama should have done?

Trump took him 2 weeks to visit after Maria devastated Puerto Rico. But he is out there golfing awarding the Trophy to the victims of hurricane. Hurling insult against Puerto Rico and the mayor What a fucking joke president.
NO DECENCY? Who else are speaking for these victims? Im sure it’s not you or the rest of snowflakes.
The scariest thing about your post is I think you actually believe that shit!

Yes, Hillary Clinton declaring more lives would have been lost if the shooter, shooting from across the street from a window on the 32nd floor during the middle of a loud concert had been using a Silencer.

Shamelessly Democrats - and sheep like you who defend them no matter what they do, are opportunistically using this tragedy and the massive amount of emotion during the chaos, shock, and death to push a liberal agenda.

Again, there has been no facts ascertained, no motive, no news on the source or legality of the guns, no news on if they were registered / owned legally, etc - which should damn-well take a back seat to the continuing tally of dead and wounded, sensitivity to victims and family members, etc.

"Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste"
---- Former Chief Of Staff Rahm Emanuel

That's all the pathetic Democrats are doing right now.

Way to go, DNC - keep working on doubling that number of 1,000+ elections losses!

You are a good example of either a lying delusional or a lying moron.
Well you are a liar anyway. So it’s not a surprise.

Yes if the shooter used a silencers he could have killed probably thousands not 59. That’s a fact.

Did you even try to listening to the news? Did Fox News told you a different story?

People at the concert run and took cover after they heard the gun shots. They taught its part of the show or a fire works. It took a while for most of them to realize it was a gun shots. Without those pop pop pop pop pop pop ——— Just imagine if this guy used a silencer.

Tell me what I missed.
1. Truth hurts. You are going to be busier defending your bully president.
Maybe you haven’t noticed more and more people trashing Trump and his very poorly supporters.
1. I repeat, I hope you don't talk like you type.

Do you ask that same question of your buddies who shout down conservative speakers at universities or physically attack people with Trump stickers on their cars? No? I didn't think so, you fucking hypocrite.

2. Trump hurts.
Trump hurts what? WTF are you trying to say there, moron?

3. This just show how dumb you are making this kind of comparison.
See my first response, moron.

James Foley be heading—— What do you expect Obama should have done?
He did exactly what I expected him to do.....nothing. Probably because he identifies with the terrorists who did the beheading.

Trump took him 2 weeks to visit after Maria devastated Puerto Rico. But he is out there golfing awarding the Trophy to the victims of hurricane.
Sounds like Obama.
NO DECENCY? Who else are speaking for these victims? Im sure it’s not you or the rest of snowflakes.
The scariest thing about your post is I think you actually believe that shit!

Yes, Hillary Clinton declaring more lives would have been lost if the shooter, shooting from across the street from a window on the 32nd floor during the middle of a loud concert had been using a Silencer.

Shamelessly Democrats - and sheep like you who defend them no matter what they do, are opportunistically using this tragedy and the massive amount of emotion during the chaos, shock, and death to push a liberal agenda.

Again, there has been no facts ascertained, no motive, no news on the source or legality of the guns, no news on if they were registered / owned legally, etc - which should damn-well take a back seat to the continuing tally of dead and wounded, sensitivity to victims and family members, etc.

"Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste"
---- Former Chief Of Staff Rahm Emanuel

That's all the pathetic Democrats are doing right now.

Way to go, DNC - keep working on doubling that number of 1,000+ elections losses!

You are a good example of either a lying delusional or a lying moron.
Well you are a liar anyway. So it’s not a surprise.

Yes if the shooter used a silencers he could have killed probably thousands not 59. That’s a fact.

Did you even try to listening to the news? Did Fox News told you a different story?

People at the concert run and took cover after they heard the gun shots. They taught its part of the show or a fire works. It took a while for most of them to realize it was a gun shots. Without those pop pop pop pop pop pop ——— Just imagine if this guy used a silencer.

Tell me what I missed.


You have no idea what you are speaking about.
Dear Liberals,

Gun laws won't stop shootings. Heroin has been illegal for 100 years, yet today we have a bigger heroin problem than before it was banned. Besides, what makes you think criminals will obey gun laws?

Try using a little common sense.
Paddock sought out Boston, Chicago and a Chance the Rapper show for his rampage. He is a deranged individual that no legislation could stop
The more I follow what's going on in America, the more I appreciate the wisdom of the Founding Fathers. The Constitution saves our beloved nation every day.
1. Truth hurts. You are going to be busier defending your bully president.
Maybe you haven’t noticed more and more people trashing Trump and his very poorly supporters.
1. I repeat, I hope you don't talk like you type.

Do you ask that same question of your buddies who shout down conservative speakers at universities or physically attack people with Trump stickers on their cars? No? I didn't think so, you fucking hypocrite.

2. Trump hurts.
Trump hurts what? WTF are you trying to say there, moron?

3. This just show how dumb you are making this kind of comparison.
See my first response, moron.

James Foley be heading—— What do you expect Obama should have done?
He did exactly what I expected him to do.....nothing. Probably because he identifies with the terrorists who did the beheading.

Trump took him 2 weeks to visit after Maria devastated Puerto Rico. But he is out there golfing awarding the Trophy to the victims of hurricane.
Sounds like Obama.

I keep repeating because you are dumb and sick monster. Dude you cannot even counter act with clean and honest rebuttal.

We are talking about this MORON you injected Obama. Sick bastard.

You did not have a problem when KKK. NAZIs and White supremacist —- chanting wants to kill Jews and other minorities. Which you supported 100%.because your excuses was freedom of speech.


What kind of monster are you? Don’t you have any decency left in your garbage and worthless soul?
NO DECENCY? Who else are speaking for these victims? Im sure it’s not you or the rest of snowflakes.
The scariest thing about your post is I think you actually believe that shit!

Yes, Hillary Clinton declaring more lives would have been lost if the shooter, shooting from across the street from a window on the 32nd floor during the middle of a loud concert had been using a Silencer.

Shamelessly Democrats - and sheep like you who defend them no matter what they do, are opportunistically using this tragedy and the massive amount of emotion during the chaos, shock, and death to push a liberal agenda.

Again, there has been no facts ascertained, no motive, no news on the source or legality of the guns, no news on if they were registered / owned legally, etc - which should damn-well take a back seat to the continuing tally of dead and wounded, sensitivity to victims and family members, etc.

"Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste"
---- Former Chief Of Staff Rahm Emanuel

That's all the pathetic Democrats are doing right now.

Way to go, DNC - keep working on doubling that number of 1,000+ elections losses!

You are a good example of either a lying delusional or a lying moron.
Well you are a liar anyway. So it’s not a surprise.

Yes if the shooter used a silencers he could have killed probably thousands not 59. That’s a fact.

Did you even try to listening to the news? Did Fox News told you a different story?

People at the concert run and took cover after they heard the gun shots. They taught its part of the show or a fire works. It took a while for most of them to realize it was a gun shots. Without those pop pop pop pop pop pop ——— Just imagine if this guy used a silencer.

Tell me what I missed.


You have no idea what you are speaking about.

Okay bud. Tell me what I missed.
The Left hates walls, except the walls that protect THEIR homes.

The Left hates guns, except the guns that protect THEIR lives.

"Muscular guys are stupid" "Gun owners have small dicks"

These are things lib men tell themselves to feel better about being lazy pussies

exhibit A:

1. Truth hurts. You are going to be busier defending your bully president.
Maybe you haven’t noticed more and more people trashing Trump and his very poorly supporters.
1. I repeat, I hope you don't talk like you type.

Do you ask that same question of your buddies who shout down conservative speakers at universities or physically attack people with Trump stickers on their cars? No? I didn't think so, you fucking hypocrite.

2. Trump hurts.
Trump hurts what? WTF are you trying to say there, moron?

3. This just show how dumb you are making this kind of comparison.
See my first response, moron.

James Foley be heading—— What do you expect Obama should have done?
He did exactly what I expected him to do.....nothing. Probably because he identifies with the terrorists who did the beheading.

Trump took him 2 weeks to visit after Maria devastated Puerto Rico. But he is out there golfing awarding the Trophy to the victims of hurricane.
Sounds like Obama.

I keep repeating because you are dumb and sick monster. Dude you cannot even counter act with clean and honest rebuttal.

We are talking about this MORON you injected Obama. Sick bastard.

You did not have a problem when KKK. NAZIs and White supremacist —- chanting wants to kill Jews and other minorities. Which you supported 100%.because your excuses was freedom of speech.


What kind of monster are you? Don’t you have any decency left in your garbage and worthless soul?
I don't know if you're a foreigner or just really stupid but your butchering of the English language makes it hard to figure out wtf you're trying to say or the point you're trying to make. You should consider getting somebody to type for you who knows the language a little better (no, a LOT better, actually).

PS, Trust me, nobody wants Hillary to talk shit like that more than I do. It's an effective reminder that we the people made the right decision in November and put the right person in the White House.

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