Hillary Indictment Already Handed Down By FBI And Obama Justice Department Is Sitting On It

Apparently you didn't have skills to keep your job.

You're one of the few that will admit votes for Obama had nothing to do with what he offered.

No, I had plenty of skills. What I didn't have was a company that had enough business to keep it's employees gainfully employed. Company I worked for lost 70% of its business between 2007 and 2008. Part of it was because of mistakes made by management, but a large part of it was that Bush crashed the economy and a lot of our business dried up. (It was highly tied into the housing industry.)

Here's the thing. I had LESS skills when Bill Clinton was President. Yet I had no problem getting and keeping jobs when he was president. When a company I worked for did something I found morally offensive, I could send out resumes and get a new job in a few weeks.

Oh, and as I said, I've told you why I voted for Obama in 2012.

I think Mormons are fucking EVIL. I think they are EVIL to their core. Yesterday was a fine reminder of what an EVIL cocksucker Mitt Romney is. He stabbed Trump in the back really good, after he was the one who gave Trump credibility to start with.

So you say about your skills. No one except you believes you.

You voted for Obama in 2012 because you wanted to make yourself feel better you piece of white trash. At least you and his mother have something in common. You're both white trash.
The FBI can't hand down indictments.

They can make recommendations, but utlimately, it's the AG who had to make the determination if a case is 1) Worth pursuing or 2) Winnable.

Sorry, any case against Hillary isn't winnable. there are people out there who will vote to acquit her if you had video of her handing a briefcase full of secrets to Putin, much less the horrible crime of not using the right kind of e-mail (OMFG!!!!)

The only purpose of filing such a case would be to damage her chances of winning, but frankly, the GOP is pretty much wrapping it up for her by nominating a Reality TV Rodeo Clown.
Recommendation is too long to put in the title. So I simply used handed down to shorten the title.
ROTFLMAO. There are a couple of words that come to mind to describe that: misleading and lying.

You fucking loons are just so desperate. ROTFLMAO.
So you say about your skills. No one except you believes you.

You voted for Obama in 2012 because you wanted to make yourself feel better you piece of white trash. At least you and his mother have something in common. You're both white trash.

Well, I don't have to "say" it. The fact I've been doing the same thing for 20 years now says it for me.

The fact I can put my resume on CareerBuilder and get a dozen calls from recruiters says it for me.

Again, I voted for Obama in 2012 because Romney would have been a lot worse. Obama may not be a great president, but he's a decent guy. Romney is a backstabbing Mormon piece of shit.
So you say about your skills. No one except you believes you.

You voted for Obama in 2012 because you wanted to make yourself feel better you piece of white trash. At least you and his mother have something in common. You're both white trash.

Well, I don't have to "say" it. The fact I've been doing the same thing for 20 years now says it for me.

The fact I can put my resume on CareerBuilder and get a dozen calls from recruiters says it for me.

Again, I voted for Obama in 2012 because Romney would have been a lot worse. Obama may not be a great president, but he's a decent guy. Romney is a backstabbing Mormon piece of shit.

You've been changing jobs regularly for 2 years?

So you say you can.

Obama is a piece of shit. He was born to a typical runaway baby daddy and a white trash mother. Nothing good comes from that.
  • Setting up a private server was against the law as well is putting it in an area where it cannot be secured is against the law.
  • Sending State Department information of any kind over that server is against the law.
  • Mishandling classified information is against the law.
  • Trying to destroy State Department communications is against the law.
  • Lying to investigators about your activities is against the law.
  • Conspiracy to hide illegal activities is against the law
  • Communicating with anyone who has been cleared about State Department business is against the law.
  • Failure to cooperate in an investigation is against the law
  • Obstruction of justice is against the law
  • Perjury is against the law
  • Taking bribes is against the law
  • Offering important positions in government because of political donations is against the law.

Okay, guy, all these things happen all the time, and no one goes to prison for them.

One more time, can you cite a case where someone went to prison for doing what Hillary did?

Scooter Libby only escaped prison for perjury because Bush commuted his sentence.

But then there's :

Rod Blagojevich
Jessie Jackson Jr.
Duke Cunningham
Jim Traficant
Carroll Hubbard
Dan Rotsenkawski

The list goes on and on here. List of American federal politicians convicted of crimes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It appears that a Grand Jury has been convened in secret to look at evidence that Hillary, or somebody they want to make out as a fall guy, mishandled Tops Secret information on Hillary Clinton's personal server. Fux Noise spokesman Judge Nepolitano said this was going on under the radar. One of Hillary's employees has already been granted immunity and the case is going forward. What this means is an indictment or indictments have been recommended, and it's just a matter of the DoJ announcing if they are going to take up the case.

Figure the odds that Obama is going to destroy the Democrat's chances of winning the White House. However, if he doesn't allow the crime to be prosecuted, it will be a scandal even worse than Watergate, and will hound him the rest of his administration and beyond.

If he was a Republican president, he would be toast. I doubt the media will even acknowledge any of this is real. This is corruption at it's worst. It is widely reported that Hillary even offered a Supreme Court seat to Obama as a bribe to convince him not to go forward with the case. I'm sure he'd love that.......but it would be an outright embarrassment to the court to have him playing video games on his cell phone while everyone else is writing their briefs on court decisions.

FBI recommends DoJ to indict Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified info

Why the Justice Department Won’t Work with the FBI on Clinton’s E-mail Case, by Andrew C. McCarthy, National Review

Report: FBI Probing Whether Clinton Aides ‘Cut and Pasted’ Intel

I'm sorry but I think the tread title is erroneous and misleading.

The FBI cannot hand down an indictment! That is the role of a grand jury. And grand juries are only impaneled by by a federal attorney in the DOJ.

The FBI can provide evidence to a prosecutor and RECOMMEND charges be filed.

So, if the attorney general does not want to go forward with any legal actions against Shrillary, she just won't assign a prosecutor or impanel a grand jury.

There is, however, a way around this. Congressional investigators can obtain the FBI evidence and then vote to have an independent prosecutor selected and assigned to take the evidence directly before a federal judge.

My guess is, that if Trump manages to garner so man delegates that he has a sweeping road to be the GOP nominee, Shrillary will "be forced to drop out due to medical situations."

The superdelegates will then be able to select whoever they want.
  • Setting up a private server was against the law as well is putting it in an area where it cannot be secured is against the law.
  • Sending State Department information of any kind over that server is against the law.
  • Mishandling classified information is against the law.
  • Trying to destroy State Department communications is against the law.
  • Lying to investigators about your activities is against the law.
  • Conspiracy to hide illegal activities is against the law
  • Communicating with anyone who has been cleared about State Department business is against the law.
  • Failure to cooperate in an investigation is against the law
  • Obstruction of justice is against the law
  • Perjury is against the law
  • Taking bribes is against the law
  • Offering important positions in government because of political donations is against the law.

Okay, guy, all these things happen all the time, and no one goes to prison for them.

One more time, can you cite a case where someone went to prison for doing what Hillary did?

Gen. David Petraeus
So you say about your skills. No one except you believes you.

You voted for Obama in 2012 because you wanted to make yourself feel better you piece of white trash. At least you and his mother have something in common. You're both white trash.

Well, I don't have to "say" it. The fact I've been doing the same thing for 20 years now says it for me.

The fact I can put my resume on CareerBuilder and get a dozen calls from recruiters says it for me.

Again, I voted for Obama in 2012 because Romney would have been a lot worse. Obama may not be a great president, but he's a decent guy. Romney is a backstabbing Mormon piece of shit.

You've been changing jobs regularly for 2 years?

So you say you can.

Obama is a piece of shit. He was born to a typical runaway baby daddy and a white trash mother. Nothing good comes from that.

Laughing.....and how many times have you been president?

It appears that a Grand Jury has been convened in secret to look at evidence that Hillary, or somebody they want to make out as a fall guy, mishandled Tops Secret information on Hillary Clinton's personal server. Fux Noise spokesman Judge Nepolitano said this was going on under the radar. One of Hillary's employees has already been granted immunity and the case is going forward. What this means is an indictment or indictments have been recommended, and it's just a matter of the DoJ announcing if they are going to take up the case.

Figure the odds that Obama is going to destroy the Democrat's chances of winning the White House. However, if he doesn't allow the crime to be prosecuted, it will be a scandal even worse than Watergate, and will hound him the rest of his administration and beyond.

If he was a Republican president, he would be toast. I doubt the media will even acknowledge any of this is real. This is corruption at it's worst. It is widely reported that Hillary even offered a Supreme Court seat to Obama as a bribe to convince him not to go forward with the case. I'm sure he'd love that.......but it would be an outright embarrassment to the court to have him playing video games on his cell phone while everyone else is writing their briefs on court decisions.

FBI recommends DoJ to indict Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified info

Why the Justice Department Won’t Work with the FBI on Clinton’s E-mail Case, by Andrew C. McCarthy, National Review

Report: FBI Probing Whether Clinton Aides ‘Cut and Pasted’ Intel
since mudwhistle has never put forth either incredibly inaccurate or just outright false statements i find his theory very believable.
  • Setting up a private server was against the law as well is putting it in an area where it cannot be secured is against the law.
  • Sending State Department information of any kind over that server is against the law.
  • Mishandling classified information is against the law.
  • Trying to destroy State Department communications is against the law.
  • Lying to investigators about your activities is against the law.
  • Conspiracy to hide illegal activities is against the law
  • Communicating with anyone who has been cleared about State Department business is against the law.
  • Failure to cooperate in an investigation is against the law
  • Obstruction of justice is against the law
  • Perjury is against the law
  • Taking bribes is against the law
  • Offering important positions in government because of political donations is against the law.

Okay, guy, all these things happen all the time, and no one goes to prison for them.

One more time, can you cite a case where someone went to prison for doing what Hillary did?

Gen. David Petraeus
he knowingly handed notebooks with classified information in them to an unauthorized person, didnt cooperate with the investigation, and DID NOT GO TO PRISON
  • Setting up a private server was against the law as well is putting it in an area where it cannot be secured is against the law.
  • Sending State Department information of any kind over that server is against the law.
  • Mishandling classified information is against the law.
  • Trying to destroy State Department communications is against the law.
  • Lying to investigators about your activities is against the law.
  • Conspiracy to hide illegal activities is against the law
  • Communicating with anyone who has been cleared about State Department business is against the law.
  • Failure to cooperate in an investigation is against the law
  • Obstruction of justice is against the law
  • Perjury is against the law
  • Taking bribes is against the law
  • Offering important positions in government because of political donations is against the law.

Okay, guy, all these things happen all the time, and no one goes to prison for them.

One more time, can you cite a case where someone went to prison for doing what Hillary did?


I read your posts and shake my head that any human being can be so programmed that they are simply unable to recognize THE TRUTH no matter how many times it is presented to them. How sad. :lame2:
Of course they are Hillary will get a Presidential pardon
Not using email incorrectly, having incorrect information in her email. Why must the left spin everything, oh right because the truth seldom works. Bill wasn't impeached because of a BJ, he lied under oath. Mrs. Tuluza is not being investigated for using a personal server, she is being investigated for having classified information on a personal server. Which would be, and probably was, easy to hack.

So essentially, you want to prosecute her for what other people did (sent her e-mails over the wrong system) because of what other people MIGHT have done (Hacked her server if they were aware it existed).

So what did SHE actually do that was criminal? Not what other people did that might have caused inadvertant criminality on her part.
She sent information back over the same server. I worked on computers in the Army and for 2 years I was in an intel unit. If I had done the same thing Clinton had done I would be breaking big rocks into little ones and no excuse would have worked.
  • Setting up a private server was against the law as well is putting it in an area where it cannot be secured is against the law.
  • Sending State Department information of any kind over that server is against the law.
  • Mishandling classified information is against the law.
  • Trying to destroy State Department communications is against the law.
  • Lying to investigators about your activities is against the law.
  • Conspiracy to hide illegal activities is against the law
  • Communicating with anyone who has been cleared about State Department business is against the law.
  • Failure to cooperate in an investigation is against the law
  • Obstruction of justice is against the law
  • Perjury is against the law
  • Taking bribes is against the law
  • Offering important positions in government because of political donations is against the law.

Okay, guy, all these things happen all the time, and no one goes to prison for them.

One more time, can you cite a case where someone went to prison for doing what Hillary did?

Gen. David Petraeus
he knowingly handed notebooks with classified information in them to an unauthorized person, didnt cooperate with the investigation, and DID NOT GO TO PRISON
Hillary knowingly sent classified documents 30,000 or so to her unsecured server, must have been a reason, maybe Bill was reading them? he would be unauthorized, she is not cooperating and actually destroyed evidence when she wiped her servers, and she should get at least the same judgement, which would be enough to keep her criminal ass from running.
  • Setting up a private server was against the law as well is putting it in an area where it cannot be secured is against the law.
  • Sending State Department information of any kind over that server is against the law.
  • Mishandling classified information is against the law.
  • Trying to destroy State Department communications is against the law.
  • Lying to investigators about your activities is against the law.
  • Conspiracy to hide illegal activities is against the law
  • Communicating with anyone who has been cleared about State Department business is against the law.
  • Failure to cooperate in an investigation is against the law
  • Obstruction of justice is against the law
  • Perjury is against the law
  • Taking bribes is against the law
  • Offering important positions in government because of political donations is against the law.

Okay, guy, all these things happen all the time, and no one goes to prison for them.

One more time, can you cite a case where someone went to prison for doing what Hillary did?

Gen. David Petraeus
he knowingly handed notebooks with classified information in them to an unauthorized person, didnt cooperate with the investigation, and DID NOT GO TO PRISON
Hillary knowingly sent classified documents 30,000 or so to her unsecured server,
so you are clearly just willing to make shit up after being shown to be either a liar or badly misinformed.
  • Setting up a private server was against the law as well is putting it in an area where it cannot be secured is against the law.
  • Sending State Department information of any kind over that server is against the law.
  • Mishandling classified information is against the law.
  • Trying to destroy State Department communications is against the law.
  • Lying to investigators about your activities is against the law.
  • Conspiracy to hide illegal activities is against the law
  • Communicating with anyone who has been cleared about State Department business is against the law.
  • Failure to cooperate in an investigation is against the law
  • Obstruction of justice is against the law
  • Perjury is against the law
  • Taking bribes is against the law
  • Offering important positions in government because of political donations is against the law.

Okay, guy, all these things happen all the time, and no one goes to prison for them.

One more time, can you cite a case where someone went to prison for doing what Hillary did?

Gen. David Petraeus
he knowingly handed notebooks with classified information in them to an unauthorized person, didnt cooperate with the investigation, and DID NOT GO TO PRISON
Yup. He was Miss-demeanored.
  • Setting up a private server was against the law as well is putting it in an area where it cannot be secured is against the law.
  • Sending State Department information of any kind over that server is against the law.
  • Mishandling classified information is against the law.
  • Trying to destroy State Department communications is against the law.
  • Lying to investigators about your activities is against the law.
  • Conspiracy to hide illegal activities is against the law
  • Communicating with anyone who has been cleared about State Department business is against the law.
  • Failure to cooperate in an investigation is against the law
  • Obstruction of justice is against the law
  • Perjury is against the law
  • Taking bribes is against the law
  • Offering important positions in government because of political donations is against the law.

Okay, guy, all these things happen all the time, and no one goes to prison for them.

One more time, can you cite a case where someone went to prison for doing what Hillary did?

Gen. David Petraeus
he knowingly handed notebooks with classified information in them to an unauthorized person, didnt cooperate with the investigation, and DID NOT GO TO PRISON
Hillary knowingly sent classified documents 30,000 or so to her unsecured server,
so you are clearly just willing to make shit up after being shown to be either a liar or badly misinformed.
exactly what did I make up? Please be specific.
Okay, guy, all these things happen all the time, and no one goes to prison for them.

One more time, can you cite a case where someone went to prison for doing what Hillary did?

Gen. David Petraeus
he knowingly handed notebooks with classified information in them to an unauthorized person, didnt cooperate with the investigation, and DID NOT GO TO PRISON
Hillary knowingly sent classified documents 30,000 or so to her unsecured server,
so you are clearly just willing to make shit up after being shown to be either a liar or badly misinformed.
exactly what did I make up? Please be specific.
Hillary knowingly sent classified documents 30,000 or so to her unsecured serve
that's absolutely not true. the number of emails considered classified is much, much lower. none were sent by clinton, and most information considered classified was retroactively labeled as such.
and where do you get that anyone 'knowingly' sent classified info?
she is not cooperating and actually destroyed evidence when she wiped her servers
she has cooperated, and wiping her servers was not illegal nor can you definitively say that it destroyed evidence

and did you not claim that Gen. Petraeus went to prison?
Gen. David Petraeus
he knowingly handed notebooks with classified information in them to an unauthorized person, didnt cooperate with the investigation, and DID NOT GO TO PRISON
Hillary knowingly sent classified documents 30,000 or so to her unsecured server,
so you are clearly just willing to make shit up after being shown to be either a liar or badly misinformed.
exactly what did I make up? Please be specific.
Hillary knowingly sent classified documents 30,000 or so to her unsecured serve
that's absolutely not true. the number of emails considered classified is much, much lower. none were sent by clinton, and most information considered classified was retroactively labeled as such.
she is not cooperating and actually destroyed evidence when she wiped her servers
she has cooperated, and wiping her servers was not illegal nor can you definitively say that it destroyed evidence

and did you not claim that Gen. Petraeus went to prison?
she did not cooperate, wiping the server is destroying evidence, thats illegal, the FBI has uncovered close to 1500 documents (the last number I hear, could be more now) that would have been classified, some too damaging to the country to release.
and although Petraeus ended up with probation and a 100,000 dollar fine, the results would keep him from running.
So if 1 document that he claimed he carried out by mistake is enough for that, what would you say the punishment for removing security headers from documents then sending them to a private server should be.
And we can speculate on why those documents were sent in the first place, what were her intentions. Obviously if she wanted them just so only she could read them, she could have done that from her office in DC.
he knowingly handed notebooks with classified information in them to an unauthorized person, didnt cooperate with the investigation, and DID NOT GO TO PRISON
Hillary knowingly sent classified documents 30,000 or so to her unsecured server,
so you are clearly just willing to make shit up after being shown to be either a liar or badly misinformed.
exactly what did I make up? Please be specific.
Hillary knowingly sent classified documents 30,000 or so to her unsecured serve
that's absolutely not true. the number of emails considered classified is much, much lower. none were sent by clinton, and most information considered classified was retroactively labeled as such.
she is not cooperating and actually destroyed evidence when she wiped her servers
she has cooperated, and wiping her servers was not illegal nor can you definitively say that it destroyed evidence

and did you not claim that Gen. Petraeus went to prison?
she did not cooperate, wiping the server is destroying evidence, thats illegal, the FBI has uncovered close to 1500 documents (the last number I hear, could be more now) that would have been classified, some too damaging to the country to release.
and although Petraeus ended up with probation and a 100,000 dollar fine, the results would keep him from running.
So if 1 document that he claimed he carried out by mistake is enough for that, what would you say the punishment for removing security headers from documents then sending them to a private server should be.
And we can speculate on why those documents were sent in the first place, what were her intentions. Obviously if she wanted them just so only she could read them, she could have done that from her office in DC.
there you go, making stuff up again...

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