Hillary Indictment Already Handed Down By FBI And Obama Justice Department Is Sitting On It

The revelation that the Justice Department has granted immunity to Bryan Pagliano, a former State Department staff member who set up Hillary's private email server, is actually a likely indication that the investigation is nearing a conclusion and should not be read as a sign that the Democratic presidential candidate will face criminal charges. From Matt Zapotosky : "‘I wouldn’t necessarily claim that someone has ‘flipped’ and is going to say a bunch of incriminating things about other people,’ said Justin Shur, a former deputy chief of the Justice Department’s Public Integrity Section. ‘It could be an indication that agents and prosecutors are winding down an inquiry that will not result in charges.’ As the FBI is looks to wrap up the Clinton inquiry — a criminal investigation of the possible mishandling of classified information — in the coming months, there are no outward signs that prosecutors have convened a grand jury, a powerful tool allowing them to subpoena witnesses.”
The issue is did she deal with email that was marked classified on her private server. To this point, it seems what is happening is some of the emails are retroactively being marked classified. And if that is the case, she will be the first woman President. Especially is Phrump is the GOP nominee.
'retroactively being marked classified' - Afraid not. For example, the link has already been posted numerous times showing how 22 e-mails Extremely classified - MARKED (att) - documents were found in her e-mail, so classified that the WH declared them to be too classified to be released in ANY capacity. They also had an aide testify that stripping the marking off documents to fax them via un-classified ways was NOT unusual.


Now post something besides a right wing nut job web site.
Soooo, you don't have anything. Gotcha
Oh, No. I posted a link ,and there are more where that came from. Only a Liberal would close his eyes, declare the tree in front of him does not exist and that since HE rejects its existence then it does not exist.
Og, you DO know htat once
The issue is did she deal with email that was marked classified on her private server. To this point, it seems what is happening is some of the emails are retroactively being marked classified. And if that is the case, she will be the first woman President. Especially is Phrump is the GOP nominee.
'retroactively being marked classified' - Afraid not. For example, the link has already been posted numerous times showing how 22 e-mails Extremely classified - MARKED (att) - documents were found in her e-mail, so classified that the WH declared them to be too classified to be released in ANY capacity. They also had an aide testify that stripping the marking off documents to fax them via un-classified ways was NOT unusual.

your link doesn't say that emails with information classified at the time were sent.
your link doesn't say that emails with information classified at the time were sent.

You should take a class on how to 'Google' and / or how to do some research yourself...of course Liberals like being mushrooms - sitting in the dark being fed shit (which they regurgitate as fact).

The State Department: Hillary Clinton’s email correspondence contained ‘top secret’ material
The State Department: Hillary Clinton’s email correspondence contained ‘top secret’ material

15 percent of latest Clinton emails marked classified; 551 released Saturday
15 percent of latest Hillary Clinton emails marked classified

Yeah, I know, I know - you reject the source.....
your link doesn't say that emails with information classified at the time were sent.

You should take a class on how to 'Google' and / or how to do some research yourself...of course Liberals like being mushrooms - sitting in the dark being fed shit (which they regurgitate as fact).

The State Department: Hillary Clinton’s email correspondence contained ‘top secret’ material
The State Department: Hillary Clinton’s email correspondence contained ‘top secret’ material

15 percent of latest Clinton emails marked classified; 551 released Saturday
15 percent of latest Hillary Clinton emails marked classified

Yeah, I know, I know - you reject the source.....
while I'm sure you think that proves something I'm going to ask you to clarify exactly what you believe it proves before i start to make assumptions
Bombshell: In Email, Hillary Ordered Aide to Strip Classified Marking and Send Sensitive Material
- Bombshell: In Newly-Released Email, Hillary Orders Aide to Strip Classified Marking

Bombshell email shows Hillary Clinton telling aide to take 'secure' information and 'send nonsecure'
- Email shows Clinton telling aide to send classified info 'nonsecure'

'If they can't, turn into non-paper w no identifying heading and send nonsecure,' - Email from Hillary Clinton, June 17, 2011

BUSTED...by her OWN words / e-mail!!
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You need to leave this discussion; you could be given a video of Hillary confessing and your response would be the same. Obviously you're not about to be open minded. And you conveniently ignore proven facts like the email from her telling subordinates to remove classified marks from emails sent to her server. That shows she knew she was breaking the law.

She asked that "classifed" markings be removed from Talking points she was authorized to speak to the press about before a press conference. Is that really the best you got?

No, I'm not going to be open minded when you guys, with a long history of making false accusations against this woman, come up with yet more spurious accusations.

So you were wrong on Whitewater, the Rose Law Firm, Cattle Futures, Vince Foster's Suicide, Benghazi, but trust us this time, this time we've got the goods on that bitch.

We were right about everything regarding Hillary. and especially Obama's past and how he would fuck over the country. You have confessed you are not going to be open-minded since we have shown we aren't making false allegations. You can't dismissed facts because you say so.
You lost your job? You must have not be worth keeping.

Guilt ridden whites who made themselves feel better for voting black.

Well, admittably, I don't have your possum catching skills, guy.

I suppose all those parents who were upset their kids came home in body bags should have had smarter kids.

People voted for Obama because Bush fucked it up.
They vote for him because he is black. And you morons are voting for the Virginia because she's Hillary.
Bombshell: In Email, Hillary Ordered Aide to Strip Classified Marking and Send Sensitive Material
- Bombshell: In Newly-Released Email, Hillary Orders Aide to Strip Classified Marking

Bombshell email shows Hillary Clinton telling aide to take 'secure' information and 'send nonsecure'
- Email shows Clinton telling aide to send classified info 'nonsecure'

'If they can't, turn into non-paper w no identifying heading and send nonsecure,' - Email from Hillary Clinton, June 17, 2011

BUSTED...by her OWN words / e-mail!!
you honestly think you've proven something
Based on the many lies that you RW loons have told, we don't believe stupid articles fron RW rags.
Seeing into the future.....

You've been changing jobs regularly for 2 years?

So you say you can.

Uh, no. I changed jobs in 2015. Before that, 2008 (when Bush fucked up the economy) and before that in 2001 (when Bush fucked up the economy the first time. So about once every 7 years.

Obama is a piece of shit. He was born to a typical runaway baby daddy and a white trash mother. Nothing good comes from that.

ANd yet he accomplished more than you ever will, Cleetus. Senator, President. Maybe a Supreme Court Justice in the future when Hillary is President.

One more time, can you cite a case where someone went to prison for doing what Hillary did?


I read your posts and shake my head that any human being can be so programmed that they are simply unable to recognize THE TRUTH no matter how many times it is presented to them. How sad.

HOw about answering my question, buddy?

Can you cite a case that is identical to Hillary where someone was indicted, convicted and imprisoned.

And the answer is, you can't. We don't send people to jail for other people's mistakes.
We were right about everything regarding Hillary. and especially Obama's past and how he would fuck over the country. You have confessed you are not going to be open-minded since we have shown we aren't making false allegations. You can't dismissed facts because you say so.

If you were "right", how come you weren't able to prove ANY of it despite spending millions of dollars trying to do so?

The problem with being a Christian Funditard is that you guys take a lot of things on faith, and not a lot on evidence.

Where is the PROOF Hillary killed Vince Foster or lied about Benghazi or swindled people in Whitewater? Because you've spent a lot of time investigating these things and came up empty.

And now the best you have is "Well, we think she used the wrong kind of e-mail server when sending classified documents."

First, that's kind of a letdown from the other shit you accused the poor woman of.

Second, where is your evidence?
They vote for him because he is black. And you morons are voting for the Virginia because she's Hillary.

I haven't spoken to one person who told me they voted for Obama because he was black.

Not one.

I know a lot of people who voted against him because he was black, however. They often punctuated their opinion with the N-word. Just like I expect people to call Hillary equally vile names.

But the reason why you guys lost in 2008 and 2012 and will lose in 2016 is because you have awful candidates with stupid ideas. You haven't won a Presidential election honestly since 1988. You stole 2000 and in 2004, terrified people into voting for your guy despite lingering suspicions he was a retard.

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