Hillary Indictment Already Handed Down By FBI And Obama Justice Department Is Sitting On It

Hillary knowingly sent classified documents 30,000 or so to her unsecured server,
so you are clearly just willing to make shit up after being shown to be either a liar or badly misinformed.
exactly what did I make up? Please be specific.
Hillary knowingly sent classified documents 30,000 or so to her unsecured serve
that's absolutely not true. the number of emails considered classified is much, much lower. none were sent by clinton, and most information considered classified was retroactively labeled as such.
she is not cooperating and actually destroyed evidence when she wiped her servers
she has cooperated, and wiping her servers was not illegal nor can you definitively say that it destroyed evidence

and did you not claim that Gen. Petraeus went to prison?
she did not cooperate, wiping the server is destroying evidence, thats illegal, the FBI has uncovered close to 1500 documents (the last number I hear, could be more now) that would have been classified, some too damaging to the country to release.
and although Petraeus ended up with probation and a 100,000 dollar fine, the results would keep him from running.
So if 1 document that he claimed he carried out by mistake is enough for that, what would you say the punishment for removing security headers from documents then sending them to a private server should be.
And we can speculate on why those documents were sent in the first place, what were her intentions. Obviously if she wanted them just so only she could read them, she could have done that from her office in DC.
there you go, making stuff up again...
Why are you apparently the only one in the world that does not know this stuff?
are you blind? do you not see the news? do you have a pair of hillarys used and unwashed panties on your head covering your ears and eyes.
so you are clearly just willing to make shit up after being shown to be either a liar or badly misinformed.
exactly what did I make up? Please be specific.
Hillary knowingly sent classified documents 30,000 or so to her unsecured serve
that's absolutely not true. the number of emails considered classified is much, much lower. none were sent by clinton, and most information considered classified was retroactively labeled as such.
she is not cooperating and actually destroyed evidence when she wiped her servers
she has cooperated, and wiping her servers was not illegal nor can you definitively say that it destroyed evidence

and did you not claim that Gen. Petraeus went to prison?
she did not cooperate, wiping the server is destroying evidence, thats illegal, the FBI has uncovered close to 1500 documents (the last number I hear, could be more now) that would have been classified, some too damaging to the country to release.
and although Petraeus ended up with probation and a 100,000 dollar fine, the results would keep him from running.
So if 1 document that he claimed he carried out by mistake is enough for that, what would you say the punishment for removing security headers from documents then sending them to a private server should be.
And we can speculate on why those documents were sent in the first place, what were her intentions. Obviously if she wanted them just so only she could read them, she could have done that from her office in DC.
there you go, making stuff up again...
Why are you apparently the only one in the world that does not know this stuff?
are you blind? do you not see the news? do you have a pair of hillarys used and unwashed panties on your head covering your ears and eyes.
this is what you made up
So if 1 document that he claimed he carried out by mistake is enough for that, what would you say the punishment for removing security headers from documents then sending them to a private server should be.
petraeus did not make claims about carrying out one document by mistake, and you are speculating about anyone removing security headers
exactly what did I make up? Please be specific.
Hillary knowingly sent classified documents 30,000 or so to her unsecured serve
that's absolutely not true. the number of emails considered classified is much, much lower. none were sent by clinton, and most information considered classified was retroactively labeled as such.
she is not cooperating and actually destroyed evidence when she wiped her servers
she has cooperated, and wiping her servers was not illegal nor can you definitively say that it destroyed evidence

and did you not claim that Gen. Petraeus went to prison?
she did not cooperate, wiping the server is destroying evidence, thats illegal, the FBI has uncovered close to 1500 documents (the last number I hear, could be more now) that would have been classified, some too damaging to the country to release.
and although Petraeus ended up with probation and a 100,000 dollar fine, the results would keep him from running.
So if 1 document that he claimed he carried out by mistake is enough for that, what would you say the punishment for removing security headers from documents then sending them to a private server should be.
And we can speculate on why those documents were sent in the first place, what were her intentions. Obviously if she wanted them just so only she could read them, she could have done that from her office in DC.
there you go, making stuff up again...
Why are you apparently the only one in the world that does not know this stuff?
are you blind? do you not see the news? do you have a pair of hillarys used and unwashed panties on your head covering your ears and eyes.
this is what you made up
So if 1 document that he claimed he carried out by mistake is enough for that, what would you say the punishment for removing security headers from documents then sending them to a private server should be.
petraeus did not make claims about carrying out one document by mistake, and you are speculating about anyone removing security headers
Senator: Newly released Clinton email "disturbing" - CNNPolitics.com
Please do educate yourself before showing yourself as an uninformed poster.
that's absolutely not true. the number of emails considered classified is much, much lower. none were sent by clinton, and most information considered classified was retroactively labeled as such.
she has cooperated, and wiping her servers was not illegal nor can you definitively say that it destroyed evidence

and did you not claim that Gen. Petraeus went to prison?
she did not cooperate, wiping the server is destroying evidence, thats illegal, the FBI has uncovered close to 1500 documents (the last number I hear, could be more now) that would have been classified, some too damaging to the country to release.
and although Petraeus ended up with probation and a 100,000 dollar fine, the results would keep him from running.
So if 1 document that he claimed he carried out by mistake is enough for that, what would you say the punishment for removing security headers from documents then sending them to a private server should be.
And we can speculate on why those documents were sent in the first place, what were her intentions. Obviously if she wanted them just so only she could read them, she could have done that from her office in DC.
there you go, making stuff up again...
Why are you apparently the only one in the world that does not know this stuff?
are you blind? do you not see the news? do you have a pair of hillarys used and unwashed panties on your head covering your ears and eyes.
this is what you made up
So if 1 document that he claimed he carried out by mistake is enough for that, what would you say the punishment for removing security headers from documents then sending them to a private server should be.
petraeus did not make claims about carrying out one document by mistake, and you are speculating about anyone removing security headers
Senator: Newly released Clinton email "disturbing" - CNNPolitics.com
Please do educate yourself before showing yourself as an uninformed poster.
now what would chuck grassley have to gain by making wild accusations against the democratic front runner...

he's speculating just as you were. do you care to address the stuff you made up about petraeus?
The FBI can't hand down indictments.

They can make recommendations, but utlimately, it's the AG who had to make the determination if a case is 1) Worth pursuing or 2) Winnable.

Sorry, any case against Hillary isn't winnable. there are people out there who will vote to acquit her if you had video of her handing a briefcase full of secrets to Putin, much less the horrible crime of not using the right kind of e-mail (OMFG!!!!)

The only purpose of filing such a case would be to damage her chances of winning, but frankly, the GOP is pretty much wrapping it up for her by nominating a Reality TV Rodeo Clown.
Joe, I followed the first link in mud's post. It says that the NYPost says that Tom Delay says that the FBI says it will indict Hillary, according to Tom's buddies in the FBI.
she did not cooperate, wiping the server is destroying evidence, thats illegal, the FBI has uncovered close to 1500 documents (the last number I hear, could be more now) that would have been classified, some too damaging to the country to release.
and although Petraeus ended up with probation and a 100,000 dollar fine, the results would keep him from running.
So if 1 document that he claimed he carried out by mistake is enough for that, what would you say the punishment for removing security headers from documents then sending them to a private server should be.
And we can speculate on why those documents were sent in the first place, what were her intentions. Obviously if she wanted them just so only she could read them, she could have done that from her office in DC.
there you go, making stuff up again...
Why are you apparently the only one in the world that does not know this stuff?
are you blind? do you not see the news? do you have a pair of hillarys used and unwashed panties on your head covering your ears and eyes.
this is what you made up
So if 1 document that he claimed he carried out by mistake is enough for that, what would you say the punishment for removing security headers from documents then sending them to a private server should be.
petraeus did not make claims about carrying out one document by mistake, and you are speculating about anyone removing security headers
Senator: Newly released Clinton email "disturbing" - CNNPolitics.com
Please do educate yourself before showing yourself as an uninformed poster.
now what would chuck grassley have to gain by making wild accusations against the democratic front runner...

he's speculating just as you were. do you care to address the stuff you made up about petraeus?
Not really, although the information is out there. I see no reason in discussing facts with someone that refuses to admit they are wrong.
there you go, making stuff up again...
Why are you apparently the only one in the world that does not know this stuff?
are you blind? do you not see the news? do you have a pair of hillarys used and unwashed panties on your head covering your ears and eyes.
this is what you made up
So if 1 document that he claimed he carried out by mistake is enough for that, what would you say the punishment for removing security headers from documents then sending them to a private server should be.
petraeus did not make claims about carrying out one document by mistake, and you are speculating about anyone removing security headers
Senator: Newly released Clinton email "disturbing" - CNNPolitics.com
Please do educate yourself before showing yourself as an uninformed poster.
now what would chuck grassley have to gain by making wild accusations against the democratic front runner...

he's speculating just as you were. do you care to address the stuff you made up about petraeus?
Not really, although the information is out there. I see no reason in discussing facts with someone that refuses to admit they are wrong.
lol. i have pointed out specific instances where you have either lied or made stuff up and you have the gall to say that i won't admit when I'm wrong?

what do you think I was wrong about?
Probably means a Grand Jury has already been convened and subpoenas have been issued allowing the FBI to collect phone records, files, and other data on individuals, such as Pagliano - who just agreed to accept immunity in exchange for testimony. I seriously doubt, however, that Obama / Lynch would allow any Indictment of Hillary Clinton to go forward.

Here's an interesting read on the growing difficulty of an Indictment based on Hillary's continued nomination wins:

Hillary's Victories Mean Painful Legal Choices for DOJ, WH | RealClearPolitics

Hillary basically had to win or 'die', meaning if she would have fallen flat and been seriously behind she probably would have faced an indictment. Being the DNC's top candidate, it will be hard for Obama / Lynch to allow her to take a fall. I don't think there are any 'painful legal choice' in regards to making this decision.... I think it will be extremely easy for Obama and Lynch to protect Hillary from an Indictment.
Why are you apparently the only one in the world that does not know this stuff?
are you blind? do you not see the news? do you have a pair of hillarys used and unwashed panties on your head covering your ears and eyes.
this is what you made up
So if 1 document that he claimed he carried out by mistake is enough for that, what would you say the punishment for removing security headers from documents then sending them to a private server should be.
petraeus did not make claims about carrying out one document by mistake, and you are speculating about anyone removing security headers
Senator: Newly released Clinton email "disturbing" - CNNPolitics.com
Please do educate yourself before showing yourself as an uninformed poster.
now what would chuck grassley have to gain by making wild accusations against the democratic front runner...

he's speculating just as you were. do you care to address the stuff you made up about petraeus?
Not really, although the information is out there. I see no reason in discussing facts with someone that refuses to admit they are wrong.
lol. i have pointed out specific instances where you have either lied or made stuff up and you have the gall to say that i won't admit when I'm wrong?

what do you think I was wrong about?
move on, you don't even believe articles from CNN if they don't align with what you want to think.
There is really no sense in trying to discuss anything with you.
Probably means a Grand Jury has already been convened and subpoenas have been issued allowing the FBI to collect phone records, files, and other data on individuals, such as Pagliano - who just agreed to accept immunity in exchange for testimony. I seriously doubt, however, that Obama / Lynch would allow any Indictment of Hillary Clinton to go forward.

Here's an interesting read on the growing difficulty of an Indictment based on Hillary's continued nomination wins:

Hillary's Victories Mean Painful Legal Choices for DOJ, WH | RealClearPolitics

Hillary basically had to win or 'die', meaning if she would have fallen flat and been seriously behind she probably would have faced an indictment. Being the DNC's top candidate, it will be hard for Obama / Lynch to allow her to take a fall. I don't think there are any 'painful legal choice' in regards to making this decision.... I think it will be extremely easy for Obama and Lynch to protect Hillary from an Indictment.
all of this is lies,
ask olibillm. he knows the truth and he knows that every media outlet is lying and speculating
this is what you made up
petraeus did not make claims about carrying out one document by mistake, and you are speculating about anyone removing security headers
Senator: Newly released Clinton email "disturbing" - CNNPolitics.com
Please do educate yourself before showing yourself as an uninformed poster.
now what would chuck grassley have to gain by making wild accusations against the democratic front runner...

he's speculating just as you were. do you care to address the stuff you made up about petraeus?
Not really, although the information is out there. I see no reason in discussing facts with someone that refuses to admit they are wrong.
lol. i have pointed out specific instances where you have either lied or made stuff up and you have the gall to say that i won't admit when I'm wrong?

what do you think I was wrong about?
move on, you don't even believe articles from CNN if they don't align with what you want to think.
There is really no sense in trying to discuss anything with you.
lol. you can't see that the cnn article was about chuck grassley being 'disturbed' by an email but not about any emails actually having their security headers removed.

do you understand the difference?
Probably means a Grand Jury has already been convened and subpoenas have been issued allowing the FBI to collect phone records, files, and other data on individuals, such as Pagliano - who just agreed to accept immunity in exchange for testimony. I seriously doubt, however, that Obama / Lynch would allow any Indictment of Hillary Clinton to go forward.

Here's an interesting read on the growing difficulty of an Indictment based on Hillary's continued nomination wins:

Hillary's Victories Mean Painful Legal Choices for DOJ, WH | RealClearPolitics

Hillary basically had to win or 'die', meaning if she would have fallen flat and been seriously behind she probably would have faced an indictment. Being the DNC's top candidate, it will be hard for Obama / Lynch to allow her to take a fall. I don't think there are any 'painful legal choice' in regards to making this decision.... I think it will be extremely easy for Obama and Lynch to protect Hillary from an Indictment.
all of this is lies,
ask olibillm. he knows the truth and he knows that every media outlet is lying and speculating
no, i know you are lying and speculating. you have done so several times in tbis thread. how many classified emails did you claim hillary sent? 30,000. that's a lie. you claimed david petraeus went to prison. lie. you claimed he said he accidentally removed one document. lie.

your speculation is rampant, starting with the idea that clinton isn't cooperating and that she destroyed evidence.
your speculation is rampant, starting with the idea that clinton isn't cooperating and that she destroyed evidence.
...ummm, Hillary DID destroy evidence. The FBI recovered hundreds (if not more) e-mails Hillary had wiped from her server, claiming they were only 'personal ' e-mails yet turned out to contain classified / highly classified information...

22 of those 'private' emails were so classified Obama refused to allow them to be released.

your speculation is rampant, starting with the idea that clinton isn't cooperating and that she destroyed evidence.
...ummm, Hillary DID destroy evidence. The FBI recovered hundreds (if not more) e-mails Hillary had wiped from her server, claiming they were only 'personal ' e-mails yet turned out to contain classified / highly classified information...
evidence of?
your speculation is rampant, starting with the idea that clinton isn't cooperating and that she destroyed evidence.
...ummm, Hillary DID destroy evidence. The FBI recovered hundreds (if not more) e-mails Hillary had wiped from her server, claiming they were only 'personal ' e-mails yet turned out to contain classified / highly classified information...
evidence of?
why would anyone spend time showing you evidence, you refuse to read it.
How about you just take a break and do some research to catch up on the last few years.
did you just awaken from a coma? if so I almost feel sorry for pointing out your lack of knowledge in these things.
The FBI can't hand down indictments.

They can make recommendations, but utlimately, it's the AG who had to make the determination if a case is 1) Worth pursuing or 2) Winnable.

Sorry, any case against Hillary isn't winnable. there are people out there who will vote to acquit her if you had video of her handing a briefcase full of secrets to Putin, much less the horrible crime of not using the right kind of e-mail (OMFG!!!!)

The only purpose of filing such a case would be to damage her chances of winning, but frankly, the GOP is pretty much wrapping it up for her by nominating a Reality TV Rodeo Clown.
Recommendation is too long to put in the title. So I simply used handed down to shorten the title.

And the only reason the FBI would recommend an indictment in an Obama FBI is if there was grounds for an indictment.

The only reason an indictment recommendation would be refused is because of political pressure from the White House, which is a refusal by the president to enforce the law. A breaking of his oath of office.

Big words justify you changing the meaning into a lie? Imagine that.
Og, you DO know htat once she stepped down as SoS she was required by law to turn over ALL classified info and was not authorized to keep ANY, right? As SoS she had been 'read in' to extremely classified compartmentalized information, and when she stepped down she had to be 'read out' of those programs, again, keeping NONE of the information / material. The fact that they found such information on her private server AFTER she had stepped down is enough to put her in Fort Leavenworth for a long time!
your speculation is rampant, starting with the idea that clinton isn't cooperating and that she destroyed evidence.
...ummm, Hillary DID destroy evidence. The FBI recovered hundreds (if not more) e-mails Hillary had wiped from her server, claiming they were only 'personal ' e-mails yet turned out to contain classified / highly classified information...
evidence of?
why would anyone spend time showing you evidence, you refuse to read it.
How about you just take a break and do some research to catch up on the last few years.
did you just awaken from a coma? if so I almost feel sorry for pointing out your lack of knowledge in these things.
can you address the lies you posted?
The issue is did she deal with email that was marked classified on her private server. To this point, it seems what is happening is some of the emails are retroactively being marked classified. And if that is the case, she will be the first woman President. Especially is Phrump is the GOP nominee.
The issue is did she deal with email that was marked classified on her private server. To this point, it seems what is happening is some of the emails are retroactively being marked classified. And if that is the case, she will be the first woman President. Especially is Phrump is the GOP nominee.
'retroactively being marked classified' - Afraid not. For example, the link has already been posted numerous times showing how 22 e-mails Extremely classified - MARKED (att) - documents were found in her e-mail, so classified that the WH declared them to be too classified to be released in ANY capacity. They also had an aide testify that stripping the marking off documents to fax them via un-classified ways was NOT unusual.


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