Hillary is going away for 96 hours

The link to the full report is right there in the article.

And exactly as I told everyone you would......you refuse to look at it. Just as you refuse to look at the article. Ah, Willful Ignorance. Its not going help you much in November.

But it is going to be the sweetest frosting I've ever gloated across! I've got your quotes loaded up and ready to go.
See you in November.

Just remember....I told you so.

Well, you won't have to remember, to be honest. I'll definitely be reminding you.
You won't be anywhere around when Hillary loses the election.

I'll be right here. Both on the day she wins the election, and at her inauguration.

Laughing.....and you'll still be giving me excuses why you refuse to look at Ken Starr's Report that affirms that Vince Foster committed suicide, won't you?
Another Clinton Associate Found DEAD, Bill & Hillary's Body Count Increases! - The Political Insider

A 'body count' where they haven't actually killed....anyone?

Remember, SJ....just because you close your eyes and refuse to look at Ken Starr's findings that Foster commited suicide doesn't mean that the rest of us aren't allowed to look at it.

Your willful ignorance only blinds you. Making you demonstrated it for everyone? That's just for fun.
She may have passed away earlier this evening if alternative news reports are correct
She may have passed away earlier this evening if alternative news reports are correct

Again, she has a fundraiser tomorrow evening. And what 'alternative news report' indicate that Hillary died this evening?

Mama Google had shit to say on that one.
See you in November.

Just remember....I told you so.

Well, you won't have to remember, to be honest. I'll definitely be reminding you.
You won't be anywhere around when Hillary loses the election.

I'll be right here. Both on the day she wins the election, and at her inauguration.

Laughing.....and you'll still be giving me excuses why you refuse to look at Ken Starr's Report that affirms that Vince Foster committed suicide, won't you?
Another Clinton Associate Found DEAD, Bill & Hillary's Body Count Increases! - The Political Insider

A 'body count' where they haven't actually killed....anyone?

Remember, SJ....just because you close your eyes and refuse to look at Ken Starr's findings that Foster commited suicide doesn't mean that the rest of us aren't allowed to look at it.

Your willful ignorance only blinds you. Making you demonstrated it for everyone? That's just for fun.
I'm sure dozens of people who threatened the Clintons careers just happened to meet with unfortunate accidents or decided to commit suicide. It doesn't matter how much smoke there is, sycophants like you never see the fire when it's one of your own who started it.
Where is she going...what is she doing.

There are reports she is exhausted.

REST TIME? No more public events for Hillary until Sunday - The American Mirror


Donald John Trump is 70 and Hillary Clinton is 68... Hmmm, just wondering how many times has Trump needed a vacation since running for President!?!
Just remember....I told you so.

Well, you won't have to remember, to be honest. I'll definitely be reminding you.
You won't be anywhere around when Hillary loses the election.

I'll be right here. Both on the day she wins the election, and at her inauguration.

Laughing.....and you'll still be giving me excuses why you refuse to look at Ken Starr's Report that affirms that Vince Foster committed suicide, won't you?
Another Clinton Associate Found DEAD, Bill & Hillary's Body Count Increases! - The Political Insider

A 'body count' where they haven't actually killed....anyone?

Remember, SJ....just because you close your eyes and refuse to look at Ken Starr's findings that Foster commited suicide doesn't mean that the rest of us aren't allowed to look at it.

Your willful ignorance only blinds you. Making you demonstrated it for everyone? That's just for fun.
I'm sure dozens of people who threatened the Clintons careers just happened to meet with unfortunate accidents or decided to commit suicide. It doesn't matter how much smoke there is, sycophants like you never see the fire when it's one of your own who started it.

Laughing....hey, why bother to look at the actual investigations on those 'deaths' when you can just insinuate an argument you know you can't factually back up.

Once again for your ilk...it doesn't matter if it true. It matter if it *feels* true.
Where is she going...what is she doing.

There are reports she is exhausted.

REST TIME? No more public events for Hillary until Sunday - The American Mirror


Donald John Trump is 70 and Hillary Clinton is 68... Hmmm, just wondering how many times has Trump needed a vacation since running for President!?!
None, because he's healthy. Hillary, not so much.

Says who? Let me guess.....the Secret Service leaking medical records to Infowars. That Infowars can't show us because.....


Laughing.....its always easy to sell a sucker on whatever horseshit narrative they choose when the sucker desperately wants it to be true. And you, SJ....are that sucker.
The Vince Foster story is a perfect example of how the right wing feeds steaming piles of nonsensical horseshit into the pleading gullets of their gulliable constituency.

They repeat a batshit conspiracy over and over. The commit *millions* of dollars and tens of thousands of man hours to multi-year investigations. And then when the investigations turn up jack shit, they quietly release the report.......

.......with the glassy eyed, slack jawed GOP faithful just chewing the conspiracy cud, wiping their chins and dropping to their knees for another throat full of the next load of creamed batshit the GOP is going to be serving up.

For fuck's sake its been more than 15 years since Ken Starr drown that conspiracy baby in the river, and still these hapless sheep are repeating the same debunked nonsense *today*.

You can't fix stupid. But as the GOP knows well, you can exploit the holy living shit out of it for political gain.
96 hours is four days. She could have got locked up in the mental wing of a hospital for a four day evaluation.
Crooked Hillary is under an extreme amount of stress. Wikileaks is threatening to release more documents. The Haitians want to give her the Mussolini treatment. She knows that the FBI has proof of her crimes. She's facing several decades in federal prison for her crimes.

For someone her age that's a life sentence.
The Vince Foster story is a perfect example of how the right wing feeds steaming piles of nonsensical horseshit into the pleading gullets of their gulliable constituency.

They repeat a batshit conspiracy over and over. The commit *millions* of dollars and tens of thousands of man hours to multi-year investigations. And then when the investigations turn up jack shit, they quietly release the report.......

.......with the glassy eyed, slack jawed GOP faithful just chewing the conspiracy cud, wiping their chins and dropping to their knees for another throat full of the next load of creamed batshit the GOP is going to be serving up.

For fuck's sake its been more than 15 years since Ken Starr drown that conspiracy baby in the river, and still these hapless sheep are repeating the same debunked nonsense *today*.

You can't fix stupid. But as the GOP knows well, you can exploit the holy living shit out of it for political gain.
Funny how Ken Starr was "full of shit" when he was investigating Bill Clinton for perjury but when he says something you like, his word is gospel.
For fuck's sake, even Ken Starr acknowledged that Vince Foster was a suicide.

Was Ken in on it too? Or are you just talking out of your ass again?
I don't think K-Starr acknowledged that....

I don't think you've ever read 'K-Starr's report on the matter. Else you'd be far better informed.

An exhaustive three-year investigation by the office of Whitewater independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr has reaffirmed previous findings that White House deputy counsel Vincent W. Foster Jr. commited suicide.

Washingtonpost.com: Starr Probe Reaffirms Foster Killed Himself

But hey, don't let something as trivial as fact, evidence and reason get in the way of a good 'Hillary is a murder' rant. Your ilk never have before.

K-Starr was not a prosecutor of that case. As it is, there is plenty of documentation that suggest VF was murdered. And there is plenty of documentation of other Clinton murders.

Only in your itty bitty little mind.

There were five official investigations into Foster’s death, conducted by professional investigators, forensic experts, psychologists, doctors and independent prosecutors with unlimited resources.

"Foster's death was concluded to have been a suicide by inquiries/investigations conducted by the United States Park Police, the Department of Justice, the FBI, the United States Congress, Independent Counsel Robert B. Fiske, and Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr.[1] The FBI "was requested by the United States Park Police (USPP), Washington, DC to assist them in their [...] investigation" of the death of Vincent Foster.[2] The FBI also participated in the investigation by Independent Counsel Robert Fiske where, with Fiske's attorneys "agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) questioned 188 persons and reviewed and analyzed thousands of documents."
Suicide of Vince Foster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The part of their 'Vince Foster' schtick that I find most fascinating isn't that they repeat it like bleating sheep. Or that they refuse to look at any of the evidence that contradicts them.

Its that they genuinely don't care if their accusations of murder are true. All they care is that it *feels* true.

That's exactly how they got themselves a Trump. And exactly why the GOP is really, most sincerely fucked. They've been actively training their constituency to feel rather than think for the last 15 years.

And those chickens are coming home to roost like a motherfucker.

No, we genuinely do care that the accusations are true; and we've researched it. But I guess the benefit of the doubt goes to the globalists who do business with warlords and oppress third world citizens further in your world.
Let's ask Vince Foster. No, wait...

For fuck's sake, even Ken Starr acknowledged that Vince Foster was a suicide.

Was Ken in on it too? Or are you just talking out of your ass again?
I don't think K-Starr acknowledged that....

I don't think you've ever read 'K-Starr's report on the matter. Else you'd be far better informed.

An exhaustive three-year investigation by the office of Whitewater independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr has reaffirmed previous findings that White House deputy counsel Vincent W. Foster Jr. commited suicide.

Washingtonpost.com: Starr Probe Reaffirms Foster Killed Himself

But hey, don't let something as trivial as fact, evidence and reason get in the way of a good 'Hillary is a murder' rant. Your ilk never have before.

K-Starr was not a prosecutor of that case. As it is, there is plenty of documentation that suggest VF was murdered. And there is plenty of documentation of other Clinton murders.

Only in your itty bitty little mind.

There were five official investigations into Foster’s death, conducted by professional investigators, forensic experts, psychologists, doctors and independent prosecutors with unlimited resources.

"Foster's death was concluded to have been a suicide by inquiries/investigations conducted by the United States Park Police, the Department of Justice, the FBI, the United States Congress, Independent Counsel Robert B. Fiske, and Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr.[1] The FBI "was requested by the United States Park Police (USPP), Washington, DC to assist them in their [...] investigation" of the death of Vincent Foster.[2] The FBI also participated in the investigation by Independent Counsel Robert Fiske where, with Fiske's attorneys "agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) questioned 188 persons and reviewed and analyzed thousands of documents."
Suicide of Vince Foster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wow, all the Clinton cronies cleared them just like in the e-mail crimes... We know how the business gets done.
How about a "credible" link?

The link to the full report is right there in the article.

And exactly as I told everyone you would......you refuse to look at it. Just as you refuse to look at the article. Ah, Willful Ignorance. Its not going help you much in November.

But it is going to be the sweetest frosting I've ever gloated across! I've got your quotes loaded up and ready to go.
See you in November.

Just remember....I told you so.

Well, you won't have to remember, to be honest. I'll definitely be reminding you.

You've told nobody nothing besides the sh** you've been ordered to relay.

Smiling.....say it with me!

"Madam President"

Madam Ho Bag.
A 'body count' where they haven't actually killed....anyone?

Remember, SJ....just because you close your eyes and refuse to look at Ken Starr's findings that Foster commited suicide doesn't mean that the rest of us aren't allowed to look at it.
Most people don't have any close friends and acquaintances who were murdered. The Clintons have dozens.

That ain't no coincidence.
Dems are preparing the way to have Goofy Joe Biden step in for Hillary
I predicted months ago good old Joe would end up replacing Hillary.
I predicted Hillary would drop out for 'health reasons'.
One more trip or fall or seizure in public and Hillary is gone.
That's my prediction.

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