Hillary is going away for 96 hours

She thinks the Ambassador is calling from Bhengazi and she is on her way to save him....you know how people get when they have Alzheimers..............
Someone is preparing a graph of Hillary's 'rest breaks' during the last two months and for the next couple of months.
We will see a dramatic increase in her 'rest times' and the duration of her 'rest times'.
The old grifter took seven days of 'rest time' so far this month.
One more trip/fall/ brain fart/seizure and she's history.
Must suck to be her. Spend your whole adult life trying to get your paws on 'The Precious' and you're only a few inches away and you fall flat on your face in front of millions of strangers.
No wonder the empty Bombay gin bottles are piling up back at her mansion.
And who, pray tell, did she 'murder'?
Let's ask Vince Foster. No, wait...

For fuck's sake, even Ken Starr acknowledged that Vince Foster was a suicide.

Was Ken in on it too? Or are you just talking out of your ass again?
I don't think K-Starr acknowledged that....

I don't think you've ever read 'K-Starr's report on the matter. Else you'd be far better informed.

An exhaustive three-year investigation by the office of Whitewater independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr has reaffirmed previous findings that White House deputy counsel Vincent W. Foster Jr. commited suicide.

Washingtonpost.com: Starr Probe Reaffirms Foster Killed Himself

But hey, don't let something as trivial as fact, evidence and reason get in the way of a good 'Hillary is a murder' rant. Your ilk never have before.

K-Starr was not a prosecutor of that case. As it is, there is plenty of documentation that suggest VF was murdered. And there is plenty of documentation of other Clinton murders.

It all began in Arkansas....and then........continued the same behavioral pattern in Washington........the peeps do not know cuz da media did not and does not want you to know.


Arkancide is the unfortunate habit of potential witnesses to the Clintons' dirty dealings in Arkansas suddenly deciding to shoot themselves twice in the back of the head. Police and Coroners in Arkansas, notably Fahmy Malak who answered to Governor Bill Clinton, automatically described these shootings as "suicides."

After Bill Clinton became President the phenomenon spilled over to Washington D.C. when Hillary Clinton's ex-lover Vincent Foster was "Arkancided."
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Where is she going...what is she doing.

There are reports she is exhausted.

REST TIME? No more public events for Hillary until Sunday - The American Mirror


Donald John Trump is 70 and Hillary Clinton is 68... Hmmm, just wondering how many times has Trump needed a vacation since running for President!?!

It is well known that Trump is a workaholic...........amazing energy.

Hillary is just worn out..plain as day. A tragic figure.....being corrupted by bill etc. She should have stayed in Chicago...she would have turned out much better. In a way I kinda feel sorry for her....she had her head on straight when she was much younger....even supported Barry Goldwater and then................................something happened...maybe the wrong school, maybe being around the wrong people....definitely married the wrong guy.
96 hours is four days. She could have got locked up in the mental wing of a hospital for a four day evaluation.

96 hours is a steaming pile of horseshit. She has a fund raiser right now.
Dems are preparing the way to have Goofy Joe Biden step in for Hillary
I predicted months ago good old Joe would end up replacing Hillary.
I predicted Hillary would drop out for 'health reasons'.
One more trip or fall or seizure in public and Hillary is gone.
That's my prediction.

You are on the right track. Look at how Biden suddenly appeared on the scene hugging her like he would never let go....bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa and then having hillary over to tour his old house etc.etc. something very odd going on....not even to mention everyone knows the obamas cannot stand her....just imagine biden coming in very late in the game with a clean slate....Trump would not have a chance.
The Vince Foster story is a perfect example of how the right wing feeds steaming piles of nonsensical horseshit into the pleading gullets of their gulliable constituency.

They repeat a batshit conspiracy over and over. The commit *millions* of dollars and tens of thousands of man hours to multi-year investigations. And then when the investigations turn up jack shit, they quietly release the report.......

.......with the glassy eyed, slack jawed GOP faithful just chewing the conspiracy cud, wiping their chins and dropping to their knees for another throat full of the next load of creamed batshit the GOP is going to be serving up.

For fuck's sake its been more than 15 years since Ken Starr drown that conspiracy baby in the river, and still these hapless sheep are repeating the same debunked nonsense *today*.

You can't fix stupid. But as the GOP knows well, you can exploit the holy living shit out of it for political gain.
Funny how Ken Starr was "full of shit" when he was investigating Bill Clinton for perjury but when he says something you like, his word is gospel.

Me, I was satisfed with the FBI investigation. Or any of the other three that were done on the matter. But with republicans having raised beating a dead horse to an art form, they drug it out for 3 more years with the Ken Starr investigation to find...

.....jack shit.

Laughing...it doesn't matter who the sources is, SJ. You'll ignore anyone who doesn't say what you want to believe. You are the living embodiment of Confirmation Bias, so emotionally invested in the horseshit you're slinging that you'll fold Ken Starr himself into your batshit conspiracies.

As I said, you can't fix stupid.
96 hours is four days. She could have got locked up in the mental wing of a hospital for a four day evaluation.

96 hours is a steaming pile of horseshit. She has a fund raiser right now.

Hey if someone is giving money away she would rise from the grave...that greedy witch.

Laughing.....so much for your 96 hours. Don't let reality, facts or reason get in the way of a good conspiracy hoedown!

Your ilk never have before. For fuck's sake, you nominated King Birther to represent your party.
She should consult Dr. Kermit Barron Gosnell.

He should treat her as he treated his previous patients.

And she should get as much comfort from him as all those hundreds of previous patients did.

The world would be a much better place.
She should consult Dr. Kermit Barron Gosnell.

He should treat her as he treated his previous patients.

And she should get as much comfort from him as all those hundreds of previous patients did.

The world would be a much better place.

I nominate this post for the Crimson Herring Award......as the most desperate, awkward, and obvious attempt to change the topic we've seen so far.
Clinton after a notorious fight with hillary documented by the secret service..............
She should consult Dr. Kermit Barron Gosnell.

He should treat her as he treated his previous patients.

And she should get as much comfort from him as all those hundreds of previous patients did.

The world would be a much better place.

I nominate this post for the Crimson Herring Award......as the most desperate, awkward, and obvious attempt to change the topic we've seen so far.

As the author of that post, I humbly and gratefully accept your nomination for such outstanding and great honor.

I pledge that I will spare no effort or expense to out do my self in the future to earn such honor again.

BTW, I just had some delicious herring in tomato sauce. It was red.
She should consult Dr. Kermit Barron Gosnell.

He should treat her as he treated his previous patients.

And she should get as much comfort from him as all those hundreds of previous patients did.

The world would be a much better place.

I nominate this post for the Crimson Herring Award......as the most desperate, awkward, and obvious attempt to change the topic we've seen so far.

As the author of that post, I humbly and gratefully accept your nomination for such outstanding and great honor.

I pledge that I will spare no effort or expense to out do my self in the future to earn such honor again.

BTW, I just had some delicious herring in tomato sauce. It was red.

Okay, I don't care who you are, that's funny.
Clinton Friends Who Knew Too Much.........................Clinton "Friends" Who Knew Too Much — The Patriot Post

Uh-huh. Show us the evidence that Hillary killed.....anyone.

Laughing! You've got jack shit and you know it. So you're insinuating an argument you know you can't factually support.

The Donald would be so proud.

You do not know how the world works...especially the world of the powerful politicians and mafia kingpins.....they have people that do the dirty work. Most often they usually do not even know who takes care of the problem or how it is taken care of...it just gets taken care of...a whisper in the right ear and the problem goes away.

Arkansas' Murderous Ways
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Hillary and Bill Clinton exposed as Dixie Mafia.

And where in your nearly 90+ minute youtube video is the evidence that Hillary killed anyone?

Just cite the time stamp for us. Or if "Howard Nema' is the person doing your thinking for you, just link to his conspiracy website.

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