Hillary is going away for 96 hours

Cankles ain't gonna make it through the campaign.

And I'll be quoting you saying that in November when she wins.
Or you may be nowhere to be found.

Oh, I'll be here. I never miss a chance to gloat.

And this one is going to be oh-so-sweet.

But hey, convince yourself that yet another desperate mix up in the Trump campaign with yet another campaign manager demoted or fired is a demonstration of how well things are going for Trump.

It just makes me giggle.

Don't gloat prematurely.

For any party to win a presidential third term the following conditions must apply, proven in history:

1. The current contender for the person representing the party of the current president must be a well qualified person.
2. The challenger representing the opposing party must be unqualified.
3. The country must feel that it is in the right direction and is willing to extend the current policies for another four years.

None of those conditions exist.
The staggering amount of corruption in this nation....especially in Washington, D.C. is unbelievable by most...people are very naive ....they simply cannot conceive of people or politicians ....especially the famous ones they feel they know ....could possibly be corrupted or guilty of crimes...even heinous crimes...even the worst crime of all...murder.

Fame thus is great insurance against being convicted of a crime...look at O.J.

But not being famous without any network or support and especially if you lack the money needed for the best legal representation...if you are arrested and put on trial the odds are you will go to jail...that is just the reality in this country.

If one has never been involved in politics or known a politician especially in Washington and has not been privvy to what actually happens there....then it is simply something most would find unbelievable...it is much worse than most have any conception of.

It is a place where money rules and the more you have the more power that is accesible to you.

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The love of money is the root of all evil.

Follow the money...follow how the Clintons got so wealthy...understand that and your naivete will go up in smoke.

Hillary Clinton’s ‘corruption,’ ‘incompetence’ to be judged by American voters: Donald Trump
The Vince Foster story is a perfect example of how the right wing feeds steaming piles of nonsensical horseshit into the pleading gullets of their gulliable constituency.

They repeat a batshit conspiracy over and over. The commit *millions* of dollars and tens of thousands of man hours to multi-year investigations. And then when the investigations turn up jack shit, they quietly release the report.......

.......with the glassy eyed, slack jawed GOP faithful just chewing the conspiracy cud, wiping their chins and dropping to their knees for another throat full of the next load of creamed batshit the GOP is going to be serving up.

For fuck's sake its been more than 15 years since Ken Starr drown that conspiracy baby in the river, and still these hapless sheep are repeating the same debunked nonsense *today*.

You can't fix stupid. But as the GOP knows well, you can exploit the holy living shit out of it for political gain.
Funny how Ken Starr was "full of shit" when he was investigating Bill Clinton for perjury but when he says something you like, his word is gospel.

Me, I was satisfed with the FBI investigation. Or any of the other three that were done on the matter. But with republicans having raised beating a dead horse to an art form, they drug it out for 3 more years with the Ken Starr investigation to find...

.....jack shit.

Laughing...it doesn't matter who the sources is, SJ. You'll ignore anyone who doesn't say what you want to believe. You are the living embodiment of Confirmation Bias, so emotionally invested in the horseshit you're slinging that you'll fold Ken Starr himself into your batshit conspiracies.

As I said, you can't fix stupid.
Accusing me of doing what you do does not a good argument make. It's no wonder you're not taken seriously around here.

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