Hillary kills Donald in latest Wall Street Journal Poll

Lets see...

it's 57? 58? weeks until the election, and polls mean something?

I don't think the majority of the American people like loserterianism that much. They want their paved roads, science institutions that warns them of the storm, schools and government working.

I think the avg republican also wants this so they make Bushs, McCains, Doles, Romneys the nominee.
I agree.

Polls are pretty meaningless right now.

Was watching the news and apparently Hilbat could be in some real big trouble reference her e-mails.

Sounding worse and worse for that POS.

Will have to wait and see.
I don't think the majority of the American people like loserterianism that much. They want their paved roads, science institutions that warns them of the storm, schools and government working.

I think the avg republican also wants this so they make Bushs, McCains, Doles, Romneys the nominee.
Well then Mattie, you should really love Trump. He is all about infrastructure spending...but somehow I don't think even a progressive R like Trump, floats your infrastructure boat (stupidity really).
I agree.

Polls are pretty meaningless right now.

Was watching the news and apparently Hilbat could be in some real big trouble reference her e-mails.

Sounding worse and worse for that POS.

Will have to wait and see.

The Dems are praying that Trump gets the GOP nomination. He carries more baggage than Delta Airlines. He has insulted nearly everyone. It really does not matter who the Dems nominate. They will beat Mister Comb Over.

I agree.

Polls are pretty meaningless right now.

Was watching the news and apparently Hilbat could be in some real big trouble reference her e-mails.

Sounding worse and worse for that POS.

Will have to wait and see.

The Dems are praying that Trump gets the GOP nomination. He carries more baggage than Delta Airlines. He has insulted nearly everyone. It really does not matter who the Dems nominate. They will beat Mister Comb Over.

It will be a hard choice since Trump's family were KKK members...
funny how when polls favor the right it's god's own truth when they favor the left it the devil's work.
Something to keep in mind is that most polls at this time are going to be presented in a way to make people believe that Trump can't win. NONE of the major news outlets want him to be POTUS and have been actively campaigning against him so it's no surprise they would cast him in an unfavorable light. How many times have we heard "Trump is leading in all the polls BUT....."? This strategy has been backfiring so far but I'm sure it will continue because it's all they have.
Poll: Clinton tops Trump in general election - CNNPolitics.com

And I don't think it really matter who the Dem nominate. The results will be the same.
Ya but all the others are neck and neck with Hillary.

"Clinton beats Trump, 49% to 39%, head-to-head. She would be neck-and-neck with other GOP contenders -- including former tech CEO Carly Fiorina (45% to Clinton's 44%), retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson (46% to Clinton's 45%), former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (44% to Clinton's 45%).

Go Carson. Beat Hillary.
Anyone who votes for Cankles, no matter who the R nominee is, needs their head examined.
Something to keep in mind is that most polls at this time are going to be presented in a way to make people believe that Trump can't win. NONE of the major news outlets want him to be POTUS and have been actively campaigning against him so it's no surprise they would cast him in an unfavorable light. How many times have we heard "Trump is leading in all the polls BUT....."? This strategy has been backfiring so far but I'm sure it will continue because it's all they have.

This was a Wall Street Journal survey, Sherlock...
I don't think the majority of the American people like loserterianism that much. They want their paved roads, science institutions that warns them of the storm, schools and government working.

I think the avg republican also wants this so they make Bushs, McCains, Doles, Romneys the nominee.
Welfare is easy to sell but always fails, just like you Matt... The openly racist progressive.
Hillary won't be a candidate very much longer. Better to savor the love she gets from her sheeple while she's still breathing free air.
Flashback, December 18th 2007.


Clinton Maintains Large Lead
Over Obama Nationally

Clinton Maintains Large Lead Over Obama Nationally

Sorry, you were saying?


And here's another December 2007 poll. Check out who is nosediving to the bottom:


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