Hillary Makes It Official?


VIP Member
Feb 18, 2012
Irregardless if it is true or not>>>>>>(DRUDGE: HILLARY MAKES IT OFFICIAL?<BR><BR>) as of now any democratic candidate will be able to defeat any likely Republican Candidate.

This is true simply because the big wig republicans had rather have a democratic president than a Real Conservative President.
Wes Clark. The guy who's most promising presidential moment was when he announced. It was all downhill after that.
Who will run against her if she does? And who will she name as VP?
Irregardless if it is true or not>>>>>>(DRUDGE: HILLARY MAKES IT OFFICIAL?<BR><BR>) as of now any democratic candidate will be able to defeat any likely Republican Candidate.

This is true simply because the big wig republicans had rather have a democratic president than a Real Conservative President.

After Obama and Obamacare--the odds of this nation electing another democrat as President-are zero to none. Furthermore Hilliary is completely ineligible--she was way to close to this administratiion--and of course Bengazi has already swallowed her up.
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Irregardless if it is true or not>>>>>>(DRUDGE: HILLARY MAKES IT OFFICIAL?<BR><BR>) as of now any democratic candidate will be able to defeat any likely Republican Candidate.

This is true simply because the big wig republicans had rather have a democratic president than a Real Conservative President.

Ir-regardless = double negative. Why use such a word? Grammar Girl : Irregardless Versus Regardless :: Quick and Dirty Tips ?

Oh No!!! The spelling marm is calling me out. Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

I find it bemusing that someone trolls a political board in order to be a grammar cop??? Some have little to do it seems.

Anyhow ......just for shitts and grins here is my defense of 'Irregardless'..........

"irregardless" is a word. It is, at least according to Merriam-Webster and Scrabble.
But I'm not going to stop there. No. I would also like to contend that "irregardless" is the baddest-ass word of all time. This is for several reasons, which I will now explain.
It's the only word where attaching the "ir-" prefix to the root word has the exact same meaning as the root word: Throwing an "ir-" in front of normal, less bad-ass words that begin with "R" changes the meaning to the opposite of the word. Irrefutable. Irreverent. Irrelevant. Irresponsible. Not "irregardless." It doesn't care what the rules of grammar are. It means exactly the same thing as "regardless," and that's the way it likes it.
Against all odds, against all logic, and (ir)regardless of everyone hating it, it has achieved official word status: How can you not pull for the underdog in this case? "Irregardless" went up against the rules of grammar, stick-by-the-book lexicographers, and the fact that it's a completely redundant word. Didn't matter. Whatever didn't kill it made it stronger. It's the hardest-working word in the dictionary, and it should have earned your respect by now.
Even though it's a word, Merriam-Webster says you shouldn't use it: Can you name another word in the dictionary that the dictionary says you shouldn't use? Even really bad swear words don't have a dictionary-imposed boycott. That just makes me want to use it more.
It simultaneously makes sense and doesn't make sense: You can think of the word in one of two ways: (1) it should mean the opposite of "regardless," or something along the lines of "keeping the facts in regard," or (2) it could mean "regardless of the fact that something is regardless." The latter of the two is like double-super regardless, and it's the meaning I prefer. "Irregardless" really, really doesn't care what the facts are or what you think. It should only be used in extreme circumstances, such as when a course of action is ridiculously counterintuitive. "Irregardless of the fact that you are very thirsty, you should eat this pile of salt." Stuff like that.
It practices what it preaches: Irregardless of the rules of grammar, "irregardless" is a word. It's self-reflexive. It's the exception that proves the rule. It talks the talk and walks the walk. Is there another word like that? No, because "irregardless" is bad-ass. It is a text-based Chuck Norris, roundhouse-kicking everything else in the dictionary into submission.
If you think about it long enough, it will blow your mind: It's the Mobius Strip of words, but it's also packed with Eminem's aggressively apathetic attitude. It's completely unique, completely confusing, and it couldn't give a rat's ass about any of that. It just is what it is. If you don't like it, don't use it.
So that's my argument. I think "irregardless" should be embraced and celebrated. And damn it, I'm going to use it every chance I get.
Irregardless if it is true or not>>>>>>(DRUDGE: HILLARY MAKES IT OFFICIAL?<BR><BR>) as of now any democratic candidate will be able to defeat any likely Republican Candidate.

This is true simply because the big wig republicans had rather have a democratic president than a Real Conservative President.

After Obama and Obamacare--the odds of this nation electing another democrat as President-are zero to none. Furthermore Hilliary is completely ineligible--she was way to close to this administratiion--and of course Bengazi has already swallowed her up.

Polls may only be a snapshot in time, but at this time, they indicate Hillary can easily beat any Republican running against her except for Christie.

Election 2016
Wes Clark. The guy who's most promising presidential moment was when he announced. It was all downhill after that.

Look here dumbass..........Wes Clark was one of the most brilliant Generals America has ever produced....his i.q. probably doubles yours.

Anyhow....I am not here to talk about the General...who by the way is just another example of the 'Curse of Intelligence"..........Wesley Clark and the curse of intelligence: Vox Day explains why smart men do dumb things

The intent of the thread was to motivate a discussion of the unbelievable pc Republican leadership that is so caught up in maintaining the republican party as their power base that they are willing to allow the democrats to capture the White House again.....it does not take a high i.q. to see that...just an open mind and one that is not toooooo brainwashed.

It is amazing how many do not get it....not because the majority are all that stupid they simply listen to the media too much, watch football too much and are otherwise preoccupied to such an extent they do not take the time to analyze the political field or engage in any sort of independent thinking...letting others do their thinking for them.
Who will run against her if she does? And who will she name as VP?

If the East Coast pc big wig republicans retain control of the party(as of now it appears they will) it will be some moderate pc type aka romney, bush, or the N.J. governor.

The Tea Party seems confused and unable to select a leader who could organize them into a real political force...aka trasforming the movement of the discontented into a real party.

If they simply stick to their mantra of smaller government and lower taxes....the democrats will retain control of the White House.

However...Christie might have a chance if he breaks with the big wigs and offers the White Working Class some reason to vote for him.

For the Republicans to recapture the White House they must steer clear of being too liberal, moderate or politically correct...they must appeal to the huge bloc of White Working Class voters.....they usually get most of them....but most will not cut it......they must get a overwhelming number of them....like obama got the overwhelming number of the minority classes.

The mainstream pc republicans do not want to give the White Working Class the respect they deserve.....Reagan tricked them into becoming Republicans....which was easy to do because they had no where else to go....yet ever since.....the Republican Party only gives the White Working Class lip service......and that is why Obama got enough of the White Working Class vote to win the election.....they felt that Obama was offering them more than Romney.
It doesn't sound official to me. It sounds like a joke which Hillary personifies.

Anyone who thinks like you is not politially astute......it is undeniable that Hillary has a huge, huge following....to deny that(as much as I would like too) is not being reasonable...but of course that is the problem with the mainstream republicans....aka....analytical thinking is not their forte. Sad and tragic.
Inflammable is a word that means the same ting as flammable........go figure.
Irregardless if it is true or not>>>>>>(DRUDGE: HILLARY MAKES IT OFFICIAL?<BR><BR>) as of now any democratic candidate will be able to defeat any likely Republican Candidate.

This is true simply because the big wig republicans had rather have a democratic president than a Real Conservative President.

After Obama and Obamacare--the odds of this nation electing another democrat as President-are zero to none. Furthermore Hilliary is completely ineligible--she was way to close to this administratiion--and of course Bengazi has already swallowed her up.

She will be able to distance herself from Obama enought to win....you can bet on it.

Sadly...Bengazi is irrelevant...the majority of voters are not concerned about it. That is largely the fault of the Congress.......they let Hillary slap them around on the issue of Behghazi ...demonstrating their cowardly nature. Likewise Eric Holder slapped them around...again demonstrating their cowardly nature.

Any competent Congress would have impeached Obama already....the moderate pc republican congress is a disagrace to this Natgion....deal wid it chumps.
It doesn't sound official to me. It sounds like a joke which Hillary personifies.

Anyone who thinks like you is not politially astute......it is undeniable that Hillary has a huge, huge following....to deny that(as much as I would like too) is not being reasonable...but of course that is the problem with the mainstream republicans....aka....analytical thinking is not their forte. Sad and tragic.

She was betrayed by those in her own party. I hope the Clintons clean house.

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