Hillary - One of the Most Honest Politictians in Washington Today

...Politifact, the Pulitzer prize-winning fact-checking project, determined for example that Hillary was actually the most truthful candidate (of either Party) in the 2016 election season. And in general Politifact has determined that Hillary is more honest than most (but not all) politicians they have tracked over the years...
This has to be the funniest post of the millennium.

And as such it has accumulated 33 "Funny" ratings - a number almost unheard of - in less than a week! Even better, it has attracted chuckles from the entire political spectrum and poor Flopper has been laughed right off his own thread. Too funny.
...Politifact, the Pulitzer prize-winning fact-checking project, determined for example that Hillary was actually the most truthful candidate (of either Party) in the 2016 election season. And in general Politifact has determined that Hillary is more honest than most (but not all) politicians they have tracked over the years...
This has to be the funniest post of the millennium.

And as such it has accumulated 33 "Funny" ratings - a number almost unheard of - in less than a week! Even better, it has attracted chuckles from the entire political spectrum and poor Flopper has been laughed right off his own thread. Too funny.
He's taking a break, hater dupe. and BS.

Any actual argument, ignorant hater dupe? Brainwashing is so sad to see...The whole gd New BS GOP...

You are confused.

I am not a Republican you nitwit. I have told you that several times but you have a poor attention span. Learn to listen better. No wonder you are a Libtard.

You stupid Moon Bats hate Trump with a passion because he is running against your shithead candidate so you can take your comments on hate and cram it up your Libtard ass.

Crooked Hillary is the most corrupt, incompetent and dishonest candidate to ever run for President of the US and no amount of denial like what was posted in that ridiculous article will not change that.

She is scum and you are an idiot for trying to support a low life bitch like that.

Thanks for proving my point, hater dupe. Your "feelings" are based on 25 years of total GOP bs. see sig. Memorize it and you might start making sense.

There are only two kinds of Moon Bats that will vote for that shithead Crooked Hillary.

The first (by far the great majority) are the assholes that know Crooked Hillary is corrupt, dishonest and incompetent but they don't give a shit. They are the greedy jackasses that although they know Crooked Hillary is a turd they will vote for her anyway because then they will get a bigger welfare check and further the Left's agenda of hate and destruction. They are despicable.

Then you have another group. These are the naive uneducated low information dumbasses that refuse to believe the revelations about Crooked Hillary's corruption and dishonesty. Jonathan Gruber had a name for these people. He called them the Stupid Americans that will believe anything they are told. They are to be pitied.

Which one of those groups do you belong to, Moon Bat? Is it the group of greedy assholes or the group of dumbasses?

Since you think that the OP's ridiculous article was right on then it is likely you are one of the dumbasses. I feel sorry for you. It must be hell to be that ignorant.
Any evidence, Rush clone hater dupe?
You are the evidence, retarded scum dupe.

Any actual argument, ignorant hater dupe? Brainwashing is so sad to see...The whole gd New BS GOP...

You are confused.

I am not a Republican you nitwit. I have told you that several times but you have a poor attention span. Learn to listen better. No wonder you are a Libtard.

You stupid Moon Bats hate Trump with a passion because he is running against your shithead candidate so you can take your comments on hate and cram it up your Libtard ass.

Crooked Hillary is the most corrupt, incompetent and dishonest candidate to ever run for President of the US and no amount of denial like what was posted in that ridiculous article will not change that.

She is scum and you are an idiot for trying to support a low life bitch like that.

Thanks for proving my point, hater dupe. Your "feelings" are based on 25 years of total GOP bs. see sig. Memorize it and you might start making sense.

There are only two kinds of Moon Bats that will vote for that shithead Crooked Hillary.

The first (by far the great majority) are the assholes that know Crooked Hillary is corrupt, dishonest and incompetent but they don't give a shit. They are the greedy jackasses that although they know Crooked Hillary is a turd they will vote for her anyway because then they will get a bigger welfare check and further the Left's agenda of hate and destruction. They are despicable.

Then you have another group. These are the naive uneducated low information dumbasses that refuse to believe the revelations about Crooked Hillary's corruption and dishonesty. Jonathan Gruber had a name for these people. He called them the Stupid Americans that will believe anything they are told. They are to be pitied.

Which one of those groups do you belong to, Moon Bat? Is it the group of greedy assholes or the group of dumbasses?

Since you think that the OP's ridiculous article was right on then it is likely you are one of the dumbasses. I feel sorry for you. It must be hell to be that ignorant.
Any evidence, Rush clone hater dupe?
You are the evidence, retarded scum dupe.
You got nothing, Pubtroll. The only kind as far as I can tell...
You are confused.

I am not a Republican you nitwit. I have told you that several times but you have a poor attention span. Learn to listen better. No wonder you are a Libtard.

You stupid Moon Bats hate Trump with a passion because he is running against your shithead candidate so you can take your comments on hate and cram it up your Libtard ass.

Crooked Hillary is the most corrupt, incompetent and dishonest candidate to ever run for President of the US and no amount of denial like what was posted in that ridiculous article will not change that.

She is scum and you are an idiot for trying to support a low life bitch like that.

Thanks for proving my point, hater dupe. Your "feelings" are based on 25 years of total GOP bs. see sig. Memorize it and you might start making sense.

There are only two kinds of Moon Bats that will vote for that shithead Crooked Hillary.

The first (by far the great majority) are the assholes that know Crooked Hillary is corrupt, dishonest and incompetent but they don't give a shit. They are the greedy jackasses that although they know Crooked Hillary is a turd they will vote for her anyway because then they will get a bigger welfare check and further the Left's agenda of hate and destruction. They are despicable.

Then you have another group. These are the naive uneducated low information dumbasses that refuse to believe the revelations about Crooked Hillary's corruption and dishonesty. Jonathan Gruber had a name for these people. He called them the Stupid Americans that will believe anything they are told. They are to be pitied.

Which one of those groups do you belong to, Moon Bat? Is it the group of greedy assholes or the group of dumbasses?

Since you think that the OP's ridiculous article was right on then it is likely you are one of the dumbasses. I feel sorry for you. It must be hell to be that ignorant.
Any evidence, Rush clone hater dupe?
You are the evidence, retarded scum dupe.
You got nothing, Pubtroll. The only kind as far as I can tell...
More than you, retarded scum whore.
What exactly is ON Hillary Clinton's "resume"? That she was married to a President? That she was the Secretary of State who gave us the "reset" with Russia...a civil war in Syria...a dead Ambassador in Libya...Iran on the verge of getting a nuke...ISIS spreading terror throughout the Western world...? Or did you want to talk about her integrity? She lied to the families of the murdered Americans from Benghazi....she lied about coming under sniper fire in the Balkans...she lied about her emails...and most importantly...she's taken in millions from the well connected and foreign interests...money that she did her best to hide from the American people!

If you want a bought and paid for politician who won't change the status quo...then Clinton is your choice. Don't pretend you're getting anything else though, Flopper! Hillary Clinton puts the sleaze in sleazy!
Claiming Hillary Clinton is responsible for every vial act that occurred in world during the 5 years she was Secretary State is just plain silly and stupid.

You asked for Hillary's resume. It's a bit long but his summary:

* Graduated from Yale Law School
* Worked as staff of a U.S. Senate subcommittee
* Staff of the Presidential Impeachment Inquiry Commitee,
advising the U.S. House Judiciary Committee during the Nixon impeachment proceedings.
* Faculty, University of Arkansas Law School
* Part-time chairman of the Legal Services Corporation, appointed by President Carter.
* Member of the Rose Law Firm
* National Law Journal named her twice one of the 100 most powerful lawyers in America
* Co-founded Arkansas Advocates for Children and Family
* Chaired the Arkansas Educational Standards Committee
* First Lady of Arkansas for 12 years
* First Lady of the United States of America for 8 years
* Chaired President Clinton's National Task Force on Health Care Reform
* Elected United States Senator from New York; served for eight years
* Served for five years as President Obama's Secretary of State, fourth in line of succession of the Presidency


Stream Groups Following Profile
Hillary Clinton's Record of Accomplishments


By CandaceTX
Thursday Sep 17, 2015 · 8:42 PM PDT

51 Comments (51 New)


Share this article

A popular meme on the right is that the former First Lady of Arkansas, former First Lady of the United States, former two-time Senator of the State of New York, and former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is without accomplishments.

In the second GOP Debate, former 'worst American (or tech) CEO of all time', formerlosing California senate candidate, former failed charitable organization head, successful breast cancer survivor, and future losing presidential candidate, Carly Fiorina delivered a seemingly wincing blow to Secretary Clinton with the line, "If you want to stump a Democrat, ask them to name an accomplishment of Mrs. Clinton's" to thunderous applause in the hall and across the conservative media-verse.

Challenge accepted, Mrs Fiorina. I have compiled this list of Secretary Clinton's accomplishments below:

Fox News


.@CarlyFiorina: "If you want to stump a Democrat, ask them to name an accomplishment of Mrs. Clinton's." #GOPDebate

6:48 PM - 16 Sep 2015
•President of the Wellesley Young Republicans
•Intern at the House Republican Conference
•Distinguished graduate of Yale Law School
•Editorial board of the Yale Review of Law and Social Action
•Appointed to Senator Walter Mondale's Subcommittee on Migratory Labor.
•Co-founded Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families
•Staff attorney for Children's Defense Fund
•Faculty member in the School of Law at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
•Former Director of the Arkansas Legal Aid Clinic.
•First female chair of the Legal Services Corporation
•First female partner at Rose Law Firm.
•Former civil litigation attorney.
•Former Law Professor at the University of Arkansas School of Law.
•twice listed by The National Law Journal as one of the hundred most influential lawyers in America
•Former First Lady of Arkansas.
•Arkansas Woman of the Year in 1983
•Chair of the American Bar Association's Commission on Women in the Profession
•twice named by the National Law Journal as one of the 100 most influential lawyers in America
•created Arkansas's Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youth
•led a task force that reformed Arkansas's education system
•Board of directors of Wal-Mart and several other corporations
•Instrumental in passage of the State Children's Health Insurance Program
•Promoted nationwide immunization against childhood illnesses
•Successfully sought to increase research funding for prostate cancer and childhood asthma at the National Institutes of Health
•Worked to investigate reports of an illness that affected veterans of the Gulf War (now recognized as Gulf War Syndrome)
•Helped create the Office on Violence Against Women at the Department of Justice
•Initiated and shepherded the Adoption and Safe Families Act
•First FLOTUS in US History to hold a postgraduate degree
•Traveled to 79 countries during time as FLOTUS
•Helped create Vital Voices, an international initiative to promote the participation of women in the political processes of their countries.
•Served on five Senate committees:
-Committee on Budget (2001–2002)
-Committee on Armed Services (2003–2009)
-Committee on Environment and Public Works (2001–2009)
-Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (2001–2009)
-Special Committee on Aging.
•Member of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe
•Instrumental in securing $21 billion in funding for the World Trade Center site's redevelopment
•Leading role in investigating the health issues faced by 9/11 first responders.
•In the aftermath of September 11th, she worked closely with her senior Senate counterpart from New York, Sen. Charles Schumer, on securing $21.4 billion in funding for the World Trade Center redevelopment.
• Middle East ceasefire. In November 2012, Secretary of State Clinton brokered a ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas.
•Introduced the Family Entertainment Protection Act, intended to protect children from inappropriate content found in video games.
•First ex-FLOTUS in US History to be elected to the United States Senate (and re-elected)
•Two-term New York Senator
-(senate stats here: https://www.govtrack.us/...)
-(voting record here: http://votesmart.org/...)
•Former US Secretary of State
•GRAMMY Award Winner
But he PROVED that she lied UNDER OATH to Congress and the American people.
From FBI Director Comey testifying before the House: Part 1
Qusetion: Did Hillary Clinton Lie to the FBI?

Qusetion: Did Hillary Clinton Lie to the FBI?

FBI Director James Comey Testifies Hillary | Video | C-SPAN.org
Hillary Clinton Email Investigation Part 2 | Video | C-SPAN.org
Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System — FBI

If you have never met anyone who has the kind of resume.....let me explain some thing to you. They did little to nothing to get most of those titles.

They are egomaniacs and she is a perfect example.

I can't believe the OP is serious. Really ???? ROTFLMAO.
Obviously you have never met anyone with an impressive resume as this. I can't believe you think you do little or nothing to graduate with distinction from the Yale law school, serve on the editorial board of the Yale Law Review, become a partner in one the most prestigious law firms in the state, twice recognized by the National Law Review as one the 100 most powerful lawyers in the country, ten times recognized by Time Magazine as one of 100 most influential people in world, twice elected to the US Senate, and appointed Secretary of State. In addition, she has received more the 70 major awards and honors.

I've worked with plenty of people who have resume's that are just as impressive.

They are in love with themselves and they pursue these honors for one reason....so SAPS like you will somehow think it means something.

She's good at PR...that's for sure.

If you somehow are using the argument that she is smart......let's put her handling of several crisis on the table......

You don't do things like work off private servers (illegal or not...everyone knows you don't do it) and then stupidly conduct the kind of scorched earth campaign she is trying (and failing at) to avoid it.
It looks like her private server maybe the only one around Washington the Russians having hacked.

A deflection, and you know it.

She isn't as smart as you make her out to be.

It looks like her private server maybe the only one around Washington the Russians having hacked.

...Politifact, the Pulitzer prize-winning fact-checking project, determined for example that Hillary was actually the most truthful candidate (of either Party) in the 2016 election season. And in general Politifact has determined that Hillary is more honest than most (but not all) politicians they have tracked over the years...
This has to be the funniest post of the millennium.

And as such it has accumulated 33 "Funny" ratings - a number almost unheard of - in less than a week! Even better, it has attracted chuckles from the entire political spectrum and poor Flopper has been laughed right off his own thread. Too funny.
might be a record for smilies
Claims that Hillary Clinton is a pathological liar and innately untrustworthy is one the most interesting claims to come out of this election season. Indeed, for a surprisingly large percentage of the electorate, the claim that Hillary is innately dishonest is simply accepted as a given. It is an accusation and conviction so ingrained in the conversation about her that any attempt to even question it is often met with shock. And yet here’s the thing: it’s not actually true. Politifact, the Pulitzer prize-winning fact-checking project, determined for example that Hillary was actually the most truthful candidate (of either Party) in the 2016 election season. And in general Politifact has determined that Hillary is more honest than most (but not all) politicians they have tracked over the years.

In terms of honesty, Hillary is a politician, and like all politicians she is no stranger to “massaging” and exaggerating the truth. And yes on occasion she will let loose a whopper. But is she worse than other politicians? The evidence suggests that she is no worse, and actually better, than most other politicians. Internet videos like the “13 minutes of Hillary lying” appear to be mostly examples of Hillary changing her position over several decades, combined with annoying but typical political behavior. But similar videos of Donald Trump exist showing him doing an even more extreme version of the same thing. Why is he not being accused of this type of mendacity? In fact, there is very little dispute that Trump has been SIGNIFICANTLY less honest on the campaign trail than Hillary. According to Politifact he is in fact the least honest candidate they’ve ever analyzed! So if the issue of honesty is really that important, why are so many people holding Hillary to such an obviously different standard than Trump?

The latest attack on Hillary's honesty concerns the email investigation. Although the Director of FBI testified to the fact that he found no evidence of Hillary lying, her opposition has maintains otherwise claiming Hillary lied to FBI and lied to congress. I think anyone with an once of intelligence would realize that if there were any evidence of Hillary lying under oath, she would be facing charges of contempt of this Republican Congress or arrested for making false statements to the FBI.


35 funny symbols? This has to be a record.
What keeps getting lost in the debates about whether or not Hillary lied to Congress is the REASON why she wanted to work through private servers in her home and not through official government servers. When you're cutting deals with the rich and powerful both here and around the world...the last thing you want is an electronic record of how it was all arranged. Hillary did what she did because Hillary was using her office to enrich her foundation.
How bout some evidence for all your bs? BTW, the foundation is a great charity which does it's good works ITSELF, with no evidence of corruption, dupe.
Appearance of conflict of interest. That's all you need in politics. The Foundation pays Hillary a salary while taking big donations from foreign heads of state while she was Sec State.
According to the Clinton tax returns, her only salary for the last 15 years have come only from the federal goverment for her work as a US Senator and Secretary of State.
Tax History Project -- Presidential Tax Returns
Then how did she become a hundred millionaire?
The family net worth is about 110 million in 2016.

How was the net worth achieved? Lots of ways. First, the president receives a retirement equal to that of a current cabinet member which is approximately $200,000/yr plus a stipend of 96,000 for office expenses, staff, etc. Hillary Clinton's salary was $165,000 as Senator and $186,000 as Secretary of State. So it is safe to say that Clinton income from retirement and salaries over years are about $400,000 to to $500,000 a year. To this you can add about $100,000/yr in book royalties. However, the biggest contribution to their wealth has been speaking engagements which run about $200,000 each. A dozen or so speaking engagements a year during the time they weren't employees by the government is about normal. There are also consulting fees which are less than speaking fees but have added millions over the years.

If you are really interest in their real income, then all you have to do is look at their tax returns. They are all joint returns. Hillary has released their joint returns from 2000 to 2014. Bill has released their joint returns from 1992 to 1999. In total you have all the tax returns for the Clinton for last 23 years available online.

Hillary Clinton as well as being one of the most recognized women in the world, is also one of the most documented. There are literally hundreds of legal documents containing information about the Clintons available on line. In addition there are thousands of non-partisan articles and books available. Thus, you have a huge store of information about the Clinton which will give a good picture of their lives, accomplishments and failings. It also gives those that wish to vilify or glamorize the Clintons plenty of factual information to twist into the fiction of their choice.

Tax History Project -- Presidential Tax Returns
Claiming Hillary Clinton is responsible for every vial act that occurred in world during the 5 years she was Secretary State is just plain silly and stupid.

You asked for Hillary's resume. It's a bit long but his summary:

* Graduated from Yale Law School
* Worked as staff of a U.S. Senate subcommittee
* Staff of the Presidential Impeachment Inquiry Commitee,
advising the U.S. House Judiciary Committee during the Nixon impeachment proceedings.
* Faculty, University of Arkansas Law School
* Part-time chairman of the Legal Services Corporation, appointed by President Carter.
* Member of the Rose Law Firm
* National Law Journal named her twice one of the 100 most powerful lawyers in America
* Co-founded Arkansas Advocates for Children and Family
* Chaired the Arkansas Educational Standards Committee
* First Lady of Arkansas for 12 years
* First Lady of the United States of America for 8 years
* Chaired President Clinton's National Task Force on Health Care Reform
* Elected United States Senator from New York; served for eight years
* Served for five years as President Obama's Secretary of State, fourth in line of succession of the Presidency


Stream Groups Following Profile
Hillary Clinton's Record of Accomplishments


By CandaceTX
Thursday Sep 17, 2015 · 8:42 PM PDT

51 Comments (51 New)


Share this article

A popular meme on the right is that the former First Lady of Arkansas, former First Lady of the United States, former two-time Senator of the State of New York, and former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is without accomplishments.

In the second GOP Debate, former 'worst American (or tech) CEO of all time', formerlosing California senate candidate, former failed charitable organization head, successful breast cancer survivor, and future losing presidential candidate, Carly Fiorina delivered a seemingly wincing blow to Secretary Clinton with the line, "If you want to stump a Democrat, ask them to name an accomplishment of Mrs. Clinton's" to thunderous applause in the hall and across the conservative media-verse.

Challenge accepted, Mrs Fiorina. I have compiled this list of Secretary Clinton's accomplishments below:

Fox News


.@CarlyFiorina: "If you want to stump a Democrat, ask them to name an accomplishment of Mrs. Clinton's." #GOPDebate

6:48 PM - 16 Sep 2015
•President of the Wellesley Young Republicans
•Intern at the House Republican Conference
•Distinguished graduate of Yale Law School
•Editorial board of the Yale Review of Law and Social Action
•Appointed to Senator Walter Mondale's Subcommittee on Migratory Labor.
•Co-founded Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families
•Staff attorney for Children's Defense Fund
•Faculty member in the School of Law at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
•Former Director of the Arkansas Legal Aid Clinic.
•First female chair of the Legal Services Corporation
•First female partner at Rose Law Firm.
•Former civil litigation attorney.
•Former Law Professor at the University of Arkansas School of Law.
•twice listed by The National Law Journal as one of the hundred most influential lawyers in America
•Former First Lady of Arkansas.
•Arkansas Woman of the Year in 1983
•Chair of the American Bar Association's Commission on Women in the Profession
•twice named by the National Law Journal as one of the 100 most influential lawyers in America
•created Arkansas's Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youth
•led a task force that reformed Arkansas's education system
•Board of directors of Wal-Mart and several other corporations
•Instrumental in passage of the State Children's Health Insurance Program
•Promoted nationwide immunization against childhood illnesses
•Successfully sought to increase research funding for prostate cancer and childhood asthma at the National Institutes of Health
•Worked to investigate reports of an illness that affected veterans of the Gulf War (now recognized as Gulf War Syndrome)
•Helped create the Office on Violence Against Women at the Department of Justice
•Initiated and shepherded the Adoption and Safe Families Act
•First FLOTUS in US History to hold a postgraduate degree
•Traveled to 79 countries during time as FLOTUS
•Helped create Vital Voices, an international initiative to promote the participation of women in the political processes of their countries.
•Served on five Senate committees:
-Committee on Budget (2001–2002)
-Committee on Armed Services (2003–2009)
-Committee on Environment and Public Works (2001–2009)
-Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (2001–2009)
-Special Committee on Aging.
•Member of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe
•Instrumental in securing $21 billion in funding for the World Trade Center site's redevelopment
•Leading role in investigating the health issues faced by 9/11 first responders.
•In the aftermath of September 11th, she worked closely with her senior Senate counterpart from New York, Sen. Charles Schumer, on securing $21.4 billion in funding for the World Trade Center redevelopment.
• Middle East ceasefire. In November 2012, Secretary of State Clinton brokered a ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas.
•Introduced the Family Entertainment Protection Act, intended to protect children from inappropriate content found in video games.
•First ex-FLOTUS in US History to be elected to the United States Senate (and re-elected)
•Two-term New York Senator
-(senate stats here: https://www.govtrack.us/...)
-(voting record here: http://votesmart.org/...)
•Former US Secretary of State
•GRAMMY Award Winner
From FBI Director Comey testifying before the House: Part 1
Qusetion: Did Hillary Clinton Lie to the FBI?

Qusetion: Did Hillary Clinton Lie to the FBI?

FBI Director James Comey Testifies Hillary | Video | C-SPAN.org
Hillary Clinton Email Investigation Part 2 | Video | C-SPAN.org
Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System — FBI

If you have never met anyone who has the kind of resume.....let me explain some thing to you. They did little to nothing to get most of those titles.

They are egomaniacs and she is a perfect example.

I can't believe the OP is serious. Really ???? ROTFLMAO.
Obviously you have never met anyone with an impressive resume as this. I can't believe you think you do little or nothing to graduate with distinction from the Yale law school, serve on the editorial board of the Yale Law Review, become a partner in one the most prestigious law firms in the state, twice recognized by the National Law Review as one the 100 most powerful lawyers in the country, ten times recognized by Time Magazine as one of 100 most influential people in world, twice elected to the US Senate, and appointed Secretary of State. In addition, she has received more the 70 major awards and honors.

I've worked with plenty of people who have resume's that are just as impressive.

They are in love with themselves and they pursue these honors for one reason....so SAPS like you will somehow think it means something.

She's good at PR...that's for sure.

If you somehow are using the argument that she is smart......let's put her handling of several crisis on the table......

You don't do things like work off private servers (illegal or not...everyone knows you don't do it) and then stupidly conduct the kind of scorched earth campaign she is trying (and failing at) to avoid it.
It looks like her private server maybe the only one around Washington the Russians having hacked.

A deflection, and you know it.

She isn't as smart as you make her out to be.
Well, she has been smart enough to keep Republican attack dogs chasing their tail and accomplishing nothing for over two decades.
What keeps getting lost in the debates about whether or not Hillary lied to Congress is the REASON why she wanted to work through private servers in her home and not through official government servers. When you're cutting deals with the rich and powerful both here and around the world...the last thing you want is an electronic record of how it was all arranged. Hillary did what she did because Hillary was using her office to enrich her foundation.
How bout some evidence for all your bs? BTW, the foundation is a great charity which does it's good works ITSELF, with no evidence of corruption, dupe.
Appearance of conflict of interest. That's all you need in politics. The Foundation pays Hillary a salary while taking big donations from foreign heads of state while she was Sec State.
According to the Clinton tax returns, her only salary for the last 15 years have come only from the federal goverment for her work as a US Senator and Secretary of State.
Tax History Project -- Presidential Tax Returns
Then how did she become a hundred millionaire?
The family net worth is about 110 million in 2016.

How was the net worth achieved? Lots of ways. First, the president receives a retirement equal to that of a current cabinet member which is approximately $200,000/yr plus a stipend of 96,000 for office expenses, staff, etc. Hillary Clinton's salary was $165,000 as Senator and $186,000 as Secretary of State. So it is safe to say that Clinton income from retirement and salaries over years are about $400,000 to to $500,000 a year. To this you can add about $100,000/yr in book royalties. However, the biggest contribution to their wealth has been speaking engagements which run about $200,000 each. A dozen or so speaking engagements a year during the time they weren't employees by the government is about normal. There are also consulting fees which are less than speaking fees but have added millions over the years.

If you are really interest in their real income, then all you have to do is look at their tax returns. They are all joint returns. Hillary has released their joint returns from 2000 to 2014. Bill has released their joint returns from 1992 to 1999. In total you have all the tax returns for the Clinton for last 23 years available online.

Hillary Clinton as well as being one of the most recognized women in the world, is also one of the most documented. There are literally hundreds of legal documents containing information about the Clintons available on line. In addition there are thousands of non-partisan articles and books available. Thus, you have a huge store of information about the Clinton which will give a good picture of their lives, accomplishments and failings. It also gives those that wish to vilify or glamorize the Clintons plenty of factual information to twist into the fiction of their choice.

Tax History Project -- Presidential Tax Returns

I like how you're snarky about me calling them a hundred millionaire when your own stat was they have a hundred million ...

The only thing you listed that remotely gets them there are speaking engagements. You make it sound like those were for turtles or information. They were for ... government ... Slick and Hillary were selling influence. No one pays a quarter of a million to hear your view on turtles.

The Clintons had virtually no private experience and Slick had none. It was all paid for by taxpayers one way or another. If they were Republicans, you'd suddenly get that
Slick Willie and Crooked Hillary are subjects of a conspiracy holding then down according to Flopper. Flopper how can we free Slick Willie and Crooked Hillary so they are more free to conspire against humanity you mental? :p
Yeah, I was way wrong on that one. The fact checker must have been broken. I still believe there is a conflict of interest when she's affiliated with a family foundation that pays members of her immediate family and she's in a position of immense power, but I was wrong about the salary thing. That sucks. Oh well, even the most rare of things happen sometimes.
Your facts are all wrong, dupe.
Check them out. You'll find that you are, indeed, quite incorrect.
I have, dumbass. Example? LOL, dupe.
Give me an example. You say they're all wrong, it should be easy to find a bundle where I was wrong and didn't acknowledge it.
Every time you try a fact, it's wrong. Went back and looked...fact free bs. Normally you just parrot total bs lol. You've got plenty of company. About 70% of the GOP. Ignorant brainwashed loudmouths...
So, IOW, no examples.
Your facts are all wrong, dupe.
Check them out. You'll find that you are, indeed, quite incorrect.
I have, dumbass. Example? LOL, dupe.
Give me an example. You say they're all wrong, it should be easy to find a bundle where I was wrong and didn't acknowledge it.
Every time you try a fact, it's wrong. Went back and looked...fact free bs. Normally you just parrot total bs lol. You've got plenty of company. About 70% of the GOP. Ignorant brainwashed loudmouths...
So, IOW, no examples.
You said Hillary was paid by the Foundation . Wrong.
Your facts are all wrong, dupe.
Check them out. You'll find that you are, indeed, quite incorrect.
I have, dumbass. Example? LOL, dupe.
Give me an example. You say they're all wrong, it should be easy to find a bundle where I was wrong and didn't acknowledge it.
Every time you try a fact, it's wrong. Went back and looked...fact free bs. Normally you just parrot total bs lol. You've got plenty of company. About 70% of the GOP. Ignorant brainwashed loudmouths...
So, IOW, no examples.
Nope. Went back sixty posts, nothing but bs from you. All based on crap "facts" you don't relate. Don't blame you, dupe.
Here's some lies you probably believe. Discuss lol. Obama had control of congress for 2 years, his policies caused a slow recovery, ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:
Check them out. You'll find that you are, indeed, quite incorrect.
I have, dumbass. Example? LOL, dupe.
Give me an example. You say they're all wrong, it should be easy to find a bundle where I was wrong and didn't acknowledge it.
Every time you try a fact, it's wrong. Went back and looked...fact free bs. Normally you just parrot total bs lol. You've got plenty of company. About 70% of the GOP. Ignorant brainwashed loudmouths...
So, IOW, no examples.
You said Hillary was paid by the Foundation . Wrong.

Perhaps you missed the part where I acknowledged my error?

Check them out. You'll find that you are, indeed, quite incorrect.
I have, dumbass. Example? LOL, dupe.
Give me an example. You say they're all wrong, it should be easy to find a bundle where I was wrong and didn't acknowledge it.
Every time you try a fact, it's wrong. Went back and looked...fact free bs. Normally you just parrot total bs lol. You've got plenty of company. About 70% of the GOP. Ignorant brainwashed loudmouths...
So, IOW, no examples.
Nope. Went back sixty posts, nothing but bs from you. All based on crap "facts" you don't relate. Don't blame you, dupe.
So, IOW, no examples. You're basically at this point reduced to something along the lines of, "Well, you're always wrong. I can't find where, but I said it and now I have to keep repeating it because I can't admit I was wrong, and just, well, STUFF!!!"
Well, she has been smart enough to keep Republican attack dogs chasing their tail and accomplishing nothing for over two decades.
So then going from a sure thing to a statistical tie and a 57% poll of being untrustworthy is smart?

That's some pretty bizarre shit! But hang on to that, it's fun to watch.
Well, she has been smart enough to keep Republican attack dogs chasing their tail and accomplishing nothing for over two decades.
So then going from a sure thing to a statistical tie and a 57% poll of being untrustworthy is smart?

That's some pretty bizarre shit! But hang on to that, it's fun to watch.
So 57% are dupes on one level or another. 25 years of bs/lies strikes deep when you're ignorant or careless...
I have, dumbass. Example? LOL, dupe.
Give me an example. You say they're all wrong, it should be easy to find a bundle where I was wrong and didn't acknowledge it.
Every time you try a fact, it's wrong. Went back and looked...fact free bs. Normally you just parrot total bs lol. You've got plenty of company. About 70% of the GOP. Ignorant brainwashed loudmouths...
So, IOW, no examples.
You said Hillary was paid by the Foundation . Wrong.

Perhaps you missed the part where I acknowledged my error?

I have, dumbass. Example? LOL, dupe.
Give me an example. You say they're all wrong, it should be easy to find a bundle where I was wrong and didn't acknowledge it.
Every time you try a fact, it's wrong. Went back and looked...fact free bs. Normally you just parrot total bs lol. You've got plenty of company. About 70% of the GOP. Ignorant brainwashed loudmouths...
So, IOW, no examples.
Nope. Went back sixty posts, nothing but bs from you. All based on crap "facts" you don't relate. Don't blame you, dupe.
So, IOW, no examples. You're basically at this point reduced to something along the lines of, "Well, you're always wrong. I can't find where, but I said it and now I have to keep repeating it because I can't admit I was wrong, and just, well, STUFF!!!"
The only fact you presented in 60 posts was wrong. Brainwashed GOPers are all like that. They love truthiness. Shove your stupid assignment.

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