Hillary - One of the Most Honest Politictians in Washington Today

What did Hillary ever do to "fight" against Russian aggression? I must have missed that, Charwin! Putin is about as scared of Hillary as he is of Barry.
"Barry"? I see you are STILL butt hurt over the last TWO Presidential elections lol

It's either Barry or "Urkel".
Know what I mean? I called him Barry before he got elected because I thought he was an empty suit...and eight years later I'm still calling him Barry because he proved me right.
and he, like Sanders was right about Iraq you idiot :thup:

I've got a feeling that Trump and I had the same thoughts about Iraq...namely that getting rid of Saddam was a good thing...but trying to stay in Iraq to regime build was a bad thing. I would have left the Iraqi military in place to keep order in the country and then departed with a warning to whoever became the next leader of Iraq to be a responsible member of the world community or we'd be back again.

In your opinion did Coalition Provisional Authority Order No. 1, barring members of the Baath Party from all but low level government posts and Coalition Provisional Authority Order No. 2, disbanding the Iraqi army originate in the office of the president or the vice president or...?

And-----and are the exact same unemployed Iraqi young men that Coalition Provisional Authority Orders No. 1 & 2 humiliated, the exact same people that became the first ISIL recruits?

Who Disbanded the Iraqi Army?
By Fred Kaplan

It's strangely appropriate that, just as the debate gets under way over whether the Iraq war's next phase will be its last, another scuffle has broken out over how the U.S. occupation went so badly from the outset.

The dispute concerns what many regard as the Bush administration's single biggest mistake in the first few months after Saddam Hussein's ouster—the order, in May 2003, to disband the Iraqi army.

It was a move that put 250,000 young Iraqi men out of a job, out on the streets, angry, and armed—and all but guaranteed the violent chaos to come.



With all due respect...the Iraqi insurgency was all but guaranteed by disbanding the Iraqi army...but ISIS is a whole different animal and grew out of the mess in Syria which had very little to do with Iraq. Did members of the Iraqi insurgency subsequently join ISIS? Yes, definitely...but ISIS was also drawing in recruits from around the world in massive numbers because it had been allowed to move from Syria into Iraq and conquer large territories there which gave them a base of operations and financial resources that they never would have had if Obama hadn't prematurely withdrawn US troops from Iraq. The reason that ISIS became a powerful force isn't because of an error in policy by the Bush Administration years ago...they became a powerful force because of a serious error in policy by the Obama Administration.
Is it a lie if a politician promises to do something if elected and does not do it?
That depends - did the politician do everything within their power to keep that promise but forces beyond their control prevented it? Then no.

If they didn't try to keep those promises - then yes.
So if Congress does not honor the president's promise, it's OK, and not a lie? So Trump can then promise a great wall and if it can't be done it was just a campaign promise. We can carry that premise on out to what?
Congress has no responsibility to "honor" the promises made by someone running for president. For that matter, Congress has no responsibility to "honor" the promises made by other Congressmen while running for office. Each individual is responsible for working to honor the claims they made during their own campaign. You seem like a good dude....but you say some bizarre things.

As far as Trump - he's an idiot. He believes the presidency will be like his companies - where he just tells people what to do and they listen. That is why he's saying what will be done instead of the more intelligent phrase of "what I plan to accomplish". But that being said - he does have control over the defense budget (Congress sets the budget, but he decides how it gets spent). If he deems the wall is more important to defense than say another F-22 Raptor (which is $1 billion each) then the wall gets built no matter what Congress wants or says.
I have no idea. And neither do you. The fact is - WMD's were found in Iraq.


The weapons were not part of massive, active stockpiles that the United States set out to destroy by waging a war that would last eight years, take thousands of lives and leave Iraq in chaos. They were “remnants of long-abandoned programs, built in close collaboration with the West,” Mr. Chivers writes.
Uhm I don't know, maybe just suppose maybe they bring up the testimony of Sadam himself as he spoke to a CIA agent waiting to be hanged?

Don't tell me you never read that?

No I haven't. Link please...
If the Hillary is-a-crook attack doesn't work then maybe Republicans ought to change their Hillary-attack to Hillary's health or come up with something even more startling. Anyone have some ideas?
I have no idea. And neither do you. The fact is - WMD's were found in Iraq.


The weapons were not part of massive, active stockpiles that the United States set out to destroy by waging a war that would last eight years, take thousands of lives and leave Iraq in chaos. They were “remnants of long-abandoned programs, built in close collaboration with the West,” Mr. Chivers writes.
I think it's absurd to say "long abandoned" (anyone who thinks that Saddam Hussien would "abandon" his chemical weapons programs is kidding themselves). The entire problem with this issue is that the majority of the minions on the left are ignorant and believed that "WMD's" meant nuclear weapons only. And the media on the left played into that ignorance for their agenda.

There were indisputably WMD's in Iraq. Whether the types and the amount warranted going into Iraq over is up to each voter to decide for themselves.
If the Hillary is-a-crook attack doesn't work then maybe Republicans ought to change their Hillary-attack to Hillary's health or come up with something even more startling. Anyone have some ideas?
Yes - I do! It's something very radical to the left and will most likely be rejected but my idea is this: tell the truth. Gasp! Imagine that. What a concept.
If the Hillary is-a-crook attack doesn't work then maybe Republicans ought to change their Hillary-attack to Hillary's health or come up with something even more startling. Anyone have some ideas?
Yes - I do! It's something very radical to the left and will most likely be rejected but my idea is this: tell the truth. Gasp! Imagine that. What a concept.
Who decides the truth because it was just announced by a poster that Hillary has Parkinson's,
If the Hillary is-a-crook attack doesn't work then maybe Republicans ought to change their Hillary-attack to Hillary's health or come up with something even more startling. Anyone have some ideas?
Yes - I do! It's something very radical to the left and will most likely be rejected but my idea is this: tell the truth. Gasp! Imagine that. What a concept.
Who decides the truth because it was just announced by a poster that Hillary has Parkinson's,
See what I mean? The truth is the truth. It's reality. It's not something someone "decides". You perfectly illustrated the left's view of the truth. It's something to be "decided" on by liberal leaders. There's a word for "deciding" the truth - it's called propaganda.
If the Hillary is-a-crook attack doesn't work then maybe Republicans ought to change their Hillary-attack to Hillary's health or come up with something even more startling. Anyone have some ideas?
Yes - I do! It's something very radical to the left and will most likely be rejected but my idea is this: tell the truth. Gasp! Imagine that. What a concept.
Who decides the truth because it was just announced by a poster that Hillary has Parkinson's,
See what I mean? The truth is the truth. It's reality. It's not something someone "decides". You perfectly illustrated the left's view of the truth. It's something to be "decided" on by liberal leaders. There's a word for "deciding" the truth - it's called propaganda.
well said.
If the Hillary is-a-crook attack doesn't work then maybe Republicans ought to change their Hillary-attack to Hillary's health or come up with something even more startling. Anyone have some ideas?
Yes - I do! It's something very radical to the left and will most likely be rejected but my idea is this: tell the truth. Gasp! Imagine that. What a concept.
Who decides the truth because it was just announced by a poster that Hillary has Parkinson's,
See what I mean? The truth is the truth. It's reality. It's not something someone "decides". You perfectly illustrated the left's view of the truth. It's something to be "decided" on by liberal leaders. There's a word for "deciding" the truth - it's called propaganda.
So Hillary does or doesn't have Parkinson's?
If the Hillary is-a-crook attack doesn't work then maybe Republicans ought to change their Hillary-attack to Hillary's health or come up with something even more startling. Anyone have some ideas?
Yes - I do! It's something very radical to the left and will most likely be rejected but my idea is this: tell the truth. Gasp! Imagine that. What a concept.
Who decides the truth because it was just announced by a poster that Hillary has Parkinson's,
See what I mean? The truth is the truth. It's reality. It's not something someone "decides". You perfectly illustrated the left's view of the truth. It's something to be "decided" on by liberal leaders. There's a word for "deciding" the truth - it's called propaganda.
So Hillary does or doesn't have Parkinson's?
Why the focus on a single posters claim (one that you have not bothered to cite)? Just make your point.
I wonder if 'ole Hitlery has ever been able to make it through a full day without lying?

Dude you are so funny....... I quoted your post based from your racist disgusting low class behavior about Obama. Are you a racist or not?

You are so funny. Since when Hillary or Obama kiss Putin ass? Obama slap Putin face with crippling economic sanctions. This year he installed missile defense ( EIS ) system in Poland and Romania pointed right at Putin ass. I'm sure you and Trump didn't know that either.

"...racist disgusting low class behavior..." I'm a disgusting, low class, racist because I think Obama's been a lousy President? Interesting concept. Give me one example of my "racist" behavior here on this board! Show me a post I've ever made here that's "racist'.

Stop your tickling me. Start by reading your piss #478 and 504.
Making comments about Obama's presidency is different when you mixed with your hatred and calling names. That is your style ......... a low class disgusting racist behavior.
Now you are denying that you are a racist?

Since I'm not a racist I don't feel the need to deny anything! I don't "hate" Barack Obama. I simply don't worship the Obama myth as you do. I didn't find him to be qualified when he was running for President and pointed out exactly WHY I felt that way in numerous posts...none of which were in any way "racist"!

Just for your own edification? I grew up in a very liberal college town in Western Massachusetts where I played with black friends, had black neighbors, was taught by black teachers and was raised in a household that didn't tolerate either racism or sexism. One of my ancestors was a white officer in the 54th Massachusetts Infantry a black Civil War regiment. He lost an arm during the assault on Fort Wagner in South Carolina. So kindly take your charge of "racism" and blow it out your ass! Playing "the race card" is an act of intellectual cowardice generally employed by those who don't have an intelligent comment to make.

Blah blah blah your full of bullshit..... Now you are calling Barack Obama. You make me laugh dude. Try again.

That's your intelligent comment? "Blah blah blah your full of bullshit"? That's it? The bullshit that being shoveled on this string is by you. You resorted to accusing others of "racism" because you didn't have a viable come back. It's what others of your intellectual capabilities...like Franco and R-Derp...do here when they paint themselves into a corner and don't know how else to respond.

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