Hillary Out in 2016. Who Will Dems Run?

It's amusing how these Bolsheviks scream that "this means nothing," yet their hair on fire melt downs ensure that everyone knows of it.

Can you imagine if Sarah Palin had lied and said she was an Eskimo because her granpappy told her she had Eskimo Cheekbones?

She doesn't have to. Somebody did a fake skit about her on Saturday Night Live and now the haters believe she said she can see Russia from her front porch. They'll believe anything.

Hey you're right --- Geography! With a special focus on head-rearing!

As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where do they go, it's Alaska?


Over Europe actually, where Moscow's located. He wouldn't be taking the long way, that would be major jet lag too.

That's why I want to enroll in the Palinology Geography coarse. It's a whole 'nother world. :thup:

Can you imagine if Sarah Palin had lied and said she was an Eskimo because her granpappy told her she had Eskimo Cheekbones?

NOW you've done it! Huffer is already in the middle of a hair on fire melt down - he'll be shrieking PALIN in 5,4,3,2,1.....

What's funny is a bunch of people who voted for a ticket with Joe Biden on it are calling Sarah Palin dumb.

Can you imagine if Sarah Palin had lied and said she was an Eskimo because her granpappy told her she had Eskimo Cheekbones?

She doesn't have to. Somebody did a fake skit about her on Saturday Night Live and now the haters believe she said she can see Russia from her front porch. They'll believe anything.

Hey you're right --- Geography! With a special focus on head-rearing!

As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where do they go, it's Alaska?


Over Europe actually, where Moscow's located. He wouldn't be taking the long way, that would be major jet lag too.

That's why I want to enroll in the Palinology Geography coarse. It's a whole 'nother world. :thup:


Probably to a chiropractor after all that head-rearing.
She doesn't have to. Somebody did a fake skit about her on Saturday Night Live and now the haters believe she said she can see Russia from her front porch. They'll believe anything.

Hey you're right --- Geography! With a special focus on head-rearing!

As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where do they go, it's Alaska?


Over Europe actually, where Moscow's located. He wouldn't be taking the long way, that would be major jet lag too.

That's why I want to enroll in the Palinology Geography coarse. It's a whole 'nother world. :thup:


Probably to a chiropractor after all that head-rearing.


Obama needed to collude with the moderator, Candy to survive his debate against Romney
As if you can hold Romney up as your best and brightest. Obama didn't need help, Romney and his notebook full of women lost that all by himself.

oh hell no Romney was only slightly better than the Kenyan he was running against.

McCain was literally the worst Republican candidate in my lifetime and I despise the entire Bush family with a passion that simply will not go away

But for you to talk about "stupid candidates" when Dems run people like Barack 57 States, or John War Criminal Kerry or Gore is just laughable

The few talking points there are about them aside, the Dems really do run the smarter candidates when compared to Republicans.

I'm saying this as neutrally as I possibly can.

Obama may be the dumbest person to ever sit in the White House, Dubya looks like Newton in comparison

I think it's spelled "Newman" bud....

Looks just like him. What, me worry? :)
It's amusing how these Bolsheviks scream that "this means nothing," yet their hair on fire melt downs ensure that everyone knows of it.

Can you imagine if Sarah Palin had lied and said she was an Eskimo because her granpappy told her she had Eskimo Cheekbones?

She doesn't have to. Somebody did a fake skit about her on Saturday Night Live and now the haters believe she said she can see Russia from her front porch. They'll believe anything.

Hey you're right --- Geography! With a special focus on head-rearing!

As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where do they go, it's Alaska?


Over Europe actually, where Moscow's located. He wouldn't be taking the long way, that would be major jet lag too.

That's why I want to enroll in the Palinology Geography coarse. It's a whole 'nother world. :thup:

Would that be one taught by Sarah Palin or by Tina Fey? It seems that liberals can't tell the difference.
Can you imagine if Sarah Palin had lied and said she was an Eskimo because her granpappy told her she had Eskimo Cheekbones?

She doesn't have to. Somebody did a fake skit about her on Saturday Night Live and now the haters believe she said she can see Russia from her front porch. They'll believe anything.

Hey you're right --- Geography! With a special focus on head-rearing!

As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where do they go, it's Alaska?


Over Europe actually, where Moscow's located. He wouldn't be taking the long way, that would be major jet lag too.

That's why I want to enroll in the Palinology Geography coarse. It's a whole 'nother world. :thup:

Would that be one taught by Sarah Palin or by Tina Fey? It seems that liberals can't tell the difference.

That's true. Tina didn't even have to write a script.

Pögochen: 3
Transi-Frank: 0

Statist, can you really score fairly - with your head up your ass like that? :dunno:

And Captain Butthurt checks in, apparently before coffee.
I used to think that you were a gibbering idiot. Now, after reading your latest posts, I have a much lower opinion of you. If ignorance were a disability, you'd get the full pension.

You should read Pothead's posts then. A whole 'nother universe of dumbfuckery awaits.

But thanks for the review, it tells me I'm doing something right.
Pögochen: 3
Transi-Frank: 0

Statist, can you really score fairly - with your head up your ass like that? :dunno:

And Captain Butthurt checks in, apparently before coffee.
I used to think that you were a gibbering idiot. Now, after reading your latest posts, I have a much lower opinion of you. If ignorance were a disability, you'd get the full pension.

You should read Pothead's posts then. A whole 'nother universe of dumbfuckery awaits.

But thanks for the review, it tells me I'm doing something right.
Your posts are the world's greatest proof of reincarnation; no one could get that dumb in just one lifetime.

Keep typing. Maybe, someday, you'll randomly type something semi-intelligent.

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