Hillary Out in 2016. Who Will Dems Run?

Even Biden is smarter than your guys.

Biden was a long-time member of the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary, which he chaired from 1987 until 1995 and on which he served as ranking minority member from 1981 until 1987 and again from 1995 until 1997. In this capacity, he dealt with issues related to drug policy, crime prevention, and civil liberties.

While chairman, Biden presided over the two most contentious U.S. Supreme Court confirmation hearings in history, those for Robert Bork in 1987 and Clarence Thomas in 1991. In the Bork hearings, Biden stated his opposition to Bork soon after the nomination, reversing an approval in an interview of a hypothetical Bork nomination he had made the previous year and angering conservatives who thought he could not conduct the hearings dispassionately. At the close, Biden won praise for conducting the proceedings fairly and with good humor and courage, as his 1988 presidential campaign collapsed in the middle of the hearings. Rejecting some of the less intellectually honest arguments that other Bork opponents were making, Biden framed his discussion around the belief that the U.S. Constitution provides rights to liberty and privacy that extend beyond those explicitly enumerated in the text, and that Bork's strong originalism was ideologically incompatible with that view. Bork's nomination was rejected in the committee by a 9–5 vote, and then rejected in the full Senate by a 58–42 margin.

Now, I'm not going to sit around and get the TeePee pileon. Go find someone who cares what you think.

It's telling that you present the acts of a mindless thug with pride.

The "Borking" of the nation is the most shameful political act in in history. When the filthy fucks of the DNC Borked America, I first recognized the party for what it is, a cancer on civil society.

Yet here you are, touting it as Biden's greatest accomplishment.
Republicans might have some not-sharpest candidates but will never overcome Democrats leadership in favouring the brain dead. Can't you just see Hillary forgetting how to climb the stairs to the anointment platform? Easy to picture....she has forgotten SO much! Or is she just lying?
Everyone knows it is the Republican party that has the most stupid candidates. Have you not seen the debates over the last 15 years?

Obama needed to collude with the moderator, Candy to survive his debate against Romney
As if you can hold Romney up as your best and brightest. Obama didn't need help, Romney and his notebook full of women lost that all by himself.

oh hell no Romney was only slightly better than the Kenyan he was running against.

McCain was literally the worst Republican candidate in my lifetime and I despise the entire Bush family with a passion that simply will not go away

But for you to talk about "stupid candidates" when Dems run people like Barack 57 States, or John War Criminal Kerry or Gore is just laughable

The few talking points there are about them aside, the Dems really do run the smarter candidates when compared to Republicans.

I'm saying this as neutrally as I possibly can.

Obama may be the dumbest person to ever sit in the White House, Dubya looks like Newton in comparison

I think it's spelled "Newman" bud....

You really shouldn't threaten people on a message board. If you know things about people, you can bet they know things about you.

I didn't threaten you at all. I stated facts and you are just naturally nervous. I like you, but I hate your liberalness. It's going to make you very lonely you can come to one of my local Columbus, OH republican centers any time and find me any time.
I have said many times that my city is Toledo. The way you said that sounded threatening but if you say it wasn't, I will take you at your word.

I just went by your profile location status. You said NW Ohio, so I'm like Toledo! You and me represent the true 50/50 split of our nation here in Ohio and who will win the WH in 2016. We are all that matters. However, I'm sad to say it also means it will never work out between us.
No. Ohio is one of 5, possibly 6 key battleground states that decide presidential elections: Florida, Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina, Colored, possibly Iowa. The candidate who wins the majority of these true swing states wins the GE. Obama won all of them in 2008 and 5 of 6 in 2012. It's simple math.

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Republicans won gubernatorial and senatorial elections in Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, Colored (sic) and Iowa, some by landslides. Obama, Holder, Sharpton and company have taken the wind out of the liberal agenda.

It was a midterm, stupid. Whichever party doesn't have the WH always wins midterms.
Obama needed to collude with the moderator, Candy to survive his debate against Romney
As if you can hold Romney up as your best and brightest. Obama didn't need help, Romney and his notebook full of women lost that all by himself.

oh hell no Romney was only slightly better than the Kenyan he was running against.

McCain was literally the worst Republican candidate in my lifetime and I despise the entire Bush family with a passion that simply will not go away

But for you to talk about "stupid candidates" when Dems run people like Barack 57 States, or John War Criminal Kerry or Gore is just laughable

The few talking points there are about them aside, the Dems really do run the smarter candidates when compared to Republicans.

I'm saying this as neutrally as I possibly can.

Obama may be the dumbest person to ever sit in the White House, Dubya looks like Newton in comparison

I think it's spelled "Newman" bud....


Obama, no idea at all about our history, tradition or how many states in the USA rounded to the nearest 10

I've always wondered why R's are so obsessed with Liberal sex lives. I guess it's because they aren't getting any. Sexual repression is unhealthy.
How are they obsessed with it? And they aren't reproducing? Probably at about the same speed, they just don't throw their babies in the garbage. That's the dirty little secret on why progressives must always be in the recruiting mode.

As if you can hold Romney up as your best and brightest. Obama didn't need help, Romney and his notebook full of women lost that all by himself.

oh hell no Romney was only slightly better than the Kenyan he was running against.

McCain was literally the worst Republican candidate in my lifetime and I despise the entire Bush family with a passion that simply will not go away

But for you to talk about "stupid candidates" when Dems run people like Barack 57 States, or John War Criminal Kerry or Gore is just laughable

The few talking points there are about them aside, the Dems really do run the smarter candidates when compared to Republicans.

I'm saying this as neutrally as I possibly can.

Obama may be the dumbest person to ever sit in the White House, Dubya looks like Newton in comparison

I think it's spelled "Newman" bud....


Obama, no idea at all about our history, tradition or how many states in the USA rounded to the nearest 10


I see dead people. I see brain dead people all the time. In fact, I see brain dead people right on this very forum.
What did Bill do now?
Nothing. This is just a diversion from what Repubs in congress wont be getting done.

Who needs a diversion.

Not doing anything is just what we want.

That's why we got 9 more seats in the senate.

Ask Kay Hagan what happens when you do something.

Ask David Koch you mean. Hell, we had one of the Kochers on this board (and 15 others) shilling against Hagan. And he doesn't even live here-- he's in Florida. And he admitted to it when I busted his ass.
Thanks for adding yet another post! If you keep saying how nuts it makes people, maybe we can push this bitch to 50 pages! :)

It's amusing how these Bolsheviks scream that "this means nothing," yet their hair on fire melt downs ensure that everyone knows of it.

Can you imagine if Sarah Palin had lied and said she was an Eskimo because her granpappy told her she had Eskimo Cheekbones?
oh hell no Romney was only slightly better than the Kenyan he was running against.

McCain was literally the worst Republican candidate in my lifetime and I despise the entire Bush family with a passion that simply will not go away

But for you to talk about "stupid candidates" when Dems run people like Barack 57 States, or John War Criminal Kerry or Gore is just laughable

The few talking points there are about them aside, the Dems really do run the smarter candidates when compared to Republicans.

I'm saying this as neutrally as I possibly can.

Obama may be the dumbest person to ever sit in the White House, Dubya looks like Newton in comparison

I think it's spelled "Newman" bud....


Obama, no idea at all about our history, tradition or how many states in the USA rounded to the nearest 10


I see dead people. I see brain dead people all the time. In fact, I see brain dead people right on this very forum.

Thanks for adding yet another post! If you keep saying how nuts it makes people, maybe we can push this bitch to 50 pages! :)

It's amusing how these Bolsheviks scream that "this means nothing," yet their hair on fire melt downs ensure that everyone knows of it.

Can you imagine if Sarah Palin had lied and said she was an Eskimo because her granpappy told her she had Eskimo Cheekbones?

Hmm... let's have us a look --


If she did, would you say "she lied"?
Thanks for adding yet another post! If you keep saying how nuts it makes people, maybe we can push this bitch to 50 pages! :)

It's amusing how these Bolsheviks scream that "this means nothing," yet their hair on fire melt downs ensure that everyone knows of it.

Can you imagine if Sarah Palin had lied and said she was an Eskimo because her granpappy told her she had Eskimo Cheekbones?

Hmm... let's have us a look --


If she did, would you say "she lied"?

Well she was never a sad, lonely, desperate housewife like LW and therefore had no need to invent a fictional heritage in order to advance herself.

Yeah, I can see you agreeing with Palin if she used a bogus Eskimo ancestor to get herself into an Ivy League school and teaching position.
Thanks for adding yet another post! If you keep saying how nuts it makes people, maybe we can push this bitch to 50 pages! :)

It's amusing how these Bolsheviks scream that "this means nothing," yet their hair on fire melt downs ensure that everyone knows of it.

Can you imagine if Sarah Palin had lied and said she was an Eskimo because her granpappy told her she had Eskimo Cheekbones?

Hmm... let's have us a look --


If she did, would you say "she lied"?

Well she was never a sad, lonely, desperate housewife like LW and therefore had no need to invent a fictional heritage in order to advance herself.

Yeah, I can see you agreeing with Palin if she used a bogus Eskimo ancestor to get herself into an Ivy League school and teaching position.

But she didn't, nor did Warren.
Of course, feel free to post proof to the contrary...

What an image though -- imagine Sarah Palin teaching at Princeton...

Whaddaya suppose her uh, discipline would be?
I'm thinkin' English doncha know. Political science would prolly be too much to hope for.
Last edited:
Thanks for adding yet another post! If you keep saying how nuts it makes people, maybe we can push this bitch to 50 pages! :)

It's amusing how these Bolsheviks scream that "this means nothing," yet their hair on fire melt downs ensure that everyone knows of it.

Can you imagine if Sarah Palin had lied and said she was an Eskimo because her granpappy told her she had Eskimo Cheekbones?

Hmm... let's have us a look --


If she did, would you say "she lied"?

Well she was never a sad, lonely, desperate housewife like LW and therefore had no need to invent a fictional heritage in order to advance herself.

Yeah, I can see you agreeing with Palin if she used a bogus Eskimo ancestor to get herself into an Ivy League school and teaching position.

But she didn't, nor did Warren.
Of course, feel free to post proof to the contrary...

What an image though -- imagine Sarah Palin teaching at Princeton...

Whaddaya suppose her uh, discipline would be?

Liez Warren said she was Cherokee
It's amusing how these Bolsheviks scream that "this means nothing," yet their hair on fire melt downs ensure that everyone knows of it.

Can you imagine if Sarah Palin had lied and said she was an Eskimo because her granpappy told her she had Eskimo Cheekbones?

Hmm... let's have us a look --


If she did, would you say "she lied"?

Well she was never a sad, lonely, desperate housewife like LW and therefore had no need to invent a fictional heritage in order to advance herself.

Yeah, I can see you agreeing with Palin if she used a bogus Eskimo ancestor to get herself into an Ivy League school and teaching position.

But she didn't, nor did Warren.
Of course, feel free to post proof to the contrary...

What an image though -- imagine Sarah Palin teaching at Princeton...

Whaddaya suppose her uh, discipline would be?

Liez Warren said she was Cherokee

And Lenape.
So why do you hate Cherokees but not Lenapes?
Can you imagine if Sarah Palin had lied and said she was an Eskimo because her granpappy told her she had Eskimo Cheekbones?

Hmm... let's have us a look --


If she did, would you say "she lied"?

Well she was never a sad, lonely, desperate housewife like LW and therefore had no need to invent a fictional heritage in order to advance herself.

Yeah, I can see you agreeing with Palin if she used a bogus Eskimo ancestor to get herself into an Ivy League school and teaching position.

But she didn't, nor did Warren.
Of course, feel free to post proof to the contrary...

What an image though -- imagine Sarah Palin teaching at Princeton...

Whaddaya suppose her uh, discipline would be?

Liez Warren said she was Cherokee

And Lenape.
So why do you hate Cherokees but not Lenapes?

Pögochen: 3
Transi-Frank: 0
Thanks for adding yet another post! If you keep saying how nuts it makes people, maybe we can push this bitch to 50 pages! :)

It's amusing how these Bolsheviks scream that "this means nothing," yet their hair on fire melt downs ensure that everyone knows of it.

Can you imagine if Sarah Palin had lied and said she was an Eskimo because her granpappy told her she had Eskimo Cheekbones?

She doesn't have to. Somebody did a fake skit about her on Saturday Night Live and now the haters believe she said she can see Russia from her front porch. They'll believe anything.

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