Hillary Out in 2016. Who Will Dems Run?

The bold say I did. I bet you are nervous because I know which city you live in, and you're local news paper, and I just made a fool out of your liberal agenda. More to come stay tuned.
You really shouldn't threaten people on a message board. If you know things about people, you can bet they know things about you.

I didn't threaten you at all. I stated facts and you are just naturally nervous. I like you, but I hate your liberalness. It's going to make you very lonely you can come to one of my local Columbus, OH republican centers any time and find me any time.
I have said many times that my city is Toledo. The way you said that sounded threatening but if you say it wasn't, I will take you at your word.

I just went by your profile location status. You said NW Ohio, so I'm like Toledo! You and me represent the true 50/50 split of our nation here in Ohio and who will win the WH in 2016. We are all that matters. However, I'm sad to say it also means it will never work out between us.
No. Ohio is one of 5, possibly 6 key battleground states that decide presidential elections: Florida, Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina, Colored, possibly Iowa. The candidate who wins the majority of these true swing states wins the GE. Obama won all of them in 2008 and 5 of 6 in 2012. It's simple math.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Republicans won gubernatorial and senatorial elections in Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, Colored (sic) and Iowa, some by landslides. Obama, Holder, Sharpton and company have taken the wind out of the liberal agenda.
Bookmarked. Thank you for the great gift Sarah! It's better than those condoms you libs usually give me. I mean I get a lot. I wondered why you people wouldn't keep any for yourselves, but....... I realized a wile ago that since you libs stick to anal you don't need them.
Yeah. Plrase let me know which week the Enquirer gets Big Bill on this, okay?

I'll write the Toledo Blade news paper right away they'll post whatever I give them. ;)
You really think you weild some power, huh?

I know companies that are vulnerable and desperate and I take advantage.

Example - I promised to pay a company $120.00 for a dating service that was ran out of an office. I had money to waste so I'm like what the hell I need a serious woman, right? However, i saw there was a small selection of women to choose to date. That told me the company was in trouble. btw.. the money was to be paid at a later date. I decided to hold out and there was no contract signed. I waited and waited. They threatened collections and i didn't care, because knew that they would lose money anyways if they sent it to collections, and they called me back 1 week later after that threat and told me I could pay $20.00 as payment in full. BOOM $100 in savings.

I know what companies are thinking and their rules and how they negotiate before I even call them giving me ALL the leverage. I'm a genius. :)
You need to pay to get a date with a woman. .....

Ok. ....

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

A serious one. That's how fucked up my generation is. It's a legit problem. Fox news was talking about how the number of Married couple are rapidly declining. You should look into it it's a national problem.
The bold say I did. I bet you are nervous because I know which city you live in, and you're local news paper, and I just made a fool out of your liberal agenda. More to come stay tuned.
You really shouldn't threaten people on a message board. If you know things about people, you can bet they know things about you.

I didn't threaten you at all. I stated facts and you are just naturally nervous. I like you, but I hate your liberalness. It's going to make you very lonely you can come to one of my local Columbus, OH republican centers any time and find me any time.
I have said many times that my city is Toledo. The way you said that sounded threatening but if you say it wasn't, I will take you at your word.

I just went by your profile location status. You said NW Ohio, so I'm like Toledo! You and me represent the true 50/50 split of our nation here in Ohio and who will win the WH in 2016. We are all that matters. However, I'm sad to say it also means it will never work out between us.
No. Ohio is one of 5, possibly 6 key battleground states that decide presidential elections: Florida, Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina, Colored, possibly Iowa. The candidate who wins the majority of these true swing states wins the GE. Obama won all of them in 2008 and 5 of 6 in 2012. It's simple math.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Nope. Can't win Presidency as a GOPer without Ohio.
Sarah, this topic must be to depressing for you. What is your favorite movie of all time? It's acceptable question since the rest of the board is passed out drunk right now. I'm going to watch a movie and I can't decide what to watch. However, which ever one you pick I will watch on Vudu on my smart TV. Ok? :)
Prince of Tides

I can't that Child rape scene is too much and I can't stomach it. I like the actors and Barbara strisand in that movie but I just can't. Plus that guy who plays the violin is always a dick in all his roles.
It's the most beautifully written book, I loved Nick Nolte narrating the movie and the scenery in the movie is gorg. You're right, there are some real moments but generally, my favorite movie.

Recently, I loved The Judge and Gone Girl.

Okay, did they put this thread in the FZ yet?

:puke3: .... .:puke3::puke3:
Bookmarked. Thank you for the great gift Sarah! It's better than those condoms you libs usually give me. I mean I get a lot. I wondered why you people wouldn't keep any for yourselves, but....... I realized a wile ago that since you libs stick to anal you don't need them.
Yeah. Plrase let me know which week the Enquirer gets Big Bill on this, okay?

I'll write the Toledo Blade news paper right away they'll post whatever I give them. ;)
You really think you weild some power, huh?

I know companies that are vulnerable and desperate and I take advantage.

Example - I promised to pay a company $120.00 for a dating service that was ran out of an office. I had money to waste so I'm like what the hell I need a serious woman, right? However, i saw there was a small selection of women to choose to date. That told me the company was in trouble. btw.. the money was to be paid at a later date. I decided to hold out and there was no contract signed. I waited and waited. They threatened collections and i didn't care, because knew that they would lose money anyways if they sent it to collections, and they called me back 1 week later after that threat and told me I could pay $20.00 as payment in full. BOOM $100 in savings.

I know what companies are thinking and their rules and how they negotiate before I even call them giving me ALL the leverage. I'm a genius. :)
You need to pay to get a date with a woman. .....

Ok. ....

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Scat never has had a date with a women, nor does he want one.
Sarah, this topic must be to depressing for you. What is your favorite movie of all time? It's acceptable question since the rest of the board is passed out drunk right now. I'm going to watch a movie and I can't decide what to watch. However, which ever one you pick I will watch on Vudu on my smart TV. Ok? :)

You should watch this! It always cheers me up when I'm feeling down...and it's your home town!!! :D

Please don't get my hopes like this. :( We all know that Hilary will run and will win the nomination as the standards are different with democrats. It doesn't even matter if Bill Clinton was found raping a 5 year old..It wouldn't stop hiliary and we fucking know it.
He has not been convicted of anything. Except in the minds of those on the right.
If you're guessing I think he was the best president in recent times, yes. I don't get crushes, that's one of the weirdest things Rs say about Dems thinking it's an insult. I love smart Democrats, so sue me.
Hillary is too scary, of course unlike her husband and Obama, she's got a pair of balls. I actually used to like her way, way back, but I think she'd make an even worse commander in chief than our current racist-in-chief. Now all you lefties put down your shields for a minute, try to be rational, and explain why 6 million democrat women
just abandoned your party in the midterms. Why did they do that? Why did democrats themselves hand their own party its ass on a platter? Hmmm?
Not voting in a midterm election is not abandonment.
What did Bill do now?
Nothing. This is just a diversion from what Repubs in congress wont be getting done.

Bookmarked. Thank you for the great gift Sarah! It's better than those condoms you libs usually give me. I mean I get a lot. I wondered why you people wouldn't keep any for yourselves, but....... I realized a wile ago that since you libs stick to anal you don't need them.

I've always wondered why R's are so obsessed with Liberal sex lives. I guess it's because they aren't getting any. Sexual repression is unhealthy.
I've always wondered why R's are so obsessed with Liberal sex lives. I guess it's because they aren't getting any. Sexual repression is unhealthy.
How are they obsessed with it? And they aren't reproducing? Probably at about the same speed, they just don't throw their babies in the garbage. That's the dirty little secret on why progressives must always be in the recruiting mode.
I've always wondered why R's are so obsessed with Liberal sex lives. I guess it's because they aren't getting any. Sexual repression is unhealthy.
How are they obsessed with it? And they aren't reproducing? Probably at about the same speed, they just don't throw their babies in the garbage. That's the dirty little secret on why progressives must always be in the recruiting mode.

Who's "they?" Who is not reproducing?

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