Hillary Outed One Of Our Spys

"... there is nothing that indicates that the email from Blumenthal (who was not a government employee) was marked classified at the time Clinton received it..."

Cheney wasn't prosecuted for overtly outing Plame, so...

Getting prosecuted for someone already outed?
The Right was OK with it when their folks outed Valerie Plame.

Plame was not covert at that time. And one very massive investigation proved nothing except getting Scooter Libby in trouble that was not directly related to the Plame business.
That's the story the Right runs with. Even though it's been proved wrong, they stick with it.
“Unless Tyler was blowing smoke, it’s an unauthorized disclosure of information,” said John Rizzo, a former CIA general counsel.
Oh! never mind

John Rizzo?

He was the legal brains behind Bush's torture programs.

I only know this because I worked for an unrelated guy with the same name who was running for a local office in SF, and the fact that the torture guy was the first Google result caused us some problems.
“Unless Tyler was blowing smoke, it’s an unauthorized disclosure of information,” said John Rizzo, a former CIA general counsel.
Oh! never mind

John Rizzo?

He was the legal brains behind Bush's torture programs.

I only know this because I worked for an unrelated guy with the same name who was running for a local office in SF, and the fact that the torture guy was the first Google result caused us some problems.
My first mention of Rizzo was intended to back up my belief that the OP is silly and the story was as usual full of innuendo and 'look over there, a Clinton!'

I've known more than one John Rizzo. :rofl:

Vig, your videos and large images in posts are more of a distraction than an argument.

but hey,, I guess when words are as much of a challenge for you as they are...


As stated, missing the LOGIC gene, and proves it with almost every post.... Thanks, Danteloin, I couldn't make this shit up, no one would believe me! :321:

The Hildebeast was outed YEARS ago!

Vig, your videos and large images in posts are more of a distraction than an argument.

but hey,, I guess when words are as much of a challenge for you as they are...

and then like the gift that keeps on giving there is no shut off valve on your nonsense...


I enjoy knowing that I anger you so much! Unfortunately, you aren't entertaining enough to concentrate on bitch slapping you...continually!
"... there is nothing that indicates that the email from Blumenthal (who was not a government employee) was marked classified at the time Clinton received it..."

Cheney wasn't prosecuted for overtly outing Plame, so...

That's probably because he didn't...that was Richard Armitage...

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage acknowledged Thursday that he was the source who first revealed the identity of CIA officer Valerie Plame to syndicated columnist Robert Novak back in 2003, touching off a federal investigation.

Armitage told the CBS Evening News that he did so inadvertently.

"I feel terrible," Armitage said. "Every day, I think, I let down the president. I let down the secretary of state. I let down my department, my family, and I also let down Mr. and Mrs. Wilson."

CNN.com - Armitage admits leaking Plame's identity - Sep 8, 2006
"... there is nothing that indicates that the email from Blumenthal (who was not a government employee) was marked classified at the time Clinton received it..."

Cheney wasn't prosecuted for overtly outing Plame, so...

That's probably because he didn't...that was Richard Armitage...

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage acknowledged Thursday that he was the source who first revealed the identity of CIA officer Valerie Plame to syndicated columnist Robert Novak back in 2003, touching off a federal investigation.

Armitage told the CBS Evening News that he did so inadvertently.

"I feel terrible," Armitage said. "Every day, I think, I let down the president. I let down the secretary of state. I let down my department, my family, and I also let down Mr. and Mrs. Wilson."

CNN.com - Armitage admits leaking Plame's identity - Sep 8, 2006
Wow ! Leaving out so much in order to put forth a lie -- that Scooter and others were innocent. Richard A. first mentioned the Plame/Wilson identity, but who verified it? Novak needed and sought or was VOLUNTEERED verification.

Libby was not charged with the leak but with lying repeatedly to the FBI and a grand jury about how he learned about Plame's identity, and what he told reporters about her that spring and summer.

Libby has said that he forgot he learned about Plame from Cheney in June 2003, and that he believed he heard of her for the first time a month later from NBC's Tim Russert. He said he then shared the information with other reporters.


Defense attorneys repeatedly indicated that they planned to call Libby and Cheney as witnesses in the trial. But the two never took the stand; defense lawyers said it was not wise for Libby to testify, and they did not call Cheney.


The count that accused Libby of lying to the FBI about his conversation with then-Time magazine reporter Matthew Cooper troubled jurors for days. They asked the judge five questions about it as they deliberated, and they ultimately acquitted Libby of the charge.

Richard Sauber, Cooper's attorney, said he thinks jurors believed Cooper's testimony that Libby told him about Plame's CIA role in a July 12, 2003, phone call. Sauber cited the jury's decision to convict Libby on the charge of lying to the grand jury about that conversation.

But Sauber attributed the acquittal on the other false-statement charge to the jury's doubts about whether the FBI accurately described Libby's statements about his conversation with Cooper, something defense attorneys effectively called into question.

Libby Found Guilty in CIA Leak Case
Plame affair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

United States v. Libby - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You can't out someone who has already been outed.

"Cooper's article appeared three days after Novak's column was published."

Damage was done...by Armitage.
You can't out someone who has already been outed.

"Cooper's article appeared three days after Novak's column was published."

Damage was done...by Armitage.
You keep conveniently avoiding the fact that 2 -3 people verified what Novak had from Armitage. Without that verification, Plame would not have been outed. This si what Libby was covering up ---

Plame's cover was known by some people. No secret is totally secret. Novak outed Plame with the help of Armitage and the others who verified

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