Hillary Outed One Of Our Spys

This is why Republicans on the Benghazi committee have screwed up this investigation and this is why the media and public no longer give it any credibility.


How the Benghazi Committee Targeted Hillary Clinton

Gowdy Cancelled All Planned Hearings Other Than Hillary Clinton’s After NYT Email Story

Before the New York Times broke its story on March 2 about Hillary’s Clinton’s emails, Gowdy had sent to Committee Members an investigative plan that set out monthly hearings with all the different agencies involved in preparing for and responding to the attacks in Benghazi, including the State Department, the Defense Department, and the Intelligence Community.
After the New York Times’ email story broke on March 2, however, Gowdy completely abandoned this plan and began focusing almost exclusively on Hillary Clinton.
Since then, Gowdy has not held any of the hearings on his schedule, and his upcoming hearing with Hillary Clinton is the only hearing now scheduled.
For example, Gowdy abandoned the hearing he had planned for April with former Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Secretary Leon Panetta.
The Committee has never held even one public hearing with anyone from the Department of Defense. The Committee has held only one hearing with an intelligence official, but it was with the CIA’s head of Legislative Affairs regarding the status of document production.
Gowdy Dropped Key Interviews with Top Defense and Intelligence Leaders

Gowdy also abandoned plans he had made in February to start conducting interviews of the following top defense and intelligence leaders in April: former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, former CIA Director David Petraeus, General Martin Dempsey, and former Director of the National Counterterrorism Center Matt Olsen.
He never invited any of these defense or intelligence leaders for interviews.
Gowdy then announced that he planned to start conducting the following interviews in June: former Defense Secretary Panetta, General Martin Dempsey, and General Carter Ham.
Those interviews were also abandoned.
Gowdy Scheduled New Interviews and Depositions of Hillary Clinton’s Associates

By the end of this month, Republicans will have interviewed or deposed 8 current or former Clinton campaign staffers, compared to only a total of four Defense Department officials.
Gowdy sent armed Marshals to serve a deposition subpoena on longtime Clinton associate Sidney Blumenthal despite the fact that he was completely cooperative and would have voluntarily appeared without a subpoena, but was never asked.
Gowdy later admitted that he “never expected Witness Blumenthal to be able to answer questions about the attacks in Benghazi, Libya.”
The Select Committee asked Blumenthal more than 160 questions about his relationship and communications with Clinton, but fewer than 20 questions about the Benghazi attacks; more than 50 questions about the Clinton Foundation, but only 4 about security in Benghazi; and more than 45 questions about David Brock, Media Matters and affiliated entities, but no questions at all about Ambassador Stevens or other personnel in Benghazi.
Gowdy Stepped Up Aggressive Press Campaign Against Hillary Clinton

Since March, Gowdy’s press releases have focused almost entirely on Secretary Clinton.

Over the past nine months, he has issued 22 press releases related to Secretary Clinton (including one on Sidney Blumenthal’s emails with Clinton), but only 5 press releases on any other topic during that period.

Of the 5 non-Clinton press releases, three (1, 2, 3) are about the State Department’s compliance with document production, one marks the anniversary of 9/11, and one is Gowdy’s interim progress report.

The only documents Gowdy has publicly released over the past 17 months were Clinton’s emails with Sidney Blumenthal, and Gowdy did this unilaterally with no debate or vote by the Select Committee.

At the same time, he has blocked the public release of Blumenthal’s deposition transcript, which would reveal all the questions Republicans asked about Hillary Clinton and other issues that have nothing to do with Benghazi.

Almost immediately after the interview with Cheryl Mills, Republicans began leaking inaccurate information to damage Clinton with unsubstantiated or previously debunked allegations, while refusing to release the complete transcript.

Gowdy refused to investigate or condemn a leak that made more unsubstantiated allegations against Clinton despite the fact that Politico was forced to correct a front-page story that relied on apparently doctored information about an email produced to the Select Committee.

Gowdy’s Taxpayer-Funded Political Campaign Against Clinton

The Committee was given an unlimited, taxpayer-funded budget, and it has now spent more than $4.6 million in one of the longest and least productive investigations in congressional history—focused on Clinton.

The Committee is being used by Republican fundraisers to attack Clinton.

The Committee’s attacks were described by the conservative PAC America Rising as a taxpayer-funded political activity: “This has all occurred without a single cent of paid advertising taking place.”

Gowdy’s name, image, and position has been used to solicit political donations by Stop Hillary PAC, which describes itself as “created for one reason only—to ensure Hillary Clinton never becomes President of the United States.

Gowdy appeared at a GOP political event in June where local Rep. Chuck Fleischmann explained: “Whether you are Hillary Clinton or any other lefty out there, you better beware because Trey Gowdy is out there and he is going to get you.”

Gowdy reportedly does not plan to release his findings until “just months before the 2016 presidential election.”

Gowdy’s approach has been criticized even by conservative commentators: “Whatever the findings are in this investigation—it will forever be plagued by allegations of unfairness, and politics if this investigation is dragged into 2016. That would not be fair to the American people.”
Democrats Release New Video and Fact Sheet: “Couldn’t Be More Plain”

Look numbnuts, the Republicans cancelled hearings, because the freakin FBI took over the investigation, and needed time to do the proper investigating. The sad part is that the FBI can hardly catch up with investigating all of Clintons crimes. So get your facts straight little one.

Dum Dum, there was no longer a Benghazi investigation. It was refocused to the Hillary Clinton email investigation because they thought they had something. Those dead embassy workers and the Ambassador, didn't mean shit to the Benghazi committee. They dropped them like a hot potato when they thought they had something that would get her. Shameful.
that whole stinking party is nothing but Crooks, criminals, thugs, and commies.

it's time people woke up in this country. they do NOT HAVE your best interest at heart
Is that your best comeback to Sidney Blumenthal was rejected by the White House in part because Blumenthalls are Nazi Jew haters, and you have no comment.

Except that isn't why he was rejected at all. He was rejected because Obama was pissed about things he said about him during the primary.

Again, not seeing a crime of "You have friends I don't like". This isn't fucking Kindergarten.

Not to worry, "Syd Vicious" will be back when Hilary is president, making your lives miserable.
So you are saying that Obama approves of Nazis?

Dude, you are just a pure liar, or mental, or both.

Now go do your Vince Foster act
Is that your best comeback to Sidney Blumenthal was rejected by the White House in part because Blumenthalls are Nazi Jew haters, and you have no comment.

Except that isn't why he was rejected at all. He was rejected because Obama was pissed about things he said about him during the primary.
The Administration rejected him because Blumenthal is a political hatchetman scumbag of the highest order with a reputation in Washington that is on par with that of Jack Abrahmoff and the Obama Administration (wisely) did not want his name connected to the Administration in any way, shape or form.
All that might be true, but does not change the fact that Hillary hired a Nazi against Obamas wishes.
Obama forbid Sidney Blumenthal from working for the State Dept, and Hillary hired him

I haven't seen any evidence that she "hired" Blumenthal, what it appears is that she was corresponding with him and might have been taking advice from him with respect to the situation on the ground in Libya. While this might violate the spirit of the Administrations prohibition against bringing Blumenthal on board at State it doesn't violate the letter of it.

The concern with this episode isn't that she was talking to Blumenthal it's that there is an appearance that Blumenthal was in effect lobbying her to gain support for his business interests in Libya but so far I don't see any evidence that any favors were forthcoming.

I suspect that the President is tee-totally pissed off regarding this end run around his prohibition regarding Blumenthal unless of course she informed him of the correspondence, if she didn't it's just more evidence of what a snake in the grass Hillary is, if she did then it's between her and the President and the President is culpable in any favoritism that Blumenthal received.
He will be deposed and answer to that...................... As his e-mails were hacked in Eastern Europe by Gucccifer.
Blumenthal is a friend and foreign policy guy and he and pal Hill had some e-mails about the ME. Nothing could be more normal, except for hater dupes and anything for ratings STUPID US corporate media. Pffft!!
This is why Republicans on the Benghazi committee have screwed up this investigation and this is why the media and public no longer give it any credibility.


How the Benghazi Committee Targeted Hillary Clinton

Gowdy Cancelled All Planned Hearings Other Than Hillary Clinton’s After NYT Email Story

Before the New York Times broke its story on March 2 about Hillary’s Clinton’s emails, Gowdy had sent to Committee Members an investigative plan that set out monthly hearings with all the different agencies involved in preparing for and responding to the attacks in Benghazi, including the State Department, the Defense Department, and the Intelligence Community.
After the New York Times’ email story broke on March 2, however, Gowdy completely abandoned this plan and began focusing almost exclusively on Hillary Clinton.
Since then, Gowdy has not held any of the hearings on his schedule, and his upcoming hearing with Hillary Clinton is the only hearing now scheduled.
For example, Gowdy abandoned the hearing he had planned for April with former Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Secretary Leon Panetta.
The Committee has never held even one public hearing with anyone from the Department of Defense. The Committee has held only one hearing with an intelligence official, but it was with the CIA’s head of Legislative Affairs regarding the status of document production.
Gowdy Dropped Key Interviews with Top Defense and Intelligence Leaders

Gowdy also abandoned plans he had made in February to start conducting interviews of the following top defense and intelligence leaders in April: former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, former CIA Director David Petraeus, General Martin Dempsey, and former Director of the National Counterterrorism Center Matt Olsen.
He never invited any of these defense or intelligence leaders for interviews.
Gowdy then announced that he planned to start conducting the following interviews in June: former Defense Secretary Panetta, General Martin Dempsey, and General Carter Ham.
Those interviews were also abandoned.
Gowdy Scheduled New Interviews and Depositions of Hillary Clinton’s Associates

By the end of this month, Republicans will have interviewed or deposed 8 current or former Clinton campaign staffers, compared to only a total of four Defense Department officials.
Gowdy sent armed Marshals to serve a deposition subpoena on longtime Clinton associate Sidney Blumenthal despite the fact that he was completely cooperative and would have voluntarily appeared without a subpoena, but was never asked.
Gowdy later admitted that he “never expected Witness Blumenthal to be able to answer questions about the attacks in Benghazi, Libya.”
The Select Committee asked Blumenthal more than 160 questions about his relationship and communications with Clinton, but fewer than 20 questions about the Benghazi attacks; more than 50 questions about the Clinton Foundation, but only 4 about security in Benghazi; and more than 45 questions about David Brock, Media Matters and affiliated entities, but no questions at all about Ambassador Stevens or other personnel in Benghazi.
Gowdy Stepped Up Aggressive Press Campaign Against Hillary Clinton

Since March, Gowdy’s press releases have focused almost entirely on Secretary Clinton.

Over the past nine months, he has issued 22 press releases related to Secretary Clinton (including one on Sidney Blumenthal’s emails with Clinton), but only 5 press releases on any other topic during that period.

Of the 5 non-Clinton press releases, three (1, 2, 3) are about the State Department’s compliance with document production, one marks the anniversary of 9/11, and one is Gowdy’s interim progress report.

The only documents Gowdy has publicly released over the past 17 months were Clinton’s emails with Sidney Blumenthal, and Gowdy did this unilaterally with no debate or vote by the Select Committee.

At the same time, he has blocked the public release of Blumenthal’s deposition transcript, which would reveal all the questions Republicans asked about Hillary Clinton and other issues that have nothing to do with Benghazi.

Almost immediately after the interview with Cheryl Mills, Republicans began leaking inaccurate information to damage Clinton with unsubstantiated or previously debunked allegations, while refusing to release the complete transcript.

Gowdy refused to investigate or condemn a leak that made more unsubstantiated allegations against Clinton despite the fact that Politico was forced to correct a front-page story that relied on apparently doctored information about an email produced to the Select Committee.

Gowdy’s Taxpayer-Funded Political Campaign Against Clinton

The Committee was given an unlimited, taxpayer-funded budget, and it has now spent more than $4.6 million in one of the longest and least productive investigations in congressional history—focused on Clinton.

The Committee is being used by Republican fundraisers to attack Clinton.

The Committee’s attacks were described by the conservative PAC America Rising as a taxpayer-funded political activity: “This has all occurred without a single cent of paid advertising taking place.”

Gowdy’s name, image, and position has been used to solicit political donations by Stop Hillary PAC, which describes itself as “created for one reason only—to ensure Hillary Clinton never becomes President of the United States.

Gowdy appeared at a GOP political event in June where local Rep. Chuck Fleischmann explained: “Whether you are Hillary Clinton or any other lefty out there, you better beware because Trey Gowdy is out there and he is going to get you.”

Gowdy reportedly does not plan to release his findings until “just months before the 2016 presidential election.”

Gowdy’s approach has been criticized even by conservative commentators: “Whatever the findings are in this investigation—it will forever be plagued by allegations of unfairness, and politics if this investigation is dragged into 2016. That would not be fair to the American people.”
Democrats Release New Video and Fact Sheet: “Couldn’t Be More Plain”

Look numbnuts, the Republicans cancelled hearings, because the freakin FBI took over the investigation, and needed time to do the proper investigating. The sad part is that the FBI can hardly catch up with investigating all of Clintons crimes. So get your facts straight little one.

Dum Dum, there was no longer a Benghazi investigation. It was refocused to the Hillary Clinton email investigation because they thought they had something. Those dead embassy workers and the Ambassador, didn't mean shit to the Benghazi committee. They dropped them like a hot potato when they thought they had something that would get her. Shameful.

No moron, the e-mail investigation was uncovered due to the Benghazi investigation.

Now you may feel free to go do your Vince Foster imitation, as you have just been proven senile.

that whole stinking party is nothing but Crooks, criminals, thugs, and commies.

it's time people woke up in this country. they do NOT HAVE your best interest at heart

I've been saying that about Republicans for years. From Duke Cunningham, to the toe tapping toilet Senator Craig, to Scooter Libby, to Rick Perry, to Robert McDonnell, to John Rowland, to George Ryan, to Bernie Kerik, to Rick Renzi, to Trey Radel. I can't go on, I must apologize, I don't think I can summon the strength to mock these people any longer. There's just too much.
that whole stinking party is nothing but Crooks, criminals, thugs, and commies.

it's time people woke up in this country. they do NOT HAVE your best interest at heart
That is the beauty of Trump, he is not really a party member, he is a man who sees the need for change.
This is why Republicans on the Benghazi committee have screwed up this investigation and this is why the media and public no longer give it any credibility.


How the Benghazi Committee Targeted Hillary Clinton

Gowdy Cancelled All Planned Hearings Other Than Hillary Clinton’s After NYT Email Story

Before the New York Times broke its story on March 2 about Hillary’s Clinton’s emails, Gowdy had sent to Committee Members an investigative plan that set out monthly hearings with all the different agencies involved in preparing for and responding to the attacks in Benghazi, including the State Department, the Defense Department, and the Intelligence Community.
After the New York Times’ email story broke on March 2, however, Gowdy completely abandoned this plan and began focusing almost exclusively on Hillary Clinton.
Since then, Gowdy has not held any of the hearings on his schedule, and his upcoming hearing with Hillary Clinton is the only hearing now scheduled.
For example, Gowdy abandoned the hearing he had planned for April with former Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Secretary Leon Panetta.
The Committee has never held even one public hearing with anyone from the Department of Defense. The Committee has held only one hearing with an intelligence official, but it was with the CIA’s head of Legislative Affairs regarding the status of document production.
Gowdy Dropped Key Interviews with Top Defense and Intelligence Leaders

Gowdy also abandoned plans he had made in February to start conducting interviews of the following top defense and intelligence leaders in April: former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, former CIA Director David Petraeus, General Martin Dempsey, and former Director of the National Counterterrorism Center Matt Olsen.
He never invited any of these defense or intelligence leaders for interviews.
Gowdy then announced that he planned to start conducting the following interviews in June: former Defense Secretary Panetta, General Martin Dempsey, and General Carter Ham.
Those interviews were also abandoned.
Gowdy Scheduled New Interviews and Depositions of Hillary Clinton’s Associates

By the end of this month, Republicans will have interviewed or deposed 8 current or former Clinton campaign staffers, compared to only a total of four Defense Department officials.
Gowdy sent armed Marshals to serve a deposition subpoena on longtime Clinton associate Sidney Blumenthal despite the fact that he was completely cooperative and would have voluntarily appeared without a subpoena, but was never asked.
Gowdy later admitted that he “never expected Witness Blumenthal to be able to answer questions about the attacks in Benghazi, Libya.”
The Select Committee asked Blumenthal more than 160 questions about his relationship and communications with Clinton, but fewer than 20 questions about the Benghazi attacks; more than 50 questions about the Clinton Foundation, but only 4 about security in Benghazi; and more than 45 questions about David Brock, Media Matters and affiliated entities, but no questions at all about Ambassador Stevens or other personnel in Benghazi.
Gowdy Stepped Up Aggressive Press Campaign Against Hillary Clinton

Since March, Gowdy’s press releases have focused almost entirely on Secretary Clinton.

Over the past nine months, he has issued 22 press releases related to Secretary Clinton (including one on Sidney Blumenthal’s emails with Clinton), but only 5 press releases on any other topic during that period.

Of the 5 non-Clinton press releases, three (1, 2, 3) are about the State Department’s compliance with document production, one marks the anniversary of 9/11, and one is Gowdy’s interim progress report.

The only documents Gowdy has publicly released over the past 17 months were Clinton’s emails with Sidney Blumenthal, and Gowdy did this unilaterally with no debate or vote by the Select Committee.

At the same time, he has blocked the public release of Blumenthal’s deposition transcript, which would reveal all the questions Republicans asked about Hillary Clinton and other issues that have nothing to do with Benghazi.

Almost immediately after the interview with Cheryl Mills, Republicans began leaking inaccurate information to damage Clinton with unsubstantiated or previously debunked allegations, while refusing to release the complete transcript.

Gowdy refused to investigate or condemn a leak that made more unsubstantiated allegations against Clinton despite the fact that Politico was forced to correct a front-page story that relied on apparently doctored information about an email produced to the Select Committee.

Gowdy’s Taxpayer-Funded Political Campaign Against Clinton

The Committee was given an unlimited, taxpayer-funded budget, and it has now spent more than $4.6 million in one of the longest and least productive investigations in congressional history—focused on Clinton.

The Committee is being used by Republican fundraisers to attack Clinton.

The Committee’s attacks were described by the conservative PAC America Rising as a taxpayer-funded political activity: “This has all occurred without a single cent of paid advertising taking place.”

Gowdy’s name, image, and position has been used to solicit political donations by Stop Hillary PAC, which describes itself as “created for one reason only—to ensure Hillary Clinton never becomes President of the United States.

Gowdy appeared at a GOP political event in June where local Rep. Chuck Fleischmann explained: “Whether you are Hillary Clinton or any other lefty out there, you better beware because Trey Gowdy is out there and he is going to get you.”

Gowdy reportedly does not plan to release his findings until “just months before the 2016 presidential election.”

Gowdy’s approach has been criticized even by conservative commentators: “Whatever the findings are in this investigation—it will forever be plagued by allegations of unfairness, and politics if this investigation is dragged into 2016. That would not be fair to the American people.”
Democrats Release New Video and Fact Sheet: “Couldn’t Be More Plain”

Look numbnuts, the Republicans cancelled hearings, because the freakin FBI took over the investigation, and needed time to do the proper investigating. The sad part is that the FBI can hardly catch up with investigating all of Clintons crimes. So get your facts straight little one.

Dum Dum, there was no longer a Benghazi investigation. It was refocused to the Hillary Clinton email investigation because they thought they had something. Those dead embassy workers and the Ambassador, didn't mean shit to the Benghazi committee. They dropped them like a hot potato when they thought they had something that would get her. Shameful.

No moron, the e-mail investigation was uncovered due to the Benghazi investigation.

Now you may feel free to go do your Vince Foster imitation, as you have just been proven senile.


Yep, that's why they switched gears and changed focus. Those dead people don't count.
Blumenthal is a friend and foreign policy guy and he and pal Hill had some e-mails about the ME. Nothing could be more normal, except for hater dupes and anything for ratings STUPID US corporate media. Pffft!!
Except that Blumenthal had his e-mails hacked and put up for sale to Putin........................

Next moronic moron post.
Hill's toast, but do you realize your link asked the question of why Obama wouldn't let the guy work in his admin, and then goes on to say Blumenthal forwarded an article FROM THE VERY CITE OF YOUR LINK asserting Obama was communist!

Bass! LOL
The Right was OK with it when their folks outed Valerie Plame.

Plame was not covert at that time. And one very massive investigation proved nothing except getting Scooter Libby in trouble that was not directly related to the Plame business.
Well, eagle, it did expose that the whole Niger uranimum story was fabricated and then fed by Ledeen through Cheney to Judith Miller.
Is that your best comeback to Sidney Blumenthal was rejected by the White House in part because Blumenthalls are Nazi Jew haters, and you have no comment.

Except that isn't why he was rejected at all. He was rejected because Obama was pissed about things he said about him during the primary.
The Administration rejected him because Blumenthal is a political hatchetman scumbag of the highest order with a reputation in Washington that is on par with that of Jack Abrahmoff and the Obama Administration (wisely) did not want his name connected to the Administration in any way, shape or form.
All that might be true, but does not change the fact that Hillary hired a Nazi against Obamas wishes.

*sigh* It's a mystery to me why some people require an explaination for the patently obvious, first off there is absolutely no evidence that Hillary hired Blumenthal to work at the State Department in any capacity, the story you linked doesn't say it and no credible source is saying it, you're just fabricating that part.

What she did was worse than hiring him, she went behind her bosses back and was corresponding with him regarding State Department business which led to exactly what the Administration was trying to avoid when they barred her from hiring him, they got Blumenthals name and his filthy reputation associated with the Administration, in a nutshell she went behind her bosses back and fucked him over.
Is that your best comeback to Sidney Blumenthal was rejected by the White House in part because Blumenthalls are Nazi Jew haters, and you have no comment.

Except that isn't why he was rejected at all. He was rejected because Obama was pissed about things he said about him during the primary.
The Administration rejected him because Blumenthal is a political hatchetman scumbag of the highest order with a reputation in Washington that is on par with that of Jack Abrahmoff and the Obama Administration (wisely) did not want his name connected to the Administration in any way, shape or form.
All that might be true, but does not change the fact that Hillary hired a Nazi against Obamas wishes.

*sigh* It's a mystery to me why some people require an explaination for the patently obvious, first off there is absolutely no evidence that Hillary hired Blumenthal to work at the State Department in any capacity, the story you linked doesn't say it and no credible source is saying it, you're just fabricating that part.

What she did was worse than hiring him, she went behind her bosses back and was corresponding with him regarding State Department business which led to exactly what the Administration was trying to avoid when they barred her from hiring him, they got Blumenthals name and his filthy reputation associated with the Administration, in a nutshell she went behind her bosses back and fucked him over.
Actually, Hillary DID hire Blumenthal..

She paid him out of Foundation funds...
Clinton Foundation paid Blumenthal $10K per month while he advised on Libya

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