Hillary panics...

I've said for decades that she is a sociopath (doesn't take a world-renowned psychologist to recognize what the pathological lying mixed with the inability to connect with people on a genuine level equals)...

blurts out another lie..

"Trump because Trump and his kids have killed a lot of animals, so thank you for making that point,” Clinton said."

Prove it...bitch.

VIDEO: Hillary panics after protesters shout near Las Vegas rally stage - The American Mirror

I see it right in the beginning,,,,
There is something physically very wrong with her

To be fair
she is a drunk

Come to think of it
she has been having odd behavior as of late

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Clinton's Hunting History

Clinton was asked to discuss gun control which prompted Clinton to talk about her days holding a rifle in the cold, shallow waters in backwoods Arkansas.

"I've hunted. My father taught me how to hunt. I went duck hunting in Arkansas. I remember standing in that cold water, so cold, at first light. I was with a bunch of my friends, all men. The sun's up, the ducks are flying and they are playing a trick on me. They said, 'we're not going to shoot, you shoot.' They wanted to embarrass me. The pressure was on. So I shot, and I shot a banded duck and they were surprised as I was," Clinton said drawing laughter from the crowd.

Lying stupid not good for nothing except being Bill's wife piece of whale feces... You don't hunt Ducks with a rifle... She is incapable of telling the truth. She has mental issues...
Clinton's Hunting History

Clinton was asked to discuss gun control which prompted Clinton to talk about her days holding a rifle in the cold, shallow waters in backwoods Arkansas.

"I've hunted. My father taught me how to hunt. I went duck hunting in Arkansas. I remember standing in that cold water, so cold, at first light. I was with a bunch of my friends, all men. The sun's up, the ducks are flying and they are playing a trick on me. They said, 'we're not going to shoot, you shoot.' They wanted to embarrass me. The pressure was on. So I shot, and I shot a banded duck and they were surprised as I was," Clinton said drawing laughter from the crowd.

Lying stupid not good for nothing except being Bill's wife piece of whale feces... You don't hunt Ducks with a rifle... She is incapable of telling the truth. She has mental issues...

She would have been better off with that rifle as she fought back the snipers in Bosnia. A pathological liar that doesn't know how to lie and she wants to be President. But then again Trump does say some non PC things.
Only the mentally challenged would associate trophy hunting, killing animals just to kill for the fun of it, with hunters hunting for food like deer and bear and caribou and moose etc....

blurts out another lie..

"Trump because Trump and his kids have killed a lot of animals, so thank you for making that point,” Clinton said."

Prove it...bitch.

VIDEO: Hillary panics after protesters shout near Las Vegas rally stage - The American Mirror
Trump's polling numbers just fell off a cliff, his odds of winning the election have plummeted to 21% and republicans are abandoning him in droves.....

.....and its Clinton who is 'panicking'?

Laughing....Trump's ally just released an official statement confirming that 'we're not panicking'. Which they'd never have to do if they weren't panicking.

You're only revealing yourself with these posts.
RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls good site.

RCP Average 7/28 - 8/3 -- -- 47.4 40.6 Clinton +6.8
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 7/31 - 8/3 800 RV 3.5 47 38 Clinton +9
McClatchy/Marist 8/1 - 8/3 983 RV 3.1 48 33 Clinton +15
FOX News 7/31 - 8/2 1022 RV 3.0 49 39 Clinton +10
Reuters/Ipsos 7/30 - 8/3 1072 LV 3.5 43 39 Clinton +4
Economist/YouGov 7/30 - 8/1 933 RV 4.1 46 43 Clinton +3
LA Times/USC 7/28 - 8/3 2175 LV -- 45 44 Clinton +1
CBS News 7/29 - 7/31 1131 RV 3.0 47 41 Clinton +6
CNN/ORC 7/29 - 7/31 894 RV 3.5 52 43 Clinton +9
PPP (D) 7/29 - 7/30 1276 LV 2.7 50 45 Clinton +5

One more day, and Trump's odds of winning the election drop to 18%.

Hillary Clinton Chance of Winning: 81.5%
Donald Trump Chance of Winning: 18.5%

sheeesh lots of demos are hunters--------is she coming out AGAINST hunting? Isn't she begging the Midwest for votes?---

I grew up in the midwest, probably not wise to piss off the hunters

never is and never was-------I grew up in the north east------
lots of hunters there too------THEY GOT THE GUNS------and some of them even have ......heads. Nothing like lunch with a BEAR HEAD staring down from the wall

I shot my first deer when I was 14 under the watchful eye of my papa. What a thrill

GOOD!!! you can attack HILLARY------tell her all about how
there are far too many deer------and they eat veggie gardens upon which INNOCENT MIDDLE CLASS CHILDREN rely.
AND ----it is good to CULL the herd so that the poor dear deer
will be able to SURVIVE-------and not STARVE to death or get run over by cars because of OVER POPULATION------accuse her of HATING BAMBI because she has a black soul

I grew up in Wisconsin and every word you said is true. Some years, based on the deer herd, we would have 2 deer and spike buck season in order to cull the herd.
blurts out another lie..

"Trump because Trump and his kids have killed a lot of animals, so thank you for making that point,” Clinton said."

Prove it...bitch.

VIDEO: Hillary panics after protesters shout near Las Vegas rally stage - The American Mirror
Trump's polling numbers just fell off a cliff, his odds of winning the election have plummeted to 21% and republicans are abandoning him in droves.....

.....and its Clinton who is 'panicking'?

Laughing....Trump's ally just released an official statement confirming that 'we're not panicking'. Which they'd never have to do if they weren't panicking.

You're only revealing yourself with these posts.
RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls good site.

RCP Average 7/28 - 8/3 -- -- 47.4 40.6 Clinton +6.8
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 7/31 - 8/3 800 RV 3.5 47 38 Clinton +9
McClatchy/Marist 8/1 - 8/3 983 RV 3.1 48 33 Clinton +15
FOX News 7/31 - 8/2 1022 RV 3.0 49 39 Clinton +10
Reuters/Ipsos 7/30 - 8/3 1072 LV 3.5 43 39 Clinton +4
Economist/YouGov 7/30 - 8/1 933 RV 4.1 46 43 Clinton +3
LA Times/USC 7/28 - 8/3 2175 LV -- 45 44 Clinton +1
CBS News 7/29 - 7/31 1131 RV 3.0 47 41 Clinton +6
CNN/ORC 7/29 - 7/31 894 RV 3.5 52 43 Clinton +9
PPP (D) 7/29 - 7/30 1276 LV 2.7 50 45 Clinton +5

One more day, and Trump's odds of winning the election drop to 18%.

Hillary Clinton Chance of Winning: 81.5%
Donald Trump Chance of Winning: 18.5%

isn't that the kind of thinking that got the other sixteen candidates where they are ? and the media and pundants too... all wrong.

don't count your chickens, hillary has miles and mountains of corruption to explain in the next three months.
blurts out another lie..

"Trump because Trump and his kids have killed a lot of animals, so thank you for making that point,” Clinton said."

Prove it...bitch.

VIDEO: Hillary panics after protesters shout near Las Vegas rally stage - The American Mirror

I see it right in the beginning,,,,
There is something physically very wrong with her

This is going across the wire

What f$ck is wrong with her?

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